def aggregate(transaction_history): net = dict() buy = dict() sell = dict() interest = dict() dividend = dict() historical = dict() for t in transaction_history: quarter = "%s-Q%i" % (, ( net[quarter] = float(handleNull(net.get(quarter))) + float(t.cashflow) if t.kind == Transaction.BUY: buy[quarter] = float(handleNull(buy.get(quarter))) + float(t.cashflow) elif t.kind == Transaction.SELL: sell[quarter] = float(handleNull(sell.get(quarter))) + float(t.cashflow) elif t.kind == Transaction.INTEREST: interest[quarter] = float(handleNull(interest.get(quarter))) + float(t.cashflow) elif t.kind == Transaction.DIVIDEND: dividend[quarter] = float(handleNull(dividend.get(quarter))) + float(t.cashflow) elif t.kind == Transaction.HISTORICAL or t.kind == Transaction.CURRENT: historical[quarter] = float(handleNull(historical.get(quarter))) + float(t.cashflow) net = addMissingQuarters(net) buy = addMissingQuarters(buy) sell = addMissingQuarters(sell) interest = addMissingQuarters(interest) dividend = addMissingQuarters(dividend) historical = addMissingQuarters(historical) d = {'net': pd.Series(net), 'buy': pd.Series(buy), 'sell': pd.Series(sell), 'interest':pd.Series(interest), 'dividend':pd.Series(dividend), 'historical':pd.Series(historical)} df = pd.DataFrame(d) df['label']=df.index p1 = Bar(df, values = blend('buy','sell','interest','dividend','historical',name='cashflow', labels_name='cf'), label=cat(columns='label',sort=False), stack=cat(columns='cf',sort=False)) p2 = Bar(df, values = blend('net'), label='label') output_file("test.html") show(vplot(p1, p2))
def scatter(): s = Scatter( flowers, title="Fisher's Iris data set", tools='tap,box_select,save', x=blend('petal_length', name='Length'), y=blend('petal_width', name='Width'), color='species', palette=Spectral4, legend=True, ) # Lets move the legend off-canvas! legend = s.legend[0] legend.border_line_color = None legend.orientation = 'horizontal' legend.location = (0, 0) s.above.append(legend) return s
def generate_chart(year): data = get_data(year) barchart = Bar(data, values=blend(*SCORED_EVENTS, labels_name='event'), label=cat(columns='Team', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='event', sort=False), color=color(columns='event', palette=Spectral9, sort=False), xgrid=False, ygrid=False, legend='top_right', plot_width=1000, plot_height=625, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize") barchart.title = "Formula SAE Michigan " + str(year) + " Total Scores by Place" barchart._xaxis.axis_label = "Teams" barchart._xaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0.6em' barchart._yaxis.axis_label = "Total Score" barchart._yaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart.outline_line_color = None barchart.toolbar_location = 'right' barchart.logo = None return barchart
def plotAverage(self): bar = Bar(\ self.__table, values = blend('average', name = 'average', labels_name = 'average'),\ label = cat(columns = 'country', sort = False),\ stack = cat(columns = 'average'),\ agg = 'mean',\ title = 'Average of CO2 emissions in European Union',\ legend = False,\ tooltips = [('Average', '@average{1.11}' + ' g/km')]) return bar
def plotAverage(self): bar = Bar(\ self.__table, values = blend('average', name = 'average', labels_name = 'average'),\ label = cat(columns = 'fuel'),\ stack = cat(columns = 'average'),\ agg = 'mean',\ title = 'Average of CO2 emissions (by fuel type) in ' + self.__title,\ legend = False,\ tooltips = [('Average', '@average{1.11}' + ' g/km')]) return bar
def plot(self): bar = Bar(\ self.__fuel_table, values = blend('percentage', name = 'percentage', labels_name = 'percentage'),\ label = cat(columns = 'fuel'),\ stack = cat(columns = 'percentage'),\ agg = 'mean',\ title = self.__title,\ legend = False,\ tooltips = [('Percentage', '@percentage{0.00%}')]) bar._yaxis.formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format = '0%') return bar
def plotTotal(self): bar = Bar(\ self.__table, values = blend('total', name = 'total', labels_name = 'total'),\ label = cat(columns = 'fuel'),\ stack = cat(columns = 'total'),\ agg = 'mean',\ title = 'Total of CO2 emissions (by fuel type) in ' + self.__title,\ legend = False,\ tooltips = [('Total', '@total{1,1}' + ' g/km')]) bar._yaxis.formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format = '0,0' + ' g/km') return bar
