Пример #1
def bidscoiner_plugin(session: Path, bidsmap: dict, bidsses: Path) -> None:
    The bidscoiner plugin to convert the session DICOM and PAR/REC source-files into BIDS-valid nifti-files in the
    corresponding bids session-folder and extract personals (e.g. Age, Sex) from the source header

    :param session:     The full-path name of the subject/session source folder
    :param bidsmap:     The full mapping heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param bidsses:     The full-path name of the BIDS output `sub-/ses-` folder
    :return:            Nothing

    # Get the subject identifiers and the BIDS root folder from the bidsses folder
    if bidsses.name.startswith('ses-'):
        bidsfolder = bidsses.parent.parent
        subid = bidsses.parent.name
        sesid = bidsses.name
        bidsfolder = bidsses.parent
        subid = bidsses.name
        sesid = ''

    # Get started and see what dataformat we have
    options = bidsmap['Options']['plugins']['dcm2niix2bids']
    datasource = bids.get_datasource(session, {'dcm2niix2bids': options})
    dataformat = datasource.dataformat
    if not dataformat:
        LOGGER.info(f"No {__name__} sourcedata found in: {session}")

    # Make a list of all the data sources / runs
    manufacturer = 'UNKNOWN'
    sources = []
    if dataformat == 'DICOM':
        sources = bidscoin.lsdirs(session)
        manufacturer = datasource.attributes('Manufacturer')
    elif dataformat == 'PAR':
        sources = bids.get_parfiles(session)
        manufacturer = 'Philips Medical Systems'
        LOGGER.exception(f"Unsupported dataformat '{dataformat}'")

    # Read or create a scans_table and tsv-file
    scans_tsv = bidsses / f"{subid}{bids.add_prefix('_',sesid)}_scans.tsv"
    if scans_tsv.is_file():
        scans_table = pd.read_csv(scans_tsv, sep='\t', index_col='filename')
        scans_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=['acq_time'], dtype='str')
        scans_table.index.name = 'filename'

    # Process all the source files or run subfolders
    sourcefile = Path()
    for source in sources:

        # Get a sourcefile
        if dataformat == 'DICOM':
            sourcefile = bids.get_dicomfile(source)
        elif dataformat == 'PAR':
            sourcefile = source
        if not sourcefile.name:

        # Get a matching run from the bidsmap
        datasource = bids.DataSource(sourcefile, {'dcm2niix2bids': options},
        run, match = bids.get_matching_run(datasource, bidsmap, runtime=True)

        # Check if we should ignore this run
        if datasource.datatype in bidsmap['Options']['bidscoin'][
            LOGGER.info(f"Leaving out: {source}")

        # Check if we already know this run
        if not match:
                f"Skipping unknown '{datasource.datatype}' run: {sourcefile}\n-> Re-run the bidsmapper and delete {bidsses} to solve this warning"

        LOGGER.info(f"Processing: {source}")

        # Create the BIDS session/datatype output folder
        if run['bids']['suffix'] in bids.get_derivatives(datasource.datatype):
            outfolder = bidsfolder / 'derivatives' / manufacturer.replace(
                ' ', '') / subid / sesid / datasource.datatype
            outfolder = bidsses / datasource.datatype
        outfolder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Compose the BIDS filename using the matched run
        bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, run, runtime=True)
        runindex = run['bids'].get('run', '')
        if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
            bidsname = bids.increment_runindex(outfolder, bidsname)
        jsonfiles = [
            (outfolder / bidsname).with_suffix('.json')
        ]  # List -> Collect the associated json-files (for updating them later) -- possibly > 1

        # Check if file already exists (-> e.g. when a static runindex is used)
        if (outfolder / bidsname).with_suffix('.json').is_file():
                f"{outfolder/bidsname}.* already exists and will be deleted -- check your results carefully!"
            for ext in ('.nii.gz', '.nii', '.json', '.tsv', '.tsv.gz', '.bval',
                (outfolder / bidsname).with_suffix(ext).unlink(missing_ok=True)

        # Convert physiological log files (dcm2niix can't handle these)
        if run['bids']['suffix'] == 'physio':
            if bids.get_dicomfile(
                    source, 2).name:  # TODO: issue warning or support PAR
                    f"Found > 1 DICOM file in {source}, using: {sourcefile}")
            physiodata = physio.readphysio(sourcefile)
            physio.physio2tsv(physiodata, outfolder / bidsname)

        # Convert the source-files in the run folder to nifti's in the BIDS-folder
            command = '{command} {args} -f "{filename}" -o "{outfolder}" "{source}"'.format(
                args=options.get('args', ''),
            if not bidscoin.run_command(command):
                if not list(outfolder.glob(f"{bidsname}.nii*")): continue
            if list(outfolder.glob(f"{bidsname}a.nii*")):
                    f"Unexpected variants of {outfolder/bidsname}* were produced by dcm2niix. Possibly this can be remedied by using the dcm2niix -i option (to ignore derived, localizer and 2D images)"

            # Replace uncropped output image with the cropped one
            if '-x y' in options.get('args', ''):
                for dcm2niixfile in sorted(
                        outfolder.glob(bidsname +
                                       '*_Crop_*')):  # e.g. *_Crop_1.nii.gz
                    ext = ''.join(dcm2niixfile.suffixes)
                    newbidsfile = str(dcm2niixfile).rsplit(ext, 1)[0].rsplit(
                        '_Crop_', 1)[0] + ext
                        f"Found dcm2niix _Crop_ postfix, replacing original file\n{dcm2niixfile} ->\n{newbidsfile}"

            # Rename all files that got additional postfixes from dcm2niix. See: https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix/blob/master/FILENAMING.md
            dcm2niixpostfixes = ('_c', '_i', '_Eq', '_real', '_imaginary',
                                 '_MoCo', '_t', '_Tilt', '_e', '_ph', '_ADC',
            dcm2niixfiles = sorted(
                    dcm2niixfile for dcm2niixpostfix in dcm2niixpostfixes
                    for dcm2niixfile in outfolder.glob(
            if not jsonfiles[0].is_file(
            ) and dcm2niixfiles:  # Possibly renamed by dcm2niix, e.g. with multi-echo data (but not always for the first echo)
            for dcm2niixfile in dcm2niixfiles:
                ext = ''.join(dcm2niixfile.suffixes)
                postfixes = str(dcm2niixfile).split(bidsname)[1].rsplit(
                newbidsname = dcm2niixfile.name  # Strip the additional postfixes and assign them to bids entities in the for-loop below
                for postfix in postfixes:  # dcm2niix postfixes _c%d, _e%d and _ph (and any combination of these in that order) are for multi-coil data, multi-echo data and phase data

                    # Patch the echo entity in the newbidsname with the dcm2niix echo info                      # NB: We can't rely on the bids-entity info here because manufacturers can e.g. put multiple echos in one series / run-folder
                    if 'echo' in run['bids'] and postfix.startswith('e'):
                        echonr = f"_{postfix}".replace('_e',
                                                       '')  # E.g. postfix='e1'
                        if not echonr:
                            echonr = '1'
                        if echonr.isnumeric():
                            newbidsname = bids.insert_bidskeyval(
                                newbidsname, 'echo', echonr.lstrip('0')
                            )  # In contrast to other labels, run and echo labels MUST be integers. Those labels MAY include zero padding, but this is NOT RECOMMENDED to maintain their uniqueness
                                f"Unexpected postix '{postfix}' found in {dcm2niixfile}"
                            newbidsname = bids.get_bidsvalue(
                                newbidsname, 'dummy', postfix
                            )  # Append the unknown postfix to the acq-label

                    # Patch the phase entity in the newbidsname with the dcm2niix mag/phase info
                    elif 'part' in run['bids'] and postfix in (
                            'ph', 'real', 'imaginary'
                    ):  # e.g. part: ['', 'mag', 'phase', 'real', 'imag', 0]
                        if postfix == 'ph':
                            newbidsname = bids.insert_bidskeyval(
                                newbidsname, 'part', 'phase')
                        if postfix == 'real':
                            newbidsname = bids.insert_bidskeyval(
                                newbidsname, 'part', 'real')
                        if postfix == 'imaginary':
                            newbidsname = bids.insert_bidskeyval(
                                newbidsname, 'part', 'imag')

                    # Patch fieldmap images (NB: datatype=='fmap' is too broad, see the fmap.yaml file)
                    elif run['bids']['suffix'] in bids.bidsdatatypes['fmap'][0][
                            'suffixes']:  # i.e. in ('magnitude','magnitude1','magnitude2','phase1','phase2','phasediff','fieldmap'). TODO: Make this robust for future BIDS versions
                        if len(dcm2niixfiles) not in (
                                1, 2, 3, 4
                        ):  # Phase / echo data may be stored in the same data source / run folder
                                f"Unknown fieldmap {outfolder/bidsname} for '{postfix}'"
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude1a', '_magnitude2'
                        )  # First catch this potential weird / rare case
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude1_pha', '_phase2'
                        )  # First catch this potential weird / rare case
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude1_e1', '_magnitude1'
                        )  # Case 2 = Two phase and magnitude images
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude1_e2', '_magnitude2'
                        )  # Case 2: This can happen when the e2 image is stored in the same directory as the e1 image, but with the e2 listed first
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude2_e1', '_magnitude1'
                        )  # Case 2: This can happen when the e2 image is stored in the same directory as the e1 image, but with the e2 listed first
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude2_e2', '_magnitude2')  # Case 2
                        if len(dcm2niixfiles) in (
                                2, 3
                        ):  # Case 1 = One or two magnitude + one phasediff image
                            newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                                '_magnitude1_ph', '_phasediff')
                            newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                                '_magnitude2_ph', '_phasediff')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phasediff_e1', '_phasediff')  # Case 1
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phasediff_e2', '_phasediff')  # Case 1
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phasediff_ph', '_phasediff')  # Case 1
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude1_ph', '_phase1'
                        )  # Case 2: One or two magnitude and phase images in one folder / datasource
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude2_ph', '_phase2'
                        )  # Case 2: Two magnitude + two phase images in one folder / datasource
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase1_e1', '_phase1')  # Case 2
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase1_e2', '_phase2'
                        )  # Case 2: This can happen when the e2 image is stored in the same directory as the e1 image, but with the e2 listed first
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase2_e1', '_phase1'
                        )  # Case 2: This can happen when the e2 image is stored in the same directory as the e1 image, but with the e2 listed first
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase2_e2', '_phase2')  # Case 2
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase1_ph', '_phase1'
                        )  # Case 2: One or two magnitude and phase images in one folder / datasource
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase2_ph', '_phase2'
                        )  # Case 2: Two magnitude + two phase images in one folder / datasource
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude_e1', '_magnitude'
                        )  # Case 3 = One magnitude + one fieldmap image
                        if len(dcm2niixfiles) == 2:
                            newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                                '_fieldmap_e1', '_magnitude'
                            )  # Case 3: One magnitude + one fieldmap image in one folder / datasource
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_fieldmap_e1', '_fieldmap')  # Case 3
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude_ph', '_fieldmap'
                        )  # Case 3: One magnitude + one fieldmap image in one folder / datasource
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_fieldmap_ph', '_fieldmap')  # Case 3

                    # Append the dcm2niix info to acq-label, may need to be improved / elaborated for future BIDS standards, supporting multi-coil data
                        newbidsname = bids.get_bidsvalue(
                            newbidsname, 'dummy', postfix)

                    # Remove the added postfix from the new bidsname
                    newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(f"_{postfix}_",
                                                      '_')  # If it is not last
                    newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(f"_{postfix}.",
                                                      '.')  # If it is last

                    # The ADC images are not BIDS compliant
                    if postfix == 'ADC':
                            f"The {newbidsname} image is most likely not BIDS-compliant -- you can probably delete it safely and update the scants.tsv file"

                # Save the nifti file with a new name
                if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
                    newbidsname = bids.increment_runindex(
                        outfolder, newbidsname, ''
                    )  # Update the runindex now that the acq-label has changed
                newbidsfile = outfolder / newbidsname
                    f"Found dcm2niix {postfixes} postfixes, renaming\n{dcm2niixfile} ->\n{newbidsfile}"
                if newbidsfile.is_file():
                        f"Overwriting existing {newbidsfile} file -- check your results carefully!"

