Пример #1
    def _compute_action(self, rgb_image, speed, direction=None):

        rgb_image = rgb_image[self._image_cut[0]:self._image_cut[1], :]

        image_input = scipy.misc.imresize(
            rgb_image, [self._image_size[0], self._image_size[1]])

        image_input = image_input.astype(np.float32)
        image_input = np.multiply(image_input, 1.0 / 255.0)

        steer, acc, brake = self._control_function(image_input, speed,
                                                   direction, self._sess)

        # This a bit biased, but is to avoid fake breaking

        if brake < 0.1:
            brake = 0.0

        if acc > brake:
            brake = 0.0

        # We limit speed to 35 km/h to avoid
        if speed > 10.0 and brake == 0.0:
            acc = 0.0

        control = Control()
        control.steer = steer
        control.throttle = acc
        control.brake = brake

        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0

        return control
Пример #2
    def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):
        img = sensor_data['CameraRGB'].data
        res = self.process(img)
        res[1] = np.expand_dims(res[1], 0)

        pred = self.predict(res)

        steer, acc, brake = pred[0], pred[1], pred[2]

        control = Control()
        control.steer = steer

        if acc < 0.3:
            control.throttle = 0
        elif acc < 0.7:
            control.throttle = 0.5
            control.throttle = 1

        speed = measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed
        if speed * 3.6 >= 20:
            control.throttle = 0
        if brake < 0.3:
            control.brake = 0
        elif brake < 0.7:
            control.brake = 0.5
            control.brake = 1
        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0

        return control
    def step(self, action):
        self.current_step += 1
        self.action = action
        control = Control()
        control.throttle = 0.4  # action[0]
        control.steer = action[0]
        control.brake = 0  # action[2]
            observation, done = self._get_observation()

            print('Lost Connection')
            observation, done = self._get_observation()
        reward = self._get_reward(done=done)
        info = {}
        #print("reward: ", reward)
        #print(observation, reward, done, info)

        observation = np.random.random((1, 512))
        reward = np.random.random()
        done = False
        info = {}

        return observation, reward, done, info
Пример #4
    def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):
        rgb = sensor_data['CameraRGB'].data
        # publish data need to cut
        rgb = rgb[self._image_cut[0]:self._image_cut[1], :]
        rgb = scipy.misc.imresize(rgb, (224, 224))
        rgb = np.expand_dims(preprocess_input(rgb), axis=0)

        if self.mode == 'DLM':
            intention = to_categorical([intention_mapping[directions]],
            intention = np.expand_dims(preprocess_input(directions), axis=0)

        speed = np.array([measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed])

        pred_control = self.model.predict([rgb, intention, speed])
        control = Control()
        control.steer = pred_control[0][self.STEER]
        control.throttle = pred_control[0][self.GAS]

        if control.throttle < 0.0:
            control.brake = -control.throttle
            control.throttle = 0.0

        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0
        return control, None
Пример #5
    def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):

        steer = self.cur_action['steer']
        acc = self.cur_action['acc']
        brake = self.cur_action['brake']

        control = Control()
        feature_vector = self.DP.compute_feature(sensor_data)
        speed = measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed
        speed = speed / 10.0
        offroad = measurements.player_measurements.intersection_offroad
        other_lane = measurements.player_measurements.intersection_otherlane
        state = np.concatenate(
            (feature_vector, (steer, acc - brake, speed, offroad, other_lane)))
        action = self.predict(np.expand_dims(state, 0))[0]

        control.steer = action[0]
        self.next_action['steer'] = action[0]
        if action[1] > 0:
            control.throttle = action[1]
            self.next_action['acc'] = action[1]
            control.brake = 0
            self.next_action['break'] = 0
            control.throttle = 0
            self.next_action['acc'] = 0
            control.brake = action[1]
            self.next_action['break'] = action[1]

        action_lambda = 0.5

        control.steer = self.next_action['steer'] * action_lambda + (
            1 - action_lambda) * self.cur_action['steer']
        control.throttle = self.next_action['acc'] * action_lambda + (
            1 - action_lambda) * self.cur_action['acc']
        control.brake = self.next_action['break'] * action_lambda + (
            1 - action_lambda) * self.cur_action['brake']
        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0

        self.cur_action['steer'] = control.steer
        self.cur_action['acc'] = control.throttle
        self.cur_action['brake'] = control.brake

        if measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed >= 8:
            control.throttle = 0.5 if control.throttle > 0.5 else control.throttle
        return control
    def _compute_action(self, rgb_image, speed, direction=None):

