Пример #1
class TestETag(object):
    """Test our equal priority caching with ETags

    Equal Priority Caching is a term I've defined to describe when
    ETags are cached orthgonally from Time Based Caching.

    def sess(self, server):
        self.etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, "/etag")
        self.update_etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, "/update_etag")
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(), cache=self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer())
        return sess

    def test_etags_get_example(self, sess, server):
        """RFC 2616 14.26

        The If-None-Match request-header field is used with a method to make
        it conditional. A client that has one or more entities previously
        obtained from the resource can verify that none of those entities
        is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in
        the If-None-Match header field. The purpose of this feature is to
        allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount
        of transaction overhead

        If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that
        would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request
        (without the If-None-Match header) on that resource, [...] then
        the server MUST NOT perform the requested method, [...]. Instead, if
        the request method was GET or HEAD, the server SHOULD respond with
        a 304 (Not Modified) response, including the cache-related header
        fields (particularly ETag) of one of the entities that matched.

        (Paraphrased) A server may provide an ETag header on a response. On
        subsequent queries, the client may reference the value of this Etag
        header in an If-None-Match header; on receiving such a header, the
        server can check whether the entity at that URL has changed from the
        clients last version, and if not, it can return a 304 to indicate
        the client can use it's current representation.
        r = sess.get(self.etag_url)

        # make sure we cached it
        assert self.cache.get(self.etag_url) == r.raw

        # make the same request
        resp = sess.get(self.etag_url)
        assert resp.raw == r.raw
        assert resp.from_cache

        # tell the server to change the etags of the response

        resp = sess.get(self.etag_url)
        assert resp != r
        assert not resp.from_cache

        # Make sure we updated our cache with the new etag'd response.
        assert self.cache.get(self.etag_url) == resp.raw
Пример #2
class TestDisabledETags(object):
    """Test our use of ETags when the response is stale and the
    response has an ETag.

    def sess(self, server):
        self.etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, "/etag")
        self.update_etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, "/update_etag")
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(), cache=self.cache, cache_etags=False, serializer=NullSerializer())
        return sess

    def test_expired_etags_if_none_match_response(self, sess):
        """Make sure an expired response that contains an ETag uses
        the If-None-Match header.
        # get our response
        r = sess.get(self.etag_url)

        # expire our request by changing the date. Our test endpoint
        # doesn't provide time base caching headers, so we add them
        # here in order to expire the request.
        r.headers["Date"] = "Tue, 26 Nov 2012 00:50:49 GMT"
        self.cache.set(self.etag_url, r)

        r = sess.get(self.etag_url)
        assert r.from_cache
        assert "if-none-match" in r.request.headers
        assert r.status_code == 200
Пример #3
 def sess(self, server):
     self.url = server.application_url
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = Session()
         CacheControlAdapter(self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer()),
     return sess
Пример #4
 def sess(self, server, url):
     self.etag_url = urljoin(url, '/etag')
     self.update_etag_url = urljoin(url, '/update_etag')
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(),
     return sess
Пример #5
 def sess(self, server):
     self.etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, '/etag')
     self.update_etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, '/update_etag')
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = CacheControl(
     return sess
Пример #6
    def sess(self, url):
        self.etag_url = urljoin(url, "/etag")
        self.update_etag_url = urljoin(url, "/update_etag")
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = CacheControl(
            requests.Session(), cache=self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer()
        yield sess

        # closing session object
Пример #7
    def test_update_cached_response_with_valid_headers(self):
        cached_resp = Mock(headers={
            'ETag': 'jfd9094r808',
            'Content-Length': 100

        # Set our content length to 200. That would be a mistake in
        # the server, but we'll handle it gracefully... for now.
        resp = Mock(headers={'ETag': '28371947465', 'Content-Length': 200})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: cached_resp})

        cc = CacheController(cache)

