Пример #1
def CfcAmpSwap(xfP, xfA, CfcModel, n_perm=200, matricial=True):
    """Swap phase/amplitude trials, (Bahramisharif, 2013)

    [xfP] = (nPha, npts, ntrials)
    [xfA] = (nAmp, npts, ntrials)
    # Get sizes :
    nPha, timeL, nbTrials = xfP.shape
    nAmp = xfA.shape[0]
    Suro = np.zeros((nbTrials, nAmp, nPha, n_perm))
    if matricial:
        # Swap trials phase/amplitude :
        ampSh, _ = perm_swap(xfA, xfA, axis=2, n_perm=n_perm)
        # Get pac :
        iteract = product(range(nbTrials), range(n_perm))
        for tr, pe in iteract:
            Suro[tr, :, :, pe] = CfcModel(xfP[:, :, tr], np.matrix(ampSh[pe, :, :, tr]))
        for iamp in range(nAmp):
            ampSh, _ = perm_swap(xfA[iamp, ...], xfA[iamp, ...], axis=1, n_perm=n_perm)
            # Get pac :
            iteract = product(range(nbTrials), range(n_perm))
            for tr, pe in iteract:
                Suro[tr, iamp, :, pe] = CfcModel(xfP[:, :, tr], np.matrix(ampSh[pe, :, tr]))

    return Suro
Пример #2
def CfcTrialSwap(xfP, xfA, CfcModel, n_perm=200, matricial=True):
    """Swap phase/amplitude trials (Tort, 2010)

    [xfP] = (nPha, npts, ntrials)
    [xfA] = (nAmp, npts, ntrials)
    # Get sizes :
    nPha, timeL, nbTrials = xfP.shape
    nAmp = xfA.shape[0]
    Suro = np.zeros((nbTrials, nAmp, nPha, n_perm))
    if matricial:
        # Swap trials phase/amplitude :
        phamp = np.concatenate((xfP, xfA))
        phampSh1, phampSh2 = perm_swap(phamp, phamp, axis=2, n_perm=n_perm)
        phaSh, ampSh = phampSh1[:, 0:nPha, ...], phampSh2[:, nPha::, ...]
        del phamp, phampSh1, phampSh2
        # Get pac :
        iteract = product(range(nbTrials), range(n_perm))
        for tr, pe in iteract:
            Suro[tr, :, :, pe] = CfcModel(np.matrix(phaSh[pe, :, :, tr]), ampSh[pe, :, :, tr])
        # Swap trials phase/amplitude :
        phampiter = product(range(nPha), range(nAmp))
        for ipha, iamp in phampiter:
            # Concatenate selected pha/amp :
            phamp = np.concatenate((xfP[[ipha], ...], xfA[[iamp], ...]))
            # Swap:
            phampSh1, phampSh2 = perm_swap(phamp, phamp, axis=2, n_perm=n_perm)
            phaSh, ampSh = phampSh1[:, 0, ...], phampSh2[:, 1, ...]
            # Get pac :
            iteract = product(range(nbTrials), range(n_perm))
            for tr, pe in iteract:
                Suro[tr, iamp, ipha, pe] = CfcModel(np.matrix(phaSh[pe, :, tr]), ampSh[pe, :, tr])

    return Suro
Пример #3
def CfcAmpSwap(xfP, xfA, CfcModel, n_perm=200, matricial=True):
    """Swap phase/amplitude trials, (Bahramisharif, 2013)

    [xfP] = (nPha, npts, ntrials)
    [xfA] = (nAmp, npts, ntrials)
    # Get sizes :
    nPha, timeL, nbTrials = xfP.shape
    nAmp = xfA.shape[0]
    Suro = np.zeros((nbTrials, nAmp, nPha, n_perm))
    if matricial:
        # Swap trials phase/amplitude :
        ampSh, _ = perm_swap(xfA, xfA, axis=2, n_perm=n_perm)
        # Get pac :
        iteract = product(range(nbTrials), range(n_perm))
        for tr, pe in iteract:
            Suro[tr, :, :, pe] = CfcModel(xfP[:, :, tr],
                                          np.matrix(ampSh[pe, :, :, tr]))
        for iamp in range(nAmp):
            ampSh, _ = perm_swap(xfA[iamp, ...],
                                 xfA[iamp, ...],
            # Get pac :
            iteract = product(range(nbTrials), range(n_perm))
            for tr, pe in iteract:
                Suro[tr, iamp, :, pe] = CfcModel(xfP[:, :, tr],
                                                 np.matrix(ampSh[pe, :, tr]))

    return Suro
Пример #4
def CfcTrialSwap(xfP, xfA, CfcModel, n_perm=200, matricial=True):
    """Swap phase/amplitude trials (Tort, 2010)

