Пример #1
    def handle_exception(self, exc):
        def can_handle(error_msg):
            self._valid = False
            if is_notgiven(error_msg):
                error_msg = str(exc)
            return True

        # try element handlers first
        for el in self.submittable_els:
            if el.handle_exception(exc):
                return True

        for looking_for, error_msg, exc_type, callback in self._exception_handlers:
            if not is_notgiven(exc_type):
                if isinstance(exc_type, six.string_types):
                    if exc.__class__.__name__ != exc_type:
                    if not isinstance(exc, exc_type):
            if is_notgiven(callback):
                if is_notgiven(looking_for):
                    return can_handle(error_msg)
                elif looking_for in str(exc):
                    return can_handle(error_msg)
                return callback(exc)
        return False
Пример #2
    def handle_exception(self, exc):
        def can_handle(error_msg):
            self._valid = False
            if is_notgiven(error_msg):
                error_msg = str(exc)
            return True

        for looking_for, error_msg, exc_type, callback in self.exception_handlers:
            if is_notgiven(callback):
                if not is_notgiven(exc_type):
                    if isinstance(exc_type, str):
                        if exc.__class__.__name__ != exc_type:
                        if not isinstance(exc, exc_type):
                if is_notgiven(looking_for):
                    return can_handle(error_msg)
                elif looking_for in str(exc):
                    return can_handle(error_msg)
                if callback(exc):
                    return can_handle(error_msg)
        return False
Пример #3
 def _to_python_processing(self):
         if "choose" value was chosen, we need to return an emtpy
         value appropriate to `multi`
     # multiple select fields should always return a list
     if self.multiple and not is_notgiven(self._safeval):
         self._safeval = tolist(self._safeval)
Пример #4
    def _to_python_processing(self):
        # if the value has already been processed, don't process it again
        if self._valid is not None:

        valid = True
        value = self.submittedval

        if is_notgiven(value):
            value = BaseTranslator(None, None, 0)

        if value.is_uploaded:
            _, ext = path.splitext(value.file_name)
            ext = ext.lower()
            if not ext and (self._allowed_exts or self._denied_exts):
                valid = False
                self.add_error('extension requirement exists, but submitted file had no extension')

            if self._allowed_exts and ext not in self._allowed_exts:
                valid = False
                self.add_error('extension "%s" not allowed' % ext)

            if self._denied_exts and ext in self._denied_exts:
                valid = False
                self.add_error('extension "%s" not permitted' % ext)

            if value.content_type:
                if self._allowed_types and value.content_type not in self._allowed_types:
                    valid = False
                    self.add_error('content type "%s" not allowed' % value.content_type)

                if self._denied_types and value.content_type in self._denied_types:
                    valid = False
                    self.add_error('content type "%s" not permitted' % value.content_type)
            elif value.content_type is not None and (self._allowed_types or self._denied_types):
                valid = False
                self.add_error('content-type requirements exist, but submitted file had '
                               'no content-type')

            if self._maxsize:
                if not value.content_length:
                    valid = False
                    self.add_error('maximum size requirement exists, but submitted file had '
                                   'no content length')
                elif value.content_length > self._maxsize:
                    valid = False
                    self.add_error('file too big (%s), max size %s' %
                                   (value.content_length, self._maxsize))
        elif self.required:
            valid = False
            self.add_error('field is required')

        self._valid = valid
        if valid:
            self._safeval = self.submittedval
Пример #5
 def test_is_empty(self):
     assert is_empty(NotGiven)
     assert is_notgiven(NotGivenIter)
     assert is_empty(None)
     assert is_empty('')
     assert is_empty([])
     assert is_empty({})
     assert is_empty(set())
     assert not is_empty('foo')
     assert not is_empty(False)
     assert not is_empty(0)
     assert not is_empty(0.0)
     assert not is_empty(Decimal(0))
     assert not is_empty([0])
     assert not is_empty({'foo': 'bar'})
     assert not is_empty({''})
Пример #6
    def _to_python(self, value, state):
        field = state
        multiple = getattr(field, 'multiple', False)
        if self.multi_check:
            if not multiple:
                if is_iterable(value):
                    raise Invalid(self.message('nonmultiple', state), value, state)