        # skip our in/out processing
        cc.serializer = Mock()
        cc.serializer.loads.return_value = cached_resp
        cc.cache_url = Mock(return_value='http://foo.com')

        req_headers = {}
        request = type('Request', (object, ), {
            'headers': req_headers,
            'url': 'http://example.com'
        result = cc.update_cached_response(request, resp)

        assert result.headers['ETag'] == resp.headers['ETag']
        assert result.headers['Content-Length'] == 100
Пример #8
 def test_cache_request_no_headers(self):
     cached_resp = Mock(
         headers={"ETag": "jfd9094r808", "Content-Length": 100}, status=200
     self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: cached_resp})
     resp = self.req({})
     assert not resp
Пример #9
 def test_cache_request_unfresh_max_age(self):
     earlier = time.time() - 3700  # epoch - 1h01m40s
     now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(earlier))
     resp = Mock(headers={"cache-control": "max-age=3600", "date": now})
     self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
     r = self.req({})
     assert not r
Пример #10
class TestMaxAge(object):

    def sess(self, url):
        self.url = url
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = Session()
            CacheControlAdapter(self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer()),
        return sess

    def test_client_max_age_0(self, sess):
        Making sure when the client uses max-age=0 we don't get a
        cached copy even though we're still fresh.
        print('first request')
        r = sess.get(self.url)
        assert self.cache.get(self.url) == r.raw

        print('second request')
        r = sess.get(self.url, headers={'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0'})

        # don't remove from the cache
        assert self.cache.get(self.url)
        assert not r.from_cache

    def test_client_max_age_3600(self, sess):
        Verify we get a cached value when the client has a
        reasonable max-age value.
        r = sess.get(self.url)
        assert self.cache.get(self.url) == r.raw

        # request that we don't want a new one unless
        r = sess.get(self.url, headers={'Cache-Control': 'max-age=3600'})
        assert r.from_cache is True

        # now lets grab one that forces a new request b/c the cache
        # has expired. To do that we'll inject a new time value.
        resp = self.cache.get(self.url)
        resp.headers['date'] = 'Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT'
        r = sess.get(self.url)
        assert not r.from_cache
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, driver, connection_name, connection_config):
        super(GithubConnection, self).__init__(driver, connection_name,
        self._change_cache = {}
        self._project_branch_cache = {}
        self.projects = {}
        self.git_ssh_key = self.connection_config.get('sshkey')
        self.server = self.connection_config.get('server', 'github.com')
        self.canonical_hostname = self.connection_config.get(
            'canonical_hostname', self.server)
        self.source = driver.getSource(self)
        self.event_queue = queue.Queue()

        if self.server == 'github.com':
            self.base_url = GITHUB_BASE_URL
            self.base_url = 'https://%s/api/v3' % self.server

        # ssl verification must default to true
        verify_ssl = self.connection_config.get('verify_ssl', 'true')
        self.verify_ssl = True
        if verify_ssl.lower() == 'false':
            self.verify_ssl = False

        self._github = None
        self.app_id = None
        self.app_key = None
        self.sched = None

        self.installation_map = {}
        self.installation_token_cache = {}

        # NOTE(jamielennox): Better here would be to cache to memcache or file
        # or something external - but zuul already sucks at restarting so in
        # memory probably doesn't make this much worse.

        # NOTE(tobiash): Unlike documented cachecontrol doesn't priorize
        # the etag caching but doesn't even re-request until max-age was
        # elapsed.
        # Thus we need to add a custom caching heuristic which simply drops
        # the cache-control header containing max-age. This way we force
        # cachecontrol to only rely on the etag headers.
        # http://cachecontrol.readthedocs.io/en/latest/etags.html
        # http://cachecontrol.readthedocs.io/en/latest/custom_heuristics.html
        class NoAgeHeuristic(BaseHeuristic):
            def update_headers(self, response):
                if 'cache-control' in response.headers:
                    del response.headers['cache-control']

        self.cache_adapter = cachecontrol.CacheControlAdapter(
            DictCache(), cache_etags=True, heuristic=NoAgeHeuristic())

        # The regex is based on the connection host. We do not yet support
        # cross-connection dependency gathering
        self.depends_on_re = re.compile(
            r"^Depends-On: https://%s/.+/.+/pull/[0-9]+$" % self.server,
            re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
Пример #12
 def sess(self, server):
     self.etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, '/etag')
     self.update_etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, '/update_etag')
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(),
     return sess
Пример #13
    def test_cached_request_with_bad_max_age_headers_not_returned(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        # Not a valid header; this would be from a misconfigured server
        resp = Mock(headers={"cache-control": "max-age=xxx", "date": now})

        self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})

        assert not self.req({})
Пример #14
    def test_cache_request_fresh_max_age(self):
        now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
        resp = Mock(headers={"cache-control": "max-age=3600", "date": now})

