Пример #1
 def Rho_crit(self, cosmo=None):
     if not cosmo:
         cosmo = self.cosmo
     G2 = G.to(u.Mpc / u.Msun * u.km**2 / u.second**2)
     rc = 3 * cosmo.H0**2 / (8 * np.pi * G2)
     rc = rc.to(u.Msun / u.pc**2 / u.Mpc)  # unit of Msun/pc^2/mpc
     return rc
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, rc, Mtot, G='kpc km2 / (M_sun s2)'):
        Analytic Plummer model
        :param rc: Plummer scale length
        :param Mtot:  Plummer total mass
        :param G: Value of the gravitational constant G, it can be a number of a string.
                    If G=1, the physical value of the potential will be Phi/G.
                    If string it must follow the rule of the unity of the module.astropy constants.
                    E.g. to have G in unit of kpc3/Msun s2, the input string is 'kpc3 / (M_sun s2)'
                    See http://astrofrog-debug.readthedocs.org/en/latest/constants/

        self.rc = rc
        self.Mmax = Mtot
        if isinstance(G, float) or isinstance(G, int): self.G = G
            GG = conG.to(G)
            self.G = GG.value

        self._use_nparray = True
        self._analytic_radius = True
        self.use_c = False
        self._densnorm = (3 * Mtot) / (4 * np.pi * rc * rc * rc)
        self._potnorm = self.G * Mtot
Пример #3
    def __init__(self,rc,Mtot,G='kpc km2 / (M_sun s2)'):
        Analytic Plummer model
        :param rc: Plummer scale length
        :param Mtot:  Plummer total mass
        :param G: Value of the gravitational constant G, it can be a number of a string.
                    If G=1, the physical value of the potential will be Phi/G.
                    If string it must follow the rule of the unity of the module.astropy constants.
                    E.g. to have G in unit of kpc3/Msun s2, the input string is 'kpc3 / (M_sun s2)'
                    See http://astrofrog-debug.readthedocs.org/en/latest/constants/

        if isinstance(G,float) or isinstance(G,int): self.G=G

Пример #4
    def __init__(self,rc,  G='kpc km2 / (M_sun s2)', Mmax=None, rmax=None, Vinf=None, d0=None):
        PseudoIsothermal Model:


        Given that the Mass diverge at infinty it is possibile to initialize the
        model in different ways:
        Mmax  (rmax): The model will have a mass of Mmax at radius rmax, if rmax is not supplied
                      it is equal to 10*rc
        d0: Central density. The unity depends on the combinations of gthe value of G and rc. By default
                      is Msun/kpc^3.
        Vinf: asymptotic circular velocity in km/s.

        The routine gives priority firstly to Mmax, then to d0 and finally to Vinf.

        :param rc:
        :param G: Value of the gravitational constant G, it can be a number of a string.
                    If G=1, the physical value of the potential will be Phi/G.
                    If string it must follow the rule of the unity of the module.astropy constants.
                    E.g. to have G in unit of kpc3/Msun s2, the input string is 'kpc3 / (M_sun s2)'
                    See http://astrofrog-debug.readthedocs.org/en/latest/constants/
        :param Mmax: Total Mass in Msun at radius rmax.
        :param rmax: Radius to cut the density distribution, by default is equal to 10*rc.
        :param d0: Central density. The unity depends on the combinations of gthe value of G and rc. By default
                   is Msun/kpc^3. Available only if Mmax is None.
        :param Vinf: asymptotic circular velocity in km/s. Available only if Mmax and d0 are None.

        if rmax is None: self.rmax=10*rc
        else: self.rmax=rmax

        if isinstance(G,float) or isinstance(G,int): self.G=G

        if Mmax is not None:
        elif d0 is not None:
        elif Vinf is not None:
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, zs_bins=None, zg_bins=None, logger=None, l=None):
     self.logger = logger
     self.l = l
     #Gravitaional const to get Rho crit in right units
     self.G2 = G.to(u.Mpc / u.Msun * u.km**2 / u.second**2)
     self.G2 *= 8 * np.pi / 3.
     self.zs_bins = zs_bins
     self.zg_bins = zg_bins
     self.SN = {}
     if zs_bins is not None:  #sometimes we call this class just to access some of the functions
         self.set_zbins(z_bins=zs_bins, tracer='shear')
     if zg_bins is not None:  #sometimes we call this class just to access some of the functions
         self.set_zbins(z_bins=zg_bins, tracer='galaxy')
Пример #6
    def attract(self, other):
        dx = self.x - other.x
        dy = self.y - other.y
        theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)
        distance = math.hypot(dx, dy)

        # calculate attractive force due to gravity using Newton's law of universal gravitation:
        # F = G * m1 * m2 / r^2
        # for consistency, G = [AU^3 * kg^-1 * d^-2]
        force = G.to('AU3 / (kg d2)').value * self.mass * other.mass / (

