Пример #1
 def test_tokenize_ignore_cc_tlds(self):
     text = 'Despite names,\nind.ie&indie.vc are NOT #indieweb @indiewebcamp\nindiewebcamp.com/2014-review#Indie_Term_Re-use\n@iainspad @sashtown @thomatronic'
         brevity.Token(tag='text', content='Despite names,\nind.ie&indie.vc are NOT #indieweb @indiewebcamp\n'),
         brevity.Token(tag='link', content='indiewebcamp.com/2014-review#Indie_Term_Re-use'),
         brevity.Token(tag='text', content='\n@iainspad @sashtown @thomatronic')
     ], brevity.tokenize(text, skip_bare_cc_tlds=True))
Пример #2
 def test_tokenize_ignore_email(self):
     text = 'this should [email protected]'
     self.assertEqual([brevity.Token(tag='text', content=text)],
Пример #3
def publish(site):
    title = request.form.get('name')
    content = request.form.get('content[value]') or request.form.get('content')
    permalink = request.form.get('url')

    photo_file = util.get_first(
        util.get_possible_array_value(request.files, 'photo'))
    photo_url = util.get_first(
        util.get_possible_array_value(request.form, 'photo'))

    video_file = util.get_first(
        util.get_possible_array_value(request.files, 'video'))
    video_url = util.get_first(
        util.get_possible_array_value(request.form, 'video'))

    location = request.form.get('location')

    post_data = {'access_token': site.account.token}
    post_files = None
    api_endpoint = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/me/feed'
    fburl_separator = 'posts'

    message = (content if not permalink else '({})'.format(permalink)
               if not content else '{} ({})'.format(content, permalink))

    if video_file or video_url:
        if video_file:
            post_files = {
                'source': (video_file.filename, video_file.stream,
                           video_file.content_type or 'video/mp4')
        elif video_url:
            post_data['url'] = video_url
        post_data['title'] = title
        post_data['description'] = message
        api_endpoint = 'https://graph-video.facebook.com/v2.5/me/videos'
        fburl_separator = 'videos'
    elif photo_file or photo_url:
        if photo_file:
            post_files = {'source': photo_file}
        elif photo_url:
            post_data['url'] = photo_url
        post_data['caption'] = message
        # TODO support album id as alternative to 'me'
        # TODO upload to "Timeline photos" album by default
        api_endpoint = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/me/photos'
        fburl_separator = 'photos'
    elif title and content:
        # looks like an article -- include the permalink as a 'link'
        # instead of inline
        post_data['message'] = '{}\n\n{}'.format(title, content)
        post_data['link'] = permalink
        post_data['name'] = title
    elif content:
        post_data['message'] = message
        tokens = brevity.tokenize(content)
        # linkify the first url in the message
        linktok = next((tok for tok in tokens if tok.tag == 'link'), None)
        if linktok:
            post_data['link'] = linktok.content
        return util.make_publish_error_response(
            'Request must contain a photo, video, or content')

    # posting Location to Facebook is disabled for now -- just
    # searching lat/long does not get us close enough to assume we
    # have the correct place.
    if False and location:
        if location.isnumeric():
            post_data['place'] = location
            place_name = (request.form.get('place-name')
                          or request.form.get('place_name'))
            lat, lng = util.parse_geo_uri(location)
            if lat and lng:
                current_app.logger.debug('Search FB for a place, %s at %s, %s',
                                         place_name, lat, lng)
                r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/search',
                                     '%s,%s' % (lat, lng),
                if r.status_code != 200:
                        'FB place search failed with response %r: %r', r,
                    places = r.json().get('data', [])
                    if not places:
                        # TODO consider searching without a place name?
                            'FB no resuts for place %s at %s, %s ', place_name,
                            lat, lng)
                        current_app.logger.debug('Found FB place: %s (%s)',
                        post_data['place'] = places[0].get('id')

    post_data = util.trim_nulls(post_data)
    current_app.logger.debug('Publishing to facebook %s: data=%s, files=%s',
                             api_endpoint, post_data, post_files)
    r = requests.post(api_endpoint, data=post_data, files=post_files)

