Пример #1
def torSpring(kr, qi, i, j, theta0):
    thetai = qi[l2i(i, "theta")]
    thetaj = qi[l2i(j, "theta")]
    deltaTheta = thetai - thetaj
    Q_SpringThetai = -kr * (deltaTheta - theta0)
    Q_SpringThetaj = kr * (deltaTheta - theta0)

    return Q_SpringThetai, Q_SpringThetaj
Пример #2
def torDamp(cr, qiDot, i, j):
    omegai = qiDot[l2i(i, "theta")]
    omegaj = qiDot[l2i(j, "theta")]
    deltaOmega = omegai - omegaj
    Q_DampThetai = -cr * deltaOmega
    Q_DampThetaj = cr * deltaOmega

    return Q_DampThetai, Q_DampThetaj
def systemEquation(t, Cq, qi, qiDot):
    # Construct MCq matrix (MASS MODULE)
    massSize = mass_Matrix.shape[0]
    constVSize = constraintVect.shape[0]
    matDim = massSize + constVSize
    massAugmented = np.zeros((matDim, matDim))
    massAugmented[0:massSize, 0:massSize] = mass_Matrix
    massAugmented[massSize:matDim, 0:massSize] = Cq
    massAugmented[0:massSize, massSize:matDim] = np.transpose(Cq)

    # Construct QeQd vector (FORCE MODULE)
    Qe = np.zeros((massSize, 1), dtype=float)

    # External Force from Weight
    Qe[l2i(1, "y")] = -mass1 * gravity
    Qe[l2i(2, "y")] = -mass2 * gravity
    Qe[l2i(3, "y")] = -mass3 * gravity

    # External Force from spring
    # -joint B (link 1&2)
    QSpring1B, QSpring2B = fMod.torSpring(krB, qi, 1, 2, 0)
    # -joint C (link 2&3)
    QSpring2C, QSpring3C = fMod.torSpring(krC, qi, 2, 3, 0)

    # External Force from damper
    # -joint B (link 1&2)
    QDamp1B, QDamp2B = fMod.torDamp(crB, qiDot, 1, 2)
    # -joint C (link 2&3)
    QDamp2C, QDamp3C = fMod.torDamp(crC, qiDot, 2, 3)

    Qe[l2i(1, "theta")] = QSpring1B + QDamp1B
    Qe[l2i(2, "theta")] = QSpring2B + QSpring2C + QDamp2B + QDamp2C
    Qe[l2i(3, "theta")] = QSpring3C + QDamp3C

    Qd1 = conMod.QdCalc1(qi, qiDot, u_bar_1A, 1)
    Qd2 = conMod.QdCalc2(qi, qiDot, u_bar_1B, u_bar_2B, 1, 2)
    Qd3 = conMod.QdCalc2(qi, qiDot, u_bar_2C, u_bar_3C, 2, 3)
    Qd = np.concatenate((-Qd1, Qd2, Qd3), axis=0)  #6x1

    QeAug = np.concatenate((Qe, Qd), axis=0)  #15x1
    mass_MatInverse = np.linalg.inv(massAugmented)
    qiDotDot_lamda = np.dot(mass_MatInverse, QeAug)
    return qiDotDot_lamda
def mainProg():
    global qi, qiDot, qiDotDot_lamda
    timeNow = timeStart
    iter = 0

    # KNOWN   : qi_indep, qiDot_indep (@ t)
    # FIND    : 1. qi_dep, qiDot_dep, all accelerations (@ t)
    #           2. qi_indep, qiDot_indep (@ t+1)

    for timeID in range(np.size(time)):
        max_iteration = 50
        count = 0
        delta_qDep_norm = 1
        # a. Find dependent position
        while delta_qDep_norm > epsilon:

            Cq, Cq_dep, Cq_indep, constraintVect = config(qi)
            q_dep = np.concatenate((qi[0:2], qi[3:5], qi[6:8]),
                                   axis=0)  # position
            q_depNew, delta_qDep_norm = conMod.positionAnalysis(
                constraintVect, Cq_dep, q_dep)
            count = count + 1
            if (delta_qDep_norm < epsilon) or (count > max_iteration):