        rgb_image = rgb_image[self._image_cut[0]:self._image_cut[1], :]
        image_input = scipy.misc.imresize(
            rgb_image, [self._image_size[0], self._image_size[1]])

        if self.min_frames <= self.frame_count <= self.max_frames:
                self.clean_frame_pt + str(self.frame_count) + '.png',

        input_info_dict = {}
        input_info_dict["forward_speed"] = speed
        input_info_dict["directions"] = direction
        input_info_file = self.input_pt + str(self.frame_count) + ".pickle"
        with open(input_info_file, "wb") as handle:

        image_input = image_input.astype(np.float32)
        image_input = np.multiply(image_input, 1.0 / 255.0)

        steer, acc, brake = self._control_function(image_input, speed,
                                                   direction, self._sess)

        if brake < 0.1:
            brake = 0.0

        if acc > brake:
            brake = 0.0

        # We limit speed to 35 km/h to avoid
        if speed > 10.0 and brake == 0.0:
            acc = 0.0

        steer_dict = {}
        steer_dict["steer"] = steer
        steer_dict_file = self.steer_deviation_clean_pt + str(
            self.frame_count) + ".pickle"
        with open(steer_dict_file, "wb") as handle:
            pickle.dump(steer_dict, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

        control_info_file = self.control_info_pt + str(
            self.frame_count) + ".pickle"
        control = Control()
        with open(control_info_file, "rb") as handle:
            control_dict = pickle.load(handle)
        control.steer = control_dict["steer"]
        control.throttle = control_dict["throttle"]
        control.brake = control_dict["brake"]

        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0

        return control
 def get_keyboard_control(self, keys):
     Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
     if a new episode was requested.
     if keys[K_r]:
         return None
     control = Control()
     if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
         control.steer = -1.0
     if keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
         control.steer = 1.0
     if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
         control.throttle = 1.0
     if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
         control.brake = 1.0
     if keys[K_SPACE]:
         control.hand_brake = True
     if keys[K_q]:
         self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
     if keys[K_p]:
         self._enable_manual_control = not self._enable_manual_control
     control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
     return control
Пример #8
    def _compute_action(self, rgb_image, speed, direction=None):

        rgb_image = rgb_image[self._image_cut[0]:self._image_cut[1], :]

        image_input = scipy.misc.imresize(
            rgb_image, [self._image_size[0], self._image_size[1]])

        image_input = image_input.astype(np.float32)

        image_input = np.expand_dims(np.transpose(image_input, (2, 0, 1)),
        image_input = np.multiply(image_input, 1.0 / 255.0)

        speed = np.array([[speed]]).astype(np.float32) / 25.0
        direction = int(direction - 2)

        steer, acc, brake = self._control_function(image_input, speed,

        # This a bit biased, but is to avoid fake breaking

        if brake < 0.1:
            brake = 0.0

        if acc > brake:
            brake = 0.0

        if speed > 10.0 and brake == 0.0:
            acc = 0.0

        if np.abs(steer) > 0.15:
            acc = acc * 0.4

        control = Control()
        control.steer = steer
        control.throttle = acc
        control.brake = brake

        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0

        return control
Пример #9
    def _compute_action(self,carla_direction, direction):    
        start = time.time()
        # Predict the intermediate representations
        prediction = self._neural_net.predict(self._state.image_hist, [direction])
        logging.info("Time for prediction: {}".format(time.time() - start))
        logging.info("CARLA Direction {}, Real Direction {}".format(carla_direction, direction))

        # update the speed limit if a speed limit sign is detected
        if prediction['speed_sign'][0] != -1:
            self._state.speed_limit = prediction['speed_sign']

        # Calculate the control
        control = Control()
        control.throttle, control.brake = self._longitudinal_control(prediction, direction)
        control.steer = self._lateral_control(prediction)

        return control
Пример #10
    def _compute_action(self, rgb_image, speed, direction=None):

        rgb_image = rgb_image[self._image_cut[0]:self._image_cut[1], :]

        image_input = scipy.misc.imresize(
            rgb_image, [self._image_size[0], self._image_size[1]])

        image_input = image_input.astype(np.float32)
        image_input = np.expand_dims(np.transpose(image_input, (2, 0, 1)),

        image_input = np.multiply(image_input, 1.0 / 255.0)
        speed = np.array([[speed]]).astype(np.float32) / 25.0
        direction = int(direction - 2)

        steer, acc, brake = self._control_function(image_input, speed,

        # This a bit biased, but is to avoid fake breaking

        if brake < 0.1:
            brake = 0.0

        if acc > brake:
            brake = 0.0

        # We limit speed to 35 km/h to avoid
        if speed > 10.0 and brake == 0.0:
            acc = 0.0

        if np.abs(steer) > 0.15:
            acc = acc * 0.4

        control = Control()
        control.steer = steer
        control.throttle = acc
        control.brake = brake