        # accelerate both bodies towards each other by acceleration vector a = F/m, rearranged from Newton's second law
        self.accelerate((force / self.mass, theta - (math.pi / 2)))
        other.accelerate((force / other.mass, theta + (math.pi / 2)))
Пример #7
    def _calculate_gravitational_acceleration(self):
        # direction and strength of force
        # F = Gm/r^2
        acceleration = []
        for body in self.current_ephem:
            r_vector = body[1].rv()[0] - self.spaceship.rv[0]
            r_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(r_vector)

            a_magnitude = (G.to("km3/kg s2") * body[0].mass) / (r_magnitude**2)
            a_vector = a_magnitude * r_vector / r_magnitude

        total_acceleration = 0
        for a in acceleration:
            total_acceleration += a

        return total_acceleration
Пример #8
    def compute_rotation_curve(self, arr):
        """ Compute the rotation curve. """

        # Compute distance to centre.
        r = np.linalg.norm(arr['coords'] - self.centre, axis=1)
        mask = np.argsort(r)
        r = r[mask]

        # Compute cumulative mass.
        cmass = np.cumsum(arr['mass'][mask])

        # Compute velocity.
        myG = G.to(u.km**2 * u.Mpc * u.Msun**-1 * u.s**-2).value
        v = np.sqrt((myG * cmass) / r)

        # Return r in Mpc and v in km/s.
        return r, v
Пример #9
    def __init__(self,dprof,sprof,mprof,amodel='isotropic',G='kpc km2 / (M_sun s2)'):



        if isinstance(G,float) or isinstance(G,int): self.G=G

        if amodel=='isotropic':

Пример #10
    def __init__(self, table,span, ts):
        global au

        data = table
        self.g = G.to(((u.km)**3)/(u.kg*((u.day)**2))).value
        self.bodies = data['body']
        self.span = float(span)
        self.t = float(ts*u.hour.to(u.day))
        self.timestep = int(self.span/self.t)

        self.masses = [0.0 for i in range(len(self.bodies))]
        self.pos = [origin for i in range(len(self.bodies))]
        self.vel = [origin for i in range(len(self.bodies))]
        #self.pos_err = [origin for i in range(len(self.bodies))]
        self.barycenter = origin
        self.tot_mass = 0.0
        self.tab = [Table(names=['body', 'cycle', 'time', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx',\
            'vy', 'vz'], dtype=['S16', 'i8', 'f16', 'f16', 'f16', 'f16', 'f16',\
            'f16', 'f16']) for i in range(len(self.bodies))]

        for i in range(len(self.bodies)):

            self.masses[i] = data['mass'][i]
            self.pos[i] = vector(data['x'][i], data['y'][i], data['z'][i])
            #self.pos_err[i] = vector(data['ex'][i], data['ey'][i], data['ez'][i])
            self.vel[i] = vector(data['vx'][i], data['vy'][i], data['vz'][i])
            self.barycenter = self.barycenter + (self.pos[i])*(self.masses[i])
            self.tot_mass = self.tot_mass + self.masses[i]

        self.barycenter = self.barycenter*(1/self.tot_mass)

        for i in range(len(self.bodies)):

            self.tab[i].add_row([self.bodies[i], 0, 0, self.pos[i].x,\
            self.pos[i].y, self.pos[i].z, self.vel[i].x, self.vel[i].y,\
Пример #11
    def tdyn(self,mq=100,type=None,G='(kpc3)/(M_sun Gyr2)'):
        Calculate the dynamical time of a stystem as Tdyn=0.5*pi*Sqrt(Rh^3/(G*Mh)).
        where Rh is the radius that contains the fraction Mh=h*M of the mass.
        This is the time for a particle at distance r to reach r=0 in a homogeneus spherical system
        with density rho. We do not have an homogenues sphere, but we use a medium value rho_mh
        equals to Mh/(4/3 * pi * Rh^3).
        :param mq: Fraction of the mass to use, it can ranges from 0 to 100
        :param type: Type of particle to use, it need to be an array. If None use all
        :param G: Value of the gravitational constant G, it can be a number of a string.
                    If G=1, the physical value of the potential will be Phi/G.
                    If string it must follow the rule of the unity of the module.astropy constants.
                    E.g. to have G in unit of kpc3/Msun s2, the input string is 'kpc3 / (M_sun s2)'
                    See http://astrofrog-debug.readthedocs.org/en/latest/constants/

        :return: Dynamical tyme. The units wil depends on the units used in G, If used the
                 G in default the time will be in unit of Gyr.

        if type is None:
            type= nparray_check(type)

        if isinstance(G,float) or isinstance(G,int): G=G



        return tdyn
Пример #12
    def __init__(self,m,rc,Mtot,G='kpc km2 / (M_sun s2)'):
        Analytic Sersic model:

        Surface density: S(R)=S(0) * Exp(-(R/rc)^(1/m))
        for the 3D deprojection we use the analytic approximation of Lima Neto, Gerbal and Marquez, 1999.
        Density: d(r)=d(0) * Exp(-(r/rc)^(1/m)) * (r/rc)^(-p) where p=1 - 0.6097*(1/m) + 0.05463*(1/m^2)