        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        self.c.cache = cache
        r = self.req({})
        assert r == resp
Пример #15
 def sess(self, url):
     self.url = url
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = Session()
         "http://", CacheControlAdapter(self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer())
     return sess
Пример #16
 def test_cache_request_no_headers(self):
     cached_resp = Mock(headers={
         'ETag': 'jfd9094r808',
         'Content-Length': 100
     self.c.cache = DictCache({self.url: cached_resp})
     resp = self.req({})
     assert not resp
Пример #17
 def test_cache_request_fresh_expires(self):
     later = time.time() + 86400  # GMT + 1 day
     expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(later))
     now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
     resp = Mock(headers={"expires": expires, "date": now}, status=200)
     cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
     self.c.cache = cache
     r = self.req({})
     assert r == resp
 def sess(self, chunking_server):
     self.url = chunking_server.base_url
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = Session()
         CacheControlAdapter(self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer()),
     return sess
Пример #19
 def sess(self, server, url):
     self.etag_url = urljoin(url, '/etag')
     self.update_etag_url = urljoin(url, '/update_etag')
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(),
     return sess
Пример #20
 def test_cache_request_unfresh_expires(self):
     sooner = time.time() - 86400  # GMT - 1 day
     expires = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(sooner))
     now = time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime())
     resp = Mock(headers={"expires": expires, "date": now})
     cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
     self.c.cache = cache
     r = self.req({})
     assert not r
Пример #21
def get_session():
    adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
        DictCache(), cache_etags=True, serializer=None, heuristic=None
    sess = requests.Session()
    sess.mount("http://", adapter)
    sess.mount("https://", adapter)

    sess.cache_controller = adapter.controller
    return sess
Пример #22
    def sess(self, url):
        self.etag_url = urljoin(url, "/etag")
        self.update_etag_url = urljoin(url, "/update_etag")
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = CacheControl(
            requests.Session(), cache=self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer()
        yield sess

        # closing session object
Пример #23
def add_cache_control(session, cache_control_config):
    """Add cache_control adapter to session object."""
    adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
        cache_etags=cache_control_config.get('cache_etags', True),
        serializer=cache_control_config.get('serializer', None),
        heuristic=cache_control_config.get('heuristic', None),
    session.mount('http://', adapter)
    session.mount('https://', adapter)
    session.cache_controller = adapter.controller
Пример #24
    def test_cache_response_no_store(self):
        resp = Mock()
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        cc = CacheController(cache)

        cache_url = cc.cache_url(self.url)

        resp = self.resp({"cache-control": "no-store"})
        assert cc.cache.get(cache_url)

        cc.cache_response(self.req(), resp)
        assert not cc.cache.get(cache_url)
Пример #25
class TestVary(object):

    def sess(self, server):
        self.url = urljoin(server.application_url, '/vary_accept')
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(), cache=self.cache)
        return sess

    def test_vary_example(self, sess):
        """RFC 2616 13.6

        When the cache receives a subsequent request whose Request-URI
        specifies one or more cache entries including a Vary header field,
        the cache MUST NOT use such a cache entry to construct a response
        to the new request unless all of the selecting request-headers
        present in the new request match the corresponding stored
        request-headers in the original request.

        Or, in simpler terms, when you make a request and the server
        returns defines a Vary header, unless all the headers listed
        in the Vary header are the same, it won't use the cached
        r = sess.get(self.url)

        # make sure we cached it
        assert self.cache.get(self.url) == r

        # make the same request
        resp = sess.get(self.url)
        assert resp == r
        assert resp.from_cache

        # make a similar request, changing the accept header
        resp = sess.get(self.url, headers={'Accept': 'text/plain, text/html'})
        assert resp != r
        assert not resp.from_cache

        # Just confirming two things here:
        #   1) The server used the vary header
        #   2) We have more than one header we vary on
        # The reason for this is that when we don't specify the header
        # in the request, it is considered the same in terms of
        # whether or not to use the cached value.
        assert 'vary' in r.headers
        assert len(r.headers['vary'].replace(' ', '').split(',')) == 2
Пример #26
    def test_uses_auth_token_to_lookup_response(self):
        req_headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer some-token'}
        resp_headers = {'Vary': 'Authorization'}

        request = type('Request', (object, ), {
            'headers': req_headers,
            'url': self.url
        expected_key = CacheController.cache_key(request)
        response = Mock(headers=resp_headers, status=301)

