Пример #1
    def delete(self, account=None, identifier=None):
        """ Delete an existing post/comment

            :param str account: (optional) Account to use for deletion. If
                ``account`` is not defined, the ``default_account`` will be
                taken or a ValueError will be raised.

            :param str identifier: (optional) Identifier for the post to delete.
                Takes the form ``@author/permlink``. By default the current post
                will be used.

            .. note:: A post/comment can only be deleted as long as it has no
                      replies and no positive rshares on it.

        if not account:
            if "default_account" in self.blockchain.config:
                account = self.blockchain.config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain)
        if not identifier:
            post_author = self["author"]
            post_permlink = self["permlink"]
            [post_author, post_permlink] = resolve_authorperm(identifier)
        op = operations.Delete_comment(**{
            "author": post_author,
            "permlink": post_permlink
        return self.blockchain.finalizeOp(op, account, "posting")
Пример #2
    def delete(self, account=None, identifier=None):
        """ Delete an existing post/comment

            :param str identifier: Identifier for the post to upvote Takes
                the form ``@author/permlink``
            :param str account: Voter to use for voting. (Optional)

            If ``voter`` is not defines, the ``default_account`` will be taken
            or a ValueError will be raised
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in self.steem.config:
                account = self.steem.config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, steem_instance=self.steem)
        if not identifier:
            post_author = self["author"]
            post_permlink = self["permlink"]
            [post_author, post_permlink] = resolve_authorperm(identifier)
        op = operations.Delete_comment(
            **{"author": post_author,
               "permlink": post_permlink})
        return self.steem.finalizeOp(op, account, "posting")
    def time_delete_comment(self):
        self.op = operations.Delete_comment(
                "author": "turbot",
                "permlink": "testpost",
                "prefix": self.default_prefix