def plot(self): bar = Bar(\ self.__table, values = blend('registrations', name = 'registrations', labels_name = 'registrations'),\ label = cat(columns = 'country', sort = False),\ stack = cat(columns = 'registrations'),\ agg = 'mean',\ title = 'Total of new registrations in European Union',\ legend = False,\ tooltips = [('Registrations', '@registrations{1,1}')]) bar._yaxis.formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format='0,0') return bar
def create_bar(data): op = blend(*countries, labels_name='countries', name='energy') return Bar(data, label='year', values=op, color='countries', group='countries', width=1400, height=600, ylabel='Energy use per capita', palette=['purple', 'green', 'blue', 'pink'], legend=True)
def generate_chart(team): data = generate_data(team) selectable_years = list(map(str, data.index.unique())) # Generate the chart UNFORTUNATELY using the high level plots. Streaming # a bunch of quads resulted in lots of graphics corruption when switching # teams. I would rather have the plots work all the time but really slow # then have the plot show the wrong information. barchart = Bar(data, values=blend(*SCORED_EVENTS, labels_name='event'), label=cat(columns='Year', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='event', sort=False), color=color(columns='event', palette=Spectral9, sort=False), xgrid=False, ygrid=False, plot_width=1000, plot_height=625, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize") barchart.title = "Formula SAE Michigan - " + team barchart._xaxis.axis_label = "Teams" barchart._xaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.axis_label = "Total Score" barchart._yaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart.outline_line_color = None barchart.toolbar_location = 'right' barchart.logo = None # Hacky tooltips for renderer in if['height'] != [0]: year =['Year'] place = data['Place'].loc[data['Year'] == year] score = data['Total Score'].loc[data['Year'] == year] hover = HoverTool(renderers=[renderer], tooltips=[("Year", '@Year'), ("Selection", '@event'), ("Event Score", '@height'), ("Total Score", '%.2f' % score.values[0]), ("Overall Place", '%d' % place.values[0])]) barchart.add_tools(hover) return barchart
def createBokehChart(self): data = self.getWorkingPandasDataFrame() keyFields = self.getKeyFields() valueFields = self.getValueFields() clusterby = self.options.get("clusterby") stacked = self.options.get("charttype", "grouped") == "stacked" subplots = self.isSubplot() # self.debug("keyF={0}, valueF={1}, cluster={2}, stacked={3}".format(keyFields[0], valueFields[0], clusterby, stacked)) charts = [] params = [] if subplots and len(valueFields) > 1: for val in valueFields: series = clusterby if clusterby is not None else False values = val params.append((values, series)) elif clusterby is not None and len(valueFields) <= 1: params.append((valueFields[0], clusterby)) else: series = '_'.join(valueFields) values = blend(*valueFields, name=series.replace('_', ','), labels_name=series) if clusterby is not None: self.addMessage( "Warning: 'Cluster By' ignored when you have multiple Value Fields but subplots option is not selected" ) params.append((values, series)) for p in params: if stacked: b = Bar(data, label=keyFields[0], values=p[0], stack=p[1], legend=self.showLegend()) else: b = Bar(data, label=keyFields[0], values=p[0], group=p[1], legend=self.showLegend()) charts.append(b) return charts
def plot_stacked_bar_chart(df): bar = Bar(df, values=blend('Murder', 'Rape', 'Robbery', 'Aggravated Assault', 'Burglary', 'Larceny Theft', 'Motor Vehicle Theft', name='Crime', labels_name='crime'), label=cat(columns='State', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='crime', sort=False), legend='top_right', title="Crime per state", width=1000, height=500, tooltips=[('crime', '@crime'), ('state', '@State')]) #output_file("stacked_bar.html", title=" example") show(bar)