                # Rename all associated files (i.e. the json-, bval- and bvec-files)
                oldjsonfile = dcm2niixfile.with_suffix('').with_suffix('.json')
                newjsonfile = newbidsfile.with_suffix('').with_suffix('.json')
                if not oldjsonfile.is_file():
                        f"Unexpected file conversion result: {oldjsonfile} not found"
                    if oldjsonfile in jsonfiles:
                    if newjsonfile not in jsonfiles:
                for oldfile in outfolder.glob(
                        dcm2niixfile.with_suffix('').stem + '.*'):

        # Copy over the source meta-data
        metadata = bids.copymetadata(sourcefile, outfolder / bidsname,
                                     options.get('meta', []))

        # Loop over and adapt all the newly produced json sidecar-files and write to the scans.tsv file (NB: assumes every nifti-file comes with a json-file)
        for jsonfile in sorted(set(jsonfiles)):

            # Load the json meta-data
            with jsonfile.open('r') as json_fid:
                jsondata = json.load(json_fid)

            # Add all the source meta data to the meta-data
            for metakey, metaval in metadata.items():
                if jsondata.get(metakey) == metaval:
                        f"Replacing {metakey} values in {jsonfile}: {jsondata[metakey]} -> {metaval}"
                jsondata[metakey] = metaval

            # Add all the run meta data to the meta-data. NB: the dynamic `IntendedFor` value is handled separately later
            for metakey, metaval in run['meta'].items():
                if metakey != 'IntendedFor':
                    metaval = datasource.dynamicvalue(metaval,
                        metaval = ast.literal_eval(str(metaval))
                    except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
                        f"Adding '{metakey}: {metaval}' to: {jsonfile}")
                if not metaval:
                    metaval = None
                jsondata[metakey] = metaval

            # Remove unused (but added from the template) B0FieldIdentifiers/Sources
            if not jsondata.get('B0FieldSource'):
                jsondata.pop('B0FieldSource', None)
            if not jsondata.get('B0FieldIdentifier'):
                jsondata.pop('B0FieldIdentifier', None)

            # Save the meta-data to the json sidecar-file
            with jsonfile.open('w') as json_fid:
                json.dump(jsondata, json_fid, indent=4)

            # Parse the acquisition time from the source header or else from the json file (NB: assuming the source file represents the first acquisition)
            outputfile = [
                file for file in jsonfile.parent.glob(jsonfile.stem + '.*')
                if file.suffix in ('.nii', '.gz')
            ]  # Find the corresponding nifti/tsv.gz file (there should be only one, let's not make assumptions about the .gz extension)
            if not outputfile:
                    f"No data-file found with {jsonfile} when updating {scans_tsv}"
            elif datasource.datatype not in bidsmap['Options']['bidscoin'][
                    'bidsignore'] and not run['bids'][
                        'suffix'] in bids.get_derivatives(datasource.datatype):
                acq_time = ''
                if dataformat == 'DICOM':
                    acq_time = f"{datasource.attributes('AcquisitionDate')}T{datasource.attributes('AcquisitionTime')}"
                elif dataformat == 'PAR':
                    acq_time = datasource.attributes('exam_date')
                if not acq_time or acq_time == 'T':
                    acq_time = f"1925-01-01T{jsondata.get('AcquisitionTime','')}"
                    acq_time = dateutil.parser.parse(acq_time)
                    if options.get('anon', 'y') in ('y', 'yes'):
                        acq_time = acq_time.replace(
                            year=1925, month=1, day=1
                        )  # Privacy protection (see BIDS specification)
                    acq_time = acq_time.isoformat()
                except Exception as jsonerror:
                        f"Could not parse the acquisition time from: {sourcefile}\n{jsonerror}"
                    acq_time = 'n/a'
                scanpath = outputfile[0].relative_to(bidsses)
                scans_table.loc[scanpath.as_posix(), 'acq_time'] = acq_time

    # Write the scans_table to disk
    LOGGER.info(f"Writing acquisition time data to: {scans_tsv}")
    scans_table.sort_values(by=['acq_time', 'filename'], inplace=True)
    scans_table.replace('', 'n/a').to_csv(scans_tsv,

    # Collect personal data from a source header (PAR/XML does not contain personal info)
    personals = {}
    if sesid and 'session_id' not in personals:
        personals['session_id'] = sesid
    personals['age'] = ''
    if dataformat == 'DICOM':
        age = datasource.attributes(
        )  # A string of characters with one of the following formats: nnnD, nnnW, nnnM, nnnY
        if age.endswith('D'): age = float(age.rstrip('D')) / 365.2524
        elif age.endswith('W'): age = float(age.rstrip('W')) / 52.1775
        elif age.endswith('M'): age = float(age.rstrip('M')) / 12
        elif age.endswith('Y'): age = float(age.rstrip('Y'))
        if age:
            if options.get('anon', 'y') in ('y', 'yes'):
                age = int(float(age))
            personals['age'] = str(age)
        personals['sex'] = datasource.attributes('PatientSex')
        personals['size'] = datasource.attributes('PatientSize')
        personals['weight'] = datasource.attributes('PatientWeight')

    # Store the collected personals in the participants_table
    participants_tsv = bidsfolder / 'participants.tsv'
    if participants_tsv.is_file():
        participants_table = pd.read_csv(participants_tsv, sep='\t', dtype=str)
        participants_table = pd.DataFrame()
        participants_table.index.name = 'participant_id'
    if subid in participants_table.index and 'session_id' in participants_table.keys(
    ) and participants_table.loc[subid, 'session_id']:
        return  # Only take data from the first session -> BIDS specification
    for key in personals:  # TODO: Check that only values that are consistent over sessions go in the participants.tsv file, otherwise put them in a sessions.tsv file
        if key not in participants_table or participants_table[key].isnull(
        ).get(subid, True) or participants_table[key].get(subid) == 'n/a':
            participants_table.loc[subid, key] = personals[key]

    # Write the collected data to the participants tsv-file
    LOGGER.info(f"Writing {subid} subject data to: {participants_tsv}")
    participants_table.replace('', 'n/a').to_csv(participants_tsv,
Пример #2
def bidsmapper_plugin(session: Path, bidsmap_new: dict, bidsmap_old: dict,
                      template: dict, store: dict) -> None:
    All the logic to map the DICOM/PAR source fields onto bids labels go into this function

    :param session:     The full-path name of the subject/session raw data source folder
    :param bidsmap_new: The new study bidsmap that we are building
    :param bidsmap_old: The previous study bidsmap that has precedence over the template bidsmap
    :param template:    The template bidsmap with the default heuristics
    :param store:       The paths of the source- and target-folder

    # Get started
    plugin = {
        'dcm2niix2bids': bidsmap_new['Options']['plugins']['dcm2niix2bids']
    datasource = bids.get_datasource(session, plugin)
    dataformat = datasource.dataformat
    if not dataformat:

    # Collect the different DICOM/PAR source files for all runs in the session
    sourcefiles = []
    if dataformat == 'DICOM':
        for sourcedir in bidscoin.lsdirs(session):
            for n in range(
            ):  # Option: Use range(2) to scan two files and catch e.g. magnitude1/2 fieldmap files that are stored in one Series folder (but bidscoiner sees only the first file anyhow and it makes bidsmapper 2x slower :-()
                sourcefile = bids.get_dicomfile(sourcedir, n)
                if sourcefile.name:
    elif dataformat == 'PAR':
        sourcefiles = bids.get_parfiles(session)
        LOGGER.exception(f"Unsupported dataformat '{dataformat}'")

    # Update the bidsmap with the info from the source files
    for sourcefile in sourcefiles:

        # Input checks
        if not sourcefile.name or (not template[dataformat]
                                   and not bidsmap_old[dataformat]):
                f"No {dataformat} source information found in the bidsmap and template for: {sourcefile}"

        # See if we can find a matching run in the old bidsmap
        datasource = bids.DataSource(sourcefile, plugin, dataformat)
        run, match = bids.get_matching_run(datasource, bidsmap_old)

        # If not, see if we can find a matching run in the template
        if not match:
            run, _ = bids.get_matching_run(datasource, template)

        # See if we have collected the run somewhere in our new bidsmap
        if not bids.exist_run(bidsmap_new, '', run):

            # Communicate with the user if the run was not present in bidsmap_old or in template, i.e. that we found a new sample
            if not match:
                    f"Discovered '{datasource.datatype}' {dataformat} sample: {sourcefile}"

            # Now work from the provenance store
            if store:
                targetfile = store['target'] / sourcefile.relative_to(
                targetfile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
                run['provenance'] = str(shutil.copy2(sourcefile, targetfile))

            # Copy the filled-in run over to the new bidsmap
            bids.append_run(bidsmap_new, run)

            # Communicate with the user if the run was already present in bidsmap_old or in template
                f"Known '{datasource.datatype}' {dataformat} sample: {sourcefile}"
Пример #3
def rawmapper(rawfolder,
              dicomfield=('PatientComments', ),
    :param str rawfolder:   The root folder-name of the sub/ses/data/file tree containing the source data files
    :param str outfolder:   The name of the folder where the mapping-file is saved (default = rawfolder)
    :param bool rename:     Flag for renaming the sub-subid folders to sub-dicomfield
    :param list dicomfield: The names of the dicomfields that are mapped (/ renamed to sub-dcmval/ses-dcmval)
    :param str wildcard:    The Unix style pathname pattern expansion that is used by glob to select the series from which the dicomfield is being mapped
    :param bool dryrun:     Flag for dry-running renaming the sub-subid folders
    :return:                Nothing
    :rtype: NoneType

    # Input checking
    if not outfolder:
        outfolder = rawfolder
    rawfolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(rawfolder))
    outfolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(outfolder))

    # Create a output mapper-file
    if not dryrun:
        mapperfile = os.path.join(
            outfolder, 'rawmapper_{}.tsv'.format('_'.join(dicomfield)))
        if rename:
            with open(mapperfile, 'a') as fid:
                fid.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format('subid', 'sesid',
                                                    'newsubid', 'newsesid'))
            with open(mapperfile, 'x') as fid:
                fid.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format('subid', 'sesid',

    # Loop over all subjects and sessions in the rawfolder
    for subject in bids.lsdirs(rawfolder, 'sub-*'):

        sessions = bids.lsdirs(subject, 'ses-*')
        if not sessions: sessions = subject
        for session in sessions:

            # Get the subject and session identifiers from the raw folder
            subid = 'sub-' + session.rsplit(os.sep + 'sub-', 1)[1].split(
                os.sep + 'ses-', 1)[0]
            sesid = 'ses-' + session.rsplit(os.sep + 'ses-')[1]

            # Parse the new subject and session identifiers from the dicomfield
            series = bids.lsdirs(session, wildcard)
            if not series:
                series = ''
                dcmval = ''
                series = series[0]  # TODO: loop over series?
                dcmval = ''
                for dcmfield in dicomfield:
                    dcmval = dcmval + '/' + str(
                    )  # TODO: test how newlines from the console work out
                dcmval = dcmval[1:]

            # Rename the session subfolder in the rawfolder and print & save this info
            if rename:

                # Get the new subid and sesid
                if not dcmval or dcmval == 'None':
                        'Skipping renaming because the dicom-field was empty for: '
                        + session)
                    if '/' in dcmval:  # Allow for different sub/ses delimiters that could be entered at the console (i.e. in PatientComments)
                        delim = '/'
                    elif '\\' in dcmval:
                        delim = '\\'
                        delim = '\n'
                    newsubsesid = dcmval.split(delim)
                    newsubid = 'sub-' + bids.cleanup_label(
                        newsubsesid[0].replace('sub-', ''))
                    if newsubid == 'sub-' or newsubid == 'sub-None':
                        newsubid = subid
                            'Could not rename {} because the dicom-field was empty for: {}'
                            .format(subid, session))
                    if len(newsubsesid) == 1:
                        newsesid = sesid
                    elif len(newsubsesid) == 2:
                        newsesid = 'ses-' + bids.cleanup_label(
                            newsubsesid[1].replace('ses-', ''))
                            'Skipping renaming of {} because the dicom-field "{}" could not be parsed into [subid, sesid]'
                            .format(session, dcmval))
                    if newsesid == 'ses-' or newsesid == 'ses-None':
                        newsesid = sesid
                            'Could not rename {} because the dicom-field was empty for: {}'
                            .format(sesid, session))

                # Save the dicomfield / sub-ses mapping to disk and rename the session subfolder (but skip if it already exists)
                newsession = os.path.join(rawfolder, newsubid, newsesid)
                print(session + ' -> ' + newsession)
                if newsession == session:
                if os.path.isdir(newsession):
                        '{} already exists, skipping renaming of {}'.format(
                            newsession, session))
                elif not dryrun:
                    with open(os.path.join(outfolder, mapperfile), 'a') as fid:
                            subid, sesid, newsubid, newsesid))
                    os.renames(session, newsession)

            # Print & save the dicom values
                print('{}{}{}\t-> {}'.format(subid + os.sep, sesid + os.sep,
                if not dryrun:
                    with open(os.path.join(outfolder, mapperfile), 'a') as fid:
                            subid, sesid, os.path.basename(series),
Пример #4
def rawmapper(rawfolder: str, outfolder: str='', sessions: list=[], rename: bool=False, dicomfield: tuple=('PatientComments',), wildcard: str='*', subprefix: str='sub-', sesprefix: str='ses-', dryrun: bool=False) -> None:
    :param rawfolder:   The root folder-name of the sub/ses/data/file tree containing the source data files
    :param outfolder:   The name of the folder where the mapping-file is saved (default = rawfolder)
    :param sessions:    Space separated list of selected sub-#/ses-# names / folders to be processed. Otherwise all sessions in the bidsfolder will be selected
    :param rename:      Flag for renaming the sub-subid folders to sub-dicomfield
    :param dicomfield:  The names of the dicomfields that are mapped (/ renamed to sub-dcmval/ses-dcmval)
    :param wildcard:    The Unix style pathname pattern expansion that is used by glob to select the series from which the dicomfield is being mapped
    :param subprefix:   The prefix common for all source subject-folders
    :param sesprefix:   The prefix common for all source session-folders
    :param dryrun:      Flag for dry-running renaming the sub-subid folders
    :return:            Nothing

