Пример #1
    def __init__(self, paths=None, scan_sys_paths=True):
        # TODO: accept metadata loader override
        self._assible_pkg_path = to_native(os.path.dirname(to_bytes(sys.modules['assible'].__file__)))

        if isinstance(paths, string_types):
            paths = [paths]
        elif paths is None:
            paths = []

        # expand any placeholders in configured paths
        paths = [os.path.expanduser(to_native(p, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) for p in paths]

        if scan_sys_paths:
            # append all sys.path entries with an assible_collections package
            for path in sys.path:
                if (
                        path not in paths and
                            os.path.join(path, 'assible_collections'),

        self._n_configured_paths = paths
        self._n_cached_collection_paths = None
        self._n_cached_collection_qualified_paths = None

        self._n_playbook_paths = []
Пример #2
def _iter_modules_impl(paths, prefix=''):
    # NB: this currently only iterates what's on disk- redirected modules are not considered
    if not prefix:
        prefix = ''
        prefix = to_native(prefix)
    # yield (module_loader, name, ispkg) for each module/pkg under path
    # TODO: implement ignore/silent catch for unreadable?
    for b_path in map(to_bytes, paths):
        if not os.path.isdir(b_path):
        for b_basename in sorted(os.listdir(b_path)):
            b_candidate_module_path = os.path.join(b_path, b_basename)
            if os.path.isdir(b_candidate_module_path):
                # exclude things that obviously aren't Python package dirs
                # FIXME: this dir is adjustable in py3.8+, check for it
                if b'.' in b_basename or b_basename == b'__pycache__':

                # TODO: proper string handling?
                yield prefix + to_native(b_basename), True
                # FIXME: match builtin ordering for package/dir/file, support compiled?
                if b_basename.endswith(b'.py') and b_basename != b'__init__.py':
                    yield prefix + to_native(os.path.splitext(b_basename)[0]), False
Пример #3
        def yaml_to_dict(yaml, content_id):
            Return a Python dict version of the provided YAML.
            Conversion is done in a subprocess since the current Python interpreter does not have access to PyYAML.
            if content_id in yaml_to_dict_cache:
                return yaml_to_dict_cache[content_id]

                cmd = [external_python, yaml_to_json_path]
                proc = subprocess.Popen([to_bytes(c) for c in cmd],
                stdout_bytes, stderr_bytes = proc.communicate(to_bytes(yaml))

                if proc.returncode != 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        'command %s failed with return code %d: %s' %
                        ([to_native(c) for c in cmd
                          ], proc.returncode, to_native(stderr_bytes)))

                data = yaml_to_dict_cache[content_id] = json.loads(
                    to_text(stdout_bytes), object_hook=object_hook)

                return data
            except Exception as ex:
                raise Exception(
                    'internal importer error - failed to parse yaml: %s' %
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, collection_name, subdirs, resource, ref_type):
        Create an AssibleCollectionRef from components
        :param collection_name: a collection name of the form 'namespace.collectionname'
        :param subdirs: optional subdir segments to be appended below the plugin type (eg, 'subdir1.subdir2')
        :param resource: the name of the resource being references (eg, 'mymodule', 'someaction', 'a_role')
        :param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
        collection_name = to_text(collection_name, errors='strict')
        if subdirs is not None:
            subdirs = to_text(subdirs, errors='strict')
        resource = to_text(resource, errors='strict')
        ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict')

        if not self.is_valid_collection_name(collection_name):
            raise ValueError('invalid collection name (must be of the form namespace.collection): {0}'.format(to_native(collection_name)))

        if ref_type not in self.VALID_REF_TYPES:
            raise ValueError('invalid collection ref_type: {0}'.format(ref_type))

        self.collection = collection_name
        if subdirs:
            if not re.match(self.VALID_SUBDIRS_RE, subdirs):
                raise ValueError('invalid subdirs entry: {0} (must be empty/None or of the form subdir1.subdir2)'.format(to_native(subdirs)))
            self.subdirs = subdirs
            self.subdirs = u''

        self.resource = resource
        self.ref_type = ref_type

        package_components = [u'assible_collections', self.collection]
        fqcr_components = [self.collection]

        self.n_python_collection_package_name = to_native('.'.join(package_components))

        if self.ref_type == u'role':
            # we assume it's a plugin
            package_components += [u'plugins', self.ref_type]

        if self.subdirs:

