Пример #1
def test_springcalc():
    # setup
    k = 3.0
    atoms_ideal = bulk('Al').repeat(3)
    calc = SpringCalculator(atoms_ideal.get_positions(), k)
    displacements = np.array([(d, 2 * d, 3 * d)
                              for d in np.linspace(0, 1, len(atoms_ideal))])

    # calc forces and energy
    atoms = atoms_ideal.copy()
    atoms.positions += displacements
    atoms.calc = calc
    forces = atoms.get_forces()
    Epot = atoms.get_potential_energy()

    # reference forces and energy
    Epot_target = np.sum(k / 2.0 * displacements**2)
    forces_target = -k * displacements

    assert np.allclose(forces, forces_target)
    assert np.isclose(Epot, Epot_target)

    # numeric forces test
    atoms_ideal.calc = calc
    f, fn = gradient_test(atoms_ideal)
    assert abs(f - fn).max() < 1e-10
def test_unitcellfilterpressure():
    a0 = bulk('Cu', cubic=True)

    # perturb the atoms
    s = a0.get_scaled_positions()
    s[:, 0] *= 0.995

    # perturb the cell
    a0.cell[...] += np.random.uniform(-1e-2, 1e-2, size=9).reshape((3, 3))

    atoms = a0.copy()
    atoms.calc = LennardJones()
    ucf = UnitCellFilter(atoms, scalar_pressure=10.0 * GPa)

    # test all derivatives
    f, fn = gradient_test(ucf)
    assert abs(f - fn).max() < 1e-6

    opt = FIRE(ucf)

    # check pressure is within 0.1 GPa of target
    sigma = atoms.get_stress() / GPa
    pressure = -(sigma[0] + sigma[1] + sigma[2]) / 3.0
    assert abs(pressure - 10.0) < 0.1

    atoms = a0.copy()
    atoms.calc = LennardJones()
    ecf = ExpCellFilter(atoms, scalar_pressure=10.0 * GPa)

    # test all deritatives
    f, fn = gradient_test(ecf)
    assert abs(f - fn).max() < 1e-6

    opt = LBFGSLineSearch(ecf)

    # check pressure is within 0.1 GPa of target
    sigma = atoms.get_stress() / GPa
    pressure = -(sigma[0] + sigma[1] + sigma[2]) / 3.0
    assert abs(pressure - 10.0) < 0.1
Пример #3
def test_pressure(atoms, cellfilter):
    xcellfilter = cellfilter(atoms, scalar_pressure=10.0 * GPa)

    # test all derivatives
    f, fn = gradient_test(xcellfilter)
    assert abs(f - fn).max() < 5e-6

    opt = LBFGS(xcellfilter)

    # check pressure is within 0.1 GPa of target
    sigma = atoms.get_stress() / GPa
    pressure = -(sigma[0] + sigma[1] + sigma[2]) / 3.0
    assert abs(pressure - 10.0) < 0.1
Пример #4
def test_cellfilter(atoms, cellfilter):
    xcellfilter = cellfilter(atoms)
    f, fn = gradient_test(xcellfilter)
    assert abs(f - fn).max() < 3e-6
Пример #5
import numpy as np

from ase.build import bulk
from ase.calculators.test import gradient_test
from ase.calculators.lj import LennardJones
from ase.constraints import UnitCellFilter

a0 = bulk('Cu', cubic=True)

# perturb the atoms
s = a0.get_scaled_positions()
s[:, 0] *= 0.995

# perturb the cell
a0.cell[...] += np.random.uniform(-1e-2, 1e-2, size=9).reshape((3, 3))

atoms = a0.copy()
ucf = UnitCellFilter(atoms)

# test all deritatives
f, fn = gradient_test(ucf)
assert abs(f - fn).max() < 1e-6
def test_expcellfilter(setup_atoms):
    ecf = ExpCellFilter(setup_atoms)
    # test all derivatives
    f, fn = gradient_test(ecf)
    assert abs(f - fn).max() < 3e-6
def test_unitcellfilter(setup_atoms):
    ucf = UnitCellFilter(setup_atoms)
    f, fn = gradient_test(ucf)
    assert abs(f - fn).max() < 3e-6
Пример #8
import numpy as np
from ase.build import bulk
from ase.calculators.harmonic import SpringCalculator
from ase.calculators.test import gradient_test

# setup
k = 3.0
atoms_ideal = bulk('Al').repeat(3)
calc = SpringCalculator(atoms_ideal.get_positions(), k)
displacements = np.array([(d, 2 * d, 3 * d)
                          for d in np.linspace(0, 1, len(atoms_ideal))])

# calc forces and energy
atoms = atoms_ideal.copy()
atoms.positions += displacements
forces = atoms.get_forces()
Epot = atoms.get_potential_energy()

# reference forces and energy
Epot_target = np.sum(k / 2.0 * displacements**2)
forces_target = -k * displacements

assert np.allclose(forces, forces_target)
assert np.isclose(Epot, Epot_target)

# numeric forces test
f, fn = gradient_test(atoms_ideal)
assert abs(f - fn).max() < 1e-10
Пример #9
import numpy as np

from ase.build import bulk
from ase.calculators.test import gradient_test
from ase.calculators.lj import LennardJones
from ase.constraints import UnitCellFilter

a0 = bulk('Cu', cubic=True)

# perturb the atoms
s = a0.get_scaled_positions()
s[:, 0] *= 0.995

# perturb the cell
a0.cell[...] += np.random.uniform(-1e-2, 1e-2,

atoms = a0.copy()
ucf = UnitCellFilter(atoms)

# test all deritatives
f, fn = gradient_test(ucf)
assert abs(f - fn).max() < 1e-6