Пример #1
    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        """You are in a twisty little maze of passages."""
        self.current_line = Line(mode=self.mode)

        v = self.visit_stmt
        Ø: Set[str] = set()
        self.visit_assert_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"assert"}, parens={"assert", ","})
        self.visit_if_stmt = partial(
            v, keywords={"if", "else", "elif"}, parens={"if", "elif"}
        self.visit_while_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"while", "else"}, parens={"while"})
        self.visit_for_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"for", "else"}, parens={"for", "in"})
        self.visit_try_stmt = partial(
            v, keywords={"try", "except", "else", "finally"}, parens=Ø
        self.visit_except_clause = partial(v, keywords={"except"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_with_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"with"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_funcdef = partial(v, keywords={"def"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_classdef = partial(v, keywords={"class"}, parens=Ø)
        self.visit_expr_stmt = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens=ASSIGNMENTS)
        self.visit_return_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"return"}, parens={"return"})
        self.visit_import_from = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens={"import"})
        self.visit_del_stmt = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens={"del"})
        self.visit_async_funcdef = self.visit_async_stmt
        self.visit_decorated = self.visit_decorators

        # PEP 634
        self.visit_match_stmt = self.visit_match_case
        self.visit_case_block = self.visit_match_case
Пример #2
def _format_str_once(src_contents: str, *, mode: Mode) -> str:
    src_node = lib2to3_parse(src_contents.lstrip(), mode.target_versions)
    dst_contents = []
    future_imports = get_future_imports(src_node)
    if mode.target_versions:
        versions = mode.target_versions
        versions = detect_target_versions(src_node,

    normalize_fmt_off(src_node, preview=mode.preview)
    lines = LineGenerator(mode=mode)
    elt = EmptyLineTracker(is_pyi=mode.is_pyi)
    empty_line = Line(mode=mode)
    after = 0
    split_line_features = {
        for feature in
        if supports_feature(versions, feature)
    for current_line in lines.visit(src_node):
        dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * after)
        before, after = elt.maybe_empty_lines(current_line)
        dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * before)
        for line in transform_line(current_line,
    return "".join(dst_contents)
Пример #3
def standalone_comment_split(
    line: Line, features: Collection[Feature] = ()
) -> Iterator[Line]:
    """Split standalone comments from the rest of the line."""
    if not line.contains_standalone_comments(0):
        raise CannotSplit("Line does not have any standalone comments")

    current_line = Line(
        mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets

    def append_to_line(leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Append `leaf` to current line or to new line if appending impossible."""
        nonlocal current_line
            current_line.append_safe(leaf, preformatted=True)
        except ValueError:
            yield current_line

            current_line = Line(
                line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets

    for leaf in line.leaves:
        yield from append_to_line(leaf)

        for comment_after in line.comments_after(leaf):
            yield from append_to_line(comment_after)

    if current_line:
        yield current_line
Пример #4
def format_str(src_contents: str, *, mode: Mode) -> FileContent:
    """Reformat a string and return new contents.

    `mode` determines formatting options, such as how many characters per line are
    allowed.  Example:

    >>> import black
    >>> print(black.format_str("def f(arg:str='')->None:...", mode=black.Mode()))
    def f(arg: str = "") -> None:

    A more complex example:

    >>> print(
    ...   black.format_str(
    ...     "def f(arg:str='')->None: hey",
    ...     mode=black.Mode(
    ...       target_versions={black.TargetVersion.PY36},
    ...       line_length=10,
    ...       string_normalization=False,
    ...       is_pyi=False,
    ...     ),
    ...   ),
    ... )
    def f(
        arg: str = '',
    ) -> None:

    src_node = lib2to3_parse(src_contents.lstrip(), mode.target_versions)
    dst_contents = []
    future_imports = get_future_imports(src_node)
    if mode.target_versions:
        versions = mode.target_versions
        versions = detect_target_versions(src_node)
    lines = LineGenerator(
        remove_u_prefix="unicode_literals" in future_imports
        or supports_feature(versions, Feature.UNICODE_LITERALS),
    elt = EmptyLineTracker(is_pyi=mode.is_pyi)
    empty_line = Line(mode=mode)
    after = 0
    split_line_features = {
        for feature in {Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_CALL, Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_DEF}
        if supports_feature(versions, feature)
    for current_line in lines.visit(src_node):
        dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * after)
        before, after = elt.maybe_empty_lines(current_line)
        dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * before)
        for line in transform_line(
            current_line, mode=mode, features=split_line_features
    return "".join(dst_contents)
Пример #5
def bracket_split_build_line(
    leaves: List[Leaf], original: Line, opening_bracket: Leaf, *, is_body: bool = False
) -> Line:
    """Return a new line with given `leaves` and respective comments from `original`.

