Пример #1
def rank():
    # Check for special MPI-enabled Python interpreters:
    if '_gpaw' in sys.builtin_module_names:
        import _gpaw  # http://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw
        world = _gpaw.Communicator()
    elif '_asap' in sys.builtin_module_names:
        import _asap  # http://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/asap, can't import asap3.mpi here (import deadlock)
        world = _asap.Communicator()
    elif 'asapparallel3' in sys.modules:  # Older version of Asap
        import asapparallel3
        world = asapparallel3.Communicator()
    elif 'Scientific_mpi' in sys.modules:
        from Scientific.MPI import world
    elif 'mpi4py' in sys.modules:
        world = MPI4PY()
        world = DummyMPI()  # This is a standard Python interpreter:
    rank = world.rank
    size = world.size
    return rank
Пример #2
# Check for special MPI-enabled Python interpreters:
if '_gpaw' in sys.builtin_module_names:
    # http://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw
    import _gpaw
    world = _gpaw.Communicator()
elif '_asap' in sys.builtin_module_names:
    # Modern version of Asap
    # http://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/asap
    # We cannot import asap3.mpi here, as that creates an import deadlock
    import _asap
    world = _asap.Communicator()
elif 'asapparallel3' in sys.modules:
    # Older version of Asap
    import asapparallel3
    world = asapparallel3.Communicator()
elif 'Scientific_mpi' in sys.modules:
    from Scientific.MPI import world
elif 'mpi4py' in sys.modules:
    world = MPI4PY()
    # This is a standard Python interpreter:
    world = DummyMPI()

rank = world.rank
size = world.size
barrier = world.barrier

def broadcast(obj, root=0, comm=world):
    """Broadcast a Python object across an MPI communicator and return it."""