        # we set the status to 301 so that it is immediately returned without performing any etag/date checks to see if
        # cache eviction is required
        self.c.cache = DictCache({expected_key: response})

        assert self.req(headers=req_headers) == response
Пример #27
    def test_cache_response_no_store(self):
        resp = Mock()
        cache = DictCache({self.url: resp})
        cc = CacheController(cache)

        request = type('Request', (object, ), {
            'headers': {},
            'url': self.url
        cache_key = cc.cache_key(request)

        resp = self.resp({'cache-control': 'no-store'})
        assert cc.cache.get(cache_key)

        cc.cache_response(self.req(), resp)
        assert not cc.cache.get(cache_key)
Пример #28
    def __init__(self):

        session = requests.Session()

        if not self.__class__._cache:
            if self.backend == "RedisCache":
                pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=self.redis_host, port=self.redis_port, db=0)
                r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
                self.__class__._cache = RedisCache(r)
            elif self.backend == "FileCache":
                self.__class__._cache = FileCache(self.file_cache_path)
                self.__class__._cache = DictCache()

        session = CacheControl(session, heuristic=DefaultHeuristic(self.expire_after), cache=self.__class__._cache)

        super(CachedRemoteResource, self).__init__(session)
Пример #29
    def test_update_cached_response_with_valid_headers(self):
        cached_resp = Mock(headers={"ETag": "jfd9094r808", "Content-Length": 100})

        # Set our content length to 200. That would be a mistake in
        # the server, but we'll handle it gracefully... for now.
        resp = Mock(headers={"ETag": "28371947465", "Content-Length": 200})
        cache = DictCache({self.url: cached_resp})

        cc = CacheController(cache)

        # skip our in/out processing
        cc.serializer = Mock()
        cc.serializer.loads.return_value = cached_resp
        cc.cache_url = Mock(return_value="http://foo.com")

        result = cc.update_cached_response(Mock(), resp)

        assert result.headers["ETag"] == resp.headers["ETag"]
        assert result.headers["Content-Length"] == 100
Пример #30
class TestChunkedResponse(object):
    def sess(self, chunking_server):
        self.url = chunking_server.base_url
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = Session()
            CacheControlAdapter(self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer()),
        return sess

    def test_cache_chunked_response(self, sess):
        Verify that an otherwise cacheable response is cached when the response
        is chunked.
        r = sess.get(self.url)
        assert self.cache.get(self.url) == r.raw

        r = sess.get(self.url, headers={'Cache-Control': 'max-age=3600'})
        assert r.from_cache is True
class TestChunkedResponse(object):

    def sess(self, chunking_server):
        self.url = chunking_server.base_url
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = Session()
            CacheControlAdapter(self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer()),
        return sess

    def test_cache_chunked_response(self, sess):
        Verify that an otherwise cacheable response is cached when the response
        is chunked.
        r = sess.get(self.url)
        assert self.cache.get(self.url) == r.raw

        r = sess.get(self.url, headers={'Cache-Control': 'max-age=3600'})
        assert r.from_cache is True
Пример #32
class TestVary(object):

    def sess(self, url):
        self.url = urljoin(url, '/vary_accept')
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(), cache=self.cache)
        return sess

    def cached_equal(self, cached, resp):
        # remove any transfer-encoding headers as they don't apply to
        # a cached value
        if 'chunked' in resp.raw.headers.get('transfer-encoding', ''):

        checks = [
            cached._fp.getvalue() == resp.content,
            cached.headers == resp.raw.headers,
            cached.status == resp.raw.status,
            cached.version == resp.raw.version,
            cached.reason == resp.raw.reason,
            cached.strict == resp.raw.strict,
            cached.decode_content == resp.raw.decode_content,

        return all(checks)

    def test_vary_example(self, sess):
        """RFC 2616 13.6

        When the cache receives a subsequent request whose Request-URI
        specifies one or more cache entries including a Vary header field,
        the cache MUST NOT use such a cache entry to construct a response
        to the new request unless all of the selecting request-headers
        present in the new request match the corresponding stored
        request-headers in the original request.

        Or, in simpler terms, when you make a request and the server
        returns defines a Vary header, unless all the headers listed
        in the Vary header are the same, it won't use the cached
        s = sess.adapters["http://"].controller.serializer
        r = sess.get(self.url)
        c = s.loads(r.request, self.cache.get(self.url))

        # make sure we cached it
        assert self.cached_equal(c, r)

        # make the same request
        resp = sess.get(self.url)
        assert self.cached_equal(c, resp)
        assert resp.from_cache

        # make a similar request, changing the accept header
        resp = sess.get(self.url, headers={'Accept': 'text/plain, text/html'})
        assert not self.cached_equal(c, resp)
        assert not resp.from_cache

