Пример #1
    def get_cols(self, lines):
        """Initialize the header Column objects from the table ``lines``.
        This is a specialized get_cols for the RDB type:
        Line 0: RDB col names
        Line 1: RDB col definitions
        Line 2+: RDB data rows

        :param lines: list of table lines
        :returns: None
        header_lines = self.process_lines(lines)  # this is a generator
        header_vals_list = [
            hl for _, hl in zip(range(2), self.splitter(header_lines))
        if len(header_vals_list) != 2:
            raise ValueError('RDB header requires 2 lines')
        self.names, raw_types = header_vals_list

        if len(self.names) != len(raw_types):
            raise ValueError(
                'RDB header mismatch between number of column names and column types'

        if any(not re.match(r'\d*(N|S)$', x, re.IGNORECASE)
               for x in raw_types):
            raise ValueError(
                'RDB types definitions do not all match [num](N|S): %s' %

        for col, raw_type in zip(self.cols, raw_types):
            col.raw_type = raw_type
            col.type = self.get_col_type(col)
Пример #2
    def get_cols(self, lines):
        """Initialize the header Column objects from the table ``lines``.

        This is a specialized get_cols for the RDB type:
        Line 0: RDB col names
        Line 1: RDB col definitions
        Line 2+: RDB data rows

        :param lines: list of table lines
        :returns: None
        header_lines = self.process_lines(lines)   # this is a generator
        header_vals_list = [hl for _, hl in zip(range(2), self.splitter(header_lines))]
        if len(header_vals_list) != 2:
            raise ValueError('RDB header requires 2 lines')
        self.names, raw_types = header_vals_list

        if len(self.names) != len(raw_types):
            raise ValueError('RDB header mismatch between number of column names and column types')

        if any(not re.match(r'\d*(N|S)$', x, re.IGNORECASE) for x in raw_types):
            raise ValueError('RDB types definitions do not all match [num](N|S): %s' % raw_types)

        for col, raw_type in zip(self.cols, raw_types):
            col.raw_type = raw_type
            col.type = self.get_col_type(col)
Пример #3
def _guess(table, read_kwargs):
    """Try to read the table using various sets of keyword args. First try the
    original args supplied in the read() call. Then try the standard guess
    keyword args. For each key/val pair specified explicitly in the read()
    call make sure that if there is a corresponding definition in the guess
    then it must have the same val.  If not then skip this guess."""

    # First try guessing
    for guess_kwargs in [read_kwargs.copy()] + _get_guess_kwargs_list():
        for key, val in read_kwargs.items():
            # Do guess_kwargs.update(read_kwargs) except that if guess_args has
            # a conflicting key/val pair then skip this guess entirely.
            if key not in guess_kwargs:
                guess_kwargs[key] = val
            elif val != guess_kwargs[key]:

            reader = get_reader(**guess_kwargs)
            dat = reader.read(table)
            # When guessing impose additional requirements on column names and number of cols
            bads = [" ", ",", "|", "\t", "'", '"']
            if (len(reader.cols) <= 1 or
                any(_is_number(col.name) or 
                     len(col.name) == 0 or 
                     col.name[0] in bads or 
                     col.name[-1] in bads for col in reader.cols)):
                raise ValueError
            return dat
        except (core.InconsistentTableError, ValueError, TypeError):
        # failed all guesses, try the original read_kwargs without column requirements
            reader = get_reader(**read_kwargs)
            return reader.read(table)
        except (core.InconsistentTableError, ValueError):
            raise core.InconsistentTableError('Unable to read table with guess=True.')
Пример #4
def _guess(table, read_kwargs):
    """Try to read the table using various sets of keyword args. First try the
    original args supplied in the read() call. Then try the standard guess
    keyword args. For each key/val pair specified explicitly in the read()
    call make sure that if there is a corresponding definition in the guess
    then it must have the same val.  If not then skip this guess."""

    # Keep a trace of all failed guesses kwarg
    failed_kwargs = []

    # First try guessing
    for guess_kwargs in [read_kwargs.copy()] + _get_guess_kwargs_list():
        guess_kwargs_ok = True  # guess_kwargs are consistent with user_kwargs?
        for key, val in read_kwargs.items():
            # Do guess_kwargs.update(read_kwargs) except that if guess_args has
            # a conflicting key/val pair then skip this guess entirely.
            if key not in guess_kwargs:
                guess_kwargs[key] = val
            elif val != guess_kwargs[key]:
                guess_kwargs_ok = False

        if not guess_kwargs_ok:
            # User-supplied kwarg is inconsistent with the guess-supplied kwarg, e.g.
            # user supplies delimiter="|" but the guess wants to try delimiter=" ", 
            # so skip the guess entirely.

            reader = get_reader(**guess_kwargs)
            dat = reader.read(table)
            # When guessing impose additional requirements on column names and number of cols
            bads = [" ", ",", "|", "\t", "'", '"']
            if (len(reader.cols) <= 1 or
                any(_is_number(col.name) or 
                     len(col.name) == 0 or 
                     col.name[0] in bads or 
                     col.name[-1] in bads for col in reader.cols)):
                raise ValueError
            return dat
        except (core.InconsistentTableError, ValueError, TypeError):
        # failed all guesses, try the original read_kwargs without column requirements
            reader = get_reader(**read_kwargs)
            return reader.read(table)
        except (core.InconsistentTableError, ValueError):
            lines = ['\nERROR: Unable to guess table for with the guesses listed below:']
            for kwargs in failed_kwargs:
                sorted_keys = sorted([x for x in sorted(kwargs) if x not in ('Reader', 'Outputter')])
                reader_repr = repr(kwargs.get('Reader', basic.Basic))
                keys_vals = ['Reader:' + re.search(r"\.(\w+)'>", reader_repr).group(1)]
                kwargs_sorted = ((key, kwargs[key]) for key in sorted_keys)
                keys_vals.extend(['%s: %s' % (key, repr(val)) for key, val in kwargs_sorted])
                lines.append(' '.join(keys_vals))
            lines.append('ERROR: Unable to guess table for with the guesses listed above.')
            lines.append('Check the table and try with guess=False and appropriate arguments to read()')
            raise core.InconsistentTableError('\n'.join(lines))