Пример #1
def test_external_commitments(setup_podle):
    """Add this generated commitment to the external list
    {txid:N:{'P':pubkey, 'reveal':{1:{'P2':P2,'s':s,'e':e}, 2:{..},..}}}
    Note we do this *after* the sendpayment test so that the external
    commitments will not erroneously used (they are fake).
    ecs = {}
    tries = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY","taker_utxo_retries")
    for i in range(10):
        priv = os.urandom(32)
        dummy_utxo = btc.sha256(priv)+":2"
        ecs[dummy_utxo] = {}
        for j in range(tries):
            P, P2, s, e, commit = generate_single_podle_sig(priv, j)
            if 'P' not in ecs[dummy_utxo]:
            ecs[dummy_utxo]['reveal'][j] = {'P2':P2, 's':s, 'e':e}
    used, external = btc.get_podle_commitments()
    for  u in external:
        assert external[u]['P'] == ecs[u]['P']
        for i in range(tries):
            for x in ['P2', 's', 'e']:
                assert external[u]['reveal'][str(i)][x] == ecs[u]['reveal'][i][x]
Пример #2
def add_external_commitments(utxo_datas):
    """Persist the PoDLE commitments for this utxo
    to the commitments.json file. The number of separate
    entries is dependent on the taker_utxo_retries entry, by
    default 3.
    def generate_single_podle_sig(u, priv, i):
        """Make a podle entry for key priv at index i, using a dummy utxo value.
        This calls the underlying 'raw' code based on the class PoDLE, not the
        library 'generate_podle' which intelligently searches and updates commitments.
        #Convert priv to hex
        hexpriv = btc.from_wif_privkey(priv, vbyte=get_p2pk_vbyte())
        podle = btc.PoDLE(u, hexpriv)
        r = podle.generate_podle(i)
        return (r['P'], r['P2'], r['sig'],
                r['e'], r['commit'])
    ecs = {}
    for u, priv in utxo_datas:
        ecs[u] = {}
        for j in range(jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_retries")):
            P, P2, s, e, commit = generate_single_podle_sig(u, priv, j)
            if 'P' not in ecs[u]:
            ecs[u]['reveal'][j] = {'P2':P2, 's':s, 'e':e}
Пример #3
def test_external_commitments(setup_podle):
    """Add this generated commitment to the external list
    {txid:N:{'P':pubkey, 'reveal':{1:{'P2':P2,'s':s,'e':e}, 2:{..},..}}}
    Note we do this *after* the sendpayment test so that the external
    commitments will not erroneously used (they are fake).
    ecs = {}
    tries = jm_single().config.getint("POLICY", "taker_utxo_retries")
    for i in range(10):
        priv = os.urandom(32)
        dummy_utxo = btc.sha256(priv) + ":2"
        ecs[dummy_utxo] = {}
        ecs[dummy_utxo]['reveal'] = {}
        for j in range(tries):
            P, P2, s, e, commit = generate_single_podle_sig(priv, j)
            if 'P' not in ecs[dummy_utxo]:
                ecs[dummy_utxo]['P'] = P
            ecs[dummy_utxo]['reveal'][j] = {'P2': P2, 's': s, 'e': e}
    used, external = btc.get_podle_commitments()
    for u in external:
        assert external[u]['P'] == ecs[u]['P']
        for i in range(tries):
            for x in ['P2', 's', 'e']:
                assert external[u]['reveal'][str(
                    i)][x] == ecs[u]['reveal'][i][x]