    # Input checking
    if not outfolder:
        outfolder = rawfolder
    rawfolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(rawfolder))
    outfolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(outfolder))

    # Create or append the output to a mapper logfile
    if not dryrun:
        mapperfile = os.path.join(outfolder, 'rawmapper_{}.tsv'.format('_'.join(dicomfield)))
        if rename:
            with open(mapperfile, 'a') as fid:
                fid.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format('subid', 'sesid', 'newsubid', 'newsesid'))
            with open(mapperfile, 'x') as fid:
                fid.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format('subid', 'sesid', 'seriesname', '\t'.join(dicomfield)))

    # Map the sessions in the rawfolder
    if not sessions:
        sessions = glob.glob(os.path.join(rawfolder, f'{subprefix}*{os.sep}{sesprefix}*'))
        if not sessions:
            sessions = glob.glob(os.path.join(rawfolder, f'{subprefix}*'))      # Try without session-subfolders
        sessions = [sessionitem for session in sessions for sessionitem in glob.glob(os.path.join(rawfolder, session), recursive=True)]

    # Loop over the selected sessions in the rawfolder
    for session in sessions:

        # Get the subject and session identifiers from the raw folder
        subid = subprefix + session.rsplit(os.sep+subprefix, 1)[1].split(os.sep+sesprefix, 1)[0]
        sesid = sesprefix + session.rsplit(os.sep+sesprefix)[1]                                         # TODO: Fix crashing on session-less datasets

        # Parse the new subject and session identifiers from the dicomfield
        series = bids.lsdirs(session, wildcard)
        if not series:
            series = ''
            dcmval = ''
            series = series[0]                                                                          # TODO: loop over series?
            dcmval = ''
            for dcmfield in dicomfield:
                dcmval = dcmval + '/' + str(bids.get_dicomfield(dcmfield, bids.get_dicomfile(series)))
            dcmval = dcmval[1:]

        # Rename the session subfolder in the rawfolder and print & save this info
        if rename:

            # Get the new subid and sesid
            if not dcmval or dcmval=='None':
                warnings.warn('Skipping renaming because the dicom-field was empty for: ' + session)
                if '/' in dcmval:               # Allow for different sub/ses delimiters that could be entered at the console (i.e. in PatientComments)
                    delim = '/'
                elif '\\' in dcmval:
                    delim = '\\'
                    delim = '\r\n'
                newsubsesid = [val for val in dcmval.split(delim) if val]   # Skip empty lines / entries
                newsubid    = subprefix + bids.cleanup_label(newsubsesid[0].lstrip(subprefix))
                if newsubid==subprefix or newsubid==subprefix+'None':
                    newsubid = subid
                    warnings.warn('Could not rename {} because the dicom-field was empty for: {}'.format(subid, session))
                if len(newsubsesid)==1:
                    newsesid = sesid
                elif len(newsubsesid)==2:
                    newsesid = sesprefix + bids.cleanup_label(newsubsesid[1].lstrip(sesprefix))
                    warnings.warn('Skipping renaming of {} because the dicom-field "{}" could not be parsed into [subid, sesid]'.format(session, dcmval))
                if newsesid==sesprefix or newsesid==subprefix+'None':
                    newsesid = sesid
                    warnings.warn('Could not rename {} because the dicom-field was empty for: {}'.format(sesid, session))

            # Save the dicomfield / sub-ses mapping to disk and rename the session subfolder (but skip if it already exists)
            newsession = os.path.join(rawfolder, newsubid, newsesid)
            print(session + ' -> ' + newsession)
            if newsession == session:
            if os.path.isdir(newsession):
                warnings.warn('{} already exists, skipping renaming of {}'.format(newsession, session))
            elif not dryrun:
                with open(os.path.join(outfolder, mapperfile), 'a') as fid:
                    fid.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(subid, sesid, newsubid, newsesid))
                os.renames(session, newsession)

        # Print & save the dicom values
            print('{}{}{}\t-> {}'.format(subid+os.sep, sesid+os.sep, os.path.basename(series), '\t'.join(dcmval.split('/'))))
            if not dryrun:
                with open(os.path.join(outfolder, mapperfile), 'a') as fid:
                    fid.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(subid, sesid, os.path.basename(series), '\t'.join(dcmval.split('/'))))
Пример #5
def coin_dicom(session: str, bidsmap: dict, bidsfolder: str, personals: dict,
               subprefix: str, sesprefix: str) -> None:
    Converts the session dicom-files into BIDS-valid nifti-files in the corresponding bidsfolder and
    extracts personals (e.g. Age, Sex) from the dicom header

    :param session:     The full-path name of the subject/session source folder
    :param bidsmap:     The full mapping heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param bidsfolder:  The full-path name of the BIDS root-folder
    :param personals:   The dictionary with the personal information
    :param subprefix:   The prefix common for all source subject-folders
    :param sesprefix:   The prefix common for all source session-folders
    :return:            Nothing

    if not bids.lsdirs(session):
        logger.warning('No series subfolder(s) found in: ' + session)

    TE = [None, None]

    # Get a valid BIDS subject identifier from the (first) dicom-header or from the session source folder
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label'] and bidsmap['DICOM'][
                '<<') and bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label'].endswith('>>'):
        subid = bids.get_dicomfield(
    elif bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label']:
        subid = bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label']
        subid = session.rsplit(os.sep + subprefix,
                               1)[1].split(os.sep + sesprefix, 1)[0]
    subid = 'sub-' + bids.cleanup_label(subid.lstrip(subprefix))
    if subid == subprefix:
        logger.error('Error: No valid subject identifier found for: ' +

    # Get a valid or empty BIDS session identifier from the (first) dicom-header or from the session source folder
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label'] and bidsmap['DICOM'][
                '<<') and bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label'].endswith('>>'):
        sesid = bids.get_dicomfield(
    elif bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label']:
        sesid = bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label']
    elif os.sep + sesprefix in session:
        sesid = session.rsplit(os.sep + sesprefix)[1]
        sesid = ''
    if sesid:
        sesid = 'ses-' + bids.cleanup_label(sesid.lstrip(sesprefix))

    # Create the BIDS session-folder and a scans.tsv file
    bidsses = os.path.join(
        bidsfolder, subid, sesid
    )  # NB: This gives a trailing '/' if ses=='', but that should be ok
    os.makedirs(bidsses, exist_ok=True)
    scans_tsv = os.path.join(bidsses,
    if os.path.exists(scans_tsv):
        scans_table = pd.read_csv(scans_tsv, sep='\t', index_col='filename')
        scans_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=['acq_time'], dtype='str')
        scans_table.index.name = 'filename'

    # Process all the dicom series subfolders
    for series in bids.lsdirs(session):

        if series.startswith('.'):
            logger.info('Ignoring hidden dicom-folder: ' + series)
            logger.info('Processing dicom-folder: ' + series)

        # Get the cleaned-up bids labels from a dicom-file and bidsmap
        dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(series)
        if not dicomfile: continue
        result = bids.get_matching_dicomseries(dicomfile, bidsmap)
        series_ = result['series']
        modality = result['modality']

        # Create the BIDS session/modality folder
        bidsmodality = os.path.join(bidsses, modality)
        os.makedirs(bidsmodality, exist_ok=True)

        # Compose the BIDS filename using the bids labels and run-index
        runindex = series_['bids']['run_index']
        if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
            bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, modality, series_,
            bidsname = bids.increment_runindex(bidsmodality, bidsname)
            bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, modality, series_,

        # Convert the dicom-files in the series folder to nifti's in the BIDS-folder
        command = '{path}dcm2niix {args} -f "{filename}" -o "{outfolder}" "{infolder}"'.format(
        logger.info('$ ' + command)
        process = subprocess.run(
        )  # TODO: investigate shell=False and capture_output=True
        if process.returncode != 0:
            errormsg = f'Error: Failed to process {series} (errorcode {process.returncode})'

        # Replace uncropped output image with the cropped one
        if '-x y' in bidsmap['Options']['dcm2niix']['args']:
            for filename in sorted(
                        bidsname + '*_Crop_*'))):  # e.g. *_Crop_1.nii.gz
                basepath, ext1 = os.path.splitext(filename)
                basepath, ext2 = os.path.splitext(
                    basepath)  # Account for .nii.gz files
                basepath = basepath.rsplit('_Crop_', 1)[0]
                newfilename = basepath + ext2 + ext1
                    f'Found dcm2niix _Crop_ suffix, replacing original file\n{filename} ->\n{newfilename}'
                os.replace(filename, newfilename)

        # Rename all files ending with _c%d, _e%d and _ph (and any combination of these): These are produced by dcm2niix for multi-coil data, multi-echo data and phase data, respectively
        jsonfiles = [
        ]  # Collect the associated json-files (for updating them later) -- possibly > 1
        for suffix in ('_c', '_e', '_ph', '_i'):
            for filename in sorted(
                                     bidsname + suffix + '[0-9]*'))):
                basepath, ext1 = os.path.splitext(filename)
                basepath, ext2 = os.path.splitext(
                    basepath)  # Account for .nii.gz files
                basepath, index = basepath.rsplit(suffix, 1)
                index = index.split('_')[0].zfill(
                )  # Zero padd as specified in the BIDS-standard (assuming two digits is sufficient); strip following suffices (fieldmaps produce *_e2_ph files)

                # This is a special hack: dcm2niix does not always add a _c/_e suffix for the first(?) coil/echo image -> add it when we encounter a **_e2/_c2 file
                if suffix in (
                        '_c', '_e'
                ) and int(index) == 2 and basepath.rsplit(
                        '_', 1
                )[1] != 'magnitude1':  # For fieldmaps: *_magnitude1_e[index] -> *_magnitude[index] (This is handled below)
                    filename_ce = basepath + ext2 + ext1  # The file without the _c1/_e1 suffix
                    if suffix == '_e' and bids.set_bidslabel(basepath, 'echo'):
                        newbasepath_ce = bids.set_bidslabel(
                            basepath, 'echo', '1')
                        newbasepath_ce = bids.set_bidslabel(
                            basepath, 'dummy',
                            suffix.upper() + '1'.zfill(len(index))
                        )  # --> append to acq-label, may need to be elaborated for future BIDS standards, supporting multi-coil data
                    newfilename_ce = newbasepath_ce + ext2 + ext1  # The file as it should have been
                    if os.path.isfile(filename_ce):
                        if filename_ce != newfilename_ce:
                                f'Found no dcm2niix {suffix} suffix for image instance 1, renaming\n{filename_ce} ->\n{newfilename_ce}'
                            os.rename(filename_ce, newfilename_ce)
                        if ext1 == '.json':
                            jsonfiles.append(newbasepath_ce + '.json')

                # Patch the basepath with the suffix info
                if suffix == '_e' and bids.set_bidslabel(basepath,
                                                         'echo') and index:
                    basepath = bids.set_bidslabel(
                        basepath, 'echo', str(int(index))
                    )  # In contrast to other labels, run and echo labels MUST be integers. Those labels MAY include zero padding, but this is NOT RECOMMENDED to maintain their uniqueness

                elif suffix == '_e' and basepath.rsplit('_', 1)[1] in (
                        'magnitude2') and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap'
                    basepath = basepath[0:-1] + str(
                    )  # basepath: *_magnitude1_e[index] -> *_magnitude[index]
                    # Read the echo times that need to be added to the json-file (see below)
                    if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.json':
                        with open(filename, 'r') as json_fid:
                            data = json.load(json_fid)
                        TE[int(index) - 1] = data['EchoTime']
                            f"Reading EchoTime{index} = {data['EchoTime']} from: {filename}"
                elif suffix == '_e' and basepath.rsplit(
                        '_', 1
                )[1] == 'phasediff' and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap'

                elif suffix == '_ph' and basepath.rsplit('_', 1)[1] in [
                        'phase1', 'phase2'
                ] and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap' (TODO: untested)
                    basepath = basepath[0:-1] + str(
                            ))  # basepath: *_phase1_e[index] -> *_phase[index]
                    logger.warning('Untested dcm2niix "_ph"-filetype: ' +

                    basepath = bids.set_bidslabel(
                        basepath, 'dummy',
                        suffix.upper() + index
                    )  # --> append to acq-label, may need to be elaborated for future BIDS standards, supporting multi-coil data

                # Save the file with a new name
                if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
                    newbidsname = bids.increment_runindex(
                        bidsmodality, os.path.basename(basepath), ext2 + ext1
                    )  # Update the runindex now that the acq-label has changed
                    newbidsname = os.path.basename(basepath)
                newfilename = os.path.join(bidsmodality,
                                           newbidsname + ext2 + ext1)
                    f'Found dcm2niix {suffix} suffix, renaming\n{filename} ->\n{newfilename}'
                os.rename(filename, newfilename)
                if ext1 == '.json':
                        os.path.join(bidsmodality, newbidsname + '.json'))

        # Loop over and adapt all the newly produced json files and write to the scans.tsv file (every nifti-file comes with a json-file)
        if not jsonfiles:
            jsonfiles = [os.path.join(bidsmodality, bidsname + '.json')]
        for jsonfile in set(jsonfiles):

            # Check if dcm2niix behaved as expected
            if not os.path.isfile(jsonfile):
                    f'Unexpected file conbids.version result: {jsonfile} not found'

