Пример #1
  def email_trustees_2(self, election, body):
    user, api_client, election = self.check(election, True)

    # the message to email
    message = """

Your Trustee homepage for election "%s" is:

Your password is:

The Helios Voting System

    subject = "Trustee Information for %s" % election.name

    trustees = election.get_keyshares()
    for trustee in trustees:
      full_body = message % (body, election.name, config.webroot + ('/elections/%s/trustees/%s/home' % (election.election_id, utils.urlencode(trustee.email))), trustee.password)

      # send out the emails for the shares
      mail.simple_send([trustee.email],[trustee.email],"Helios","*****@*****.**", subject, full_body)
    return "DONE"
Пример #2
    def email_trustees_2(self, election, body):
        user, api_client, election = self.check(election, True)

        # the message to email
        message = """

Your Trustee homepage for election "%s" is:

Your password is:

The Helios Voting System

        subject = "Trustee Information for %s" % election.name

        trustees = election.get_keyshares()
        for trustee in trustees:
            full_body = message % (
                body, election.name, config.webroot +
                ('/elections/%s/trustees/%s/home' %
                 (election.election_id, utils.urlencode(trustee.email))),

            # send out the emails for the shares
            mail.simple_send([trustee.email], [trustee.email], "Helios",
                             "*****@*****.**", subject, full_body)

        return "DONE"
Пример #3
    def submit(self, voter, email, password, encrypted_vote):
    A voter submits her encrypted vote.
        election = self.parent
        election_obj = election.toElection()

        # if election has results already
        if election.result_json:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, "Tally Already Computed")

        # password check
        if not voter.password == password:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(403, "Bad Password")

        # set in DB

        # send a confirmation email
        mail_body = """
Dear %s,

Your vote in election "%s" was recorded.

For your verification, we include below the fingerprint of your encrypted vote:

And, as a reminder, the fingerprint of the election itself is:

The Helios Voting System
""" % (voter.name, election_obj.name, voter.get_vote_hash(), election_obj.hash)

        mail.simple_send([voter.name], [voter.email], "Helios",
                         "*****@*****.**", "your vote was recorded", mail_body)

        return SUCCESS
Пример #4
  def submit(self, voter, email, password, encrypted_vote):
    A voter submits her encrypted vote.
    election = self.parent
    election_obj = election.toElection()

    # if election has results already
    if election.result_json:
      raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, "Tally Already Computed")
    # password check
    if not voter.password == password:
      raise cherrypy.HTTPError(403, "Bad Password")

    # set in DB
    # send a confirmation email
    mail_body = """
Dear %s,

Your vote in election "%s" was recorded.

For your verification, we include below the fingerprint of your encrypted vote:

And, as a reminder, the fingerprint of the election itself is:

The Helios Voting System
""" % (voter.name, election_obj.name, voter.get_vote_hash(), election_obj.hash)

    mail.simple_send([voter.name],[voter.email], "Helios", "*****@*****.**", "your vote was recorded", mail_body)

    return SUCCESS
Пример #5
  def voters_email_2(self, election, introductory_message, voter_ids=None, after=None, limit=None):
    Send email to voters of an election.
    user, api_client, election = self.check(election, True, True)

    if after:
      after = str(after)
    if limit:
      limit = int(limit)
    if voter_ids:
      raw_voter_id_list = voter_ids.split(",")

      voter_id_list = []
      if after:
        # adjust the list given the value of "after"
        copy_p = False
        copy_p = True

      # mimicking after and limit
      for v_id in raw_voter_id_list:
        if copy_p:
        if (not copy_p) and (v_id == after):
          copy_p = True
        if len(voter_id_list) >= limit:
      voters = [do.Voter.selectById(voter_id) for voter_id in voter_id_list]
      for voter in voters:
        if election.election_id != voter.election.election_id:
          self.error('bad voter')
      voters = election.get_voters(after=after, limit=limit)

    last_id = None
    # send as the owner of the election
    if user:
      sender_email = user.email_address
      sender_email = "*****@*****.**"

    for voter in voters:
      logging.info("sending email to %s" % voter.email)
      message_header = u"""
Dear %s,

""" % voter.name

      message_footer = u"""

Election URL: %s
Direct Voting URL: %s
Election Fingerprint: %s

Your email address: %s
Your password: %s

via the Helios Voting System
""" % ((config.webroot + '/elections/%s/view')%election.election_id, (config.webroot + '/elections/%s/vote')%election.election_id, election.toElection().get_hash(), voter.email, voter.password, sender_email)

      message = message_header
      message += unicode(introductory_message)
      message += message_footer

      mail.simple_send([voter.name], [voter.email], "Helios", sender_email,"Voting in Election %s" % election.name, message)
      last_id = voter.voter_id
    # did we get less than the limit? if so, done
    if limit and len(voters) < limit:
      last_id = None

    # hack for now, no more batching
    return last_id or "DONE"
Пример #6
    def voters_email_2(self,
    Send email to voters of an election.
        user, api_client, election = self.check(election, True, True)

        if after:
            after = str(after)
        if limit:
            limit = int(limit)

        if voter_ids:
            raw_voter_id_list = voter_ids.split(",")

            voter_id_list = []

            if after:
                # adjust the list given the value of "after"
                copy_p = False
                copy_p = True

            # mimicking after and limit
            for v_id in raw_voter_id_list:
                if copy_p:

                if (not copy_p) and (v_id == after):
                    copy_p = True

                if len(voter_id_list) >= limit:

            voters = [
                do.Voter.selectById(voter_id) for voter_id in voter_id_list
            for voter in voters:
                if election.election_id != voter.election.election_id:
                    self.error('bad voter')
            voters = election.get_voters(after=after, limit=limit)

        last_id = None

        # send as the owner of the election
        if user:
            sender_email = user.email_address
            sender_email = "*****@*****.**"

        for voter in voters:
            logging.info("sending email to %s" % voter.email)
            message_header = u"""
Dear %s,

""" % voter.name

            message_footer = u"""

Election URL: %s
Direct Voting URL: %s
Election Fingerprint: %s

Your email address: %s
Your password: %s

via the Helios Voting System
""" % ((config.webroot + '/elections/%s/view') % election.election_id,
            (config.webroot + '/elections/%s/vote') % election.election_id,
            election.toElection().get_hash(), voter.email, voter.password,

            message = message_header
            message += unicode(introductory_message)
            message += message_footer

            mail.simple_send([voter.name], [voter.email], "Helios",
                             "Voting in Election %s" % election.name, message)

            last_id = voter.voter_id

        # did we get less than the limit? if so, done
        if limit and len(voters) < limit:
            last_id = None

        # hack for now, no more batching
        return last_id or "DONE"