Пример #1
def main(config_file, fc_dir, run_info_yaml=None):
    with open(config_file) as in_handle:
        config = yaml.load(in_handle)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, LOG_NAME)

    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        run_main(config, config_file, fc_dir, run_info_yaml)
Пример #2
def main(config_file, fc_dir, run_info_yaml=None):
    with open(config_file) as in_handle:
        config = yaml.load(in_handle)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, LOG_NAME)
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        run_main(config, config_file, fc_dir, run_info_yaml)
Пример #3
def main(config_file, fc_dir, project_dir, run_info_yaml=None, fc_alias=None, project_desc=None, lanes=None):
    if project_desc is None and lanes is None:
        log.error("No project description or lanes provided: cannot deliver files without this information")

    config = load_config(config_file)
    ## Set log file in project output directory
    config.update(log_dir=os.path.join(project_dir, "log"))
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, log.name)

    fc_dir = os.path.normpath(fc_dir)
    fc_name, fc_date, run_info = get_run_info(fc_dir, config, run_info_yaml)
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        run_info = prune_run_info_by_description(run_info['details'], project_desc, lanes)
    if len(run_info) == 0:
        log.error("No lanes found with matching description %s: please check your flowcell run information" % project_desc)

    dirs = dict(fc_dir=fc_dir, project_dir=project_dir)
    fc_name, fc_date = get_flowcell_id(run_info, dirs['fc_dir'])
    config.update(fc_name = fc_name, fc_date = fc_date)
    config.update(fc_alias = "%s_%s" % (fc_date, fc_name) if not fc_alias else fc_alias)
    dirs.update(fc_delivery_dir = os.path.join(dirs['project_dir'], options.data_prefix, config['fc_alias'] ))
    dirs.update(data_delivery_dir = os.path.join(dirs['project_dir'], options.data_prefix, "%s_%s" %(fc_date, fc_name) ))
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        config = _make_delivery_directory(dirs, config)
        _save_run_info(run_info, dirs['fc_delivery_dir'], run_exit=options.only_run_info)
        run_main(run_info, config, dirs)
Пример #4
def main(local_config, post_config_file=None,
         process_msg=True, store_msg=True, qseq=True, fastq=True):
    config = load_config(local_config)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config)

    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        search_for_new(config, local_config, post_config_file,
                       process_msg, store_msg, qseq, fastq)
Пример #5
def main(local_config, post_config_file=None, fetch_msg=True, process_msg=True, store_msg=True, 
         backup_msg=False, qseq=True, fastq=True, remove_qseq=False, compress_fastq=False, casava=False):
    config = load_config(local_config)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, True)

    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        search_for_new(config, local_config, post_config_file, fetch_msg, \
            process_msg, store_msg, backup_msg, qseq, fastq, remove_qseq, compress_fastq, casava)
Пример #6
def main(galaxy_config, processing_config):
    amqp_config = read_galaxy_amqp_config(galaxy_config)
    config = load_config(processing_config)
    store_tag = config["msg_store_tag"]
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, LOG_NAME)
    handlers = [(store_tag, store_handler(config, store_tag))]
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        message_reader(handlers, amqp_config)
Пример #7
def main(galaxy_config, processing_config):
    amqp_config = read_galaxy_amqp_config(galaxy_config)
    config = load_config(processing_config)
    store_tag = config["msg_store_tag"]
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, LOG_NAME)
    handlers = [(store_tag, store_handler(config, store_tag))]
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        message_reader(handlers, amqp_config)
Пример #8
def main(galaxy_config, local_config, process_msg=True, store_msg=True,
         qseq=True, fastq=True):
    amqp_config = _read_amqp_config(galaxy_config)
    with open(local_config) as in_handle:
        config = yaml.load(in_handle)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, LOG_NAME)
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        search_for_new(config, amqp_config, process_msg, store_msg, qseq, fastq)
Пример #9
def main(local_config, post_config_file=None,
         process_msg=True, store_msg=True, qseq=True, fastq=True):
    config = load_config(local_config)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, LOG_NAME)

