Пример #1
def _create_report_overview(data):
    """Number of hits, pages, visits, visitors and bandwith."""
    empty_stats = {'hits': 0,
                   'pages': 0,
                   'bandwidth': 0,
                   'visits': 0}
    report = {}
    all_time = empty_stats.copy()
    if 'DAY' in data:
        for yyyymm, d in data['DAY'].items():
            yyyy = yyyymm[:4]
            year = report.get(yyyy, None)
            if year is None:
                year = report[yyyy] = empty_stats.copy()
            month = empty_stats.copy()
            for day in range(1, 1 + get_number_of_days(yyyymm)):
                yyyymmdd = '%s%02d' % (yyyymm, day)
                info = d.get(yyyymmdd, {})
                day_data = {'visitors': 0}  # not reported by AWStats
                for key in ('hits', 'pages', 'bandwidth', 'visits'):
                    day_data[key] = int(info.get(key, 0))
                    month[key] += day_data[key]
                    year[key] += day_data[key]
                    all_time[key] += day_data[key]
                report[yyyymmdd] = day_data
            month['visitors'] = data['GENERAL'][yyyymm]['TotalUnique'][0]
            report[yyyymm] = month
    report['all-time'] = all_time  # FIXME: not used (yet)
    return report
Пример #2
def _create_report_overview(data):
    """Number of hits, pages, visits, visitors and bandwith."""
    empty_stats = {'hits': 0, 'pages': 0, 'bandwidth': 0, 'visits': 0}
    report = {}
    all_time = empty_stats.copy()
    for yyyymm, d in data['DAY'].items():
        yyyy = yyyymm[:4]
        year = report.get(yyyy, None)
        if year is None:
            year = report[yyyy] = empty_stats.copy()
        month = empty_stats.copy()
        for day in range(1, 1 + get_number_of_days(yyyymm)):
            yyyymmdd = '%s%02d' % (yyyymm, day)
            info = d.get(yyyymmdd, {})
            day_data = {'visitors': 0}  # not reported by AWStats
            for key in ('hits', 'pages', 'bandwidth', 'visits'):
                day_data[key] = int(info.get(key, 0))
                month[key] += day_data[key]
                year[key] += day_data[key]
                all_time[key] += day_data[key]
            report[yyyymmdd] = day_data
        month['visitors'] = data['GENERAL'][yyyymm]['TotalUnique'][0]
        report[yyyymm] = month
    report['all-time'] = all_time  # FIXME: not used (yet)
    return report
Пример #3
 def _call_fut(self, yyyymm):
     from awstatic.utils import get_number_of_days
     return get_number_of_days(yyyymm)
Пример #4
 def _call_fut(self, yyyymm):
     from awstatic.utils import get_number_of_days
     return get_number_of_days(yyyymm)