Пример #1
def getCtfValueForCtfRunId(imgdata, ctfrunid=None, msg=False):
	takes an image and get the ctf value for that image for the specified ctf estimation run
	specified methods can be: ace2 or ctffind

	if ctfrunid is None:
		apDisplay.printError("This function requires a ctf_estimation_runid")

	ctfrundata = appiondata.ApAceRunData.direct_query(ctfrunid)

	if ctfrundata is None:
		apDisplay.printError("ctf_estimation_runid not found")

	### get all ctf values
	ctfq = appiondata.ApCtfData()
	ctfq['image'] = imgdata
	ctfq['acerun'] = ctfrundata
	ctfvalues = ctfq.query()

	### check if it has values
	if ctfvalues is None:
		return None
	### find the value
	ctfdata = None

	if len(ctfvalues) == 1:
		if msg is True:
		return ctfvalues[0]
	elif len(ctfvalues) > 1:
		apDisplay.printWarning("more than one run found for ctfrunid %d and image %s"
			%(ctfrunid, apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])))
		return ctfvalues[-1]
	return None
def validateAndInsertCTFData(imgdata,
        function to insert CTF values in database
    apDisplay.printMsg("Committing ctf parameters for " +
                       apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename']) + " to database")

    if ctfvalues is None or not 'defocus2' in ctfvalues:
        apDisplay.printWarning("No ctf values")
        return False

    ### convert to common convention
    ctfvalues = convertDefociToConvention(ctfvalues)

    ### check to make sure parameters are valid
    isvalid = checkParams(ctfvalues)
    if isvalid is False:
        apDisplay.printWarning("Bad CTF values, insert but not create images")

    ### run the main CTF display program
    opimagedir = os.path.join(rundir, "opimages")
    if isvalid is True:
        oldctfvalues = ctfvalues.copy()
        ctfvalues = runCTFdisplayTools(imgdata, ctfvalues, opimagedir, fftpath,
        # check if image creation failed
        if ctfvalues is None:
            ctfvalues = oldctfvalues

    ### clean rundir from all entries:
    if not rundir.endswith("/"):
        rundir += "/"
    for key in ctfvalues.keys():
        if isinstance(ctfvalues[key],
                      str) and ctfvalues[key].startswith(rundir):
            ctfvalues[key] = ctfvalues[key].replace(rundir, "")

    ### time to insert
    ctfq = appiondata.ApCtfData()
    ctfq['acerun'] = rundata
    ctfq['image'] = imgdata
    if debug is True:
        apDisplay.printMsg("CTF data values")
        print ctfvalues
    for key in ctfq.keys():
        if key in ctfvalues:
            ctfq[key] = ctfvalues[key]
            if debug is True:
                apDisplay.printMsg("%s :: %s" % (key, ctfvalues[key]))
        elif debug is True:
            apDisplay.printMsg("SKIPPING %s :: %s" % (key, ctfvalues[key]))

def getBestTiltCtfValueForImage(imgdata):
        takes an image and get the tilted ctf parameters for that image
    #print "ERROR getBestTiltCtfValueForImage(), use getBestCtfByResolution() instead"

    ### get all ctf values
    ctfq = appiondata.ApCtfData()
    ctfq['image'] = imgdata
    ctfvalues = ctfq.query()

    bestctftiltvalue = None
    cross_correlation = 0.0
    for ctfvalue in ctfvalues:
        if ctfvalue['acerun'] is not None:
            if bestctftiltvalue is None:
                cross_correlation = ctfvalue['cross_correlation']
                bestctftiltvalue = ctfvalue
                if cross_correlation < ctfvalue['cross_correlation']:
                    cross_correlation = ctfvalue['cross_correlation']
                    bestctftiltvalue = ctfvalue

    return bestctftiltvalue
Пример #4
    def upgradeAppionDB(self):
        if not self.appion_dbupgrade.tableExists('ApCtfData'):

        # CtfData
        r = appiondata.ApCtfData().query()
        for data in r:
            if data['angle_astigmatism']:
                # Only change non-zero or non- None results
                q = "UPDATE `ApCtfData` SET `angle_astigmatism` = %e WHERE `DEF_id` =%d" % (
                    -data['angle_astigmatism'], data.dbid)
def getCtfValueForImage(imgdata,
        takes an image and get the ctf value for that image for the specified ctf estimation run
        specified methods can be: ace2 or ctffind
    #print "ERROR getCtfValueForImage(), use getBestCtfByResolution() instead"

    if ctf_estimation_runid is None:
        apDisplay.printError("This function requires a ctf_estimation_runid")