    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        search_for_new(config, local_config, post_config_file,
                       process_msg, store_msg, qseq, fastq)
Пример #10
def main(*args, **kwargs):
    local_config = args[0]
    post_process_config = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
    kwargs["post_process_config"] = post_process_config
    config = load_config(local_config)

    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, True)
    with log_handler.threadbound():
        search_for_new(config, local_config, **kwargs)
Пример #11
def main(galaxy_config, processing_config):
    amqp_config = _read_amqp_config(galaxy_config)
    with open(processing_config) as in_handle:
        config = yaml.load(in_handle)
    store_tag = config["msg_store_tag"]
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, LOG_NAME)
    handlers = [(store_tag, store_handler(config, store_tag))]
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        message_reader(handlers, amqp_config)
Пример #12
def main(galaxy_config, processing_config):
    amqp_config = _read_amqp_config(galaxy_config)
    with open(processing_config) as in_handle:
        config = yaml.load(in_handle)
    store_tag = config["msg_store_tag"]
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, LOG_NAME)
    handlers = [(store_tag, store_handler(config, store_tag))]
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        message_reader(handlers, amqp_config)
Пример #13
def long_term_storage(remote_info, config_file):
    config = load_config(config_file)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, log.name)
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        log.info("Copying run data over to remote storage: %s" %
        log.debug("The contents from AMQP for this dataset are:\n %s" %
        _copy_for_storage(remote_info, config)
Пример #14
def analyze_and_upload(remote_info, config_file):
    """Main entry point for analysis and upload to Galaxy.
    config = load_config(config_file)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, log.name)
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        fc_dir = _copy_from_sequencer(remote_info, config)
        analysis_dir = _run_analysis(fc_dir, remote_info, config, config_file)
        _upload_to_galaxy(fc_dir, analysis_dir, remote_info,
                          config, config_file)
Пример #15
def main(galaxy_config,
    amqp_config = _read_amqp_config(galaxy_config)
    with open(local_config) as in_handle:
        config = yaml.load(in_handle)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, LOG_NAME)
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        search_for_new(config, amqp_config, process_msg, store_msg, qseq,
Пример #16
def main(config_file, fc_dir, run_info_yaml=None):
    config = load_config(config_file)
    work_dir = os.getcwd()
    if config.get("log_dir", None) is None:
        config["log_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "log")

    def insert_command(record):
        record.extra["command"] = sys.argv
        record.extra["version"] = version.get_pipeline_version()

    handler = create_log_handler(config)
    with handler, logbook.Processor(insert_command):

        run_main(config, config_file, fc_dir, work_dir, run_info_yaml)
Пример #17
def main(config_file, fc_dir, run_info_yaml=None):
    config = load_config(config_file)
    work_dir = os.getcwd()
    if config.get("log_dir", None) is None:
        config["log_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "log")

    def insert_command(record):
        record.extra["command"] = sys.argv
        record.extra["version"] = version.get_pipeline_version()

    handler = create_log_handler(config)
    with handler, \

        run_main(config, config_file, fc_dir, work_dir, run_info_yaml)
Пример #18
def report_to_statusdb(fc_name, fc_date, run_info_yaml, dirs, config):
    Create statusdb report on a couchdb server.

    A FlowcellQCMetrics object holds information about a flowcell. QC
    results are stored at the flowcell level and sample level
    depending on analysis. Lane level QC data are stored in the
    FlowcellQCMetrics object.
    success = True
        statusdb_config = config.get("statusdb", None)
        if statusdb_config is None:
                "Could not find statusdb section in configuration. No statusdb reporting will be done"
            return False

        statusdb_url = statusdb_config.get("url", None)
        if statusdb_url is None:
            log.warn("No url field found in statusdb configuration section.")
            return False

        # Add email notification
        email = statusdb_config.get("statusdb_email_notification", None)
        smtp_host = config.get("smtp_host", "")
        smtp_port = config.get("smtp_port", "")
        log_handler = create_log_handler(
                'email': email,
                'smtp_host': smtp_host,
                'smtp_port': smtp_port
            }, True)

        with log_handler.applicationbound():
            with logbook.Processor(lambda record: record.extra.__setitem__(
                    'run', "%s_%s" % (fc_date, fc_name))):
                    "Started creating QC Metrics report on statusdb for %s_%s on %s"
                    % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.now().isoformat()))