        :param m: Sersic exponent
        :param rc: Sersic scale length
        :param Mtot:  Sersic total mass
        :param G: Value of the gravitational constant G, it can be a number of a string.
                    If G=1, the physical value of the potential will be Phi/G.
                    If string it must follow the rule of the unity of the module.astropy constants.
                    E.g. to have G in unit of kpc3/Msun s2, the input string is 'kpc3 / (M_sun s2)'
                    See http://astrofrog-debug.readthedocs.org/en/latest/constants/



        if isinstance(G,float) or isinstance(G,int): self.G=G

        dmgamma= self.m*gamma(self.m*(3-self.p)) #Mtot=4*pi*d0*rc^3 * m* *Gamma(m*(3-p))
        sdmgamma= self.m*gamma(2*self.m)  #Mtot=2*pi*S0*rc^2 * m * Gamma(2*m)
Пример #13
    def tdyn(self, mq=100, type=None, G='(kpc3)/(M_sun s2)'):
        Calculate the dynamical time of a stystem as Tdyn=0.5*pi*Sqrt(Rh^3/(G*Mh)).
        where Rh is the radius that contains the fraction Mh=h*M of the mass.
        This is the time for a particle at distance r to reach r=0 in a homogeneus spherical system
        with density rho. We do not have an homogenues sphere, but we use a medium value rho_mh
        equals to Mh/(4/3 * pi * Rh^3).
        :param mq: Fraction of the mass to use, it can ranges from 0 to 100
        :param type: Type of particle to use, it need to be an array. If None use all
        :param G: Value of the gravitational constant G, it can be a number of a string.
                    If G=1, the physical value of the potential will be Phi/G.
                    If string it must follow the rule of the unity of the module.astropy constants.
                    E.g. to have G in unit of kpc3/Msun s2, the input string is 'kpc3 / (M_sun s2)'
                    See http://astrofrog-debug.readthedocs.org/en/latest/constants/

        :return: Dynamical tyme. The units wil depends on the units used in G, If used the
                 G in default the time will be in unit of Gyr.

        if type is None:
            rad_array = self.p.Radius[:]
            mas_array = self.p.Mass[:]
            type = nparray_check(type)
            rad_array = self._make_array(self.p.Radius, type)
            mas_array = self._make_array(self.p.Mass, type)

        if isinstance(G, float) or isinstance(G, int): G = G
            GG = conG.to(G)
            G = GG.value

        rq, _ = self.qradius_ext(rad_array, mas_array, mq)

        mass_phy = G * (mq / 100) * np.sum(mas_array)
        tdyn = 0.5 * np.pi * rq * np.sqrt(rq / mass_phy)

        return tdyn
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, galaxy, snap):
        # construct filename
        ilbl = '000' + str(snap)  # add string of filenumber to 000
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]  # keep last 3 digits
        self.filename = '/home/agibbs/' + "%s_" % (galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'

        # set delta for all com calculations
        self.comdel = 0.3  # too small a value may fail to converge and can result in an ERROR!!!

        # set G to correct units
        self.G = G.to(u.kpc * u.km**2 / u.s**2 / u.Msun)

        # store galaxy name (used to separate out M33 later)
        self.gname = galaxy

        # read in the file and particle type
        self.time, self.total, self.data = Read(self.filename)

        # store the mass, positions of all particle types
        self.m = self.data['m']

        self.x = self.data['x'] * u.kpc
        self.y = self.data['y'] * u.kpc
        self.z = self.data['z'] * u.kpc
Пример #15
def external_delta_sigma(galaxies,
    galaxies : array_like
        Ngal x 2 numpy array containing 2-d positions of galaxies.
        Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h,
        here and throughout Halotools.

    particles : array_like
        Npart x 2 numpy array containing 2-d positions of particles.
        Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h,
        here and throughout Halotools. Assumes constant particle masses, but can
        use weighted pair counts as scipy 0.19.0 is released.
        scipy.spatial.cKDTree will acquire a weighted pair count functionality

    rp_bins : array_like
        array of projected radial boundaries defining the bins in which the result is
        calculated.  The minimum of rp_bins must be > 0.0.
        Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h,
        here and throughout Halotools.

    period : array_like
        Length-2 sequence defining the periodic boundary conditions
        in each dimension. If you instead provide a single scalar, Lbox,
        period is assumed to be the same in all Cartesian directions.
        Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h,
        here and throughout Halotools.

    projection_period : float
        The period along the direction of projection

    cosmology : instance of `astropy.cosmology`, optional
        Default value is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.default_cosmology` module.
        Typically you should use the `cosmology` attribute of the halo catalog
        you used to populate mock galaxies.

    rmids : np.array
        The bins at which :math:`\Delta\Sigma` is calculated.
        The units of `rmids` is :math:`hinv Mpc`, where distances are in comoving units.
        You can convert to physical units using the input cosmology and redshift.
        Note that little h = 1 here and throughout Halotools.

    Delta_Sigma : np.array
        :math:`\Delta\Sigma(r_p)` calculated at projected comoving radial distances ``rp_bins``.
        The units of `ds` are :math:`h * M_{\odot} / Mpc^2`, where distances are in comoving units.
        You can convert to physical units using the input cosmology and redshift.
        Note that little h = 1 here and throughout Halotools.

