def frf_data(data): #FRF FULL LENGTH DATA aa2 =, freqs) #All freqs for data instead of subset bins = fringe.gen_frbins(inttime) frp, bins = fringe.aa_to_fr_profile(aa2, ij, len(freqs) / 2, bins=bins) timebins, firs = fringe.frp_to_firs(frp, bins, aa2.get_freqs(), fq0=aa2.get_freqs()[len(freqs) / 2]) _, blconj, _ = zsa.grid2ij(aa2.ant_layout) if blconj[a.miriad.ij2bl(ij[0], ij[1])]: fir = {(ij[0], ij[1], POL): n.conj(firs)} else: fir = {(ij[0], ij[1], POL): firs} dij = n.transpose(data) wij = n.ones(dij.shape, dtype=bool) #XXX flags are all true (times,freqs) #dij and wij are (times,freqs) _d, _w, _, _ = fringe.apply_frf(aa2, dij, wij, ij[0], ij[1], pol=POL, bins=bins, firs=fir) _d = n.transpose(_d) return _d
def frf_data(data): #FRF FULL LENGTH DATA aa2 =, freqs) #All freqs for data instead of subset bins = fringe.gen_frbins(inttime) frp, bins = fringe.aa_to_fr_profile(aa2, ij, len(freqs)/2, bins=bins) timebins, firs = fringe.frp_to_firs(frp, bins, aa2.get_freqs(), fq0=aa2.get_freqs()[len(freqs)/2]) _,blconj,_ = zsa.grid2ij(aa2.ant_layout) if blconj[a.miriad.ij2bl(ij[0],ij[1])]: fir = {(ij[0],ij[1],POL):n.conj(firs)} else: fir = {(ij[0],ij[1],POL):firs} dij = n.transpose(data) wij = n.ones(dij.shape,dtype=bool) #XXX flags are all true (times,freqs) #dij and wij are (times,freqs) _d,_w,_,_ = fringe.apply_frf(aa2,dij,wij,ij[0],ij[1],pol=POL,bins=bins,firs=fir) _d = n.transpose(_d) return _d
def getBaselines(freqs, intSeps, exampleDataFile, calFile='psa6622_v003'): aa =, freqs) blstr, _, bl2sep = zsa.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout) m, _, mdl,_= omni.from_npz(exampleDataFile) bls = [(0,i) for i in intSeps] for ij in mdl['xx'].keys(): bl = a.miriad.ij2bl(ij[0],ij[1]) try: s = tuple(map(int,bl2sep[bl].split(','))) except(KeyError): continue if s in bls and s[0] == 0: bls[s[-1]-1] = ij return bls
def getBaselines(freqs, intSeps, exampleDataFile, calFile='psa6622_v003'): aa =, freqs) blstr, _, bl2sep = zsa.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout) m, _, mdl, _ = omni.from_npz(exampleDataFile) bls = [(0, i) for i in intSeps] for ij in mdl['xx'].keys(): bl = a.miriad.ij2bl(ij[0], ij[1]) try: s = tuple(map(int, bl2sep[bl].split(','))) except (KeyError): continue if s in bls and s[0] == 0: bls[s[-1] - 1] = ij return bls
inttime = (t2-t1) * (3600*24) del(uv) afreqs = freqs.take(chans) nchan = chans.size fq = n.average(afreqs) z = capo.pspec.f2z(fq) # aa =, n.array([.150])) aa =, afreqs) bls, conj = jy2T = capo.pspec.jy2T(afreqs) window = a.dsp.gen_window(nchan, WINDOW) if not WINDOW == 'none': window.shape = (nchan, 1) sep2ij, blconj, bl2sep = zsa.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout) # B = sdf * afreqs.size / capo.pfb.NOISE_EQUIV_BW[WINDOW] # this is wrong if we aren't inverting # the window post delay transform # (or at least dividing out by the gain of the window) # For windowed data, the FFT divides out by the full bandwidth, B, which is # then squared. # Proper normalization is to multiply by # B**2 / (B / NoiseEqBand) = B * NoiseEqBand # XXX NEED TO FIGURE OUT BW NORMALIZATION B = sdf * afreqs.size * capo.pfb.NOISE_EQUIV_BW[WINDOW] # proper normalization etas = n.fft.fftshift(capo.pspec.f2eta(afreqs)) # create etas (fourier dual to frequency) # etas = capo.pspec.f2eta(afreqs) #create etas (fourier dual to frequency) kpl = etas * capo.pspec.dk_deta(z) # 111
#! /usr/bin/env python -u import numpy as n import aipy as a import optparse, sys import capo.omni as omni, capo.zsa as zsa, capo.arp as arp import pylab as p o = optparse.OptionParser() a.scripting.add_standard_options(o, cal=True) opts, args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) pol = 'xx' freqs = n.arange(.1, .2, .1 / 203) aa ='psa6622_v003', freqs) blstr, _, bl2sep = zsa.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout) _, _, mdl, _, jds, lsts, freqs = omni.from_npz(args[0]) seps = n.arange(1, 16) #* 15m = baseline lengths bls = [(0, i) for i in seps] sep2ij = {} for ij in mdl['xx'].keys(): bl = a.miriad.ij2bl(ij[0], ij[1]) try: s = tuple(map(int, bl2sep[bl].split(','))) except (KeyError): continue if s in bls and s[0] == 0: bls[s[-1] - 1] = ij print bls conjugate = [(0, 101), (0, 62), (0, 100), (0, 97), (12, 43), (57, 64)]