        # now apply the validator to the value
        if not multiple or is_notgiven(value) or \
                getattr(self.validator, 'handles_multiples', False):
            return self.validator.to_python(value, state)
            retval = []
            for v in tolist(value):
                retval.append(self.validator.to_python(v, state))
            return retval
Пример #7
 def displayval(self):
     if is_notgiven(self.submittedval) or self.fixed:
         return HasValueElement.displayval.fget(self)
     return self.submittedval
Пример #8
 def can_handle(error_msg):
     self._valid = False
     if is_notgiven(error_msg):
         error_msg = str(exc)
     return True
Пример #9
    def _to_python_processing(self):  # noqa
        filters, validates, and converts the submitted value based on
        element settings and processors

        # if the value has already been processed, don't process it again
        if self._valid is not None:

        valid = True
        value = self.submittedval

        # strip if necessary
        if self.strip and isinstance(value, str):
            value = value.strip()
        elif self.strip and is_iterable(value):
            newvalue = []
            for item in value:
                if isinstance(item, str):
            if newvalue:
                value = newvalue

        # if nothing was submitted, but we have an if_missing, substitute
        if is_notgiven(value) and self.if_missing is not NotGiven:
            value = self.if_missing

        # handle empty or missing submit value with if_empty
        if is_empty(value) and self.if_empty is not NotGiven:
            value = self.if_empty
        # standardize all empty values as None if if_empty not given
        elif is_empty(value) and not is_notgiven(value):
            value = None

        # process required
        if self.required and self.required_empty_test(value):
            valid = False
            self.add_error('field is required')

        # process processors
        for processor, msg in self.processors:
                processor = MultiValues(processor)
                ap_value = processor.to_python(value, self)

                # FormEncode takes "empty" values and returns None
                # Since NotGiven == '', FormEncode thinks its empty
                # and returns None on us.  We override that here.
                if ap_value is not None or value is not NotGiven:
                    value = ap_value
            except formencode.Invalid as e:
                valid = False
                self.add_error((msg or str(e)))
            # we rely on MultiValues for this, but if no processor,
            # it doesn't get called
            if getattr(self, 'multiple', False) and not is_iterable(value):
                value = tolist(value)

        # Doing these again in case the processors changed the value
        # handle empty or missing submit value with if_empty
        if is_empty(value) and self.if_empty is not NotGiven:
            value = self.if_empty
        # standardize all empty values as None if if_empty not given
        elif is_empty(value) and not is_notgiven(value):
            value = None

        # process required
        if self.required and self.required_empty_test(value) and \
                'field is required' not in self.errors:
            valid = False
            self.add_error('field is required')

        # If its empty, there is no reason to run the converters.  By default,
        # the validators don't do anything if the value is empty and they WILL
        # try to convert our NotGiven value, which we want to avoid.  Therefore,
        # just skip the conversion.
        if not is_empty(value):
            # process type conversion
            if self.vtype is not NotGiven:
                if self.vtype in ('boolean', 'bool'):
                    tvalidator = formencode.compound.Any(fev.Bool(), fev.StringBool())
                elif self.vtype in ('integer', 'int'):
                    tvalidator = fev.Int
                elif self.vtype in ('number', 'num', 'float'):
                    tvalidator = fev.Number
                elif self.vtype in ('decimal'):
                    tvalidator = Decimal
                elif self.vtype in ('str', 'string'):
                    tvalidator = fev.String
                elif self.vtype in ('unicode', 'uni'):
                    tvalidator = fev.UnicodeString
                    tvalidator = MultiValues(tvalidator, multi_check=False)
                    value = tvalidator.to_python(value, self)
                except formencode.Invalid as e:
                    valid = False

        # save
        if valid:
            self._safeval = value
            self._valid = True
            # is if_invalid if applicable
            if self.if_invalid is not NotGiven:
                # we might want to clear error messages too, but the extra
                # detail probably won't hurt (for now)
                self._safeval = self.if_invalid
                self._valid = True
                self._valid = False
Пример #10
 def displayval(self):
     if is_notgiven(self.submittedval):
         return super(FormFieldElementBase, self).displayval
     return self.submittedval
Пример #11
 def test_is_notgiven(self):
     assert is_notgiven(NotGiven)
     assert is_notgiven(NotGivenIter)
     assert not is_notgiven(None)