        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0

        return control
Пример #11
 def run_step(self, meas, sensory, directions, target):
     # print('Step {}'.format(self.step))
     if self.step % self.frameskip == 0:
         obs_preprocessed = self.preprocess_data(meas, sensory, directions,
         action_idx = self.actor.act(obs_preprocessed=obs_preprocessed)
         action = self.actions[action_idx]
         control = Control()
         if self.obs_dict['speed'] < 30.:
             control.throttle = action[0]
         elif control.throttle > 0.:
             control.throttle = 0.
         control.steer = action[1]
         self.prev_control = control
         control = self.prev_control
         # print('Repeating control')
     self.step += 1
     print(control.throttle, control.steer)
     return control
    def dim_pid_controller(self, dim_plan, plan_index, steer_controller,
                           throttle_controller, brake_controller,
                           transform_before_to_now, yaw_now, yaw_plan_start,
        # control = carla_protocol.Control()
        control = VehicleControl()

        measurement = current_obs.measurements[-1]
        p = measurement.player_measurements
        current_forward_speed = p.forward_speed

        # Use offset of -1 to account for already incrementing plan_index
        plan_position_tform_start = dim_plan.get_plan_position(
            t_future_index=self.dimconf.position_setpoint_index + plan_index -

        # Transform the waypoint in the old coordinates to the current.
        plan_position_tform_start_3d = np.concatenate(
            (plan_position_tform_start, [0]))
        position_setpoint = (transform_before_to_now.transform_points(

        # Get the x coord of the position setpoint in the local car coords of current time.
        # How many meters at a specific point in the future we should be from where we are now.
        forward_setpoint = position_setpoint[0]

        # The plan positions are time-profiled. Hardcoded here to assume 5Hz.
        plan_Hz = 10
        plan_period = 1. / plan_Hz
        T = 20
        time_points = np.arange(plan_period, plan_period * T, plan_period)
        # How many seconds the target spatiotemporal forward point is in the future.
        time_offset = time_points[self.dimconf.position_setpoint_index]

        # The target forward speed along the orientation.
        target_forward_speed = forward_setpoint / time_offset

        # [TODO] Hacking this in for plotting purposes.
        dim_plan.current_target_forward_speed = target_forward_speed
        dim_plan.current_forward_speed_error = target_forward_speed - current_forward_speed
        dim_plan.current_target_forward_displacement = forward_setpoint
        dim_plan.plan_step = self.plan_index
        dim_plan.total_plan_count = self.total_plan_count

        # Use the headings derived by aiming towards points in the plan.
        # Use offset of -1 to account for already incrementing plan_index
        angle_position_tform_start = dim_plan.get_plan_position(
                self.dimconf.angle_setpoint_index + plan_index -
                1, self.model.metadata.T - 1))

        # Transform the waypoint in the old coordinates to the current.
        angle_position_tform_start_3d = np.concatenate(
            (angle_position_tform_start, [0]))
        # Get the current position to aim to in current car's coords.
        angle_setpoint_tform = (transform_before_to_now.transform_points(

        # Force x coordinates in front.
        plan_angle_plancoords = np.arctan2(angle_setpoint_tform[1],
        current_angle_plancoords = 0.

        # Steer controller is controlling to the target angle in the plan.
        steer_unsnapped = steer_controller.update(

        # Update the PID controllers.
        throttle = throttle_controller.update(

        need_to_brake = (target_forward_speed - current_forward_speed) < 0.
        if need_to_brake:
            brake = -throttle
            throttle = 0.0
            throttle = throttle
            brake = 0.0

        # Clip the steering to the valid steering range
        steer = max(-1., min(1., steer_unsnapped))
        brake = max(min(brake, 1.0), 0.0)
        throttle = min(max(throttle, 0.0), 1.0)

        # [TODO] hardcoded off.
        hand_brake = False
        reverse = False

        # Set the attributes of the control message.
        control.throttle = throttle
        control.brake = brake
        control.steer = steer
        control.hand_brake = hand_brake
        control.reverse = reverse
        return control
Пример #13
    def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):
        img = sensor_data['CameraRGB'].data

        filepath = os.path.join(DEFAULT_DATA_DIR, "imgs")
        cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(filepath, "img_" + str(self.step) + ".png"), img)

        rgb_image = img[self._image_cut[0]:self._image_cut[1], :]
        cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(filepath, "img_" + str(self.step) + "xx.png"), rgb_image)

        image_input = cv2.resize(
            rgb_image, (self._image_size[1], self._image_size[0]),

        cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(filepath, "img_" + str(self.step) + "yy.png"), image_input)

        self.step += 1

        # image_input = scipy.misc.imresize(rgb_image, [self.image_size[0],
        #                                               self.image_size[1]])

        image_input = image_input.astype(np.float32)
        image_input = np.multiply(image_input, 1.0 / 255.0)