        if self.ref_type == u'role':
            # roles are their own resource


        self.n_python_package_name = to_native('.'.join(package_components))
        self._fqcr = u'.'.join(fqcr_components)
Пример #5
    def load_module(self, fullname):
        if not _meta_yml_to_dict:
            raise ValueError('assible.utils.collection_loader._meta_yml_to_dict is not set')

        module = super(_AssibleCollectionPkgLoader, self).load_module(fullname)

        module._collection_meta = {}
        # TODO: load collection metadata, cache in __loader__ state

        collection_name = '.'.join(self._split_name[1:3])

        if collection_name == 'assible.builtin':
            # assible.builtin is a synthetic collection, get its routing config from the Assible distro
            assible_pkg_path = os.path.dirname(import_module('assible').__file__)
            metadata_path = os.path.join(assible_pkg_path, 'config/assible_builtin_runtime.yml')
            with open(to_bytes(metadata_path), 'rb') as fd:
                raw_routing = fd.read()
            b_routing_meta_path = to_bytes(os.path.join(module.__path__[0], 'meta/runtime.yml'))
            if os.path.isfile(b_routing_meta_path):
                with open(b_routing_meta_path, 'rb') as fd:
                    raw_routing = fd.read()
                raw_routing = ''
            if raw_routing:
                routing_dict = _meta_yml_to_dict(raw_routing, (collection_name, 'runtime.yml'))
                module._collection_meta = self._canonicalize_meta(routing_dict)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ValueError('error parsing collection metadata: {0}'.format(to_native(ex)))

        AssibleCollectionConfig.on_collection_load.fire(collection_name=collection_name, collection_path=os.path.dirname(module.__file__))

        return module
Пример #6
    def from_fqcr(ref, ref_type):
        Parse a string as a fully-qualified collection reference, raises ValueError if invalid
        :param ref: collection reference to parse (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
        :param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
        :return: a populated AssibleCollectionRef object
        # assuming the fq_name is of the form (ns).(coll).(optional_subdir_N).(resource_name),
        # we split the resource name off the right, split ns and coll off the left, and we're left with any optional
        # subdirs that need to be added back below the plugin-specific subdir we'll add. So:
        # ns.coll.resource -> assible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.(plugintype).resource
        # ns.coll.subdir1.resource -> assible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.subdir1.(plugintype).resource
        # ns.coll.rolename -> assible_collections.ns.coll.roles.rolename
        if not AssibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref):
            raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid collection reference'.format(to_native(ref)))

        ref = to_text(ref, errors='strict')
        ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict')

        resource_splitname = ref.rsplit(u'.', 1)
        package_remnant = resource_splitname[0]
        resource = resource_splitname[1]

        # split the left two components of the collection package name off, anything remaining is plugin-type
        # specific subdirs to be added back on below the plugin type
        package_splitname = package_remnant.split(u'.', 2)
        if len(package_splitname) == 3:
            subdirs = package_splitname[2]
            subdirs = u''

        collection_name = u'.'.join(package_splitname[0:2])

        return AssibleCollectionRef(collection_name, subdirs, resource, ref_type)
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, collection_finder, pathctx):
     # when called from a path_hook, find_module doesn't usually get the path arg, so this provides our context
     self._pathctx = to_native(pathctx)
     self._collection_finder = collection_finder
     if PY3:
         # cache the native FileFinder (take advantage of its filesystem cache for future find/load requests)
         self._file_finder = None
Пример #8
    def _module_file_from_path(leaf_name, path):
        has_code = True
        package_path = os.path.join(to_native(path), to_native(leaf_name))
        module_path = None

        # if the submodule is a package, assemble valid submodule paths, but stop looking for a module
        if os.path.isdir(to_bytes(package_path)):
            # is there a package init?
            module_path = os.path.join(package_path, '__init__.py')
            if not os.path.isfile(to_bytes(module_path)):
                module_path = os.path.join(package_path, '__synthetic__')
                has_code = False
            module_path = package_path + '.py'
            package_path = None
            if not os.path.isfile(to_bytes(module_path)):
                raise ImportError('{0} not found at {1}'.format(leaf_name, path))

        return module_path, has_code, package_path
Пример #9
 def run_scm_cmd(cmd, tempdir):
         stdout = ''
         stderr = ''
         popen = Popen(cmd, cwd=tempdir, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
         stdout, stderr = popen.communicate()
     except Exception as e:
         ran = " ".join(cmd)
         display.debug("ran %s:" % ran)
         raise AssibleError("when executing %s: %s" % (ran, to_native(e)))
     if popen.returncode != 0:
         raise AssibleError("- command %s failed in directory %s (rc=%s) - %s" % (' '.join(cmd), tempdir, popen.returncode, to_native(stderr)))
Пример #10
    def _assible_collection_path_hook(self, path):
        path = to_native(path)
        interesting_paths = self._n_cached_collection_qualified_paths
        if not interesting_paths:
            interesting_paths = [os.path.join(p, 'assible_collections') for p in
            interesting_paths.insert(0, self._assible_pkg_path)
            self._n_cached_collection_qualified_paths = interesting_paths