    # b. Store q_dep in qi
        qi[0:2] = q_depNew[0:2]
        qi[3:5] = q_depNew[2:4]
        qi[6:8] = q_depNew[4:6]

        # c. Find dependent velocity
        qDot_indep = np.concatenate((qiDot[2:3], qiDot[5:6], qiDot[8:9]),
                                    axis=0)  # velocity
        Cdi = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(-Cq_dep), Cq_indep)
        qDot_dep = np.dot(Cdi, qDot_indep)

        # d. Store qDot_dep in qiDot
        qiDot[0:2], qiDot[3:5], qiDot[6:8] = qDot_dep[0:2], qDot_dep[
            2:4], qDot_dep[4:6]

        # e. Find dependent acceleration (indep acc at the same time)
        qiDotDot_lamda = systemEquation(0, Cq, qi, qiDot)

        # f. Store everything
        q_allTime[timeID, :] = qi.T
        v_allTime[timeID, :] = qiDot.T
        a_allTime[timeID, :] = qiDotDot_lamda[0:n].T
        FReact_allTime[timeID, :] = qiDotDot_lamda[n:n + nc].T

        # g. Calculate q, qdot, qdotdot independent @ t+1
        qi, qiDot = rungeKutta4_AtTimeNow(qi, qiDot, systemEquation, stepSize,
        iter = iter + 1
        timeNow = timeNow + stepSize

    plt.plot(time, q_allTime[:, l2i(1, "theta")])
    plt.plot(time, q_allTime[:, l2i(2, "theta")])
    plt.plot(time, q_allTime[:, l2i(3, "theta")])
    plt.ylabel('angular position [rad]')
    plt.xlabel('time [s]')
    plt.legend(["theta 1", "theta 2", "theta 3"])

    plt.plot(time, v_allTime[:, l2i(1, "theta")])
    plt.plot(time, v_allTime[:, l2i(2, "theta")])
    plt.plot(time, v_allTime[:, l2i(3, "theta")])
    plt.ylabel('angular speed [rad/s]')
    plt.xlabel('time [s]')
    plt.legend(["omega 1", "omega 2", "omega 3"])

    plt.plot(time, q_allTime[:, l2i(1, "x")])
    plt.plot(time, q_allTime[:, l2i(2, "x")])
    plt.plot(time, q_allTime[:, l2i(3, "x")])
    plt.title('Rx (absolute horizontal position) of every link')
    plt.ylabel('position [m]')
    plt.xlabel('time [s]')
    plt.legend(["Rx 1", "Rx 2", "Rx 3"])

    plt.plot(time, -FReact_allTime[:, 1])
    plt.plot(time, -FReact_allTime[:, 3])
    plt.plot(time, -FReact_allTime[:, 5])
    plt.title('Joint reaction force y-axis [N]')
    plt.ylabel('Force [N]')
    plt.xlabel('time [s]')
    plt.legend(["Force 1", "Force 2", "Force 3"])

    plt.plot(time, a_allTime[:, l2i(1, "theta")])
    plt.plot(time, a_allTime[:, l2i(2, "theta")])
    plt.plot(time, a_allTime[:, l2i(3, "theta")])
    plt.ylabel('angular acceleration [rad/s/s]')
    plt.xlabel('time [s]')
    plt.legend(["alpha 1", "alpha 2", "alpha 3"])

def rungeKutta4_AtTimeNow(qi, qiDot, systemFunction, stepSize, timeNow):
    # This function works with ANY number of DOF
    x = np.array(
        [qi[l2i(1, "theta")], qi[l2i(2, "theta")], qi[l2i(3, "theta")]])

    xDot = np.array([
        qiDot[l2i(1, "theta")], qiDot[l2i(2, "theta")], qiDot[l2i(3, "theta")]

    y = np.concatenate((x, xDot), axis=0)
    numberOfDOF = int(np.size(y) / 2)