def plot_opt(name): with open('{}.txt'.format(name), 'r') as f: data = N = int(re.findall('\[I(\d*) \d*\]\n.* .* .*', data)[0]) B = int(re.findall('\[I\d* (\d*)\]\n.* .* .*', data)[0]) TP = ['with', 'without'] T1 = [float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n(.*) .* .*', data)] T2 = [float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* (.*) .*', data)] T3 = [float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* .* (.*)', data)] T1 += [ float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* .* .*\n(.*) .* .*', data) ] T2 += [ float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* .* .*\n.* (.*) .*', data) ] T3 += [ float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* .* .*\n.* .* (.*)', data) ] df = pd.DataFrame({ 'type': TP, 'computation': T1, 'communication': T2, 'memcpy': T3 }) bar = Bar(df, label=['type'], values=blend('computation', 'communication', 'memcpy', name='times', labels_name='time'), xlabel='comparison', ylabel='total time(s)', stack=cat(columns=['time'], sort=False), title='{}'.format(name)) output_file('{}.html'.format(name), title='N={}, B={}'.format(N, B)) save(bar)
def stack_bokeh(infile): with open(infile, "r") as file: data = pd.read_csv(file) print(data) p = Bar(data, values=blend('locus dropout', 'allelic dropout', 'biallelic coverage', name='samp', labels_name="samps"), label=cat(columns='Sample', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='samps', sort=False), color=color(columns="samps", palette=["green", "red", "black"], sort=False), legend='top_right', title="sam") output_file("stacked_bar.html") curdoc().add_root(p) show(p)
def plot_weak(name): with open('{}.tot'.format(name), 'r') as f: data = Ns = [int(x) for x in re.findall('\[I(\d*) \d*\]\n.* .* .*', data)] Bs = [int(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* (\d*)\]\n.* .* .*', data)] T1s = [float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n(.*) .* .*', data)] T2s = [float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* (.*) .*', data)] T3s = [float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* .* (.*)', data)] """ if 'cuda' not in name: Ns += Ns Bs += Bs T1s += [float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* .* .*\n(.*) .* .*', data)] T2s += [float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* .* .*\n.* (.*) .*', data)] T3s += [float(x) for x in re.findall('\[I\d* \d*\]\n.* .* .*\n.* .* (.*)', data)] """ df = pd.DataFrame({ 'N': Ns, 'B': Bs, 'computation': T1s, 'communication': T2s, 'memcpy': T3s }) bar = Bar(df, label=['N', 'B'], values=blend('computation', 'communication', 'memcpy', name='times', labels_name='time'), xlabel='#node', ylabel='total time(s)', stack=cat(columns=['time'], sort=False), title='Weak Scalability') output_file('weak_{}.html'.format(name)) save(bar)
def generate_chart(year): data = get_data(year) barchart = Bar(data, values=blend(*SCORED_EVENTS, labels_name='event'), label=cat(columns='Team', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='event', sort=False), color=color(columns='event', palette=Spectral9, sort=False), xgrid=False, ygrid=False, legend='top_right', plot_width=1000, plot_height=625, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize") barchart.title = "Formula SAE Michigan " + str( year) + " Total Scores by Place" barchart._xaxis.axis_label = "Teams" barchart._xaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart._xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0.6em' barchart._yaxis.axis_label = "Total Score" barchart._yaxis.axis_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None barchart._yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None barchart.outline_line_color = None barchart.toolbar_location = 'right' barchart.logo = None return barchart
from bokeh.charts import Bar, output_file, show from bokeh.charts.operations import blend from bokeh.charts.attributes import cat, color from bokeh.charts.utils import df_from_json from bokeh.sampledata.olympics2014 import data # utilize utility to make it easy to get json/dict data converted to a dataframe df = df_from_json(data) # filter by countries with at least one medal and sort by total medals df = df[df['total'] > 0] df = df.sort("total", ascending=False) bar = Bar(df, values=blend('bronze', 'silver', 'gold', name='medals', labels_name='medal'), label=cat(columns='abbr', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='medal', sort=False), color=color(columns='medal', palette=['SaddleBrown', 'Silver', 'Goldenrod'], sort=False), legend='top_right', title="Medals per Country, Sorted by Total Medals", tooltips=[('medal', '@medal'), ('country', '@abbr')]) output_file("stacked_bar.html") show(bar)
