Пример #1
 def foCreate(cSelf, oCrashInfo, oProcess, pAddress):
   asData = oCrashInfo._fasSendCommandAndReadData("dd /c0xA @@masm(poi(0x%X)) L0xA" % pAddress);
   # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn600343%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
   # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn600342%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
   #StowedExceptionInformation = {
   #  0000      DWORD           dsSize
   #  0004      char[4]         sSignature      // "SE01" or "SE02"
   #  0008      HRESULT         hResultCode      
   #  000C      :2 bits         ExceptionForm   // LSB, &3 1 => with exception address and call stack, 2 => with error text
   #            :30 bits        ThreadId        // MSB, &0xfffffffc
   #  {
   #    0010    VOID*           pExceptionAddress
   #    0014    DWORD           dwStackTraceWordSize (4)
   #    0018    DWORD           StackTraceWords
   #    001c    VOID*           pStackTrace
   #  } or {
   #    0010    WCHAR*          sErrorText
   #  }
   #  0020      ULONG           NestedExceptionType; // "SE02" only
   #  0024      VOID*           NestedException;     // "SE02" only
   adwData = [];
   for sLine in asData:
     asData = re.split(r"\s+", sLine);
     asData.pop(0); # first value is address, the rest is data
     adwData.extend([int(sData, 16) for sData in asData]);
   assert len(adwData) == 10, "Unexpected data size %d extracted from %s" % (len(adwData), repr(asLines));
   dwSignature = adwData[1];
   assert dwSignature in [0x53453031, 0x53453032], "Unexpected signature 0x%X" % dwSignature;
   uCode = adwData[2];
   uExceptionForm = adwData[3] & 3;
   assert uExceptionForm in [1, 2], "Unexpected exception form %d" % uExceptionForm;
   if uExceptionForm == 1:
     oSelf = cSelf(oProcess, uCode, uAddress = adwData[4], pStackTrace = adwData[7], uStackTraceSize = adwData[6]);
     oSelf = cSelf(oProcess, uCode, sErrorText = adwData[4]);
   uNestedExceptionType = adwData[8];
   assert dwSignature == 0x53453031 or uNestedExceptionType == 0, "Unexpected nested exception type 0x%X" % adwData[8];
   # Create an exception id that uniquely identifies the exception and a description of the exception.
   oSelf.sTypeId = "%s(Stowed)" + fsGetExceptionTypeId(oSelf.uCode);
   oSelf.sDescription = "Stowed exception code 0x%08X" % oSelf.uCode;
   # Get the stack
   oSelf.oStack = cStack.foCreateFromAddress(oCrashInfo, oProcess, oSelf.pStackTrace, oSelf.uStackTraceSize);
   if oSelf.oStack is None: return None;
   return oSelf;
def cBugReport_foAnalyzeException_STATUS_STOWED_EXCEPTION(
        oBugReport, oCdbWrapper, oException):
    # Parameter[0] = paStowedExceptionInformationArray;
    # Parameter[1] = uStowedExceptionInformationArrayLength;
    assert len(oException.auParameters) == 2, \
        "Unexpected number of WinRT language exception parameters (%d vs 2)" % len(oException.auParameters)
    pStowedExceptionsAddresses = oException.auParameters[0]
    uStowedExceptionsCount = oException.auParameters[1]
    assert uStowedExceptionsCount <= 1, \
        "Unexpected number of WinRT language exception stowed exceptions (%d vs 1)" % uStowedExceptionsCount
    # Get the stowed exception and replace information in the bug report:
    oStowedException = cStowedException.foCreate(oCdbWrapper,
    oBugReport.sBugTypeId = oStowedException.sTypeId
    oBugReport.sBugDescription = oStowedException.sDescription
    oBugReport.sSecurityImpact = oStowedException.sSecurityImpact
    oBugReport.oProcess = cProcess.foCreate(oCdbWrapper)
    oBugReport.oStack = cStack.foCreateFromAddress(
        oCdbWrapper, oStowedException.pStackTrace,
    return oBugReport
Пример #3
 def foGetStack(oStowedException, oCdbWrapper):
   # This is not going to chance, so we can cache it:
   if not hasattr(oStowedException, "oStack"):
     # We may need to change the current process to oStowedException.oProcess, but I'm not sure.
     oStowedException.oStack = cStack.foCreateFromAddress(oCdbWrapper, oStowedException.pStackTrace, oStowedException.uStackTraceSize);
   return oStowedException.oStack;
Пример #4
    def foCreate(cSelf, oCrashInfo, oProcess, pAddress):
        asData = oCrashInfo._fasSendCommandAndReadData(
            "dd /c0xA @@masm(poi(0x%X)) L0xA" % pAddress)
        # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn600343%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
        # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn600342%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
        #StowedExceptionInformation = {
        #  0000      DWORD           dsSize
        #  0004      char[4]         sSignature      // "SE01" or "SE02"
        #  0008      HRESULT         hResultCode
        #  000C      :2 bits         ExceptionForm   // LSB, &3 1 => with exception address and call stack, 2 => with error text
        #            :30 bits        ThreadId        // MSB, &0xfffffffc
        #  {
        #    0010    VOID*           pExceptionAddress
        #    0014    DWORD           dwStackTraceWordSize (4)
        #    0018    DWORD           StackTraceWords
        #    001c    VOID*           pStackTrace
        #  } or {
        #    0010    WCHAR*          sErrorText
        #  }
        #  0020      ULONG           NestedExceptionType; // "SE02" only
        #  0024      VOID*           NestedException;     // "SE02" only
        adwData = []
        for sLine in asData:
            asData = re.split(r"\s+", sLine)
            # first value is address, the rest is data
            adwData.extend([int(sData, 16) for sData in asData])
        assert len(
            adwData) == 10, "Unexpected data size %d extracted from %s" % (
                len(adwData), repr(asLines))
        dwSignature = adwData[1]
        assert dwSignature in [0x53453031, 0x53453032
                               ], "Unexpected signature 0x%X" % dwSignature
        uCode = adwData[2]
        uExceptionForm = adwData[3] & 3
        assert uExceptionForm in [
            1, 2
        ], "Unexpected exception form %d" % uExceptionForm
        if uExceptionForm == 1:
            oSelf = cSelf(oProcess,
            oSelf = cSelf(oProcess, uCode, sErrorText=adwData[4])
        uNestedExceptionType = adwData[8]
        assert dwSignature == 0x53453031 or uNestedExceptionType == 0, "Unexpected nested exception type 0x%X" % adwData[

        # Create an exception id that uniquely identifies the exception and a description of the exception.
        oSelf.sTypeId = "%s(Stowed)" + fsGetExceptionTypeId(oSelf.uCode)
        oSelf.sDescription = "Stowed exception code 0x%08X" % oSelf.uCode

        # Get the stack
        oSelf.oStack = cStack.foCreateFromAddress(oCrashInfo, oProcess,
        if oSelf.oStack is None: return None

        return oSelf
Пример #5
 def foGetStack(oSelf, oCrashInfo):
   # This is not going to chance, so we can cache it:
   if not hasattr(oSelf, "oStack"):
     oSelf.oStack = cStack.foCreateFromAddress(oCrashInfo, oSelf.oProcess, oSelf.pStackTrace, oSelf.uStackTraceSize);
   return oSelf.oStack;