            # Add a dummy b0 bval- and bvec-file for any file without a bval/bvec file (e.g. sbref, b0 scans)
            if modality == 'dwi':
                bvecfile = os.path.splitext(jsonfile)[0] + '.bvec'
                bvalfile = os.path.splitext(jsonfile)[0] + '.bval'
                if not os.path.isfile(bvecfile):
                    logger.info('Adding dummy bvec file: ' + bvecfile)
                    with open(bvecfile, 'w') as bvec_fid:
                if not os.path.isfile(bvalfile):
                    logger.info('Adding dummy bval file: ' + bvalfile)
                    with open(bvalfile, 'w') as bval_fid:

            # Add the TaskName to the func json-file
            elif modality == 'func':
                with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                if not 'TaskName' in data:
                    logger.info('Adding TaskName to: ' + jsonfile)
                    data['TaskName'] = series_['bids']['task_label']
                    with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fid:
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

            # Add the EchoTime(s) used to create the difference image to the fmap json-file. NB: This assumes the magnitude series have already been parsed (i.e. their nifti's had an _e suffix) -- This is normally the case for Siemens (phase-series being saved after the magnitude series
            elif modality == 'fmap':
                if series_['bids']['suffix'] == 'phasediff':
                    logger.info('Adding EchoTime1 and EchoTime2 to: ' +
                    with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                        data = json.load(json_fid)
                    data['EchoTime1'] = TE[0]
                    data['EchoTime2'] = TE[1]
                    with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fid:
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)
                    if TE[0] > TE[1]:
                        logger.warning('EchoTime1 > EchoTime2 in: ' + jsonfile)

            # Parse the acquisition time from the json file
            with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                data = json.load(json_fid)
            acq_time = dateutil.parser.parse(data['AcquisitionTime'])
            niipath = glob.glob(
                os.path.splitext(jsonfile)[0] + '.nii*'
            )[0]  # Find the corresponding nifti file (there should be only one, let's not make assumptions about the .gz extension)
            niipath = niipath.replace(
                bidsses + os.sep, ''
            )  # Use a relative path. Somehow .strip(bidsses) instead of replace(bidsses,'') does not work properly
                'acq_time'] = '1900-01-01T' + acq_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')

    # Write the scans_table to disk
    logger.info('Writing acquisition time data to: ' + scans_tsv)
    scans_table.to_csv(scans_tsv, sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')

    # Search for the IntendedFor images and add them to the json-files. This has been postponed untill all modalities have been processed (i.e. so that all target images are indeed on disk)
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['fmap'] is not None:
        for fieldmap in bidsmap['DICOM']['fmap']:
            if 'IntendedFor' in fieldmap['bids'] and fieldmap['bids'][
                bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, 'fmap', fieldmap,
                acqlabel = bids.set_bidslabel(bidsname, 'acq')
                for jsonfile in glob.glob(
                            bidsses, 'fmap',
                                '_run-1_', '_run-[0-9]*_').replace(
                                    acqlabel, acqlabel + '[CE][0-9]*') +
                ):  # Account for multiple runs and dcm2niix suffixes inserted into the acquisition label

                    intendedfor = fieldmap['bids']['IntendedFor']
                    if intendedfor.startswith('<<') and intendedfor.endswith(
                        intendedfor = intendedfor[2:-2].split('><')
                        intendedfor = [intendedfor]

                    niifiles = []
                    for selector in intendedfor:
                            niifile.split(os.sep + subid + os.sep,
                                          1)[1].replace('\\', '/')
                            for niifile in sorted(
                        ])  # Search in all series using a relative path

                    with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                        data = json.load(json_fid)
                    data['IntendedFor'] = niifiles
                    logger.info('Adding IntendedFor to: ' + jsonfile)
                    with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fid:
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

                # Catch magnitude2 files produced by dcm2niix (i.e. magnitude1 & magnitude2 both in the same seriesfolder)
                if jsonfile.endswith('magnitude1.json'):
                    jsonfile2 = jsonfile.rsplit('1.json', 1)[0] + '2.json'
                    if os.path.isfile(jsonfile2):

                        with open(jsonfile2, 'r') as json_fid:
                            data = json.load(json_fid)
                        if 'IntendedFor' not in data:
                            data['IntendedFor'] = niifiles
                            logger.info('Adding IntendedFor to: ' + jsonfile2)
                            with open(jsonfile2, 'w') as json_fid:
                                json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

    # Collect personal data from the DICOM header
    dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(series)
    personals['participant_id'] = subid
    if sesid:
        personals['session_id'] = sesid
    personals['age'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientAge', dicomfile)
    personals['sex'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSex', dicomfile)
    personals['size'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSize', dicomfile)
    personals['weight'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientWeight', dicomfile)
Пример #6
def coin_data2bids(dataformat: str, session: Path, bidsmap: dict,
                   bidsfolder: Path, personals: dict, subprefix: str,
                   sesprefix: str) -> None:
    Converts the session source-files into BIDS-valid nifti-files in the corresponding bidsfolder and
    extracts personals (e.g. Age, Sex) from the source header

    :param dataformat:  The format of the raw input data that is to be coined (e.g. 'DICOM' or 'PAR', see bids.get_dataformat)
    :param session:     The full-path name of the subject/session source file/folder
    :param bidsmap:     The full mapping heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param bidsfolder:  The full-path name of the BIDS root-folder
    :param personals:   The dictionary with the personal information
    :param subprefix:   The prefix common for all source subject-folders
    :param sesprefix:   The prefix common for all source session-folders
    :return:            Nothing

    # Get valid BIDS subject/session identifiers from the (first) DICOM- or PAR/XML source file
    if dataformat == 'DICOM':
        sourcefile = Path()
        sources = bids.lsdirs(session)
        for source in sources:
            sourcefile = bids.get_dicomfile(source)
            manufacturer = bids.get_dicomfield('Manufacturer', sourcefile)
            if sourcefile.name:

    elif dataformat == 'PAR':
        sources = bids.get_parfiles(session)
        manufacturer = 'Philips Medical Systems'
        if sources:
            sourcefile = sources[0]

            f"Unsupported data format: {dataformat}\nPlease report this bug")

    if not sources:
        LOGGER.info(f"No data found for: {session}")

    subid, sesid = bids.get_subid_sesid(sourcefile,
                                        subprefix, sesprefix)

    if subid == subprefix:
        LOGGER.error(f"No valid subject identifier found for: {session}")

    # Create the BIDS session-folder and a scans.tsv file
    bidsses = bidsfolder / subid / sesid
    if bidsses.is_dir():
            f"Existing BIDS output-directory found, which may result in duplicate data (with increased run-index). Make sure {bidsses} was cleaned-up from old data before (re)running the bidscoiner"
    bidsses.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    scans_tsv = bidsses / f"{subid}{bids.add_prefix('_',sesid)}_scans.tsv"
    if scans_tsv.is_file():
        scans_table = pd.read_csv(scans_tsv, sep='\t', index_col='filename')
        scans_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=['acq_time'], dtype='str')
        scans_table.index.name = 'filename'

    # Process all the source files or run subfolders
    for source in sources:

        # Get a source-file
        if dataformat == 'DICOM':
            sourcefile = bids.get_dicomfile(source)
        elif dataformat == 'PAR':
            sourcefile = source
        if not sourcefile.name:

        # Get a matching run from the bidsmap
        run, datatype, index = bids.get_matching_run(sourcefile, bidsmap,

        # Check if we should ignore this run
        if datatype == bids.ignoredatatype:
            LOGGER.info(f"Leaving out: {source}")

        # Check if we already know this run
        if index is None:
                f"Skipping unknown '{datatype}' run: {sourcefile}\n-> Re-run the bidsmapper and delete {bidsses} to solve this warning"

        LOGGER.info(f"Processing: {source}")

        # Create the BIDS session/datatype output folder
        if run['bids']['suffix'] in bids.get_derivatives(datatype):
            outfolder = bidsfolder / 'derivatives' / manufacturer.replace(
                ' ', '') / subid / sesid / datatype
            outfolder = bidsses / datatype
        outfolder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Compose the BIDS filename using the matched run
        bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, run)
        runindex = run['bids'].get('run', '')
        if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
            bidsname = bids.increment_runindex(outfolder, bidsname)
        jsonfiles = [
            (outfolder / bidsname).with_suffix('.json')
        ]  # List -> Collect the associated json-files (for updating them later) -- possibly > 1

        # Check if file already exists (-> e.g. when a static runindex is used)
        if (outfolder / bidsname).with_suffix('.json').is_file():
                f"{outfolder/bidsname}.* already exists and will be deleted -- check your results carefully!"
            for ext in ('.nii.gz', '.nii', '.json', '.bval', '.bvec',
                (outfolder / bidsname).with_suffix(ext).unlink(missing_ok=True)

        # Convert physiological log files (dcm2niix can't handle these)
        if run['bids']['suffix'] == 'physio':
            if bids.get_dicomfile(source, 2).name:
                    f"Found > 1 DICOM file in {source}, using: {sourcefile}")
            physiodata = physio.readphysio(sourcefile)
            physio.physio2tsv(physiodata, outfolder / bidsname)

        # Convert the source-files in the run folder to nifti's in the BIDS-folder
            command = '{path}dcm2niix {args} -f "{filename}" -o "{outfolder}" "{source}"'.format(
            if not bids.run_command(command):

            # Replace uncropped output image with the cropped one
            if '-x y' in bidsmap['Options']['dcm2niix']['args']:
                for dcm2niixfile in sorted(
                        outfolder.glob(bidsname +
                                       '*_Crop_*')):  # e.g. *_Crop_1.nii.gz
                    ext = ''.join(dcm2niixfile.suffixes)
                    newbidsfile = str(dcm2niixfile).rsplit(ext, 1)[0].rsplit(
                        '_Crop_', 1)[0] + ext
                        f"Found dcm2niix _Crop_ postfix, replacing original file\n{dcm2niixfile} ->\n{newbidsfile}"

            # Rename all files that got additional postfixes from dcm2niix. See: https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix/blob/master/FILENAMING.md
            dcm2niixpostfixes = ('_c', '_i', '_Eq', '_real', '_imaginary',
                                 '_MoCo', '_t', '_Tilt', '_e', '_ph')
            dcm2niixfiles = sorted(
                    dcm2niixfile for dcm2niixpostfix in dcm2niixpostfixes
                    for dcm2niixfile in outfolder.glob(
            for dcm2niixfile in dcm2niixfiles:
                ext = ''.join(dcm2niixfile.suffixes)
                postfixes = str(dcm2niixfile).split(bidsname)[1].rsplit(
                newbidsname = dcm2niixfile.name  # Strip the additional postfixes and assign them to bids entities in the for-loop below
                for postfix in postfixes:  # dcm2niix postfixes _c%d, _e%d and _ph (and any combination of these in that order) are for multi-coil data, multi-echo data and phase data

                    # Patch the echo entity in the newbidsname with the dcm2niix echo info                      # NB: We can't rely on the bids-entity info here because manufacturers can e.g. put multiple echos in one series / run-folder
                    if postfix[0] == 'e' and bids.get_bidsvalue(
                            newbidsname, 'echo'
                    ):  # NB: Check if postfix[0]=='e' uniquely refers to the right dcm2niixpostfix
                        echonr = f"_{postfix}"  # E.g. echonr='_e1' or echonr='_pha'
                        for dcm2niixpostfix in dcm2niixpostfixes:
                            echonr = echonr.replace(
                                dcm2niixpostfix, ''
                            )  # Strip the dcm2niixpostfix to keep the echonr info. E.g. [echonr='_e1' or echonr='_pha'] -> [echonr='1' or echonr='a']
                        if echonr.isalpha():
                            echonr = ord(
                            ) - 95  # dcm2niix adds an alphabetically ordered character if it outputs more than one image with the same name. Convert character to echo-number: '' -> 1, 'a'->2, etc
                        elif not echonr:
                            echonr = 1
                        newbidsname = bids.get_bidsvalue(
                            newbidsname, 'echo', str(echonr)
                        )  # In contrast to other labels, run and echo labels MUST be integers. Those labels MAY include zero padding, but this is NOT RECOMMENDED to maintain their uniqueness

                    # Patch fieldmap images (NB: datatype=='fmap' is too broad, see the fmap.yaml file)
                    elif run['bids']['suffix'] in ('magnitude', 'magnitude1',
                                                   'magnitude2', 'phase1',
                                                   'phase2', 'phasediff',
                        if len(dcm2niixfiles) not in (
                                0, 2, 4, 6, 8
                        ):  # Phase / echo data may be stored in the same data source / run folder
                                f"Unknown fieldmap {outfolder/bidsname} for '{postfix}'"
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_fieldmap_ph', '_fieldmap')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude_e1', '_magnitude')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude_ph', '_fieldmap')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude1_e1', '_magnitude1')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude2_e1', '_magnitude1'
                        )  # This can happen when the e2 image is stored in the same directory as the e1 image, but with the e2 listed first
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude1_e2', '_magnitude2')
                        if len(dcm2niixfiles) == 8:
                            newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                                '_magnitude1_ph', '_phase1'
                            )  # Two magnitude + 2 phase images in one folder / datasource
                            newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                                '_magnitude1_ph', '_phasediff'
                            )  # One or two magnitude + 1 phasediff image
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude1a', '_magnitude2')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude1_pha', '_phase2')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude2_e2', '_magnitude2')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_magnitude2_ph', '_phase2')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase1_e1', '_phase1')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase2_e1', '_phase1'
                        )  # This can happen when the e2 image is stored in the same directory as the e1 image, but with the e2 listed first
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase1_ph', '_phase1')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase1_e2', '_phase2')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase2_e2', '_phase2')
                        newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(
                            '_phase2_ph', '_phase2')