    :math:`\Delta\Sigma` is calculated by first calculating the projected
    surface density :math:`\Sigma` using the particles passed to the code

    and then,

    .. math::

        \Delta\Sigma(r_p) = \bar{\Sigma}(<r_p) - \Sigma(r_p)

    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    from astropy.constants import G

    Ngal = float(galaxies.shape[0])
    Npart = float(particles.shape[0])
    if np.isscalar(period):
        Area = period**2
        Area = period[0] * period[1]

    tree = cKDTree(galaxies, boxsize=period)
    ptree = cKDTree(particles, boxsize=period)
    pairs_inside_rad = tree.count_neighbors(ptree, rp_bins)

    pairs_in_annuli = np.diff(pairs_inside_rad)

    # rhobar = 3H0^2/(8 pi G) Om0
    rhobar = 3.e4 / (8 * np.pi *
                     G.to('km^2 Mpc/(s^2 Msun)').value) * cosmology.Om0

    sigmabar = rhobar * projection_period

    # This initializes sigma(rmids)
    rmids = rp_bins[1:] / 2 + rp_bins[:-1] / 2
    xi2d = pairs_in_annuli / (Ngal * Npart / Area *
                              (np.pi *
                               (rp_bins[1:]**2 - rp_bins[:-1]**2))) - 1.0
    sigma = sigmabar * xi2d

    # Now initialize sigmainside(rp_bins)
    xi2dinside = pairs_inside_rad / (Npart * Ngal / Area *
                                     (np.pi * rp_bins**2)) - 1.0
    sigmainside = sigmabar * xi2dinside

    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    spl = interp1d(np.log(rp_bins), np.log(sigmainside), kind="cubic")

    return rmids, np.exp(spl(np.log(rmids))) - sigma
Пример #16
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import G
from NFW import normalizedNFWMass

c = 299792.0  # Km/s
G = G.to("Mpc Msun^-1 km^2 s^-2").value  # G Newton in Mpc/Msun x (km/s)^2

def randomSpherePoint(n=1, theta_max=np.pi, phi_max=2.0 * np.pi):
    Returns random distributes theta (0,pi) and phi (0, 2pi)
    u = 1.0 - np.random.rand(n) * theta_max / np.pi
    v = np.random.rand(n)

    return np.arccos(2 * u - 1), phi_max * v

def getDeltaZ(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz):
    Returns the redshift due to Pec. Vel.

    x,   y,  z: Cartesian coordinates [Not Spec. Units]
    vx, vy, vz: Cartesian velocities  [It must be in km/s]
    return (x * vx + y * vy + z * vz) / np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) / c

def circularVelocity(cx, r):
    Returns the circular velocity at r=R/Rx divided by np.sqrt(MDelta/RDelta)
Пример #17
    def __init__(self,R,dens,rc=1,Mmax=1, G='kpc km2 / (M_sun s2)', denorm=True, use_c=False):
        The purpose of the general model is to start from a density law R-dens to build a galaxy model.
        Attenzione per come è creato il modello assume sempre che
        per R>rmax la densita sia 0, la massa resti costante al suo valore massimo e il potenziale vada
        come M/r. Per modelli che raggiungono la massa massima all infinito questo potrebbe essere un problema,
        quindi si dovrebbero usare modelli con massa finita o troncarli e campionarli fino a quanto la massa non raggiunge
        il suo valore max. Per modelli non troncati è meglio utilizzare modelli analitici se possibile.
        Anche nel calcolo del potenziale Rinf è settato uguale all ultimo punto di R, poichè cmq per R>Rmax
        dens=0 e l integrale int_Rmax^inf dens r dr=0 sempre.
        :param R: list of radii, it needs to  be in the form  r/rc
        :param dens: list of dens at radii R. It can be also a function or a lambda function that depends
                     only on the variable R=r/rc
        :param rc: Scale length of the model, the R in input will be multiplyed by rc before start all the calculation
        :param Mmax: Physical Value of the Mass at Rmax (the last point of the R grid). The physical unity of dens and pot and mass
               will depends on the unity of Mmax
        :param G: Value of the gravitational constant G, it can be a number of a string.
                    If G=1, the physical value of the potential will be Phi/G.
                    If string it must follow the rule of the unity of the module.astropy constants.
                    E.g. to have G in unit of kpc3/Msun s2, the input string is 'kpc3 / (M_sun s2)'
                    See http://astrofrog-debug.readthedocs.org/en/latest/constants/
        :param denorm: If True, the output value of mass, dens and pot will be de normalized using Mmax and G.
        :param use_c: To calculate pot and mass with a C-cyle, WARNING it creates more noisy results

        if isinstance(G,float) or isinstance(G,int): self.G=G

        if isinstance(dens,list) or isinstance(dens,tuple) or isinstance(dens,np.ndarray):  self.dens_arr=np.array(dens,dtype=float,order='C')


        self._dens=UnivariateSpline(self.R,self.dens_arr, k=1, s=0, ext=1) #for R>rmax, dens=0

        if self.use_c==True:
            #add to path to use relative path
            dllabspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.path.sep + dll_name
            lib = ct.CDLL(dllabspath)
            #add to path to use relativ path
            mass_func.argtypes=[ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"), ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"),ct.c_int,ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS")]
            self._mass_int=UnivariateSpline(self.R,self.mass_arr, k=1, s=0, ext=3) #ext=3, const for R>Rmax non ci osno piu particelle e la massa rimane uguale

            pot_func.argtypes=[ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"),ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"),ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"),ct.c_int,ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS")]
            self._pot_int=UnivariateSpline(self.R,self.pot_arr, k=1, s=0, ext=1)

            self._dm2=UnivariateSpline(self.R,self.R*self.R*self.dens_arr, k=2, s=0,ext=1)
            self._dm=UnivariateSpline(self.R,self.R*self.dens_arr, k=1, s=0,ext=1)