    ### get all ctf values
    ctfq = appiondata.ApCtfData()
    ctfq['image'] = imgdata
    ctfvalues = ctfq.query()

    ### check if it has values
    if ctfvalues is None:
        return None, None
    ### find the value
    ctfdata = None
    for ctfvalue in ctfvalues:
        ### limit to specific method if requested:
        if method is not None and getCtfMethod(ctfvalue) != method:

        ### specify ID for CTF run
        if ctfvalue['acerun'].dbid == ctf_estimation_runid:
            ### make sure that CTF values were estimated
            if ctfvalue['defocus1'] is None and ctfvalue['defocus2'] is None:
                    "CTF estimation using the specified parameters did not work"
                return None, None
                ctfdata = ctfvalue
    # no data found with the criteria
    if ctfdata is None:
        return None, None

    conf = calculateConfidenceScore(ctfvalue, ctfavg)

    if msg is True:

    return ctfvalue, conf
def getBestCtfByResolution(imgdata, msg=True, method=None):
        takes an image and get the best ctfvalues for that image
        specified methods can be: ace2 or ctffind
    ### get all ctf values
    ctfq = appiondata.ApCtfData()
    ctfq['image'] = imgdata
    ctfvalues = ctfq.query()

    if msg is True:
        print "Found %d ctf values" % (len(ctfvalues))

    ### check if it has values
    if ctfvalues is None:
        print "no CTF values found in database"
        return None

    ### find the best values
    bestres50 = 1000.0
    bestctfvalue = None
    for ctfvalue in ctfvalues:
        conf = calculateConfidenceScore(ctfvalue)
        if conf < 0.3:
        if method is not None:
            imgmethod = getCtfMethod(ctfvalue)
            if method != imgmethod:
        res50 = ctfvalue['resolution_50_percent']
        if res50 is None:
        if msg is True:
            print "%.3f -- %s" % (res50, ctfvalue['acerun']['name'])
        if res50 is None:
        if res50 < bestres50:
            bestres50 = res50
            bestctfvalue = ctfvalue

    if bestctfvalue is None:
        print "no best value"
        return None

    if msg is True:
        print "*** %.3f" % (bestres50)

    return bestctfvalue
Пример #7
 def hasRecentEntry(self):
     if self.appion_dbupgrade.tableExists('ApCtfData'):
         results = appiondata.ApCtfData().query(results=1)
         if results:
             ctfdata = results[0]
             if ctfdata.timestamp > self.checktime:
                 return True
     if self.appion_dbupgrade.tableExists('ApStackRunData'):
         results = appiondata.ApStackRunData().query(results=1)
         if results:
             stackrundata = results[0]
             if stackrundata.timestamp > self.checktime and stackrundata[
                 return True
     return False
def getBestCtfValueForImage(imgdata, ctfavg=True, msg=True, method=None):
        takes an image and get the best ctfvalues for that image
        specified methods can be: ace2 or ctffind
    #print "ERROR getBestCtfValueForImage(), use getBestCtfByResolution() instead"

    ### get all ctf values
    ctfq = appiondata.ApCtfData()
    ctfq['image'] = imgdata
    ctfvalues = ctfq.query()

    ### check if it has values
    if ctfvalues is None:
        return None, None

    ### find the best values
    bestconf = 0.0
    bestctfvalue = None
    count = 0
    for ctfvalue in ctfvalues:
        count += 1
        ### limit to specific method if requested:
        if method is not None and getCtfMethod(ctfvalue) != method:

        conf = calculateConfidenceScore(ctfvalue, ctfavg)
        if msg is True:
            if ctfvalue['resolution_50_percent']:
                print "%d conf %.4f (res %.1f) (?? %.4f)" % (
                    count, conf, ctfvalue['resolution_50_percent'], bestconf)
                print "%d conf %.4f (?? %.4f)" % (count, conf, bestconf)

        if conf > bestconf:
            bestconf = conf
            bestctfvalue = ctfvalue

    if bestctfvalue == None:
        return None, None

    if msg is True:
        print "selected conf %.2f" % (bestconf)