    # need Web Canvas permissions to do this, which I am too lazy to apply for
    # if r.status_code == 400:
    #     error_data = r.json().get('error', {})
    #     code = error_data.get('code')
    #     subcode = error_data.get('subcode')
    #     # token is expired or otherwise invalid
    #     if code == 190:
    #         send_token_expired_notification(
    #             site.account.user_id,
    #             "silo.pub's Facebook access token has expired. Click the "
    #             "Facebook button on silo.pub's homepage to renew.",
    #             'https://silo.pub/')

    if r.status_code // 100 != 2:
        return util.wrap_silo_error_response(r)

    resp_data = r.json()
    userid = ''
    fbid = resp_data.get('id') or resp_data.get('post_id')

    split = fbid.split('_')
    if len(split) == 2:
        userid, fbid = split

    return util.make_publish_success_response(
            site.account.username or userid, fburl_separator, fbid),
Пример #4
 def test_tokenize_ignore_html(self):
     text = 'this should <a href="http://example.com">not be linkified</a>'
     self.assertEqual([brevity.Token(tag='text', content=text)],
Пример #5
def publish(site):
    title = request.form.get('name')
    content = request.form.get('content[value]') or request.form.get('content')
    permalink = request.form.get('url')

    photo_file = util.get_first(util.get_possible_array_value(request.files, 'photo'))
    photo_url = util.get_first(util.get_possible_array_value(request.form, 'photo'))

    video_file = util.get_first(util.get_possible_array_value(request.files, 'video'))
    video_url = util.get_first(util.get_possible_array_value(request.form, 'video'))

    location = request.form.get('location')

    post_data = {'access_token': site.account.token}
    post_files = None
    api_endpoint = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/me/feed'
    fburl_separator = 'posts'

    message = (
        content if not permalink else
        '({})'.format(permalink) if not content else
        '{} ({})'.format(content, permalink))

    if video_file or video_url:
        if video_file:
            post_files = {'source': (video_file.filename, video_file.stream,
                                     video_file.content_type or 'video/mp4')}
        elif video_url:
            post_data['url'] = video_url
        post_data['title'] = title
        post_data['description'] = message
        api_endpoint = 'https://graph-video.facebook.com/v2.5/me/videos'
        fburl_separator = 'videos'
    elif photo_file or photo_url:
        if photo_file:
            post_files = {'source': photo_file}
        elif photo_url:
            post_data['url'] = photo_url
        post_data['caption'] = message
        # TODO support album id as alternative to 'me'
        # TODO upload to "Timeline photos" album by default
        api_endpoint = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/me/photos'
        fburl_separator = 'photos'
    elif title and content:
        # looks like an article -- include the permalink as a 'link'
        # instead of inline
        post_data['message'] = '{}\n\n{}'.format(title, content)
        post_data['link'] = permalink
        post_data['name'] = title
    elif content:
        post_data['message'] = message
        tokens = brevity.tokenize(content)
        # linkify the first url in the message
        linktok = next((tok for tok in tokens if tok.tag == 'link'), None)
        if linktok:
            post_data['link'] = linktok.content
        return util.make_publish_error_response(
            'Request must contain a photo, video, or content')

    # posting Location to Facebook is disabled for now -- just
    # searching lat/long does not get us close enough to assume we
    # have the correct place.
    if False and location:
        if location.isnumeric():
            post_data['place'] = location
            place_name = (request.form.get('place-name') or
            lat, lng = util.parse_geo_uri(location)
            if lat and lng:
                current_app.logger.debug('Search FB for a place, %s at %s, %s',
                                         place_name, lat, lng)
                r = requests.get(
                        'type': 'place',
                        'center': '%s,%s' % (lat, lng),
                        'distance': '500',
                        'q': place_name,
                        'access_token': site.account.token,
                if r.status_code != 200:
                        'FB place search failed with response %r: %r',
                        r, r.text)
                    places = r.json().get('data', [])
                    if not places:
                        # TODO consider searching without a place name?
                            'FB no resuts for place %s at %s, %s ',
                            place_name, lat, lng)
                            'Found FB place: %s (%s)', places[0].get('name'),
                        post_data['place'] = places[0].get('id')

    post_data = util.trim_nulls(post_data)
        'Publishing to facebook %s: data=%s, files=%s', api_endpoint,
        post_data, post_files)
    r = requests.post(api_endpoint, data=post_data, files=post_files)

    # need Web Canvas permissions to do this, which I am too lazy to apply for
    # if r.status_code == 400:
    #     error_data = r.json().get('error', {})
    #     code = error_data.get('code')
    #     subcode = error_data.get('subcode')
    #     # token is expired or otherwise invalid
    #     if code == 190:
    #         send_token_expired_notification(
    #             site.account.user_id,
    #             "silo.pub's Facebook access token has expired. Click the "
    #             "Facebook button on silo.pub's homepage to renew.",
    #             'https://silo.pub/')

    if r.status_code // 100 != 2:
        return util.wrap_silo_error_response(r)

    resp_data = r.json()
    userid = ''
    fbid = resp_data.get('id') or resp_data.get('post_id')

    split = fbid.split('_')
    if len(split) == 2:
        userid, fbid = split

    return util.make_publish_success_response(
            site.account.username or userid, fburl_separator, fbid),