        # Just confirming two things here:
        #   1) The server used the vary header
        #   2) We have more than one header we vary on
        # The reason for this is that when we don't specify the header
        # in the request, it is considered the same in terms of
        # whether or not to use the cached value.
        assert 'vary' in r.headers
        assert len(r.headers['vary'].replace(' ', '').split(',')) == 2
Пример #33
def CacheControl(sess, cache=None, cache_etags=True):
    cache = cache or DictCache()
    adapter = CacheControlAdapter(cache, cache_etags=cache_etags)
    sess.mount('http://', adapter)

    return sess
Пример #34
 def __init__(self, cache=None, cache_etags=True):
     self.cache = cache or DictCache()
     self.cache_etags = cache_etags
Пример #35
 def setup(self):
     self.c = CacheController(DictCache(), serializer=NullSerializer())
Пример #36
 def sess(self, url):
     self.url = urljoin(url, '/vary_accept')
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(), cache=self.cache)
     return sess
Пример #37
 def __init__(self, cache=None, cache_etags=True, *args, **kw):
     super(CacheControlAdapter, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
     self.cache = cache or DictCache()
     self.controller = CacheController(self.cache, cache_etags=cache_etags)
Пример #38
 def sess(self, server):
     self.url = urljoin(server.application_url, '/vary_accept')
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(), cache=self.cache)
     return sess
Пример #39
session = requests.Session()

if options.CACHE:
        from cachecontrol import CacheControl
        from cachecontrol.cache import DictCache
        from cachecontrol.caches import FileCache
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImportError("CacheControl and lockfile need to be installed "
                          "in order to use CACHE and CACHE_STORE options "
                          "in neo4jrestclient. \n"
                          "Please, run $ pip install CacheControl lockfile")
    if isinstance(options.CACHE_STORE, string_types):
        cache = FileCache(options.CACHE_STORE)
    elif isinstance(options.CACHE_STORE, dict):
        cache = DictCache(options.CACHE_STORE)
        cache = options.CACHE_STORE
    session = CacheControl(session, cache=cache)

class Request(object):
    Create an HTTP request object for HTTP
    verbs GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
    def __init__(self,
Пример #40
class TestETag(object):
    """Test our equal priority caching with ETags

    Equal Priority Caching is a term I've defined to describe when
    ETags are cached orthgonally from Time Based Caching.

    def sess(self, url):
        self.etag_url = urljoin(url, "/etag")
        self.update_etag_url = urljoin(url, "/update_etag")
        self.cache = DictCache()
        sess = CacheControl(
            requests.Session(), cache=self.cache, serializer=NullSerializer()
        yield sess

        # closing session object

    def test_etags_get_example(self, sess, server):
        """RFC 2616 14.26

        The If-None-Match request-header field is used with a method to make
        it conditional. A client that has one or more entities previously
        obtained from the resource can verify that none of those entities
        is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in
        the If-None-Match header field. The purpose of this feature is to
        allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount
        of transaction overhead

        If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that
        would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request
        (without the If-None-Match header) on that resource, [...] then
        the server MUST NOT perform the requested method, [...]. Instead, if
        the request method was GET or HEAD, the server SHOULD respond with
        a 304 (Not Modified) response, including the cache-related header
        fields (particularly ETag) of one of the entities that matched.

        (Paraphrased) A server may provide an ETag header on a response. On
        subsequent queries, the client may reference the value of this Etag
        header in an If-None-Match header; on receiving such a header, the
        server can check whether the entity at that URL has changed from the
        clients last version, and if not, it can return a 304 to indicate
        the client can use it's current representation.
        r = sess.get(self.etag_url)

        # make sure we cached it
        assert self.cache.get(self.etag_url) == r.raw

        # make the same request
        resp = sess.get(self.etag_url)
        assert resp.raw == r.raw
        assert resp.from_cache

        # tell the server to change the etags of the response

        resp = sess.get(self.etag_url)
        assert resp != r
        assert not resp.from_cache

        # Make sure we updated our cache with the new etag'd response.
        assert self.cache.get(self.etag_url) == resp.raw
Пример #41
 def sess(self, server):
     self.url = urljoin(server.application_url, '/vary_accept')
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(), cache=self.cache)
     return sess
Пример #42
 def sess(self, server):
     self.etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, "/etag")
     self.update_etag_url = urljoin(server.application_url, "/update_etag")
     self.cache = DictCache()
     sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(), cache=self.cache, cache_etags=False, serializer=NullSerializer())
     return sess