        if any(path.startswith(p) for p in interesting_paths):
            return _AssiblePathHookFinder(self, path)

        raise ImportError('not interested')
Пример #11
def _get_collection_name_from_path(path):
    Return the containing collection name for a given path, or None if the path is not below a configured collection, or
    the collection cannot be loaded (eg, the collection is masked by another of the same name higher in the configured
    collection roots).
    :param path: path to evaluate for collection containment
    :return: collection name or None

    # FIXME: mess with realpath canonicalization or not?
    path = to_native(path)

    path_parts = path.split('/')
    if path_parts.count('assible_collections') != 1:
        return None

    ac_pos = path_parts.index('assible_collections')

    # make sure it's followed by at least a namespace and collection name
    if len(path_parts) < ac_pos + 3:
        return None

    candidate_collection_name = '.'.join(path_parts[ac_pos + 1:ac_pos + 3])

        # we've got a name for it, now see if the path prefix matches what the loader sees
        imported_pkg_path = to_native(os.path.dirname(to_bytes(import_module('assible_collections.' + candidate_collection_name).__file__)))
    except ImportError:
        return None

    # reassemble the original path prefix up the collection name, and it should match what we just imported. If not
    # this is probably a collection root that's not configured.

    original_path_prefix = os.path.join('/', *path_parts[0:ac_pos + 3])

    if original_path_prefix != imported_pkg_path:
        return None

    return candidate_collection_name
Пример #12
    def set_playbook_paths(self, playbook_paths):
        if isinstance(playbook_paths, string_types):
            playbook_paths = [playbook_paths]

        # track visited paths; we have to preserve the dir order as-passed in case there are duplicate collections (first one wins)
        added_paths = set()

        # de-dupe
        self._n_playbook_paths = [os.path.join(to_native(p), 'collections') for p in playbook_paths if not (p in added_paths or added_paths.add(p))]
        self._n_cached_collection_paths = None
        # HACK: playbook CLI sets this relatively late, so we've already loaded some packages whose paths might depend on this. Fix those up.
        # NB: this should NOT be used for late additions; ideally we'd fix the playbook dir setup earlier in Assible init
        # to prevent this from occurring
        for pkg in ['assible_collections', 'assible_collections.assible']:
Пример #13
def _get_collection_metadata(collection_name):
    collection_name = to_native(collection_name)
    if not collection_name or not isinstance(collection_name, string_types) or len(collection_name.split('.')) != 2:
        raise ValueError('collection_name must be a non-empty string of the form namespace.collection')

        collection_pkg = import_module('assible_collections.' + collection_name)
    except ImportError:
        raise ValueError('unable to locate collection {0}'.format(collection_name))

    _collection_meta = getattr(collection_pkg, '_collection_meta', None)

    if _collection_meta is None:
        raise ValueError('collection metadata was not loaded for collection {0}'.format(collection_name))

    return _collection_meta
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, fullname, path_list=None):
        self._fullname = fullname
        self._redirect_module = None
        self._split_name = fullname.split('.')
        self._rpart_name = fullname.rpartition('.')
        self._parent_package_name = self._rpart_name[0]  # eg assible_collections for assible_collections.somens, '' for toplevel
        self._package_to_load = self._rpart_name[2]  # eg somens for assible_collections.somens

        self._source_code_path = None
        self._decoded_source = None
        self._compiled_code = None


        self._candidate_paths = self._get_candidate_paths([to_native(p) for p in path_list])
        self._subpackage_search_paths = self._get_subpackage_search_paths(self._candidate_paths)