scalar = 1 if not DELAY: # XXX this is a hack if WINDOW == 'hamming': scalar /= 3.67 elif WINDOW == 'blackman-harris': scalar /= 5.72 print 'Freq:', fq print 'z:', z print 'B:', B print 'scalar:', scalar sys.stdout.flush() # Prep FRF Stuff antstr = 'cross' _, blconj, _ = zsa.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout) days = dsets.keys() s,d,f = capo.miriad.read_files([dsets[days[0]][0]], antstr=antstr, polstr=POL) # read first file ij = d.keys()[0] # use first baseline if blconj[a.miriad.ij2bl(ij[0], ij[1])]: # makes sure FRP will be the same whether bl is a conjugated one or not if ij[0] < ij[1]: temp = (ij[1], ij[0]) ij = temp sep_type = bl2sep[a.miriad.ij2bl(ij[0], ij[1])] # convert uvw in light-nanoseconds to m, (cosmo_units.c in m/s) uvw = aa.get_baseline(ij[0], ij[1], src='z') * cosmo_units.c * 1e-9 bins = fringe.gen_frbins(inttime) mychan = 101 # XXX use this to match frp, bins = fringe.aa_to_fr_profile(aa, ij, mychan, bins=bins) timebins, firs = fringe.frp_to_firs(frp, bins, aa.get_freqs(),
(uvw, t2, (i, j)), d = while t1 == t2: (uvw, t2, (i, j)), d = data_inttime = (t2 - t1) * (3600 * 24) #manually calculate the inttime so frf time bins match data if opts.inttime: inttime = opts.inttime else: inttime = float(data_inttime) del (uv) #inttime=50. #set channel to make frf if opts.chan: mychan = int(opts.chan) else: mychan = 101 #Get only the antennas of interest sep2ij, blconj, bl2sep = zsa.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout) print "Using normalization for old FRF: ", opts.alietal print "Looking for baselines matching ", opts.ant ants = [b[0] for b in a.scripting.parse_ants(opts.ant, nants)] seps = [bl2sep[b] for b in ants] seps = n.unique(seps) print 'These are the spearations that we are going to use ', seps print 'This is the channel we are using to build the frf: ', mychan print 'Current inttime use for gen_frbins: ', inttime #Get the fir filters for the separation used. baselines = ''.join(sep2ij[sep] for sep in seps) times, data, flags = zsa.get_dict_of_uv_data(args, baselines, pol,
if not DELAY: # XXX this is a hack if WINDOW == 'hamming': scalar /= 3.67 elif WINDOW == 'blackman-harris': scalar /= 5.72 print 'Freq:', fq print 'z:', z print 'B:', B print 'scalar:', scalar sys.stdout.flush() #Acquire data data_dict = {} flg_dict = {} conj_dict = {} antstr = 'cross' _, blconj, _ = zsa.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout) days = dsets.keys() lsts, data, flgs = {}, {}, {} for k in days: lsts[k], data[k], flgs[k] = capo.miriad.read_files(dsets[k], antstr=antstr, polstr=POL, verbose=True) lsts[k] = n.array(lsts[k]['lsts']) for bl in data[k]: d = n.array(data[k][bl][POL])[:, chans] * jy2T #extract frequency range flg = n.array(flgs[k][bl][POL])[:, chans] key = (k, bl, POL) data_dict[key] = d flg_dict[key] = n.logical_not(flg)
#! /usr/bin/env python import numpy as n import aipy as a import optparse,sys import capo.omni as omni, capo.zsa as zsa, capo.arp as arp import pylab as p, os o = optparse.OptionParser() a.scripting.add_standard_options(o, cal=True) opts,args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) pol='xx' freqs = n.arange(.1,.2,.1/203) aa ='psa6622_v003', freqs) blstr, _, bl2sep = zsa.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout) m, _, mdl,_= omni.from_npz(args[0]) seps = n.arange(1,16) #* 15m = baseline lengths bls = [(0,i) for i in seps] sep2ij = {} for ij in mdl['xx'].keys(): bl = a.miriad.ij2bl(ij[0],ij[1]) try: s = tuple(map(int,bl2sep[bl].split(','))) except(KeyError): continue if s in bls and s[0] == 0: bls[s[-1]-1] = ij #print bls conjugate = [(0,101), (0,62), (0,100), (0,97), (12,43), (57,64)]