                # Create object and parse all available metrics; no checking
                # is currently done for missing files
                    qc_obj = FlowcellQCMetrics(fc_date, fc_name, run_info_yaml,
                                               dirs.get("work", None),
                                               dirs.get("flowcell", None))
                    qc_obj = None
                # FIXME: error checking!
                if qc_obj is not None:
                        # Save data at a sample level
                        log.info("Connecting to server at %s" % statusdb_url)
                            couch = couchdb.Server(url="http://%s" %
                            log.warn("Connecting to server at %s failed" %
                        log.info("Connecting to server at %s succeeded" %
                        db = couch['qc']
                        # Save samples
                        for s in qc_obj.sample.keys():
                            obj = qc_obj.sample[s]
                            log.info("Saving sample %s" % obj.name())
                            _save_obj(db, obj, statusdb_url)
                        # Save flowcell object
                        _save_obj(db, qc_obj, statusdb_url)
                    except Exception as e:
                        success = False
                        "Couldn't populate FlowcellQCMetrics object. No QC data written to statusdb for %s_%s"
                        % (fc_date, fc_name))
                    success = False
            if success:
                log.info("QC Metrics report successfully written to statusdb for %s_%s on %s" \
                         % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.now().isoformat()))
                log.warn("Encountered exception when writing to statusdb for %s_%s on %s" \
                         % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.now().isoformat()))

    except Exception as e:
        success = False
            "Encountered exception when writing QC metrics to statusdb: %s" %

    return success
Пример #19
def create_report_on_gdocs(fc_date, fc_name, run_info_yaml, dirs, config):
    """Create reports on gdocs containing both demultiplexed read counts and QC data.
    success = True
        # Inject the fc_date and fc_name in the email subject
        def record_processor(record):
            return record.extra.__setitem__('run', "%s_%s" % (fc_date, fc_name))

        # Parse the run_info.yaml file
        log.debug("Loading this run_info: {}".format(run_info_yaml))
        with open(run_info_yaml, "r") as fh:
            run_info = yaml.load(fh)

        # Get the gdocs account credentials
        encoded_credentials = get_credentials(config)
        if not encoded_credentials:
            log.warn("Could not find Google Docs account credentials in configuration. \
                      No sequencing report was written")
            return False

        # Get the required parameters from the post_process.yaml configuration file
        gdocs = config.get("gdocs_upload", None)

        # Add email notification
        email = gdocs.get("gdocs_email_notification", None)
        smtp_host = config.get("smtp_host", "")
        smtp_port = config.get("smtp_port", "")
        log_handler = create_log_handler({'email': email, \
                                          'smtp_host': smtp_host, \
                                          'smtp_port': smtp_port}, True)

    except Exception as e:
        success = False
        log.warn("Encountered exception when writing sequencing report to Google Docs: %s" % e)

    with log_handler.applicationbound(), logbook.Processor(record_processor):
            log.info("Started creating sequencing report on Google docs for %s_%s on %s" \
                % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()))

            # Get a flowcell object
            fc = Flowcell(fc_name, fc_date, run_info, dirs.get("work", None))

            # Get the GDocs demultiplex result file title
            gdocs_dmplx_spreadsheet = gdocs.get("gdocs_dmplx_file", None)
            # Get the GDocs QC file title
            gdocs_qc_spreadsheet = gdocs.get("gdocs_qc_file", None)

            # FIXME: Make the bc stuff use the Flowcell module
            if gdocs_dmplx_spreadsheet is not None:
                # Upload the data
                bc_metrics.write_run_report_to_gdocs(fc, fc_date, \
                    fc_name, gdocs_dmplx_spreadsheet, encoded_credentials, append=True)
                log.warn("Could not find Google Docs demultiplex results file \
                    title in configuration. No demultiplex counts were \
                    written to Google Docs for %s_%s" % (fc_date, fc_name))