    # RungeKutta4
    t1 = timeNow
    Cq, _, _, _ = config(qi)
    f_1 = systemFunction(t1, Cq, qi, qiDot)
    k1 = np.zeros((np.size(y), 1))
    for x in range(numberOfDOF):
        k1[x] = y[x + numberOfDOF]
        k1[x + numberOfDOF] = f_1[l2i(x + 1, "theta")]

    t2 = t1 + 0.5 * stepSize
    y2 = y + 0.5 * k1 * stepSize
    for i in range(numberOfDOF):
        qi[l2i(i + 1, "theta")] = y2[i]
        qiDot[l2i(i + 1, "theta")] = y2[i + numberOfDOF]
    Cq, _, _, _ = config(qi)
    f_2 = systemFunction(t2, Cq, qi, qiDot)
    k2 = np.zeros((np.size(y), 1))
    for x in range(numberOfDOF):
        k2[x] = y2[x + numberOfDOF]
        k2[x + numberOfDOF] = f_2[l2i(x + 1, "theta")]

    t3 = t1 + 0.5 * stepSize
    y3 = y + 0.5 * k2 * stepSize
    for i in range(numberOfDOF):
        qi[l2i(i + 1, "theta")] = y3[i]
        qiDot[l2i(i + 1, "theta")] = y3[i + numberOfDOF]
    Cq, _, _, _ = config(qi)
    f_3 = systemFunction(t3, Cq, qi, qiDot)
    k3 = np.zeros((np.size(y), 1))
    for x in range(numberOfDOF):
        k3[x] = y3[x + numberOfDOF]
        k3[x + numberOfDOF] = f_3[l2i(x + 1, "theta")]

    t4 = t1 + stepSize
    y4 = y + k3 * stepSize
    for i in range(numberOfDOF):
        qi[l2i(i + 1, "theta")] = y4[i]
        qiDot[l2i(i + 1, "theta")] = y4[i + numberOfDOF]
    Cq, _, _, _ = config(qi)
    f_4 = systemFunction(t4, Cq, qi, qiDot)
    k4 = np.zeros((np.size(y), 1))
    for x in range(numberOfDOF):
        k4[x] = y4[x + numberOfDOF]
        k4[x + numberOfDOF] = f_4[l2i(x + 1, "theta")]

    RKFunct = (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6

    yNew = y + stepSize * RKFunct
    for i in range(numberOfDOF):
        qi[l2i(i + 1, "theta")] = yNew[i]
        qiDot[l2i(i + 1, "theta")] = yNew[i + numberOfDOF]

    return qi, qiDot
# Derived parameters
inertiaJ1 = calMod.inertiaRod(mass1, link1)
inertiaJ2 = calMod.inertiaRod(mass2, link2)
inertiaJ3 = calMod.inertiaRod(mass3, link3)
massVector = np.array([[mass1], [mass1], [inertiaJ1], [mass2], [mass2],
                       [inertiaJ2], [mass3], [mass3], [inertiaJ3]])
mass_Matrix = calMod.massMatrix(massVector)
time = np.arange(timeStart, timeEnd, stepSize).T

n, nc = 9, 6  # Generalized coordinates, number of Constraints
qi = np.zeros((n, 1))  # gen. position
qiDot = np.zeros((n, 1))  # gen. velocity
qiDotDot_lamda = np.zeros((n + nc, 1))  # gen. acceleration
qi[l2i(1, "theta")] = theta1Init
qi[l2i(2, "theta")] = theta2Init
qi[l2i(3, "theta")] = theta3Init

# Memory
q_allTime = np.zeros((np.size(time), n))
v_allTime = np.zeros((np.size(time), n))
a_allTime = np.zeros((np.size(time), n))
FReact_allTime = np.zeros((np.size(time), nc))
constraintVect = np.zeros((nc, 1))

#========== MAIN PROGRAM ==================
def mainProg():
    global qi, qiDot, qiDotDot_lamda
    timeNow = timeStart