def GaborFilter_(img, blockSize, wl, dire, sigma=20):
    imgout = np.zeros_like(img)
    O = block_view(imgout, (blockSize, blockSize))
    B = block_view(img, (blockSize, blockSize))
    for w, d, o, b in zip(wl, dire, O, B):
        kernel = map(
            lambda w, d: cv2.getGaborKernel(
                (blockSize, blockSize), sigma, d, w, 1), w, d)
        o[:, :] = np.asarray(
            map(lambda x, kernel: cv2.filter2D(x, -1, kernel), b, kernel))
    return imgout
def GaborFilter(img, blockSize, wl, dire, sigma=20):
    """Gabor Filter
    img: input image
    blockSize: size of a block
    wl: wavelength
    dire: direction
    return: filtered image
    img = img.astype(np.float64)
    imgout = img.copy()
    kernel = np.zeros((img.shape[0] / blockSize * (blockSize + 1),
                       img.shape[1] / blockSize * (blockSize + 1)))
    K = block_view(kernel, (blockSize + 1, blockSize + 1))
    for k, w, d in zip(K, wl, dire):
        k[:, :] = np.asarray(
                lambda w, d: cv2.getGaborKernel(
                    (blockSize + 1, blockSize + 1), sigma, d, w, 1), w, d))
    for i in xrange(blockSize / 2, img.shape[0] - blockSize / 2):
        block_i = i / blockSize
        for j in xrange(blockSize / 2, img.shape[1] - blockSize / 2):
            block_j = j / blockSize
            imgout[i, j] = np.sum(K[block_i, block_j][::-1, ::-1] *
                                  img[i - blockSize / 2:i + blockSize / 2 + 1,
                                      j - blockSize / 2:j + blockSize / 2 + 1])

    imgout[np.where(imgout > 255)] = 255
    imgout[np.where(imgout < 0)] = 0
    return imgout
def calcWlDire(img, blockSize):
    wl = np.zeros((img.shape[0] / blockSize, img.shape[1] / blockSize))
    dire = np.zeros((img.shape[0] / blockSize, img.shape[1] / blockSize))
    B = block_view(img, (blockSize, blockSize))
    for w, d, b in zip(wl, dire, B):
        a = map(lambda x: blkWlDire(x), b)
        w[:] = map(lambda x: x[0], a)
        d[:] = map(lambda x: x[1], a)
    return wl, dire
def calcWl(img, blockSize):
    """calculation wavelength of every blocks in a given image
    wl = np.zeros((img.shape[0] / blockSize, img.shape[1] / blockSize))
    B = block_view(img, (blockSize, blockSize))
    for w, b in zip(wl, B):
        w[:] = map(lambda b: blkwl(b), b)
    # Gaussian smoothing
    gaussianBlurSigma = 4
    gaussian_block = 7
    wl = cv2.GaussianBlur(wl, (gaussian_block, gaussian_block),
                          gaussianBlurSigma, gaussianBlurSigma)
    return wl
Пример #5
def segmentation(img, blockSize=8, h=352, w=288):
    add0 = (16 - img.shape[0] % 16) / 2
    add1 = (16 - img.shape[1] % 16) / 2
    img = np.vstack((255 * np.ones((add0, img.shape[1])), img, 255 * np.ones(
        (add0, img.shape[1]))))
    img = np.hstack((255 * np.ones((img.shape[0], add1)), img, 255 * np.ones(
        (img.shape[0], add1))))
    img = np.uint8(img)
    #               BASED TECHNIQUE
    sobel_x = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]])
    sobel_y = np.array([[1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -1]])
    par_x = convolve2d(img, sobel_x, mode='same')
    par_y = convolve2d(img, sobel_y, mode='same')
    stdx = blockproc(par_x, np.std, (blockSize, blockSize), True)
    stdy = blockproc(par_y, np.std, (blockSize, blockSize), True)
    grddev = stdx + stdy
    threshold = 90
    index = grddev[1:-1, 1:-1].copy()
    index[np.where(index < threshold)] = 0
    index[np.where(index >= threshold)] = 1
    a = np.zeros(grddev.shape)
    a[1:-1, 1:-1] = index
    index = a

    valid = np.zeros(img.shape)
    valid_b = block_view(valid, (blockSize, blockSize))
    valid_b[:] = index[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]

    kernel = np.ones((8, 8), np.uint8)
    # first dilate to delete the invalid value inside the fingerprint region
    valid = cv2.dilate(valid, kernel, iterations=3)
    # then erode more to delete the valid value outside the fingerprint region
    valid = cv2.erode(valid, kernel, iterations=10)
    # dilate again to increase the valid value area in compensate for the lose
    # due to erosion in the last step
    valid = cv2.dilate(valid, kernel, iterations=5)

    img[np.where(valid == 0)] = 255
    # align the image
    #img=align(img, valid)
    return cut(img, valid, h, w)
Пример #6
def GaborFilterBox(img, blockSize, boxSize, wl, dire, sigma=20):
    """Gabor Filter
    img: input image
    blockSize: size of a block
    wl: wavelength
    dire: direction
    return: filtered image
    img = img.astype(np.float64)
    N, M = img.shape
    imgout = img.copy()
    kernel = np.zeros((img.shape[0] / boxSize * (blockSize + 1),
                       img.shape[1] / boxSize * (blockSize + 1)))
    K = block_view(kernel, (blockSize + 1, blockSize + 1))
    for k, w, d in zip(K, wl, dire):
        k[:, :] = np.asarray([
            cv2.getGaborKernel((blockSize, blockSize), sigma, d_, w_, 1, 0)
            for w_, d_ in zip(w, d)

    ii = -1
    for i in xrange(blockSize / 2, N - blockSize / 2):
        ii = (i - blockSize / 2) / boxSize
        if ii >= N / boxSize:
        a = i - blockSize / 2
        b = a + blockSize + 1
        img0 = img[a:b]
        jj = -1
        for j in xrange(blockSize / 2, M - blockSize / 2):
            jj = (j - blockSize / 2) / boxSize
            if jj >= M / boxSize:
            c = j - blockSize / 2
            d = c + blockSize + 1
            imgout[i, j] = np.sum(K[ii, jj] * img0[:, c:d])

#    imgout[np.where(imgout>255)]=255;imgout[np.where(imgout<0)]=0

    return imgout
Пример #7
blockSize = 8

img = cv2.imread(path + '105_1.tif', 0)
add0 = (16 - img.shape[0] % 16) / 2
add1 = (16 - img.shape[1] % 16) / 2
img = np.vstack((255 * np.ones((add0, img.shape[1])), img, 255 * np.ones(
    (add0, img.shape[1]))))
img = np.hstack((255 * np.ones((img.shape[0], add1)), img, 255 * np.ones(
    (img.shape[0], add1))))
img = np.uint8(img)

img_b = block_view(img, (32, 32))

sobel_x = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]])
sobel_y = np.array([[1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -1]])
par_x = convolve2d(img, sobel_x, mode='same')
par_y = convolve2d(img, sobel_y, mode='same')


stdx = basic.blockproc(par_x, np.std, (blockSize, blockSize), True)
stdy = basic.blockproc(par_y, np.std, (blockSize, blockSize), True)
grddev = stdx + stdy
threshold = 100
index = grddev[1:-1, 1:-1].copy()