                    # Append the dcm2niix info to acq-label, may need to be improved / elaborated for future BIDS standards, supporting multi-coil data
                        newbidsname = bids.get_bidsvalue(
                            newbidsname, 'dummy', postfix)

                    # Remove the added postfix from the new bidsname
                    newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(f"_{postfix}_",
                                                      '_')  # If it is not last
                    newbidsname = newbidsname.replace(f"_{postfix}.",
                                                      '.')  # If it is last

                # Save the file with a new name
                if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
                    newbidsname = bids.increment_runindex(
                        outfolder, newbidsname, ''
                    )  # Update the runindex now that the acq-label has changed
                newbidsfile = outfolder / newbidsname
                    f"Found dcm2niix {postfixes} postfixes, renaming\n{dcm2niixfile} ->\n{newbidsfile}"
                if newbidsfile.is_file():
                        f"Overwriting existing {newbidsfile} file -- check your results carefully!"
                if ext == '.json':
                    oldjsonfile = (outfolder / bidsname).with_suffix('.json')
                    if oldjsonfile in jsonfiles and not oldjsonfile.is_file():
                            (outfolder / bidsname).with_suffix('.json'))

        # Loop over and adapt all the newly produced json files and write to the scans.tsv file (every nifti-file comes with a json-file)
        for jsonfile in sorted(set(jsonfiles)):

            # Check if dcm2niix behaved as expected
            if not jsonfile.is_file():
                    f"Unexpected file conversion result: {jsonfile} not found")

            # Add a dummy b0 bval- and bvec-file for any file without a bval/bvec file (e.g. sbref, b0 scans)
            if datatype == 'dwi':
                bvecfile = jsonfile.with_suffix('.bvec')
                bvalfile = jsonfile.with_suffix('.bval')
                if not bvecfile.is_file():
                    LOGGER.info(f"Adding dummy bvec file: {bvecfile}")
                    with bvecfile.open('w') as bvec_fid:
                if not bvalfile.is_file():
                    LOGGER.info(f"Adding dummy bval file: {bvalfile}")
                    with bvalfile.open('w') as bval_fid:

            # Add the TaskName to the func json-file
            elif datatype == 'func':
                with jsonfile.open('r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                if not 'TaskName' in data:
                    LOGGER.info(f"Adding TaskName to: {jsonfile}")
                    data['TaskName'] = run['bids']['task']
                    with jsonfile.open('w') as json_fid:
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

            # Parse the acquisition time from the json file or else from the source header (NB: assuming the source file represents the first acquisition)
            niifile = list(
                jsonfile.parent.glob(jsonfile.stem + '.nii*')
            )  # Find the corresponding nifti file (there should be only one, let's not make assumptions about the .gz extension)
            if niifile and datatype not in bidsmap['Options']['bidscoin'][
                    'bidsignore'] and not run['bids'][
                        'suffix'] in bids.get_derivatives(datatype):
                with jsonfile.open('r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                if 'AcquisitionTime' not in data or not data['AcquisitionTime']:
                    data['AcquisitionTime'] = bids.get_sourcefield(
                        'AcquisitionTime', sourcefile)  # DICOM
                if not data['AcquisitionTime']:
                    data['AcquisitionTime'] = bids.get_sourcefield(
                        'exam_date', sourcefile)  # PAR/XML
                    acq_time = dateutil.parser.parse(data['AcquisitionTime'])
                        f"Could not parse the acquisition time from: '{data['AcquisitionTime']}' in {sourcefile}"
                    acq_time = dateutil.parser.parse('00:00:00')
                scanpath = niifile[0].relative_to(bidsses)
                    'acq_time'] = '1925-01-01T' + acq_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')

    # Write the scans_table to disk
    LOGGER.info(f"Writing acquisition time data to: {scans_tsv}")
    scans_table.sort_values(by=['acq_time', 'filename'], inplace=True)
    scans_table.to_csv(scans_tsv, sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')

    # Add IntendedFor and TE1+TE2 meta-data to the fieldmap json-files. This has been postponed untill all datatypes have been processed (i.e. so that all target images are indeed on disk)
    if bidsmap[dataformat]['fmap'] is not None:
        for fieldmap in bidsmap[dataformat]['fmap']:
            bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, fieldmap)
            niifiles = []
            intendedfor = fieldmap['bids']['IntendedFor']

            # Search for the imaging files that match the IntendedFor search criteria
            if intendedfor:
                if intendedfor.startswith('<<') and intendedfor.endswith('>>'):
                    intendedfor = intendedfor[2:-2].split('><')
                elif not isinstance(intendedfor, list):
                    intendedfor = [intendedfor]
                for selector in intendedfor:
                            Path(niifile).relative_to(bidsfolder / subid)
                            for niifile in sorted(
                            if selector
                    )  # Search in all runs using a relative path to the subject folder
                intendedfor = []

            # Get the set of json-files (account for multiple runs in one data source and dcm2niix postfixes inserted into the acquisition label)
            jsonfiles = []
            acqlabel = bids.get_bidsvalue(bidsname, 'acq')
            patterns = (bidsname.replace('_run-1_', '_run-[0-9]*_').replace(
                '_magnitude*').replace('_magnitude2', '_magnitude*').replace(
                    '_phase1', '_phase*').replace('_phase2', '_phase*'),
                        bidsname.replace('_run-1_', '_run-[0-9]*_').replace(
                            '_phase*').replace('_magnitude2', '_phase*'))
            for pattern in patterns:
                jsonfiles.extend((bidsses / 'fmap').glob(pattern + '.json'))
                if acqlabel:
                    cepattern = bids.get_bidsvalue(pattern, 'acq',
                                                   acqlabel + '[CE][0-9]*')
                        list((bidsses / 'fmap').glob(cepattern + '.json')))

            # Save the meta-data in the jsonfiles
            for jsonfile in sorted(set(jsonfiles)):

                # Add the IntendedFor data
                with jsonfile.open('r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                if 'IntendedFor' not in data:
                    if niifiles:
                        LOGGER.info(f"Adding IntendedFor to: {jsonfile}")
                    elif intendedfor:
                            f"Empty 'IntendedFor' fieldmap value in {jsonfile}: the search for {intendedfor} gave no results"
                            f"Empty 'IntendedFor' fieldmap value in {jsonfile}: the IntendedFor value of the bidsmap entry was empty"
                    data['IntendedFor'] = [
                        niifile.as_posix() for niifile in niifiles
                    ]  # The path needs to use forward slashes instead of backward slashes
                    with jsonfile.open('w') as json_fid:
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

                # Extract the echo times from magnitude1 and magnitude2 and add them to the phasediff json-file
                if jsonfile.name.endswith('phasediff.json'):
                    json_magnitude = [None, None]
                    TE = [None, None]
                    for n in (0, 1):
                            n] = jsonfile.parent / jsonfile.name.replace(
                                '_phasediff', f"_magnitude{n+1}")
                        if not json_magnitude[n].is_file():
                                f"Could not find expected magnitude{n+1} image associated with: {jsonfile}"
                            with json_magnitude[n].open('r') as json_fid:
                                data = json.load(json_fid)
                            TE[n] = data['EchoTime']
                    if None in TE:
                            f"Cannot find and add valid EchoTime1={TE[0]} and EchoTime2={TE[1]} data to: {jsonfile}"
                    elif TE[0] > TE[1]:
                            f"Found invalid EchoTime1={TE[0]} > EchoTime2={TE[1]} for: {jsonfile}"
                        with jsonfile.open('r') as json_fid:
                            data = json.load(json_fid)
                        data['EchoTime1'] = TE[0]
                        data['EchoTime2'] = TE[1]
                            f"Adding EchoTime1: {TE[0]} and EchoTime2: {TE[1]} to {jsonfile}"
                        with jsonfile.open('w') as json_fid:
                            json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

    # Collect personal data from a source header (PAR/XML does not contain personal info)
    if dataformat == 'DICOM' and sourcefile.name:
        personals['participant_id'] = subid
        if sesid:
            if 'session_id' not in personals:
                personals['session_id'] = sesid
                return  # Only take data from the first session -> BIDS specification
        age = bids.get_dicomfield(
            'PatientAge', sourcefile
        )  # A string of characters with one of the following formats: nnnD, nnnW, nnnM, nnnY
        if age.endswith('D'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('D')) / 365.2524))
        elif age.endswith('W'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('W')) / 52.1775))
        elif age.endswith('M'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('M')) / 12))
        elif age.endswith('Y'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('Y'))))
        elif age:
            personals['age'] = age
        personals['sex'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSex', sourcefile)
        personals['size'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSize', sourcefile)
        personals['weight'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientWeight', sourcefile)
Пример #7
def coin_dicom(session: Path, bidsmap: dict, bidsfolder: Path, personals: dict,
               subprefix: str, sesprefix: str) -> None:
    Converts the session dicom-files into BIDS-valid nifti-files in the corresponding bidsfolder and
    extracts personals (e.g. Age, Sex) from the dicom header

    :param session:     The full-path name of the subject/session source folder
    :param bidsmap:     The full mapping heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param bidsfolder:  The full-path name of the BIDS root-folder
    :param personals:   The dictionary with the personal information
    :param subprefix:   The prefix common for all source subject-folders
    :param sesprefix:   The prefix common for all source session-folders
    :return:            Nothing

    if not bids.lsdirs(session):
        LOGGER.warning(f"No run subfolder(s) found in: {session}")

    TE = [None, None]

    # Get valid BIDS subject/session identifiers from the (first) dicom-header or from the session source folder
    subid, sesid = bids.get_subid_sesid(
        bidsmap['DICOM']['subject'], bidsmap['DICOM']['session'], subprefix,
    if subid == subprefix:
        LOGGER.error(f"No valid subject identifier found for: {session}")

    # Create the BIDS session-folder and a scans.tsv file
    bidsses = bidsfolder / subid / sesid
    if bidsses.is_dir():
            f"Existing BIDS output-directory found, which may result in duplicate data (with increased run-index). Make sure {bidsses} was cleaned-up from old data before (re)running the bidscoiner"
    bidsses.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    scans_tsv = bidsses / f"{subid}{bids.add_prefix('_',sesid)}_scans.tsv"
    if scans_tsv.is_file():
        scans_table = pd.read_csv(scans_tsv, sep='\t', index_col='filename')
        scans_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=['acq_time'], dtype='str')
        scans_table.index.name = 'filename'

    # Process all the dicom run subfolders
    for runfolder in bids.lsdirs(session):

        # Get a dicom-file
        dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(runfolder)
        if not dicomfile.name: continue

        # Get a matching run from the bidsmap
        run, modality, index = bids.get_matching_run(dicomfile, bidsmap)

        # Check if we should ignore this run
        if modality == bids.ignoremodality:
            LOGGER.info(f"Leaving out: {runfolder}")

        # Check if we already know this run
        if index is None:
                f"Skipping unknown '{modality}': {dicomfile}\n-> re-run the bidsmapper and delete {session} to solve this warning"

        LOGGER.info(f"Processing: {runfolder}")

        # Create the BIDS session/modality folder
        bidsmodality = bidsses / modality
        bidsmodality.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Compose the BIDS filename using the matched run
        bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, modality, run)
        runindex = run['bids']['run']
        if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
            bidsname = bids.increment_runindex(bidsmodality, bidsname)

        # Check if file already exists (-> e.g. when a static runindex is used)
        if (bidsmodality / bidsname).with_suffix('.json').is_file():
                f"{bidsmodality/bidsname}.* already exists -- check your results carefully!"