    [xfP] = (nPha, npts, ntrials)
    [xfA] = (nAmp, npts, ntrials)
    # Get sizes :
    nPha, timeL, nbTrials = xfP.shape
    nAmp = xfA.shape[0]
    Suro = np.zeros((nbTrials, nAmp, nPha, n_perm))
    if matricial:
        # Swap trials phase/amplitude :
        phamp = np.concatenate((xfP, xfA))
        phampSh1, phampSh2 = perm_swap(phamp, phamp, axis=2, n_perm=n_perm)
        phaSh, ampSh = phampSh1[:, 0:nPha, ...], phampSh2[:, nPha::, ...]
        del phamp, phampSh1, phampSh2
        # Get pac :
        iteract = product(range(nbTrials), range(n_perm))
        for tr, pe in iteract:
            Suro[tr, :, :, pe] = CfcModel(np.matrix(phaSh[pe, :, :, tr]),
                                          ampSh[pe, :, :, tr])
        # Swap trials phase/amplitude :
        phampiter = product(range(nPha), range(nAmp))
        for ipha, iamp in phampiter:
            # Concatenate selected pha/amp :
            phamp = np.concatenate((xfP[[ipha], ...], xfA[[iamp], ...]))
            # Swap:
            phampSh1, phampSh2 = perm_swap(phamp, phamp, axis=2, n_perm=n_perm)
            phaSh, ampSh = phampSh1[:, 0, ...], phampSh2[:, 1, ...]
            # Get pac :
            iteract = product(range(nbTrials), range(n_perm))
            for tr, pe in iteract:
                Suro[tr, iamp, ipha,
                     pe] = CfcModel(np.matrix(phaSh[pe, :, tr]), ampSh[pe, :,

    return Suro
Пример #5
def _evalstat(self, x, bsl):
    """Statistical evaluation of features

    [x] = [xn] = (nFce, npts, nTrials)
    # Unpack variables:
    statmeth = self._statmeth
    n_perm = self._n_perm
    tail = self._2t
    maxst = self._mxst

    # Mean Frequencies :
    x, _ = binArray(x, self._fSplitIndex, axis=0)

    # Get the baseline and set to same shape of x:
    xFm = np.mean(x[:, bsl[0]:bsl[1], :], 1)

    # Mean time :
    if self._window is not None:
        x, _ = binArray(x, self._window, axis=1)

    # Repeat baseline:
    baseline = np.tile(xFm[:, np.newaxis, :], [1, x.shape[1], 1])

    # Get shape of x:
    nf, npts, nt = x.shape
    pvalues = np.ones((nf, npts))

    # Switch between methods:
    #   -> Permutations
    # Loops on time and matrix for frequency (avoid RAM usage but increase speed)
    if statmeth == 'permutation':
        # Get metric:
        fcn = perm_metric(self._metric)
        # Apply metric to x and baseline:
        xN = fcn(x, baseline).mean(axis=2)
        # For each time points:
        for pts in range(npts):
            # Randomly swap x // baseline :
            perm = perm_swap(x[:, pts, :],
                             baseline[:, pts, :],
                             rndstate=0 + pts)[0]
            # Normalize permutations by baline:
            perm = fcn(perm, baseline[:, pts, :]).mean(2)
            # Maximum stat (correct through frequencies):
            if maxst:
                perm = maxstat(perm, axis=1)
            # Get pvalues :
            pvalues[:, pts] = perm_2pvalue(xN[:, pts], perm, n_perm, tail=tail)

    #   -> Wilcoxon // Kruskal-Wallis:
        # Get the method:
        if statmeth == 'wilcoxon':

            def fcn(a, b):
                return wilcoxon(a, b)[1]
        elif statmeth == 'kruskal':

            def fcn(a, b):
                return kruskal(a, b)[1]

        # Apply:
        ite = product(range(nf), range(npts))
        for k, i in ite:
            pvalues[k, i] = fcn(x[k, i, :], xFm[k, :])

    return pvalues
Пример #6
def _evalstat(self, x, bsl):
    """Statistical evaluation of features

    [x] = [xn] = (nFce, npts, nTrials)
    # Unpack variables:
    statmeth = self._statmeth
    n_perm = self._n_perm
    tail = self._2t
    maxst = self._mxst

    # Mean Frequencies :
    x, _ = binArray(x, self._fSplitIndex, axis=0)

    # Get the baseline and set to same shape of x:
    xFm = np.mean(x[:, bsl[0]:bsl[1], :], 1)

    # Mean time :
    if self._window is not None:
        x, _ = binArray(x, self._window, axis=1)

    # Repeat baseline:
    baseline = np.tile(xFm[:, np.newaxis, :], [1, x.shape[1], 1])

    # Get shape of x:
    nf, npts, nt = x.shape
    pvalues = np.ones((nf, npts))

    # Switch between methods:
    #   -> Permutations
    # Loops on time and matrix for frequency (avoid RAM usage but increase speed)
    if statmeth == 'permutation':
        # Get metric:
        fcn = perm_metric(self._metric)
        # Apply metric to x and baseline:
        xN = fcn(x, baseline).mean(axis=2)
        # For each time points:
        for pts in range(npts):
            # Randomly swap x // baseline :
            perm = perm_swap(x[:, pts, :], baseline[:, pts, :],
                             n_perm=n_perm, axis=1, rndstate=0+pts)[0]
            # Normalize permutations by baline:
            perm = fcn(perm, baseline[:, pts, :]).mean(2)
            # Maximum stat (correct through frequencies):
            if maxst:
                perm = maxstat(perm, axis=1)
            # Get pvalues :
            pvalues[:, pts] = perm_2pvalue(xN[:, pts], perm, n_perm, tail=tail)

    #   -> Wilcoxon // Kruskal-Wallis:
        # Get the method:
        if statmeth == 'wilcoxon':
            def fcn(a, b): return wilcoxon(a, b)[1]
        elif statmeth == 'kruskal':
            def fcn(a, b): return kruskal(a, b)[1]

        # Apply:
        ite = product(range(nf), range(npts))
        for k, i in ite:
            pvalues[k, i] = fcn(x[k, i, :], xFm[k, :])

    return pvalues