            # Parse the QC metrics
                qc = RTAQCMetrics(dirs.get("flowcell", None))
                qc = None

            if gdocs_qc_spreadsheet is not None and qc is not None:
                qc_metrics.write_run_report_to_gdocs(fc, qc, gdocs_qc_spreadsheet, encoded_credentials)
                log.warn("Could not find Google Docs QC file title in configuration. " \
                         "No QC data were written to Google Docs " \
                         "for %s_%s".format(fc_date, fc_name))

            # Get the projects parent folder
            projects_folder = gdocs.get("gdocs_projects_folder", None)

            # Write the bc project summary report
            if projects_folder is not None:
                create_project_report_on_gdocs(fc, qc, \
                    encoded_credentials, projects_folder)

        except Exception as e:
            success = False
            log.warn("Encountered exception when writing sequencing report " \
                     "to Google Docs: {}".format(e))

        if success:
            log.info("Sequencing report successfully created on Google " \
                     "docs for {}_{} on {}".format(fc_date, fc_name, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()))
            log.warn("Encountered exception when writing sequencing " \
                     "report for %s_%s to Google docs on %s" \
                     % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()))

    return success
Пример #20
 def _get_log_handler(self, config):
     log_handler = create_log_handler(config, True)
     return log_handler
Пример #21
def create_report_on_gdocs(fc_date, fc_name, run_info_yaml, dirs, config):
    """Create reports on gdocs containing both demultiplexed read counts and QC data.
    success = True
        # Inject the fc_date and fc_name in the email subject
        def record_processor(record):
            return record.extra.__setitem__('run',
                                            "%s_%s" % (fc_date, fc_name))

        # Parse the run_info.yaml file
        log.debug("Loading this run_info: {}".format(run_info_yaml))
        with open(run_info_yaml, "r") as fh:
            run_info = yaml.load(fh)

        # Get the gdocs account credentials
        encoded_credentials = get_credentials(config)
        if not encoded_credentials:
                "Could not find Google Docs account credentials in configuration. \
                      No sequencing report was written")
            return False

        # Get the required parameters from the post_process.yaml configuration file
        gdocs = config.get("gdocs_upload", None)

        # Add email notification
        email = gdocs.get("gdocs_email_notification", None)
        smtp_host = config.get("smtp_host", "")
        smtp_port = config.get("smtp_port", "")
        log_handler = create_log_handler({'email': email, \
                                          'smtp_host': smtp_host, \
                                          'smtp_port': smtp_port}, True)

    except Exception as e:
        success = False
            "Encountered exception when writing sequencing report to Google Docs: %s"
            % e)

    with log_handler.applicationbound(), logbook.Processor(record_processor):
            log.info("Started creating sequencing report on Google docs for %s_%s on %s" \
                % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()))

            # Get a flowcell object
            fc = Flowcell(fc_name, fc_date, run_info, dirs.get("work", None))

            # Get the GDocs demultiplex result file title
            gdocs_dmplx_spreadsheet = gdocs.get("gdocs_dmplx_file", None)
            # Get the GDocs QC file title
            gdocs_qc_spreadsheet = gdocs.get("gdocs_qc_file", None)

            # FIXME: Make the bc stuff use the Flowcell module
            if gdocs_dmplx_spreadsheet is not None:
                # Upload the data
                bc_metrics.write_run_report_to_gdocs(fc, fc_date, \
                    fc_name, gdocs_dmplx_spreadsheet, encoded_credentials, append=True)
                log.warn("Could not find Google Docs demultiplex results file \
                    title in configuration. No demultiplex counts were \
                    written to Google Docs for %s_%s" % (fc_date, fc_name))

            # Parse the QC metrics
                qc = RTAQCMetrics(dirs.get("flowcell", None))
                qc = None

            if gdocs_qc_spreadsheet is not None and qc is not None:
                qc_metrics.write_run_report_to_gdocs(fc, qc,
                log.warn("Could not find Google Docs QC file title in configuration. " \
                         "No QC data were written to Google Docs " \
                         "for %s_%s".format(fc_date, fc_name))