        # Convert the dicom-files in the run folder to nifti's in the BIDS-folder
        command = '{path}dcm2niix {args} -f "{filename}" -o "{outfolder}" "{infolder}"'.format(
        if not bids.run_command(command):

        # Replace uncropped output image with the cropped one
        if '-x y' in bidsmap['Options']['dcm2niix']['args']:
            for filename in sorted(
                    bidsmodality.glob(bidsname +
                                      '*_Crop_*')):  # e.g. *_Crop_1.nii.gz
                ext = ''.join(filename.suffixes)
                newfilename = str(filename).rsplit(ext, 1)[0].rsplit(
                    '_Crop_', 1)[0] + ext
                    f"Found dcm2niix _Crop_ suffix, replacing original file\n{filename} ->\n{newfilename}"

        # Rename all files ending with _c%d, _e%d and _ph (and any combination of these): These are produced by dcm2niix for multi-coil data, multi-echo data and phase data, respectively
        jsonfiles = [
        ]  # Collect the associated json-files (for updating them later) -- possibly > 1
        for dcm2niisuffix in ('_c', '_e', '_ph', '_i'):
            for filename in sorted(
                    bidsmodality.glob(bidsname + dcm2niisuffix + '*')):
                ext = ''.join(filename.suffixes)
                basepath, index = str(filename).rsplit(ext, 1)[0].rsplit(
                    dcm2niisuffix, 1
                )  # basepath = the name without the added stuff (i.e. bidsmodality/bidsname), index = added dcm2niix index (e.g. _c1 -> index=1)
                basesuffix = basepath.rsplit(
                    '_', 1
                )[1]  # The BIDS suffix, e.g. basepath = *_magnitude1 -> basesuffix=magnitude1
                index = index.split('_')[0].zfill(
                )  # Zero padd as specified in the BIDS-standard (assuming two digits is sufficient); strip following suffices (fieldmaps produce *_e2_ph files)

                # This is a special hack: dcm2niix does not always add a _c/_e suffix for the first(?) coil/echo image -> add it when we encounter a **_e2/_c2 file
                if dcm2niisuffix in (
                        '_c', '_e'
                ) and int(index) == 2 and basesuffix not in [
                        'magnitude1', 'phase1'
                ]:  # For fieldmaps: *_magnitude1_e[index] -> *_magnitude[index] (This is handled below)
                    filename_ce = Path(
                        basepath + ext)  # The file without the _c1/_e1 suffix
                    if dcm2niisuffix == '_e' and bids.get_bidsvalue(
                            basepath, 'echo'):
                        newbasepath_ce = Path(
                            bids.get_bidsvalue(basepath, 'echo', '1'))
                        newbasepath_ce = Path(
                                basepath, 'dummy',
                                dcm2niisuffix.upper() + '1'.zfill(len(index)))
                        )  # --> append to acq-label, may need to be elaborated for future BIDS standards, supporting multi-coil data
                    newfilename_ce = newbasepath_ce.with_suffix(
                        ext)  # The file as it should have been
                    if filename_ce.is_file():
                        if filename_ce != newfilename_ce:
                                f"Found no dcm2niix {dcm2niisuffix} suffix for image instance 1, renaming\n{filename_ce} ->\n{newfilename_ce}"
                        if ext == '.json':

                # Patch the basepath with the dcm2niix suffix info (we can't rely on the basepath info here because Siemens can e.g. put multiple echos in one series / run-folder)
                if dcm2niisuffix == '_e' and bids.get_bidsvalue(
                        basepath, 'echo') and index:
                    basepath = bids.get_bidsvalue(
                        basepath, 'echo', str(int(index))
                    )  # In contrast to other labels, run and echo labels MUST be integers. Those labels MAY include zero padding, but this is NOT RECOMMENDED to maintain their uniqueness

                elif dcm2niisuffix == '_e' and basesuffix in (
                        'magnitude2') and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap'
                    basepath = basepath[0:-1] + str(
                    )  # basepath: *_magnitude1_e[index] -> *_magnitude[index]
                    # Collect the echo times that need to be added to the json-file (see below)
                    if filename.suffix == '.json':
                        with filename.open('r') as json_fid:
                            data = json.load(json_fid)
                        TE[int(index) - 1] = data['EchoTime']
                            f"Collected EchoTime{index} = {data['EchoTime']} from: {filename}"
                elif dcm2niisuffix == '_e' and basesuffix == 'phasediff' and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap'

                elif dcm2niisuffix == '_e' and basesuffix in [
                        'phase1', 'phase2'
                ] and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap'
                    basepath = basepath[0:-1] + str(
                    )  # basepath: *_phase1_e[index]_ph -> *_phase[index]

                    basepath = bids.get_bidsvalue(
                        basepath, 'dummy',
                        dcm2niisuffix.upper() + index
                    )  # --> append to acq-label, may need to be elaborated for future BIDS standards, supporting multi-coil data

                # Save the file with a new name
                newbidsname = str(Path(basepath).name)
                if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
                    newbidsname = bids.increment_runindex(
                        bidsmodality, newbidsname, ext
                    )  # Update the runindex now that the acq-label has changed
                newfilename = (bidsmodality / newbidsname).with_suffix(ext)
                    f"Found dcm2niix {dcm2niisuffix} suffix, renaming\n{filename} ->\n{newfilename}"
                if ext == '.json':
                        (bidsmodality / newbidsname).with_suffix('.json'))

        # Loop over and adapt all the newly produced json files and write to the scans.tsv file (every nifti-file comes with a json-file)
        if not jsonfiles:
            jsonfiles = [(bidsmodality / bidsname).with_suffix('.json')]
        for jsonfile in set(jsonfiles):

            # Check if dcm2niix behaved as expected
            if not jsonfile.is_file():
                    f"Unexpected file conversion result: {jsonfile} not found")

            # Add a dummy b0 bval- and bvec-file for any file without a bval/bvec file (e.g. sbref, b0 scans)
            if modality == 'dwi':
                bvecfile = jsonfile.with_suffix('.bvec')
                bvalfile = jsonfile.with_suffix('.bval')
                if not bvecfile.is_file():
                    LOGGER.info(f"Adding dummy bvec file: {bvecfile}")
                    with bvecfile.open('w') as bvec_fid:
                if not bvalfile.is_file():
                    LOGGER.info(f"Adding dummy bval file: {bvalfile}")
                    with bvalfile.open('w') as bval_fid:

            # Add the TaskName to the func json-file
            elif modality == 'func':
                with jsonfile.open('r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                if not 'TaskName' in data:
                    LOGGER.info(f"Adding TaskName to: {jsonfile}")
                    data['TaskName'] = run['bids']['task']
                    with jsonfile.open('w') as json_fid:
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

            # Add the EchoTime(s) used to create the difference image to the fmap json-file. NB: This assumes the magnitude runs have already been parsed (i.e. their nifti's had an _e suffix) -- This is normally the case for Siemens (phase-runs being saved after the magnitude runs
            elif modality == 'fmap':
                if run['bids']['suffix'] == 'phasediff':
                        f"Adding EchoTime1: {TE[0]} and EchoTime2: {TE[1]} to {jsonfile}"
                    if TE[0] is None or TE[1] is None:
                            f"Missing Echo-Time data for: {jsonfile}")
                    elif TE[0] > TE[1]:
                            f"EchoTime1 > EchoTime2 for: {jsonfile}")
                    with jsonfile.open('r') as json_fid:
                        data = json.load(json_fid)
                    data['EchoTime1'] = TE[0]
                    data['EchoTime2'] = TE[1]
                    with jsonfile.open('w') as json_fid:
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

            # Parse the acquisition time from the json file or else from the dicom header (NB: assuming the dicom file represents the first aqcuisition)
            with jsonfile.open('r') as json_fid:
                data = json.load(json_fid)
            if 'AcquisitionTime' not in data:
                data['AcquisitionTime'] = bids.get_dicomfield(
                    'AcquisitionTime', dicomfile)
            acq_time = dateutil.parser.parse(data['AcquisitionTime'])
            scanpath = list(
                jsonfile.parent.glob(jsonfile.stem + '.nii*')
            )  # Find the corresponding nifti file (there should be only one, let's not make assumptions about the .gz extension)
                'acq_time'] = '1900-01-01T' + acq_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')

    # Write the scans_table to disk
    LOGGER.info(f"Writing acquisition time data to: {scans_tsv}")
    scans_table.sort_values(by=['acq_time', 'filename'], inplace=True)
    scans_table.to_csv(scans_tsv, sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')

    # Search for the IntendedFor images and add them to the json-files. This has been postponed untill all modalities have been processed (i.e. so that all target images are indeed on disk)
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['fmap'] is not None:
        for fieldmap in bidsmap['DICOM']['fmap']:
            bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, 'fmap', fieldmap)
            niifiles = []
            intendedfor = fieldmap['bids']['IntendedFor']

            # Search for the imaging files that match the IntendedFor search criteria
            if intendedfor:
                if intendedfor.startswith('<<') and intendedfor.endswith('>>'):
                    intendedfor = intendedfor[2:-2].split('><')
                elif not isinstance(intendedfor, list):
                    intendedfor = [intendedfor]
                for selector in intendedfor:
                            Path(niifile).relative_to(bidsfolder / subid)
                            for niifile in sorted(
                            if selector
                    )  # Search in all runs using a relative path to the subject folder
                intendedfor = []

            # Save the IntendedFor data in the json-files (account for multiple runs and dcm2niix suffixes inserted into the acquisition label)
            acqlabel = bids.get_bidsvalue(bidsname, 'acq')
            for jsonfile in list((bidsses/'fmap').glob(bidsname.replace('_run-1_', '_run-[0-9]*_') + '.json')) + \
                            list((bidsses/'fmap').glob(bidsname.replace('_run-1_', '_run-[0-9]*_').replace(acqlabel, acqlabel+'[CE][0-9]*') + '.json')):

                if niifiles:
                    LOGGER.info(f"Adding IntendedFor to: {jsonfile}")
                elif intendedfor:
                        f"Empty 'IntendedFor' fieldmap value in {jsonfile}: the search for {intendedfor} gave no results"
                        f"Empty 'IntendedFor' fieldmap value in {jsonfile}: the IntendedFor value of the bidsmap entry was empty"
                with jsonfile.open('r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                data['IntendedFor'] = [
                    niifile.as_posix() for niifile in niifiles
                ]  # The path needs to use forward slashes instead of backward slashes
                with jsonfile.open('w') as json_fid:
                    json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

                # Catch magnitude2 and phase2 files produced by dcm2niix (i.e. magnitude1 & magnitude2 both in the same runfolder)
                if jsonfile.name.endswith(
                        'magnitude1.json') or jsonfile.name.endswith(
                    jsonfile2 = jsonfile.with_name(
                        jsonfile.name.rsplit('1.json', 1)[0] + '2.json')
                    if jsonfile2.is_file():
                        with jsonfile2.open('r') as json_fid:
                            data = json.load(json_fid)
                        if 'IntendedFor' not in data:
                            if niifiles:
                                    f"Adding IntendedFor to: {jsonfile2}")
                                    f"Empty 'IntendedFor' fieldmap value in {jsonfile2}: the search for {intendedfor} gave no results"
                            data['IntendedFor'] = [
                                niifile.as_posix() for niifile in niifiles
                            ]  # The path needs to use forward slashes instead of backward slashes
                            with jsonfile2.open('w') as json_fid:
                                json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

    # Collect personal data from the DICOM header: only from the first session (-> BIDS specification)
    if 'runfolder' in locals():
        dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(runfolder)
        personals['participant_id'] = subid
        if sesid:
            if 'session_id' not in personals:
                personals['session_id'] = sesid
        age = bids.get_dicomfield(
            'PatientAge', dicomfile
        )  # A string of characters with one of the following formats: nnnD, nnnW, nnnM, nnnY
        if age.endswith('D'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('D')) / 365.2524))
        elif age.endswith('W'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('W')) / 52.1775))
        elif age.endswith('M'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('M')) / 12))
        elif age.endswith('Y'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('Y'))))
        elif age:
            personals['age'] = age
        personals['sex'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSex', dicomfile)
        personals['size'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSize', dicomfile)
        personals['weight'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientWeight', dicomfile)
Пример #8
def bidsmapper(rawfolder, bidsfolder, bidsmapfile='bidsmap_sample.yaml', automatic=False):
    Main function that processes all the subjects and session in the rawfolder
    and that generates a maximally filled-in bidsmap.yaml file in bidsfolder/code.
    Folders in rawfolder are assumed to contain a single dataset.

    :param str rawfolder:       The root folder-name of the sub/ses/data/file tree containing the source data files
    :param str bidsfolder:      The name of the BIDS root folder
    :param str bidsmapfile:     The name of the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param bool automatic:      If True, the user will not be asked for help if an unknown series is encountered
    :return: str bidsmapfile:   The name of the mapped bidsmap YAML-file
    :rtype: str

    # Input checking
    rawfolder  = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(rawfolder))
    bidsfolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(bidsfolder))

    # Get the heuristics for creating the bidsmap
    heuristics = bids.get_heuristics(bidsmapfile, os.path.join(bidsfolder,'code'))

    # Create a copy / bidsmap skeleton with no modality entries (i.e. bidsmap with empty lists)
    bidsmap = copy.deepcopy(heuristics)
    for logic in ('DICOM', 'PAR', 'P7', 'Nifti', 'FileSystem'):
        for modality in bids.bidsmodalities + (bids.unknownmodality,):

            if bidsmap[logic] and modality in bidsmap[logic]:
                bidsmap[logic][modality] = None

    # Loop over all subjects and sessions and built up the bidsmap entries
    subjects = bids.lsdirs(rawfolder, 'sub-*')
    for subject in subjects:

        sessions = bids.lsdirs(subject, 'ses-*')
        if not sessions: sessions = subject
        for session in sessions:

            print('Parsing: ' + session)

            for series in bids.lsdirs(session):

                # Update / append the dicom mapping
                if heuristics['DICOM']:
                    dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(series)
                    bidsmap   = built_dicommap(dicomfile, bidsmap, heuristics, automatic)

                # Update / append the PAR/REC mapping
                if heuristics['PAR']:
                    parfile   = bids.get_parfile(series)
                    bidsmap   = built_parmap(parfile, bidsmap, heuristics, automatic)

                # Update / append the P7 mapping
                if heuristics['P7']:
                    p7file    = bids.get_p7file(series)
                    bidsmap   = built_p7map(p7file, bidsmap, heuristics, automatic)

                # Update / append the nifti mapping
                if heuristics['Nifti']:
                    niftifile = bids.get_niftifile(series)
                    bidsmap   = built_niftimap(niftifile, bidsmap, heuristics, automatic)