from bokeh.charts import Bar, output_file, show from bokeh.charts.attributes import cat, color from bokeh.charts.operations import blend from bokeh.charts.utils import df_from_json from bokeh.sampledata.olympics2014 import data # utilize utility to make it easy to get json/dict data converted to a dataframe df = df_from_json(data) # filter by countries with at least one medal and sort by total medals df = df[df['total'] > 0] df = df.sort_values(by="total", ascending=False) bar = Bar(df, values=blend('bronze', 'silver', 'gold', name='medals', labels_name='medal'), label=cat(columns='abbr', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='medal', sort=False), color=color(columns='medal', palette=['SaddleBrown', 'Silver', 'Goldenrod'], sort=False), legend='top_right', title="Medals per Country, Sorted by Total Medals", tooltips=[('medal', '@medal'), ('country', '@abbr')]) output_file("stacked_bar.html", title=" example") show(bar)
def create_bar(data): op = blend(*countries, labels_name='countries', name='energy') return Bar(data, label='year', values=op, color='countries', group='countries', width=1400, height=600, responsive = False, ylabel='Energy use per capita', palette=['purple', 'green', 'blue', 'pink'], legend=True)
""" This example uses the Iris data to demonstrate the specification of combined variables using chart operations. This specific instance uses a blend, which stacks columns, and renames the combined column. This can be used where the column itself is a type of categorical variable. Here, length and width are derived from the petal and sepal measurements. """ from bokeh.charts import Scatter, output_file, show from bokeh.charts.operations import blend from bokeh.sampledata.iris import flowers as data scatter = Scatter(data, x=blend('petal_length', 'sepal_length', name='length'), y=blend('petal_width', 'sepal_width', name='width'), color='species', title='x=petal_length+sepal_length, y=petal_width+sepal_width, color=species', legend='top_right') output_file("iris_blend.html") show(scatter)
from bokeh.charts import Bar, output_file, show from bokeh.charts.attributes import cat, color from bokeh.charts.operations import blend from bokeh.charts.utils import df_from_json from bokeh.sampledata.olympics2014 import data # utilize utility to make it easy to get json/dict data converted to a dataframe df = df_from_json(data) # filter by countries with at least one medal and sort by total medals df = df[df["total"] > 0] df = df.sort("total", ascending=False) bar = Bar( df, values=blend("bronze", "silver", "gold", name="medals", labels_name="medal"), label=cat(columns="abbr", sort=False), stack=cat(columns="medal", sort=False), color=color(columns="medal", palette=["SaddleBrown", "Silver", "Goldenrod"], sort=False), legend="top_right", title="Medals per Country, Sorted by Total Medals", tooltips=[("medal", "@medal"), ("country", "@abbr")], ) output_file("stacked_bar.html") show(bar)
def portalDynamicity(df): def getWeekString(yearweek): if yearweek is None or len(str(yearweek)) == 0: return '' year = "'" + str(yearweek)[:2] week = int(str(yearweek)[2:]) # d = d - timedelta(d.weekday()) # dd=(week)*7 # dlt = timedelta(days = dd) # first= d + dlt # dlt = timedelta(days = (week)*7) # last= d + dlt + timedelta(days=6) return 'W' + str(week) + '-' + str(year) bp = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=300, y_axis_type="datetime", responsive=True, tools='') # ,toolbar_location=None bp.toolbar.logo = None bp.toolbar_location = None label_dict={} for i, s in enumerate(df['snapshot']): label_dict[i] = getWeekString1(s) bp.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0%") bp.