    return bestctfvalue, bestconf
 def scanAppionDB(self):
         if self.appion_dbtools.tableExists('ApCtfData'):
                 results = appiondata.ApCtfData().query(results=1)
                 if results:
                         ctfdata = results[0]
                         if ctfdata.timestamp > self.checktime:
                                 print "\033[35m%s has new ApCtfData in %d days %d hours\033[0m" % (self.appion_dbtools.getDatabaseName(),-self.deltadays,-self.deltahours)
         if self.appion_dbtools.tableExists('ApStackRunData'):
                 results = appiondata.ApStackRunData().query(results=1)
                 if results:
                         stackrundata = results[0]
                         if stackrundata['stackParams']['phaseFlipped']:
                                 stackpartr = appiondata.ApStackParticleData(stackRun=stackrundata).query(results=1)
                                 if stackpartr:
                                         stackpartdata = stackpartr[0]
                                         if stackpartdata.timestamp > self.checktime:
                                                 print "\033[35m%s has new particle inserted to Stack with phase flip in %d days %d hours\033[0m" % (self.appion_dbtools.getDatabaseName(),-self.deltadays,-self.deltahours)
Пример #10
def getBestCtfValue(imgdata, sortType='res80', method=None, msg=True):
	takes an image and get the best ctfvalues for that image
	### get all ctf values
	ctfq = appiondata.ApCtfData()
	ctfq['image'] = imgdata
	ctfvalues = ctfq.query()
	imgname = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])

	if msg is True:
		print "Found %d ctf values"%(len(ctfvalues))

	### check if it has values
	if ctfvalues is None:
		apDisplay.printWarning("no CTF values found in database for img %s"%(imgname))
		return None

	### find the best values
	bestsortvalue = -1
	bestctfvalue = None
	for ctfvalue in ctfvalues:
		if method is not None:
			imgmethod = getCtfMethod(ctfvalue)
			if method != imgmethod:
		sortvalue = getSortValueFromCtfQuery(ctfvalue, sortType)
		if sortvalue is None:
		if msg is True:
			print "%.3f -- %s"%(sortvalue, ctfvalue['acerun']['name'])
		if sortvalue > bestsortvalue:
			bestsortvalue = sortvalue
			bestctfvalue = ctfvalue

	if bestctfvalue is None:
		apDisplay.printWarning("no best CTF value for image %s"%(imgname))
		return None

	if msg is True:
		print "*** %.3f"%(bestsortvalue)

	return bestctfvalue
def printCtfSummary(params, imgtree):
        prints a histogram of the best ctfvalues for the session

    # if there are no images in the imgtree, there was no new processing done, so exit this function early.
    if not imgtree:
        apDisplay.printWarning("There are no new results to summarize.")

    sys.stderr.write("processing CTF histogram...\n")

    ### get best ctf values for each image
    ctfhistconf = []
    ctfhistval = []
    for imgdata in imgtree:
        if params[
                'norejects'] is True and apDatabase.getSiblingImgAssessmentStatus(
                    imgdata) is False:

        ctfq = appiondata.ApCtfData()
        ctfq['image'] = imgdata
        ctfvalues = ctfq.query()

        ### check if it has values
        if ctfvalues is None:

        ### find the best values
        bestconf = 0.0
        bestctfvalue = None
        for ctfvalue in ctfvalues:
            conf = calculateConfidenceScore(ctfvalue, False)
            if conf > bestconf:
                bestconf = conf
                bestctfvalue = ctfvalue

    confhist = {}
    yspan = 20.0
    minconf = ctfhistconf[0]
    maxconf = ctfhistconf[len(ctfhistconf) - 1]
    maxcount = 0
    for conf in ctfhistconf:
        c2 = round(conf * yspan, 0) / float(yspan)
        if c2 in confhist:
            confhist[c2] += 1
            if confhist[c2] > maxcount:
                maxcount = confhist[c2]
            confhist[c2] = 1
    if maxcount > 70:
        scale = 70.0 / float(maxcount)
        sys.stderr.write(" * = " + str(round(scale, 1)) + " images\n")
        scale = 1.0

    colorstr = {}
    for i in range(int(yspan + 1)):
        j = float(i) / yspan
        if j < 0.5:
            colorstr[j] = "red"
        elif j < 0.8:
            colorstr[j] = "yellow"
            colorstr[j] = "green"

    sys.stderr.write("Confidence histogram:\n")
    for i in range(int(yspan + 1)):
        j = float(i) / yspan
        if j < minconf - 1.0 / yspan:
        jstr = "%1.2f" % j
        jstr = apDisplay.rightPadString(jstr, 5)
        sys.stderr.write(jstr + "> ")
        if j in confhist:
            for k in range(int(confhist[j] * scale)):
                sys.stderr.write(apDisplay.color("*", colorstr[j]))