Пример #1
def log_response(request, id):	
	b = Benchmark.objects.get(pk=id)
	path = b.logfile
	ov = b.optionvalue.all()
	hw = b.hardware.all()
	ev = ExtraValue.objects.filter(benchmark=b)
	log = ""
	if not path or not os.path.exists(path):
		#read log from git repository containing logs
			from beat.tools.logsave import __init_code__, get_log
			repo = __init_code__()
			log = get_log(repo, path)
		except Exception as e:
			log = "Error: log file not found %s"%e
			#read log from file
			with open(path, 'rb') as file:
				for line in file:
		except IOError:
			log = "IOError while reading from log. Please retry or report a bug."
	return render_to_response('log_response.html', {'ev':ev,'log':log,'b': b, 'ov':ov, 'hardware':hw,}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #2
	def write_to_log(self, lines, filename):
		"""Saves the log contained in lines as a file specified by filename """
		# # # # # # # # # # # # seperate the header
		header_started = False
		i = 0
		done = False
		#iterate 'till we've seen the whole log or when the header ends
		while i < len(lines) and not done:
			if header_started:
				#we're reading the header, check for its end
				if not lines[i].startswith("END OF HEADER"):
					pass # a line of the header is seen
					done = True #stop
			#we're not at the header yet, keep reading 'till we find the start
			elif lines[i].startswith("BEGIN OF HEADER"):
				header_started = True
			#point to the next line
			i += 1
		#split the header off
		lines = lines[i:]
		header= lines[:i]

		f = os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, filename)
		fh = os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, filename + ".header")

		if self.use_dulwich:
			from beat.tools.logsave import create_log, __init_code__, GitFileError
				repo = __init_code__()
				create_log(repo, lines, filename)
				create_log(repo, header, filename + ".header")
			except GitFileError as gfe:
				self.print_message(V_QUIET, "Failed to write log to git repository: %s", gfe.error)
			with open(f, 'wb') as file:
				for x in lines:
			with open(fh, 'wb') as file:
				for x in lines:
		return f