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'Snapshots' bp.yaxis[0].axis_label = '% of portals' li = bp.line(df.index.values.tolist(), df['dyratio'], line_width=2, line_color='red', legend="dyratio") c =, df['dyratio'], line_width=2, line_color='red', legend="dyratio") li1 = bp.line(df.index.values.tolist(), df['adddelratio'], line_width=2, line_color='blue', legend="adddelratio") c =, df['adddelratio'], line_width=2, line_color='blue', legend="adddelratio") legend = bp.legend[0].legends bp.legend[0].legends = [] l = Legend(location=(0, -30)) l.items = legend bp.add_layout(l, 'right') labels=["staticRatio","updatedRatio","addRatio","delRatio"] #for l in labels: # df[l]= df[l]*100 print brewer.keys() colors = brewer["Pastel2"][len(labels)] bar = Bar(df, values=blend("staticRatio","updatedRatio","addRatio","delRatio", name='medals', labels_name='medal'), label=cat(columns='snapshot', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='medal', sort=False), color=color(columns='medal', palette=colors, sort=False), legend='top_right', bar_width=0.5, responsive=True, tooltips=[('ratio', '@medal'), ('snapshot', '@snapshot'),('Value of Total',' @height{0.00%}')]) legend = bar.legend[0].legends bar.legend[0].legends = [] l = Legend(location=(0, -30)) l.items = legend bar.add_layout(l, 'right') bar.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'Snapshots' bar.yaxis[0].axis_label = '% of datasets' bar.width=600 bar.height=300 bar.xaxis[0].formatter = FuncTickFormatter.from_py_func(getWeekStringTick) bar.toolbar.logo = None bar.toolbar_location = None bar.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0%") return {'bar':bar,'lines':bp}
scatter4 = Scatter( df, x='mpg', y='hp', color='cyl', marker='origin', title="x='mpg', y='hp', color='cyl', marker='origin'", xlabel="Miles Per Gallon", ylabel="Horsepower", legend='top_right') # Example with nested json/dict like data, which has been pre-aggregated and pivoted df2 = df_from_json(data) df2 = df2.sort('total', ascending=False) df2 = df2.head(10) df2 = pd.melt(df2, id_vars=['abbr', 'name']) scatter5 = Scatter( df2, x='value', y='name', color='variable', title="x='value', y='name', color='variable'", xlabel="Medals", ylabel="Top 10 Countries", legend='bottom_right') scatter6 = Scatter(flowers, x=blend('petal_length', 'sepal_length', name='length'), y=blend('petal_width', 'sepal_width', name='width'), color='species', title='x=petal_length+sepal_length, y=petal_width+sepal_width, color=species', legend='top_right') output_file("scatter_multi.html") show(vplot( hplot(scatter0, scatter1), hplot(scatter2, scatter3), hplot(scatter4, scatter5), hplot(scatter6) ))
def createBokehChart(self): keyFields = self.getKeyFields() valueFields = self.getValueFields() clusterby = self.options.get("clusterby") stacked = self.options.get("charttype", "grouped") == "stacked" subplots = self.isSubplot() workingPDF = self.getWorkingPandasDataFrame().copy() def convertPDFDate(df, col): #Bokeh doesn't support datetime as index in Bar chart. Convert to String if len(keyFields) == 1: dtype = df[col].dtype.type if col in df else None if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, numpy.datetime64): dateFormat = self.options.get("dateFormat", None) try: df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace(':','-') if dateFormat is None else x.strftime(dateFormat)) except: self.exception("Error converting dateFormat {}".format(dateFormat)) df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace(':','-')) for index, row in workingPDF.iterrows(): for k in keyFields: if isinstance(row[k], str if sys.version >= '3' else basestring): row[k] = row[k].replace(':', '.') workingPDF.loc[index] = row charts=[] def goChart(label, stack_or_group, values, ylabel=None, color=None): convertPDFDate(workingPDF, keyFields[0]) if ylabel is None: ylabel=values label=label if isinstance(label, (list, tuple)) else [label] if stacked: charts.append( Bar(workingPDF, label=CatAttr(columns=label, sort=False), stack=stack_or_group, color=color, values=values, legend=self.showLegend(), ylabel=ylabel)) else: charts.append( Bar(workingPDF, label=CatAttr(columns=label, sort=False), group=stack_or_group, color=color, values=values, legend=self.showLegend(), ylabel=ylabel)) if clusterby is not None and (subplots or len(valueFields)<=1): subplots = subplots if len(valueFields)==1 or subplots else False if subplots: for j, valueField in enumerate(valueFields): pivot = workingPDF.pivot( index=keyFields[0], columns=clusterby, values=valueField ) for i,col in enumerate(pivot.columns[:10]): #max 10 data = pd.DataFrame({'values':pivot[col].values, 'names': pivot.index.values}) convertPDFDate(data, 'names') if subplots: charts.append( Bar(data, label=CatAttr(columns=['names'], sort=False), color = Colors.hexRGB( 1.