            #Evaluate mass and pot on the R grid in input


        if denorm==True: self._set_denorm(self.Mmax)
Пример #18
 height = prof_stars_mass.x.to('kpc')
 accum_mass = prof_stars_mass['stars', 'particle_mass'].to('Msun')
 # Making the arrays dimensionless
 npheight = np.array(height)
 npaccum = np.array(accum_mass)
 # Fitting the mass profiles
 m_init = sech_sq_model(amp = np.max(npaccum), z_prime = npheight[np.argmax(npaccum)], z_0 = 1.)
 fit = LevMarLSQFitter()
 m = fit(m_init, npheight, npaccum)
 h_z[int(shell)] = m.z_0.value
 # Calculating sigma from eqn 1 in the proposal; differentiating by stars, stars and gas, and complete dynamical mass
 const = args.const
 G_conv = G.to('km3/(kg s2)')
 z_0 = (m.z_0 * u.kpc).to('km')
 outer_conv = (outer_rad * u.kpc).to('km')
 inner_conv = (inner_rad * u.kpc).to('km')
 proj_area = np.pi * (outer_conv**2 - inner_conv**2)
 sigma_dyn = ((mass_quant * u.Msun).to('kg') + (gas_quant * u.Msun).to('kg') + (dm_quant * u.Msun).to('kg')) / (proj_area)
 mass_dens = (mass_quant * u.Msun).to('kg') / (proj_area)
 smd_mass[int(shell)] = mass_dens.value
 mass_gas = ((mass_quant * u.Msun).to('kg') + (gas_quant * u.Msun).to('kg')) / (proj_area)
 smd_mg[int(shell)] = mass_gas.value
 sigma_mass_calc = np.sqrt(const*np.pi*G_conv*z_0*mass_dens)
 sigma_mg_calc = np.sqrt(const*np.pi*G_conv*z_0*mass_gas)
 sigma_dyn_calc = np.sqrt(const*np.pi*G_conv*z_0*sigma_dyn)
 sigma_mass[int(shell)] = sigma_mass_calc.value
 sigma_mg[int(shell)] = sigma_mg_calc.value
 sigma_all[int(shell)] = sigma_dyn_calc.value
Пример #19
import getetide
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d,spline
from scipy.misc import derivative
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from astropy import units
from astropy.constants import G
from astropy.convolution import convolve, Box1DKernel
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import potdenfunc
import profileclass

def chi2(params,rhoint,massint,r):

    rhor=lambda params,r: potdenfunc.zhaorho(r,10**params[0],10**params[1],params[2],params[3],params[4])

    mtot=lambda params: profileclass.getmassfromzhao0(params[2],params[3],params[4],10**params[0],10**params[1],r[w[-1]])


    if np.any(~np.isfinite(d2)):
        return np.inf
Пример #20
z_high = float(sys.argv[5])
z_nbins = int(sys.argv[6])
fn_out = sys.argv[7]

# Read in n(z)
data = np.loadtxt(fn_nz)
z_sources = data[:, 0]
n_z = data[:, 1]
delta_z_sources = data[1, 0] - data[0, 0]

# Create cosmology
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Omm)

# Get constants
c_conv = c.to('Mpc/s')  #speed-of-light in Mpc/c
G_conv = G.to('Mpc3/(Msun s2)')

# Create lens redshift bins
z_bins = np.linspace(z_low, z_high, z_nbins)
sig_crit = np.zeros(z_nbins)

# Calculate SigCrit
for i, z_l in enumerate(z_bins):
    for j, z_s in enumerate(z_sources):
        if (z_s > z_l):
            sig_crit[i] += delta_z_sources * n_z[j] * sigma_crit_inv(
                cosmo, z_l, z_s).value

# Inverting
sig_crit = 1 / sig_crit
# Prefactor for Sigma_crit [Msun/Mpc]
Пример #21
# Project Piece 1
# Velocity dispersion
# William Lake

# import modules
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from ReadFile import Read
from CenterOfMass2 import CenterOfMass
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astropy.constants import G
G = G.to(u.kpc * u.km**2 / u.s**2 /
         u.Msun)  # Converts the gravitational constant to our desired units

# In[44]:

class VelocityDispersion:
    '''This class aids in finding the velocity dispersions of bulge particles over radius. It will eventually
    do the same over time, held at constant radius'''
    def __init__(self, galaxy, snap):
        # This function/class takes the galaxy name and snapshot number as inputs