            # Get the projects parent folder
            projects_folder = gdocs.get("gdocs_projects_folder", None)

            # Write the bc project summary report
            if projects_folder is not None:
                create_project_report_on_gdocs(fc, qc, \
                    encoded_credentials, projects_folder)

        except Exception as e:
            success = False
            log.warn("Encountered exception when writing sequencing report " \
                     "to Google Docs: {}".format(e))

        if success:
            log.info("Sequencing report successfully created on Google " \
                     "docs for {}_{} on {}".format(fc_date, fc_name, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()))
            log.warn("Encountered exception when writing sequencing " \
                     "report for %s_%s to Google docs on %s" \
                     % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()))

    return success
Пример #22
def long_term_storage(remote_info, config_file):
    with open(config_file) as in_handle:
        config = yaml.load(in_handle)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, log.name)
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        _copy_for_storage(remote_info, config)
Пример #23
 def _get_log_handler(self, config):
     log_handler = create_log_handler(config, True)
     return log_handler
Пример #24
def report_to_statusdb(fc_name, fc_date, run_info_yaml, dirs, config):
    Create statusdb report on a couchdb server.

    A FlowcellQCMetrics object holds information about a flowcell. QC
    results are stored at the flowcell level and sample level
    depending on analysis. Lane level QC data are stored in the
    FlowcellQCMetrics object.
    success = True
        statusdb_config = config.get("statusdb", None)
        if statusdb_config is None:
            log.info("Could not find statusdb section in configuration. No statusdb reporting will be done")
            return False
        statusdb_url =  statusdb_config.get("url", None)
        if statusdb_url is None:
            log.warn("No url field found in statusdb configuration section.")
            return False

        # Add email notification
        email = statusdb_config.get("statusdb_email_notification", None)
        smtp_host = config.get("smtp_host", "")
        smtp_port = config.get("smtp_port", "")
        log_handler = create_log_handler({'email': email, 'smtp_host': smtp_host, 'smtp_port': smtp_port}, True)

        with log_handler.applicationbound():
            with logbook.Processor(lambda record: record.extra.__setitem__('run', "%s_%s" % (fc_date, fc_name))):
                log.info("Started creating QC Metrics report on statusdb for %s_%s on %s" % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.now().isoformat()))

                # Create object and parse all available metrics; no checking
                # is currently done for missing files
                    qc_obj = FlowcellQCMetrics(fc_date, fc_name, run_info_yaml, dirs.get("work", None), dirs.get("flowcell", None))
                    qc_obj = None
                # FIXME: error checking!
                if qc_obj is not None:
                        # Save data at a sample level
                        log.info("Connecting to server at %s" % statusdb_url)
                            couch = couchdb.Server(url="http://%s" % statusdb_url)
                            log.warn("Connecting to server at %s failed" % statusdb_url)
                        log.info("Connecting to server at %s succeeded" % statusdb_url)
                        # Save samples
                        for s in qc_obj.sample.keys():
                            obj = qc_obj.sample[s]
                            log.info("Saving sample %s" % obj.name())
                            _save_obj(db, obj, statusdb_url)
                        # Save flowcell object
                        _save_obj(db, qc_obj, statusdb_url)
                    except Exception as e:
                        success = False
                    log.warn("Couldn't populate FlowcellQCMetrics object. No QC data written to statusdb for %s_%s" % (fc_date, fc_name))
                    success = False
            if success:
                log.info("QC Metrics report successfully written to statusdb for %s_%s on %s" \
                         % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.now().isoformat()))
                log.warn("Encountered exception when writing to statusdb for %s_%s on %s" \
                         % (fc_date, fc_name, datetime.now().isoformat()))

    except Exception as e:
        success = False
        log.warn("Encountered exception when writing QC metrics to statusdb: %s" % e)

    return success
Пример #25
def main(config_file, fc_dir, run_info_yaml=None):
    config = load_config(config_file)
    log_handler = create_log_handler(config, log.name)
    with log_handler.applicationbound():
        run_main(config, config_file, os.path.normpath(fc_dir), run_info_yaml)