*i/2 ), values='values', ylabel=valueField, legend=False, title="{0} = {1}".format(clusterby, pivot.columns[i]) ) ) else: goChart( keyFields[0], clusterby, valueFields[0]) else: if subplots: for i,valueField in enumerate(valueFields): goChart( keyFields[0], None, valueField, color=Colors.hexRGB( 1.*i/2 )) else: if len(valueFields) > 1: series = '_'.join(valueFields) values = blend(*valueFields, name=series.replace('_', ','), labels_name=series) else: series = False values = valueFields[0] goChart(keyFields, series, values, ylabel=','.join(valueFields)) if clusterby is not None: self.addMessage("Warning: 'Cluster By' ignored when grouped option with multiple Value Fields is selected") return charts
""" This example uses the Iris data to demonstrate the specification of combined variables using chart operations. This specific instance uses a blend, which stacks columns, and renames the combined column. This can be used where the column itself is a type of categorical variable. Here, length and width are derived from the petal and sepal measurements. """ from bokeh.charts import Scatter, output_file, show from bokeh.charts.operations import blend from bokeh.sampledata.iris import flowers as data scatter = Scatter( data, x=blend('petal_length', 'sepal_length', name='length'), y=blend('petal_width', 'sepal_width', name='width'), color='species', title= 'x=petal_length+sepal_length, y=petal_width+sepal_width, color=species', legend='top_right') output_file("iris_blend.html", title=" example") show(scatter)
scatter3 = Scatter( df, x='mpg', y='hp', color='origin', title="x='mpg', y='hp', color='origin', with tooltips", xlabel="Miles Per Gallon", ylabel="Horsepower", legend='top_right', tooltips=[('origin', "@origin")]) scatter4 = Scatter( df, x='mpg', y='hp', color='cyl', marker='origin', title="x='mpg', y='hp', color='cyl', marker='origin'", xlabel="Miles Per Gallon", ylabel="Horsepower", legend='top_right') # Example with nested json/dict like data, which has been pre-aggregated and pivoted df2 = df_from_json(data) df2 = df2.sort('total', ascending=False) df2 = df2.head(10) df2 = pd.melt(df2, id_vars=['abbr', 'name']) scatter5 = Scatter( df2, x='value', y='name', color='variable', title="x='value', y='name', color='variable'", xlabel="Medals", ylabel="Top 10 Countries", legend='bottom_right') scatter6 = Scatter(flowers, x=blend('petal_length', 'sepal_length', name='length'), y=blend('petal_width', 'sepal_width', name='width'), color='species', title='x=petal_length+sepal_length, y=petal_width+sepal_width, color=species', legend='top_right') output_file("scatter_multi.html", title=" example") show(gridplot(scatter0, scatter2, scatter3, scatter4, scatter5, scatter6, ncols=2))
def output_components(prefix, order, maxaln): rinfo = "{0}.rinfo".format(prefix) comp = "{0}.comp".format(prefix) def plot_read_dist(rinfo): df = pd.read_table(rinfo) data = df[['length', 'mapper', 'count']].groupby(['length', 'mapper']).count() data = data.apply(lambda s: s / data.sum() * 100, axis=1).reset_index() p = Bar(data, plot_width=500, plot_height=400, label='length', values='count', agg='sum', stack=cat(columns='mapper', sort=False), legend='top_right', color=color(columns='mapper', palette=["#f98283", "#a4a4a4"], sort=False), xlabel='read length (nt)', ylabel='proportion (%)', ygrid=False, tooltips=[('length', '@length'), ('mapper', '@mapper'), ('percent', '@height')]) p.toolbar.logo = None p.outline_line_color = None return p rdist = plot_read_dist(rinfo) df = pd.read_table(comp, index_col=0) total = df.sum() total = total * 100 / total.sum() df = df.apply(lambda s: s * 100 / s.sum(), axis=1) df = df.reset_index() #ftypes = df.columns[1:].tolist() ftypes = order colors = sns.color_palette("hls", len(ftypes)).as_hex() bar = Bar(df, values=blend(*ftypes, name="ftypes", labels_name="ftype"), x_range=rdist.x_range, y_range=(0, 100), label=cat(columns='rlen', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='ftype', sort=False), xlabel='read length (nt)', ylabel='proportion (%)', legend="top_right", ygrid=False, width=500, height=400, color=color(columns='ftype', palette=colors, sort=False), fill_alpha=1, tooltips=[("length", "@rlen"), ("feature", "@ftype"), ("percent", "@height")]) bar.toolbar.logo = None