        # The following three lines create the part of the filename that describe the Snap number, and then generate the filename
        ilbl = '000' + str(snap)
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
        self.filename = "HighRes/%s_" % (galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'
        time, total, data = Read(self.filename)  # Read the data
Пример #22
def external_delta_sigma(galaxies, particles, rp_bins, period, projection_period,
    galaxies : array_like
        Ngal x 2 numpy array containing 2-d positions of galaxies.
        Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h,
        here and throughout Halotools.

    particles : array_like
        Npart x 2 numpy array containing 2-d positions of particles.
        Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h,
        here and throughout Halotools. Assumes constant particle masses, but can
        use weighted pair counts as scipy 0.19.0 is released.
        scipy.spatial.cKDTree will acquire a weighted pair count functionality

    rp_bins : array_like
        array of projected radial boundaries defining the bins in which the result is
        calculated.  The minimum of rp_bins must be > 0.0.
        Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h,
        here and throughout Halotools.

    period : array_like
        Length-2 sequence defining the periodic boundary conditions
        in each dimension. If you instead provide a single scalar, Lbox,
        period is assumed to be the same in all Cartesian directions.
        Length units are comoving and assumed to be in Mpc/h,
        here and throughout Halotools.

    projection_period : float
        The period along the direction of projection

    cosmology : instance of `astropy.cosmology`, optional
        Default value is set in `~halotools.sim_manager.default_cosmology` module.
        Typically you should use the `cosmology` attribute of the halo catalog
        you used to populate mock galaxies.

    rmids : np.array
        The bins at which :math:`\Delta\Sigma` is calculated.
        The units of `rmids` is :math:`hinv Mpc`, where distances are in comoving units.
        You can convert to physical units using the input cosmology and redshift.
        Note that little h = 1 here and throughout Halotools.

    Delta_Sigma : np.array
        :math:`\Delta\Sigma(r_p)` calculated at projected comoving radial distances ``rp_bins``.
        The units of `ds` are :math:`h * M_{\odot} / Mpc^2`, where distances are in comoving units.
        You can convert to physical units using the input cosmology and redshift.
        Note that little h = 1 here and throughout Halotools.

    :math:`\Delta\Sigma` is calculated by first calculating the projected
    surface density :math:`\Sigma` using the particles passed to the code

    and then,

    .. math::

        \Delta\Sigma(r_p) = \bar{\Sigma}(<r_p) - \Sigma(r_p)

    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    from astropy.constants import G

    Ngal = float(galaxies.shape[0])
    Npart = float(particles.shape[0])
    if np.isscalar(period):
        Area = period**2
        Area = period[0] * period[1]

    tree = cKDTree(galaxies, boxsize=period)
    ptree = cKDTree(particles, boxsize=period)
    pairs_inside_rad = tree.count_neighbors(ptree, rp_bins)

    pairs_in_annuli = np.diff(pairs_inside_rad)

    # rhobar = 3H0^2/(8 pi G) Om0
    rhobar = 3.e4/(8*np.pi*G.to('km^2 Mpc/(s^2 Msun)').value)*cosmology.Om0

    sigmabar = rhobar*projection_period

    # This initializes sigma(rmids)
    rmids = rp_bins[1:]/2+rp_bins[:-1]/2
    xi2d = pairs_in_annuli/(Ngal*Npart/Area*(np.pi*(rp_bins[1:]**2-rp_bins[:-1]**2))) - 1.0
    sigma = sigmabar*xi2d

    # Now initialize sigmainside(rp_bins)
    xi2dinside = pairs_inside_rad/(Npart*Ngal/Area*(np.pi*rp_bins**2)) - 1.0
    sigmainside = sigmabar*xi2dinside

    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    spl = interp1d(np.log(rp_bins), np.log(sigmainside), kind="cubic")

    return rmids, np.exp(spl(np.log(rmids)))-sigma
Пример #23
    def __init__(self,
                 G='kpc km2 / (M_sun s2)',
        The purpose of the general model is to start from a density law R-dens to build a galaxy model.
        Attenzione per come è creato il modello assume sempre che
        per R>rmax la densita sia 0, la massa resti costante al suo valore massimo e il potenziale vada
        come M/r. Per modelli che raggiungono la massa massima all infinito questo potrebbe essere un problema,
        quindi si dovrebbero usare modelli con massa finita o troncarli e campionarli fino a quanto la massa non raggiunge
        il suo valore max. Per modelli non troncati è meglio utilizzare modelli analitici se possibile.
        Anche nel calcolo del potenziale Rinf è settato uguale all ultimo punto di R, poichè cmq per R>Rmax
        dens=0 e l integrale int_Rmax^inf dens r dr=0 sempre.
        :param R: list of radii, it needs to  be in the form  r/rc
        :param dens: list of dens at radii R. It can be also a function or a lambda function that depends
                     only on the variable R=r/rc
        :param rc: Scale length of the model, the R in input will be multiplyed by rc before start all the calculation
        :param Mmax: Physical Value of the Mass at Rmax (the last point of the R grid). The physical unity of dens and pot and mass
               will depends on the unity of Mmax
        :param G: Value of the gravitational constant G, it can be a number of a string.
                    If G=1, the physical value of the potential will be Phi/G.
                    If string it must follow the rule of the unity of the module.astropy constants.
                    E.g. to have G in unit of kpc3/Msun s2, the input string is 'kpc3 / (M_sun s2)'
                    See http://astrofrog-debug.readthedocs.org/en/latest/constants/
        :param denorm: If True, the output value of mass, dens and pot will be de normalized using Mmax and G.
        :param use_c: To calculate pot and mass with a C-cyle, WARNING it creates more noisy results