                # Update / append the file-system mapping
                if heuristics['FileSystem']:
                    bidsmap   = built_filesystemmap(series, bidsmap, heuristics, automatic)

                # Update / append the plugin mapping
                if heuristics['PlugIn']:
                    bidsmap   = built_pluginmap(series, bidsmap)

    # Create the bidsmap YAML-file in bidsfolder/code
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(bidsfolder,'code'), exist_ok=True)
    bidsmapfile = os.path.join(bidsfolder,'code','bidsmap.yaml')

    # Save the bidsmap to the bidsmap YAML-file
    print('Writing bidsmap to: ' + bidsmapfile)
    with open(bidsmapfile, 'w') as stream:
        yaml.dump(bidsmap, stream)

    return bidsmapfile
Пример #9
def coin_dicom(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals):
    Converts the session dicom-files into BIDS-valid nifti-files in the corresponding bidsfolder and
    extracts personals (e.g. Age, Sex) from the dicom header

    :param str session:    The full-path name of the subject/session source folder
    :param dict bidsmap:   The full mapping heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param str bidsfolder: The full-path name of the BIDS root-folder
    :param dict personals: The dictionary with the personal information
    :return:               Nothing
    :rtype: NoneType

    global logfile
    TE = [None, None]

    # Get a valid BIDS subject identifier from the (first) dicom-header or from the session source folder
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label'] and bidsmap['DICOM'][
                '<<') and bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label'].endswith('>>'):
        subid = 'sub-' + bids.get_dicomfield(
    elif bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label']:
        subid = 'sub-' + bidsmap['DICOM']['participant_label']
        subid = 'sub-' + session.rsplit(os.sep + 'sub-', 1)[1].split(
            os.sep + 'ses-', 1)[0]
    if subid == 'sub-':
            'Error: No valid subject identifier found for: ' + session,

    # Get a BIDS session identifier from the (first) dicom-header or from the session source folder
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label'] and bidsmap['DICOM'][
                '<<') and bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label'].endswith('>>'):
        sesid = 'ses-' + bids.get_dicomfield(
    elif bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label']:
        sesid = 'ses-' + bidsmap['DICOM']['session_label']
    elif os.sep + 'ses-' in session:
        sesid = 'ses-' + session.rsplit(os.sep + 'ses-')[1]
        sesid = ''

    # Create the BIDS session-folder
    bidsses = os.path.join(
        bidsfolder, subid, sesid
    )  # NB: This gives a trailing '/' if ses=='', but that should be ok
    os.makedirs(bidsses, exist_ok=True)

    # Process all the dicom series subfolders
    for series in bids.lsdirs(session):

        bids.printlog('Processing dicom-folder: ' + series, logfile)

        # Get the cleaned-up bids labels from a dicom-file and bidsmap
        dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(series)
        result = bids.get_matching_dicomseries(dicomfile, bidsmap)
        series_ = result['series']
        modality = result['modality']

        # Create the BIDS session/modality folder
        bidsmodality = os.path.join(bidsses, modality)
        os.makedirs(bidsmodality, exist_ok=True)

        # Compose the BIDS filename using the bids labels and run-index
        runindex = series_['run_index']
        if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
            bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, modality, series_,
            bidsname = bids.increment_runindex(bidsmodality, bidsname)
            bidsname = bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, modality, series_,

        # Convert the dicom-files in the series folder to nifti's in the BIDS-folder
        command = '{path}dcm2niix {args} -f "{filename}" -o "{outfolder}" "{infolder}"'.format(
        bids.printlog('$ ' + command, logfile)
        process = subprocess.run(
        )  # TODO: investigate shell=False and capture_output=True
        bids.printlog(process.stdout.decode('utf-8'), logfile)
        if process.returncode != 0:
            errormsg = 'Error: Failed to process {} (errorcode {})'.format(
                series, process.returncode)
            bids.printlog(errormsg, logfile)

        # Rename all files ending with _c%d, _e%d and _ph: These are produced by dcm2niix for multi-coil data, multi-echo data and phase data, respectively
        jsonfiles = [
        ]  # Collect the associated json-files (for updating them later)
        for suffix in ('_c', '_e', '_ph'):
            for filename in sorted(
                        os.path.join(bidsmodality, bidsname + suffix + '*'))):
                basepath, ext1 = os.path.splitext(filename)
                basepath, ext2 = os.path.splitext(
                    basepath)  # Account for .nii.gz files
                basepath, index = basepath.rsplit(suffix, 1)

                if suffix == '_e' and bids.set_bidslabel(basepath,
                                                         'echo') and index:
                    basepath = bids.set_bidslabel(basepath, 'echo', index)

                elif suffix == '_e' and basepath.rsplit('_', 1)[1] in [
                        'magnitude1', 'magnitude2'
                ] and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap'
                    basepath = basepath[0:-1] + index
                    # Read the echo times that need to be added to the json-file (see below)
                    if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.json':
                        with open(filename, 'r') as json_fid:
                            data = json.load(json_fid)
                        TE[int(index) - 1] = data['EchoTime']
                            'Reading EchoTime{} = {} from: {}'.format(
                                index, data['EchoTime'], filename), logfile)
                elif suffix == '_e' and basepath.rsplit(
                        '_', 1
                )[1] == 'phasediff' and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap'

                elif suffix == '_ph' and basepath.rsplit('_', 1)[1] in [
                        'phase1', 'phase2'
                ] and index:  # i.e. modality == 'fmap' (TODO: untested)
                    basepath = basepath[0:-1] + index
                        'WARNING: Untested dcm2niix "_ph"-filetype: ' +
                        basepath, logfile)

                    basepath = bids.set_bidslabel(
                        basepath, 'dummy',
                        suffix.upper() + index
                    )  # --> append to acq-label, may need to be elaborated for future BIDS standards, supporting multi-coil data

                if runindex.startswith('<<') and runindex.endswith('>>'):
                    newbidsname = bids.increment_runindex(
                        bidsmodality, os.path.basename(basepath), ext2 + ext1
                    )  # Update the runindex now that the acq-label has changed
                    newbidsname = os.path.basename(basepath)
                newfilename = os.path.join(bidsmodality,
                                           newbidsname + ext2 + ext1)
                    'Found dcm2niix {} suffix, renaming\n{} ->\n{}'.format(
                        suffix, filename, newfilename), logfile)
                os.rename(filename, newfilename)
                if ext1 == '.json':
                        os.path.join(bidsmodality, newbidsname + '.json'))

        # Loop over and adapt all the newly produced json files (every nifti file comes with a json file)
        if not jsonfiles:
            jsonfiles = [os.path.join(bidsmodality, bidsname + '.json')]

        for jsonfile in jsonfiles:

            # Add a dummy b0 bval- and bvec-file for any file without a bval/bvec file (e.g. sbref, b0 scans)
            if modality == 'dwi':
                bvecfile = os.path.splitext(jsonfile)[0] + '.bvec'
                bvalfile = os.path.splitext(jsonfile)[0] + '.bval'
                if not os.path.isfile(bvecfile):
                    with open(bvecfile, 'w') as bvec_fid:
                        bids.printlog('Adding dummy bvec file: ' + bvecfile,
                if not os.path.isfile(bvalfile):
                    with open(bvalfile, 'w') as bval_fid:
                        bids.printlog('Adding dummy bval file: ' + bvalfile,

            # Add the TaskName to the func json-file
            elif modality == 'func':
                with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                if not 'TaskName' in data:
                    bids.printlog('Adding TaskName to: ' + jsonfile, logfile)
                    with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fid:
                        data['TaskName'] = series_['task_label']
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

            # Add the EchoTime(s) used to create the difference image to the fmap json-file. NB: This assumes the magnitude series have already been parsed (i.e. their nifti's had an _e suffix) -- This is normally the case for Siemens (phase-series being saved after the magnitude series
            elif modality == 'fmap':
                if series_['suffix'] == 'phasediff':
                        'Adding EchoTime1 and EchoTime2 to: ' + jsonfile,
                    with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                        data = json.load(json_fid)
                    data['EchoTime1'] = TE[0]
                    data['EchoTime2'] = TE[1]
                    with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fid:
                        json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)
                    if TE[0] > TE[1]:
                            'WARNING: EchoTime1 > EchoTime2 in: ' + jsonfile,

    # Search for the IntendedFor images and add them to the json-files. This has been postponed untill all modalities have been processed (i.e. so that all target images are indeed on disk)
    if bidsmap['DICOM']['fmap'] is not None:
        for fieldmap in bidsmap['DICOM']['fmap']:
            if 'IntendedFor' in fieldmap and fieldmap['IntendedFor']:
                jsonfile = os.path.join(
                    bidsses, 'fmap',
                    bids.get_bidsname(subid, sesid, 'fmap', fieldmap, '1') +
                )  # TODO: Assumes that there is only 1 fieldmap acquired for each bidsmap entry / series
                if not os.path.isfile(jsonfile):
                intendedfor = fieldmap['IntendedFor']
                if intendedfor.startswith('<<') and intendedfor.endswith('>>'):
                    intendedfor = intendedfor[2:-2].split('><')
                    intendedfor = [intendedfor]
                with open(jsonfile, 'r') as json_fid:
                    data = json.load(json_fid)
                niifiles = [
                    niifile.split(os.sep + subid + os.sep, 1)[1]
                    for niifile in sorted(
                                bidsses, '**' + os.sep + '*' +
                                '*'.join(intendedfor) + '*.nii*')))
                ]  # Use a relative path
                data['IntendedFor'] = niifiles
                bids.printlog('Adding IntendedFor to: ' + jsonfile, logfile)
                with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fid:
                    json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

                # Catch magnitude2 files produced by dcm2niix
                if jsonfile.endswith('magnitude1.json'):
                    jsonfile2 = jsonfile.rsplit('1.json', 1)[0] + '2.json'
                    if os.path.isfile(jsonfile2):
                        with open(jsonfile2, 'r') as json_fid:
                            data = json.load(json_fid)
                        data['IntendedFor'] = niifiles
                        bids.printlog('Adding IntendedFor to: ' + jsonfile2,
                        with open(jsonfile2, 'w') as json_fid:
                            json.dump(data, json_fid, indent=4)

    # Collect personal data from the DICOM header
    dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(series)
    personals['participant_id'] = subid
    if sesid:
            'session_id'] = sesid  # TODO: Check if this can be in the participants.tsv file according to BIDS
    personals['age'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientAge', dicomfile)
    personals['sex'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSex', dicomfile)
    personals['size'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSize', dicomfile)
    personals['weight'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientWeight', dicomfile)
Пример #10
def rawmapper(rawfolder,
              outfolder: Path = Path(),
              sessions: list = [],
              rename: bool = False,
              dicomfield: tuple = ('PatientComments', ),
              wildcard: str = '*',
              subprefix: str = 'sub-',
              sesprefix: str = 'ses-',
              dryrun: bool = False) -> None:
    :param rawfolder:   The root folder-name of the sub/ses/data/file tree containing the source data files
    :param outfolder:   The name of the folder where the mapping-file is saved (default = sourcefolder)
    :param sessions:    Space separated list of selected sub-#/ses-# names / folders to be processed. Otherwise all sessions in the bidsfolder will be selected
    :param rename:      Flag for renaming the sub-subid folders to sub-dicomfield
    :param dicomfield:  The names of the dicomfields that are mapped (/ renamed to sub-dcmval/ses-dcmval)
    :param wildcard:    The Unix style pathname pattern expansion that is used by glob to select the series from which the dicomfield is being mapped
    :param subprefix:   The prefix common for all source subject-folders
    :param sesprefix:   The prefix common for all source session-folders
    :param dryrun:      Flag for dry-running renaming the sub-subid folders
    :return:            Nothing

    # Input checking
    rawfolder = Path(rawfolder)
    if not outfolder:
        outfolder = rawfolder
        print(f"Outfolder: {outfolder}")
    outfolder = Path(outfolder)

    # Create or append the output to a mapper logfile
    mapperfile = outfolder / f"rawmapper_{'_'.join(dicomfield)}.tsv"
    if not dryrun:
        if rename:
            with mapperfile.open('a') as fid:
            with mapperfile.open('x') as fid:

    # Map the sessions in the sourcefolder
    if not sessions:
        sessions = list(rawfolder.glob(f"{subprefix}*/{sesprefix}*"))
        if not sessions:
            sessions = rawfolder.glob(
                f"{subprefix}*")  # Try without session-subfolders
        sessions = [
            sessionitem for session in sessions
            for sessionitem in rawfolder.rglob(session)

    # Loop over the selected sessions in the sourcefolder
    for session in sessions:

        # Get the subject and session identifiers from the raw folder
        subid, sesid = bids.get_subid_sesid(session)

        # Parse the new subject and session identifiers from the dicomfield
        series = bids.lsdirs(session, wildcard)
        if not series:
            series = ''
            dcmval = ''
            series = series[0]  # TODO: loop over series?
            dcmval = ''
            for dcmfield in dicomfield:
                dcmval = dcmval + '/' + str(
                    bids.get_dicomfield(dcmfield, bids.get_dicomfile(series)))
            dcmval = dcmval[1:]