bar.outline_line_color = None start_angles = {} end_angles = {} start = 0 for ftype in ftypes: end = 2 * pi * total[ftype] / 100 start_angles[ftype] = start end_angles[ftype] = start + end start += end colors = dict(zip(ftypes, colors)) df = pd.DataFrame(total).reset_index() df.columns = ["ftype", "percent"] df["start"] = df.apply(lambda s: start_angles[s["ftype"]], axis=1) df["end"] = df.apply(lambda s: end_angles[s["ftype"]], axis=1) df["color"] = df.apply(lambda s: colors[s["ftype"]], axis=1) df["x"] = df.apply(lambda s: 1.2 * cos( (start_angles[s["ftype"]] + end_angles[s["ftype"]]) / 2), axis=1) df["y"] = df.apply(lambda s: 1.2 * sin( (start_angles[s["ftype"]] + end_angles[s["ftype"]]) / 2), axis=1) df["text"] = df.apply(lambda s: "{0:.3f}%".format(s["percent"]), axis=1) source = ColumnDataSource(data=df) pie = figure(width=400, height=400, x_range=(-1.4, 1.4), y_range=(-1.4, 1.4)) pie.toolbar.logo = None wr = pie.annular_wedge(x=0, y=0, inner_radius=0.5, outer_radius=1, start_angle="start", end_angle="end", fill_color="color", line_color="#ffffff", line_width=0.5, source=source) pie.axis.visible = False pie.grid.grid_line_color = None pie.outline_line_color = None hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("feature", "@ftype"), ("percent", "@percent")], renderers=[wr]) pie.add_tools(hover) text_props = { "source": source, "angle": 0, "color": "black", "text_align": "center", "text_baseline": "middle", "text_font_size": "8pt", "text_font_style": "normal" } pie.text(x="x", y="y", text="text", **text_props) empty = figure(width=400, height=400, x_range=(-1.1, 1.1), y_range=(-1.1, 1.1)) empty.toolbar.logo = None empty.axis.visible = False empty.grid.grid_line_color = None empty.outline_line_color = None empty.toolbar_location = None stat = get_stat(prefix, maxaln) source = ColumnDataSource(data=stat) columns = [ TableColumn(field="Statistics", title="Statistics", width=200), TableColumn(field="Number of reads", title="Number of reads", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0,0"), width=150), TableColumn(field="Proportion", title="Proportion", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0.000%"), width=100), ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=450, row_headers=False) script, div = components( layout([[data_table, rdist], [pie, bar]], sizing_mode="scale_width")) return script, div
data['ACCEPTABLE'] = [] data['UNACCEPTABLE'] = [] data['Date'] = [] for m in range(len(stat)): data['ACCEPTABLE'].append(stat[m][0]) data['UNACCEPTABLE'].append(stat[m][1] + stat[m][2]) data['Date'].append(unique_dates[m]) data['Total'] = [ data['ACCEPTABLE'][k] + data['UNACCEPTABLE'][k] for k in range(len(data['Date'])) ] df = pd.DataFrame(data) bar = Bar(df, values=blend('ACCEPTABLE', 'UNACCEPTABLE', name='Hours', labels_name='medal'), label=cat(columns='Date', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='medal', sort=False), color=color(columns='medal', palette=['Green', 'Red'], sort=False), legend='top_left', title="Respiration data quality of participant id " + str(ids[i]), width=800) output_file('Respiration_DataQuality_of_' + str(ids[i]) + ".html", title="RIP_BAR_Plot") source = ColumnDataSource(data)
# print(days) # Put data into dataframe broken into min, mean, and max values each for month ts = Series(vals, index=days[0]) firstmerge = pd.merge(ts.resample('M').min().to_frame(name="min"), ts.resample('M').mean().to_frame(name="mean"), left_index=True, right_index=True) frame = pd.merge(firstmerge, ts.resample('M').max().to_frame(name="max"), left_index=True, right_index=True) # You can use DataFrame index for bokeh x values but it doesn't like timestamp frame['Month'] = frame.index.strftime('%m-%Y') # Main object to render with stacking bar = Bar(frame, values=blend('min', 'mean', 'max', name='values', labels_name='stats'), label=cat(columns='Month', sort=False), stack=cat(columns='values', sort=False), color=color(columns='values', palette=['SaddleBrown', 'Silver', 'Goldenrod'], sort=True), legend=None, title="Statistical Values Grouped by Month", tooltips=[('Value', '@values')] ) # Legend info (if legend attribute is used it gets ugly with large dataset) factors = ["min", "mean", "max"] x = [0] * len(factors) y = factors pal = ['SaddleBrown', 'Silver', 'Goldenrod']