        self.rc = rc
        self.Mmax = Mmax
        if isinstance(G, float) or isinstance(G, int): self.G = G
            GG = conG.to(G)
            self.G = GG.value

        if isinstance(dens, list) or isinstance(dens, tuple) or isinstance(
                dens, np.ndarray):
            self.dens_arr = np.array(dens, dtype=float, order='C')
            self.dens_arr = dens(R)

        self.R = np.array(R, dtype=float, order='C') * self.rc
        self.mass_arr = np.empty_like(self.dens_arr, dtype=float, order='C')
        self.pot_arr = np.empty_like(self.dens_arr, dtype=float, order='C')
        self.use_c = use_c
        self._use_nparray = False

        self._dens = UnivariateSpline(self.R, self.dens_arr, k=1, s=0,
                                      ext=1)  #for R>rmax, dens=0

        if self.use_c == True:
            #add to path to use relative path
            dll_name = 'model_c_ext/GeneralModel.so'
            dllabspath = os.path.dirname(
                os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.path.sep + dll_name
            lib = ct.CDLL(dllabspath)
            #add to path to use relativ path
            mass_func = lib.evalmass
            mass_func.restype = None
            mass_func.argtypes = [
                ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"),
                ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"), ct.c_int,
                ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS")
            mass_func(self.R, self.dens_arr, len(self.dens_arr), self.mass_arr)
            self._mass_int = UnivariateSpline(
                self.R, self.mass_arr, k=1, s=0, ext=3
            )  #ext=3, const for R>Rmax non ci osno piu particelle e la massa rimane uguale

            pot_func = lib.evalpot
            pot_func.restype = None
            pot_func.argtypes = [
                ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"),
                ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"),
                ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"), ct.c_int,
                ndpointer(ct.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS")
            pot_func(self.R, self.dens_arr, self.mass_arr, len(self.dens_arr),
            self._pot_int = UnivariateSpline(self.R,

            self._dm2 = UnivariateSpline(self.R,
                                         self.R * self.R * self.dens_arr,
            self._dm = UnivariateSpline(self.R,
                                        self.R * self.dens_arr,

            #Evaluate mass and pot on the R grid in input
            func = np.vectorize(self._dm2.integral)
            self.mass_arr = func(0, self.R)

            a = (1 / self.R) * self.mass_arr
            func = np.vectorize(self._dm.integral)
            b = func(self.R, self.R[-1])
            self.pot_arr = a + b

        if denorm == True: self._set_denorm(self.Mmax)
            self.Mc = 1
            self.dc = 1
            self.pc = 1
Пример #24
package developed by Benedikt Diemer, http://bdiemer.bitbucket.org.

Testing for this module is done in the
`~halotools.empirical_models.test_profile_helpers` module.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from astropy import cosmology as astropy_cosmology_obj
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.constants import G

from ....custom_exceptions import HalotoolsError

newtonG = G.to(u.km*u.km*u.Mpc/(u.Msun*u.s*u.s))

__all__ = ('density_threshold', 'delta_vir', 'halo_mass_to_halo_radius',
           'halo_radius_to_halo_mass', 'halo_mass_to_virial_velocity')

__author__ = ['Benedikt Diemer', 'Andrew Hearin']

def density_threshold(cosmology, redshift, mdef):
    The threshold density for a given spherical-overdensity mass definition.

    :math:`\\rho_{\\rm thresh}(z) = \\Delta_{\\rm ref}(z)\\rho_{\\rm ref}(z)`.

    See :ref:`halo_mass_definitions` for details.
Пример #25
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[1]:

# inputs
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.table as tbl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Readfile import Read
from CenterOfMass import CenterOfMass as COM
from astropy.constants import G
# convert G to correct units
G = G.to(u.kpc * u.km**2 / u.s**2 / u.Msun)

# create class MassProfile
class MassProfile:
    # Class to define the mass profile of a galaxy at a snapshot time

    def __init__(self, galaxy, snap):

        # inputs:
        #       galaxy: a string with galaxy name, such as "MW" or "M31"
        #       snap:  the snapshot number, such as 0, 1, etc

        # Initialize instance of this class with the following properties:

        # store the name of the galaxy
        self.gname = galaxy
Пример #26
from astropy.table import Table, Column
from astropy.io import ascii

# illustris python functions
from illustris_python.snapshot import loadHalo, snapPath, loadSubhalo
from illustris_python.groupcat import gcPath, loadHalos, loadSubhalos, loadHeader

# utilities
from halotools.utils import normalized_vectors

# Illustris simulation properties
from simulation_props import sim_prop_dict

# gravitational constant
from astropy.constants import G
G = G.to('Mpc km^2/(Msun s^2)').value

# progress bar
from tqdm import tqdm

import time

def specific_angular_momentum(x, v, m):
    specific angular momentum of a group of particles

    x : array_like
        array particle positions of shape (Nptcl, ndim)
Пример #27
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This provides a few useful units for this package using astropy units
import numpy as np
import os