        # Rename the session subfolder in the sourcefolder and print & save this info
        if rename:

            # Get the new subid and sesid
            if not dcmval or dcmval == 'None':
                    f"Skipping renaming because the dicom-field was empty for: {session}"
                if '/' in dcmval:  # Allow for different sub/ses delimiters that could be entered at the console (i.e. in PatientComments)
                    delim = '/'
                elif '\\' in dcmval:
                    delim = '\\'
                    delim = '\r\n'
                newsubsesid = [val for val in dcmval.split(delim)
                               if val]  # Skip empty lines / entries
                newsubid = subprefix + bids.cleanup_value(
                    re.sub(f'^{subprefix}', '', newsubsesid[0]))
                if newsubid == subprefix or newsubid == subprefix + 'None':
                    newsubid = subid
                        'Could not rename {} because the dicom-field was empty for: {}'
                        .format(subid, session))
                if len(newsubsesid) == 1:
                    newsesid = sesid
                elif len(newsubsesid) == 2:
                    newsesid = sesprefix + bids.cleanup_value(
                        re.sub(f'^{sesprefix}', '', newsubsesid[1]))
                        f"Skipping renaming of {session} because the dicom-field '{dcmval}' could not be parsed into [subid, sesid]"
                if newsesid == sesprefix or newsesid == subprefix + 'None':
                    newsesid = sesid
                        f"Could not rename {sesid} because the dicom-field was empty for: {session}"

            # Save the dicomfield / sub-ses mapping to disk and rename the session subfolder (but skip if it already exists)
            newsession = rawfolder / newsubid / newsesid
            print(f"{session} -> {newsession}")
            if newsession == session:
            if newsession.is_dir():
                    f"{newsession} already exists, skipping renaming of {session}"
            elif not dryrun:
                with mapperfile.open('a') as fid:

        # Print & save the dicom values
            print('{}/{}/{}\t-> {}'.format(subid, sesid, series.name,
            if not dryrun:
                with mapperfile.open('a') as fid:
                        subid, sesid, series.name,
Пример #11
def build_dicommap(runfolder: Path, bidsmap_new: dict, bidsmap_old: dict,
                   template: dict, gui: object) -> dict:
    All the logic to map dicom-attributes (fields/tags) onto bids-labels go into this function

    :param runfolder:   The full-path name of the series-folder containing source dicom-files
    :param bidsmap_new: The bidsmap that we are building
    :param bidsmap_old: Full BIDS heuristics data structure, with all options, BIDS labels and attributes, etc
    :param template:    The bidsmap template with the default heuristics
    :param gui:         If not None, the user will not be asked for help if an unknown run is encountered
    :return:            The bidsmap with new entries in it

    # Input checks
    dicomfile = bids.get_dicomfile(runfolder)
    if not dicomfile.name or (not template['DICOM']
                              and not bidsmap_old['DICOM']):
        LOGGER.info('No DICOM information found in the bidsmap and template')
        return bidsmap_new

    # See if we can find a matching run in the old bidsmap
    run, modality, index = bids.get_matching_run(dicomfile, bidsmap_old)

    # If not, see if we can find a matching run in the template
    if index is None:
        run, modality, _ = bids.get_matching_run(dicomfile, template)

    # See if we have collected the run in our new bidsmap
    if not bids.exist_run(bidsmap_new, 'DICOM', '', run):

        # Copy the filled-in run over to the new bidsmap
        bidsmap_new = bids.append_run(bidsmap_new, 'DICOM', modality, run)

        # Communicate with the user if the run was not present in bidsmap_old or in template
        LOGGER.info(f"New '{modality}' sample found: {dicomfile}")

        # Launch a GUI to ask the user for help if the new run comes from the template (i.e. was not yet in the old bidsmap)
        if gui and gui.interactive == 2 and index is None:
            # Open the interactive edit window to get the new mapping
            dialog_edit = bidseditor.EditDialog(dicomfile, modality,
                                                bidsmap_new, template,
                                                gui.subprefix, gui.sesprefix)

            # Get the result
            if dialog_edit.result() == 1:  # The user has finished the edit
                bidsmap_new = dialog_edit.target_bidsmap
            elif dialog_edit.result() in [
                    0, 2
            ]:  # The user has canceled / aborted the edit
                answer = QMessageBox.question(
                    None, 'BIDSmapper',
                    'Do you want to abort and quit the bidsmapper?',
                    QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No)
                if answer == QMessageBox.No:
                if answer == QMessageBox.Yes:
                    LOGGER.info('User has quit the bidsmapper')

                    f'Unexpected result {dialog_edit.result()} from the edit dialog'

    return bidsmap_new
Пример #12
def bidsmapper(rawfolder: str,
               bidsfolder: str,
               bidsmapfile: str,
               templatefile: str,
               subprefix: str = 'sub-',
               sesprefix: str = 'ses-',
               store: bool = False,
               interactive: bool = True) -> None:
    Main function that processes all the subjects and session in the sourcefolder
    and that generates a maximally filled-in bidsmap.yaml file in bidsfolder/code/bidscoin.
    Folders in sourcefolder are assumed to contain a single dataset.

    :param rawfolder:       The root folder-name of the sub/ses/data/file tree containing the source data files
    :param bidsfolder:      The name of the BIDS root folder
    :param bidsmapfile:     The name of the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param templatefile:    The name of the bidsmap template YAML-file
    :param subprefix:       The prefix common for all source subject-folders
    :param sesprefix:       The prefix common for all source session-folders
    :param store:           If True, the provenance samples will be stored
    :param interactive:     If True, the user will be asked for help if an unknown run is encountered
    :return:bidsmapfile:    The name of the mapped bidsmap YAML-file

    # Input checking
    rawfolder = Path(rawfolder).resolve()
    bidsfolder = Path(bidsfolder).resolve()
    bidsmapfile = Path(bidsmapfile)
    templatefile = Path(templatefile)
    bidscoinfolder = bidsfolder / 'code' / 'bidscoin'

    # Start logging
    bids.setup_logging(bidscoinfolder / 'bidsmapper.log')
    LOGGER.info('-------------- START BIDSmapper ------------')
        f">>> bidsmapper sourcefolder={rawfolder} bidsfolder={bidsfolder} bidsmap={bidsmapfile} "
        f" template={templatefile} subprefix={subprefix} sesprefix={sesprefix} store={store} interactive={interactive}"

    # Get the heuristics for filling the new bidsmap
    bidsmap_old, _ = bids.load_bidsmap(bidsmapfile, bidscoinfolder)
    template, _ = bids.load_bidsmap(templatefile, bidscoinfolder)

    # Create the new bidsmap as a copy / bidsmap skeleton with no modality entries (i.e. bidsmap with empty lists)
    if bidsmap_old:
        bidsmap_new = copy.deepcopy(bidsmap_old)
        bidsmap_new = copy.deepcopy(template)
    for logic in ('DICOM', 'PAR', 'P7', 'Nifti', 'FileSystem'):
        for modality in bids.bidsmodalities + (bids.unknownmodality,
            if bidsmap_new[logic] and modality in bidsmap_new[logic]:
                bidsmap_new[logic][modality] = None

    # Start with an empty skeleton if we didn't have an old bidsmap
    if not bidsmap_old:
        bidsmap_old = copy.deepcopy(bidsmap_new)

    # Start the Qt-application
    gui = interactive
    if gui:
        app = QApplication(sys.argv)
        app.setApplicationName('BIDS editor')
        mainwin = bidseditor.MainWindow()
        gui = bidseditor.Ui_MainWindow()
        gui.interactive = interactive
        gui.subprefix = subprefix
        gui.sesprefix = sesprefix

        if gui.interactive == 2:
                mainwin, 'BIDS mapping workflow',
                f"The bidsmapper will now scan {bidsfolder} and whenever "
                f"it detects a new type of scan it will ask you to identify it.\n\n"
                f"It is important that you choose the correct BIDS modality "
                f"(e.g. 'anat', 'dwi' or 'func') and suffix (e.g. 'bold' or 'sbref').\n\n"
                f"At the end you will be shown an overview of all the "
                f"different scan types and BIDScoin options (as in the "
                f"bidseditor) that you can then (re)edit to your needs")

    # Loop over all subjects and sessions and built up the bidsmap entries
    dataformat = ''
    subjects = bids.lsdirs(rawfolder, subprefix + '*')
    if not subjects:
        LOGGER.warning(f'No subjects found in: {rawfolder/subprefix}*')
        gui = None
    for n, subject in enumerate(subjects, 1):

        sessions = bids.lsdirs(subject, sesprefix + '*')
        if not sessions:
            sessions = [subject]
        for session in sessions:

            # Unpack the data in a temporary folder if it is tarballed/zipped and/or contains a DICOMDIR file
            session, unpacked = bids.unpack(session, subprefix, sesprefix, '*')
            if unpacked:
                store = dict(source=unpacked,
                             target=bidscoinfolder / 'provenance')
            elif store:
                store = dict(source=rawfolder,
                             target=bidscoinfolder / 'provenance')
                store = dict()

            # Loop of the different DICOM runs (series) and collect source files
            sourcefiles = []
            dataformat = bids.get_dataformat(session)
            if not dataformat:
                    f"Skipping: {session} (subject {n}/{len(subjects)})")

            LOGGER.info(f"Parsing: {session} (subject {n}/{len(subjects)})")

            if dataformat == 'DICOM':
                for sourcedir in bids.lsdirs(session):
                    sourcefile = bids.get_dicomfile(sourcedir)
                    if sourcefile.name:

            if dataformat == 'PAR':
                sourcefiles = bids.get_parfiles(session)

            if dataformat == 'P7':
                sourcefiles = bids.get_p7file(session)

            # Update the bidsmap with the info from the source files
            for sourcefile in sourcefiles:
                bidsmap_new = build_bidsmap(dataformat, sourcefile,
                                            bidsmap_new, bidsmap_old, template,
                                            store, gui)

            # Update / append the nifti mapping
            if dataformat == 'Nifti':
                bidsmap_new = build_niftimap(session, bidsmap_new, bidsmap_old)

            # Update / append the file-system mapping
            if dataformat == 'FileSystem':
                bidsmap_new = build_filesystemmap(session, bidsmap_new,

            # Update / append the plugin mapping
            if bidsmap_old['PlugIns']:
                bidsmap_new = build_pluginmap(session, bidsmap_new,

            # Clean-up the temporary unpacked data
            if unpacked:

    if not dataformat:
        LOGGER.warning('Could not determine the dataformat of the source data')

    # (Re)launch the bidseditor UI_MainWindow
    bidsmapfile = bidscoinfolder / 'bidsmap.yaml'
    if gui:
        if not dataformat:
                mainwin, 'BIDS mapping workflow',
                'Could not determine the dataformat of the source data.\n'
                'You can try running the bidseditor tool yourself')
                mainwin, 'BIDS mapping workflow',
                f"The bidsmapper has finished scanning {rawfolder}\n\n"
                f"Please carefully check all the different BIDS output names "
                f"and BIDScoin options and (re)edit them to your needs.\n\n"
                f"You can always redo this step later by re-running the "
                f"bidsmapper or by just running the bidseditor tool")

            LOGGER.info('Opening the bidseditor')
        # Save the bidsmap in the bidscoinfolder
        bids.save_bidsmap(bidsmapfile, bidsmap_new)

    LOGGER.info('-------------- FINISHED! -------------------')

Пример #13
def scanparticipant(dataformat: str, session: Path, personals: dict,
                    subid: str, sesid: str) -> bool:
    Converts the session source-files into BIDS-valid nifti-files in the corresponding bidsfolder and
    extracts personals (e.g. Age, Sex) from the source header

    :param session:     The full-path name of the subject/session source file/folder
    :param personals:   The dictionary with the personal information
    :param subid:       The subject-id from the bids-folder
    :param sesid:       The session-id from the bids-folder
    :return:            True if successful

    # Get valid BIDS subject/session identifiers from the (first) DICOM- or PAR/XML source file
    sourcefile = Path()
    if dataformat == 'DICOM':
        sources = bids.lsdirs(session)
        for source in sources:
            sourcefile = bids.get_dicomfile(source)
            if sourcefile.name:

    elif dataformat == 'PAR':
        sources = bids.get_parfiles(session)
        if sources:
            sourcefile = sources[0]

            f"Unsupported data format: {dataformat}\nPlease report this bug")
        return False

    if not sources:
        LOGGER.info(f"No data found for: {session}")
        return False

    # Collect personal data from a source header (PAR/XML does not contain personal info)
    if dataformat == 'DICOM' and sourcefile.name:
        personals['participant_id'] = subid
        if sesid:
            if 'session_id' not in personals:
                personals['session_id'] = sesid
                return False  # Only from the first session -> BIDS specification
        age = bids.get_dicomfield(
            'PatientAge', sourcefile
        )  # A string of characters with one of the following formats: nnnD, nnnW, nnnM, nnnY
        if age.endswith('D'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('D')) / 365.2524))
        elif age.endswith('W'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('W')) / 52.1775))
        elif age.endswith('M'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('M')) / 12))
        elif age.endswith('Y'):
            personals['age'] = str(int(float(age.rstrip('Y'))))
        elif age:
            personals['age'] = age
        personals['sex'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSex', sourcefile)
        personals['size'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientSize', sourcefile)
        personals['weight'] = bids.get_dicomfield('PatientWeight', sourcefile)

        return True