Пример #15
    def read(self):
        # Read in the crontab from the system
        self.lines = []
        if self.cron_file:
            # read the cronfile
                f = open(self.b_cron_file, 'rb')
                self.n_existing = to_native(f.read(),
                self.lines = self.n_existing.splitlines()
            except IOError:
                # cron file does not exist
            except Exception:
                raise CronTabError("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
            # using safely quoted shell for now, but this really should be two non-shell calls instead.  FIXME
            (rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command(self._read_user_execute(),

            if rc != 0 and rc != 1:  # 1 can mean that there are no jobs.
                raise CronTabError("Unable to read crontab")

            self.n_existing = out

            lines = out.splitlines()
            count = 0
            for l in lines:
                if count > 2 or (not re.match(
                        r'# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.',
                        l) and not re.match(r'# \(/tmp/.*installed on.*\)', l)
                                 and not re.match(r'# \(.*version.*\)', l)):
                    pattern = re.escape(l) + '[\r\n]?'
                    self.n_existing = re.sub(pattern, '', self.n_existing, 1)
                count += 1
Пример #16
def test_to_native(in_string, encoding, expected):
    """test happy path of encoding to native strings"""
    assert to_native(in_string, encoding) == expected
Пример #17
def safe_eval(expr, locals=None, include_exceptions=False):
    This is intended for allowing things like:
    with_items: a_list_variable

    Where Jinja2 would return a string but we do not want to allow it to
    call functions (outside of Jinja2, where the env is constrained).

    Based on:
    locals = {} if locals is None else locals

    # define certain JSON types
    # eg. JSON booleans are unknown to python eval()
        '__builtins__': {},  # avoid global builtins as per eval docs
        'false': False,
        'null': None,
        'true': True,
        # also add back some builtins we do need
        'True': True,
        'False': False,
        'None': None

    # this is the whitelist of AST nodes we are going to
    # allow in the evaluation. Any node type other than
    # those listed here will raise an exception in our custom
    # visitor class defined below.
    SAFE_NODES = set((
        # ast.Call,

    # AST node types were expanded after 2.6
    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 7):
        SAFE_NODES.update(set((ast.Set, )))

    # And in Python 3.4 too
    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 4):
        SAFE_NODES.update(set((ast.NameConstant, )))

    # And in Python 3.6 too, although not encountered until Python 3.8, see https://bugs.python.org/issue32892
    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6):
        SAFE_NODES.update(set((ast.Constant, )))

    filter_list = []
    for filter_ in filter_loader.all():

    test_list = []
    for test in test_loader.all():


    class CleansingNodeVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
        def generic_visit(self, node, inside_call=False):
            if type(node) not in SAFE_NODES:
                raise Exception("invalid expression (%s)" % expr)
            elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
                inside_call = True
            elif isinstance(node, ast.Name) and inside_call:
                # Disallow calls to builtin functions that we have not vetted
                # as safe.  Other functions are excluded by setting locals in
                # the call to eval() later on
                if hasattr(builtins,
                           node.id) and node.id not in CALL_WHITELIST:
                    raise Exception("invalid function: %s" % node.id)
            # iterate over all child nodes
            for child_node in ast.iter_child_nodes(node):
                self.generic_visit(child_node, inside_call)

    if not isinstance(expr, string_types):
        # already templated to a datastructure, perhaps?
        if include_exceptions:
            return (expr, None)
        return expr

    cnv = CleansingNodeVisitor()
        parsed_tree = ast.parse(expr, mode='eval')
        compiled = compile(parsed_tree, to_native(expr), 'eval')
        # Note: passing our own globals and locals here constrains what
        # callables (and other identifiers) are recognized.  this is in
        # addition to the filtering of builtins done in CleansingNodeVisitor
        result = eval(compiled, OUR_GLOBALS, dict(locals))
        if PY2:
            # On Python 2 u"{'key': 'value'}" is evaluated to {'key': 'value'},
            # ensure it is converted to {u'key': u'value'}.
            result = container_to_text(result)

        if include_exceptions:
            return (result, None)
            return result
    except SyntaxError as e:
        # special handling for syntax errors, we just return
        # the expression string back as-is to support late evaluation
        if include_exceptions:
            return (expr, None)
        return expr
    except Exception as e:
        if include_exceptions:
            return (expr, e)
        return expr
Пример #18
    def legacy_plugin_dir_to_plugin_type(legacy_plugin_dir_name):
        Utility method to convert from a PluginLoader dir name to a plugin ref_type
        :param legacy_plugin_dir_name: PluginLoader dir name (eg, 'action_plugins', 'library')
        :return: the corresponding plugin ref_type (eg, 'action', 'role')
        legacy_plugin_dir_name = to_text(legacy_plugin_dir_name)

        plugin_type = legacy_plugin_dir_name.replace(u'_plugins', u'')

        if plugin_type == u'library':
            plugin_type = u'modules'

        if plugin_type not in AssibleCollectionRef.VALID_REF_TYPES:
            raise ValueError('{0} cannot be mapped to a valid collection ref type'.format(to_native(legacy_plugin_dir_name)))

        return plugin_type