__author__ = "Eric Emsellem"
__copyright__ = "Eric Emsellem"
__license__ = "mit"

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.constants import G as Ggrav_cgs

Ggrav = Ggrav_cgs.to(u.km**2 * u.pc / u.s**2 / u.M_sun)
# Defining our default units
pixel = u.pixel
Lsun = u.Lsun
Msun = u.Msun
Lsunpc2 = Lsun / u.pc**2
Msunpc2 = Msun / u.pc**2
kms = u.km / u.s
kmskpc = u.km / u.s / u.kpc
kms2 = (u.km / u.s)**2
km_pc = u.pc.to(u.km)
s_yr = u.yr.to(u.s)

def get_conversion_factor(unit, newunit, equiv=[], verbose=True):
    """Get the conversion factor for astropy units
Пример #28
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import fsolve, minimize_scalar
from scipy.misc import derivative
from scipy import interpolate
from astropy.constants import G
from astropy import units
import getaefromperi
import getrvcorr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy import units
kminkpc = 1 * units.kpc.to(units.km)

GN = (G.to(units.kpc**3 / units.s**2 / units.M_sun)).value
GNfront = (G.to(units.km**2 * units.kpc / units.s**2 / units.M_sun)).value

#params=(pericenter (Mpc),omatpericenter (1/s),rho0host (msun/kpc**3),rshost (kpc),mvirhost (msun))

def getrfrompot(potfunc, e, dsidr, minr=1E-10):

    #    print abs(np.log(abs(potfunc(10**-1)))-np.log(abs(2*(e))))
    #   print abs(np.log(abs(potfunc(10**-2)))-np.log(abs(2*(e))))
    #  print abs(np.log(abs(potfunc(10**1)))-np.log(abs(2*(e))))
    if e != 0:
        r0 = np.log(1.0 / abs(e)) + np.log(abs(potfunc(minr)))
        r0 = 1.0
    if r0 == None:
Пример #29
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import six
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from scipy.integrate import quad as quad_integration
from scipy.optimize import minimize as scipy_minimize
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.constants import G

from . import halo_boundary_functions

from ... import model_defaults

newtonG = G.to(u.km * u.km * u.Mpc / (u.Msun * u.s * u.s))

__author__ = ["Andrew Hearin", "Benedikt Diemer"]

__all__ = ["AnalyticDensityProf"]

class AnalyticDensityProf(object):
    r""" Container class for any analytical radial profile model.

    See :ref:`profile_template_tutorial` for a review of the mathematics of
    halo profiles, and a thorough description of how the relevant equations
    are implemented in the `AnalyticDensityProf` source code.

Пример #30
import getrhalfzhao
import SIDM_thermal_nob
from astropy import units
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar, minimize
import numpy as np
import profileclass
from scipy import interpolate
import getrhalfnfw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.constants import G
GN = G.to(units.kpc**3 / units.M_sun / (units.s)**2)

def getafromsidm(vmax,
                 minr=.01 * units.kpc,

    pnfw = profileclass.NFW(vmax=vmax, rmax=rmax, rvir=rvir)
    delta = (pnfw.mvir / (4.0 / 3 * np.pi * rvir**3)).to(units.M_sun /
Пример #31
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.constants import G

# import plotting modules
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

# my modules
from ReadFile import Read
from CenterOfMass import CenterOfMass

# Gravitational Constant
# converting G to units of kpc*km^2/s^2/Msun
G = G.to(u.kpc*u.km**2/u.s**2/u.Msun) # 4.498768e-6*u.kpc**3/u.Gyr**2/u.Msun

class MassProfile:
    # Class to define the Mass and Rotation Curve of a Galaxy
    def __init__(self, galaxy, snap):
    # Initialize the instance of this Class with the following properties:
    # galaxy :  string, e.g. "MW"
    #  snap :  integer, e.g  1
        # Determine Filename
        # add a string of the filenumber to the value "000"
        ilbl = '000' + str(snap)
        # remove all but the last 3 digits
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
Пример #32
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from astropy.constants import G as Ggrav

from .low_level_utils import fast_dist

G = Ggrav.to('kpc Msun**-1 km**2 s**-2').value

def all_profiles(bins,
                 pbar_msg='Making profiles"',
    assumes all positions and velocities are rotated in the same way, such 
        that the angular momentum axis aligns with the z axis

    if two_dimensional == False, then compute: 
        M(<r), M(r), rho = M(r)/dV, Vcirc = sqrt(GM(<r)/r), mag J(r), mag J(<r), J_z(r), J_z(<r)  
    if two_dimensional == True, then compute:
        M(<R), M(R), rho = M(R)/dA, Vcirc = mean(vx**2 + vy**2), mag J(R), mag J(<R), J_z(R), J_z(<R)

    :bins : array-like : sorted (from small to large) bin edges to use
    :positions : array-like :  particle positions, rotated such that z aligns with angular momentum axis