    If `is_body` is True, the result line is one-indented inside brackets and as such
    has its first leaf's prefix normalized and a trailing comma added when expected.
    result = Line(mode=original.mode, depth=original.depth)
    if is_body:
        result.inside_brackets = True
        result.depth += 1
        if leaves:
            # Since body is a new indent level, remove spurious leading whitespace.
            normalize_prefix(leaves[0], inside_brackets=True)
            # Ensure a trailing comma for imports and standalone function arguments, but
            # be careful not to add one after any comments or within type annotations.
            no_commas = (
                and opening_bracket.value == "("
                and not any(leaf.type == token.COMMA for leaf in leaves)
                # In particular, don't add one within a parenthesized return annotation.
                # Unfortunately the indicator we're in a return annotation (RARROW) may
                # be defined directly in the parent node, the parent of the parent ...
                # and so on depending on how complex the return annotation is.
                # This isn't perfect and there's some false negatives but they are in
                # contexts were a comma is actually fine.
                and not any(
                    node.prev_sibling.type == RARROW
                    for node in (
                        getattr(leaves[0].parent, "parent", None),
                    if isinstance(node, Node) and isinstance(node.prev_sibling, Leaf)

            if original.is_import or no_commas:
                for i in range(len(leaves) - 1, -1, -1):
                    if leaves[i].type == STANDALONE_COMMENT:

                    if leaves[i].type != token.COMMA:
                        new_comma = Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
                        leaves.insert(i + 1, new_comma)

    # Populate the line
    for leaf in leaves:
        result.append(leaf, preformatted=True)
        for comment_after in original.comments_after(leaf):
            result.append(comment_after, preformatted=True)
    if is_body and should_split_line(result, opening_bracket):
        result.should_split_rhs = True
    return result
Пример #6
    def append_to_line(leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Append `leaf` to current line or to new line if appending impossible."""
        nonlocal current_line
            current_line.append_safe(leaf, preformatted=True)
        except ValueError:
            yield current_line

            current_line = Line(
                line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
Пример #7
    def line(self, indent: int = 0) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Generate a line.

        If the line is empty, only emit if it makes sense.
        If the line is too long, split it first and then generate.

        If any lines were generated, set up a new current_line.
        if not self.current_line:
            self.current_line.depth += indent
            return  # Line is empty, don't emit. Creating a new one unnecessary.

        complete_line = self.current_line
        self.current_line = Line(mode=self.mode, depth=complete_line.depth + indent)
        yield complete_line
Пример #8
def bracket_split_build_line(leaves: List[Leaf],
                             original: Line,
                             opening_bracket: Leaf,
                             is_body: bool = False) -> Line:
    """Return a new line with given `leaves` and respective comments from `original`.

    If `is_body` is True, the result line is one-indented inside brackets and as such
    has its first leaf's prefix normalized and a trailing comma added when expected.
    result = Line(mode=original.mode, depth=original.depth)
    if is_body:
        result.inside_brackets = True
        result.depth += 1
        if leaves:
            # Since body is a new indent level, remove spurious leading whitespace.
            normalize_prefix(leaves[0], inside_brackets=True)
            # Ensure a trailing comma for imports and standalone function arguments, but
            # be careful not to add one after any comments or within type annotations.
            no_commas = (original.is_def and opening_bracket.value == "("
                         and not any(leaf.type == token.COMMA
                                     for leaf in leaves))

            if original.is_import or no_commas:
                for i in range(len(leaves) - 1, -1, -1):
                    if leaves[i].type == STANDALONE_COMMENT:

                    if leaves[i].type != token.COMMA and not original.is_import:
                        new_comma = Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
                        leaves.insert(i + 1, new_comma)

    # Populate the line
    for leaf in leaves:
        result.append(leaf, preformatted=True)
        for comment_after in original.comments_after(leaf):
            result.append(comment_after, preformatted=True)
    if is_body and should_split_line(result, opening_bracket):
        result.should_split_rhs = True
    return result
Пример #9
def delimiter_split(line: Line, features: Collection[Feature] = ()) -> Iterator[Line]:
    """Split according to delimiters of the highest priority.

    If the appropriate Features are given, the split will add trailing commas
    also in function signatures and calls that contain `*` and `**`.
        last_leaf = line.leaves[-1]
    except IndexError:
        raise CannotSplit("Line empty") from None

    bt = line.bracket_tracker
        delimiter_priority = bt.max_delimiter_priority(exclude={id(last_leaf)})
    except ValueError:
        raise CannotSplit("No delimiters found") from None

    if delimiter_priority == DOT_PRIORITY:
        if bt.delimiter_count_with_priority(delimiter_priority) == 1:
            raise CannotSplit("Splitting a single attribute from its owner looks wrong")

    current_line = Line(
        mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
    lowest_depth = sys.maxsize
    trailing_comma_safe = True

    def append_to_line(leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
        """Append `leaf` to current line or to new line if appending impossible."""
        nonlocal current_line
            current_line.append_safe(leaf, preformatted=True)
        except ValueError:
            yield current_line

            current_line = Line(
                mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets

    for leaf in line.leaves:
        yield from append_to_line(leaf)

        for comment_after in line.comments_after(leaf):
            yield from append_to_line(comment_after)

        lowest_depth = min(lowest_depth, leaf.bracket_depth)
        if leaf.bracket_depth == lowest_depth:
            if is_vararg(leaf, within={syms.typedargslist}):
                trailing_comma_safe = (
                    trailing_comma_safe and Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_DEF in features
            elif is_vararg(leaf, within={syms.arglist, syms.argument}):
                trailing_comma_safe = (
                    trailing_comma_safe and Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_CALL in features

        leaf_priority = bt.delimiters.get(id(leaf))
        if leaf_priority == delimiter_priority:
            yield current_line

            current_line = Line(
                mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
    if current_line:
        if (
            and delimiter_priority == COMMA_PRIORITY
            and current_line.leaves[-1].type != token.COMMA
            and current_line.leaves[-1].type != STANDALONE_COMMENT
            new_comma = Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
        yield current_line