        # speed = measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed
        speed = 0

        image_input = np.expand_dims(image_input, 0)
        speed = np.expand_dims(speed, 0)
        speed = np.expand_dims(speed, 0)

        preds = self.model([image_input, speed], False)
        if directions == 0.0:
            pred = preds[0]
            directions -= 2
            directions = int(directions)
            pred = preds[directions]

        steer = pred[0][0]
        acc = pred[0][1]
        brake = pred[0][2]

        if brake < 0.1:
            brake = 0.0

        if acc > brake:
            brake = 0.0

        # We limit speed to 35 km/h to avoid
        if speed > 10.0 and brake == 0.0:
            acc = 0.0

        control = Control()
        control.steer = steer
        control.throttle = acc
        control.brake = brake

        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0

        print("steer:", control.steer, "throttle:", control.throttle, "brake:", control.brake)

        return control
Пример #14
def run_carla_client(args):
    # Here we will run 3 episodes with 300 frames each.
    numcams = 5
    framestart = 20  # To compensate for the lag while starting an episode
    total_frames = args.total_frames
    datasize = total_frames / numcams

    # turn points in Town01
    chosen = [94, 97, 99, 102, 42, 70, 85, 44, 46, 67, 69]
    # # turn points in Town01 for reversed
    # reverse = [95, 98, 100, 101, 103, 39, 49, 71, 84, 45, 47, 66, 68, 78]
    # chosen = chosen + reverse
    record_weathers = [5]

    number_of_episodes = len(chosen)
    frames_per_episode = datasize / number_of_episodes + framestart

    # chosen = [10]
    # number_of_episodes = 1
    # frames_per_episode = 3000

    # We assume the CARLA server is already waiting for a client to connect at
    # host:port. To create a connection we can use the `make_carla_client`
    # context manager, it creates a CARLA client object and starts the
    # connection. It will throw an exception if something goes wrong. The
    # context manager makes sure the connection is always cleaned up on exit.
    if args.humandriver:
        driver = HumanDriver()

    with make_carla_client(args.host, args.port) as client:
        print('CarlaClient connected')

        for weather in record_weathers:
            if args.record:
                folder_name = str(datetime.datetime.today().day) + '_' + 'Carla_' + '_' + args.experiment_name \
                + 'Weather_' + str(weather)
                camera_dict, angles = get_camera_dict(args.settings_filepath,
                res = [int(i) for i in args.resolution.split(',')]
                image_cut = [int(i) for i in args.image_cut.split(',')]
                print(res, image_cut)
                recorder = Recorder(args.path_to_save + folder_name + '/', res,\
                image_cut=image_cut,camera_dict=camera_dict, angles=angles)

            start = 0
            for episode in range(0, number_of_episodes):
                # Start a new episode.
                if args.settings_filepath is None:
                    # Create a CarlaSettings object. This object is a wrapper around
                    # the CarlaSettings.ini file. Here we set the configuration we
                    # want for the new episode.
                    settings = CarlaSettings()
                                 WeatherId=random.choice([1, 3, 7, 8, 14]),

                    # Alternatively, we can load these settings from a file.
                    with open(args.settings_filepath, 'r') as fp:
                        settings = fp.read()
                    settings = settings[:-2] + "\nWeatherId=" + str(weather)
                    settings = settings + '\n\n[CARLA/QualitySettings]\nQualityLevel=' + args.quality_level
                # Now we load these settings into the server. The server replies
                # with a scene description containing the available start spots for
                # the player. Here we can provide a CarlaSettings object or a
                # CarlaSettings.ini file as string.
                scene = client.load_settings(settings)

                # Choose one player start at random.
                number_of_player_starts = len(scene.player_start_spots)
                player_start = chosen[
                    start]  #random.randint(0, max(0, number_of_player_starts - 1))
                print("Iter is ", start, "Start used is ", player_start)
                start += 1
                start = start % len(chosen)

                # Notify the server that we want to start the episode at the
                # player_start index. This function blocks until the server is ready
                # to start the episode.
                print('Starting new episode...')

                # Iterate every frame in the episode.
                ct = 0
                recordFrame = 0
                # for frame in range(0, frames_per_episode):
                while recordFrame < frames_per_episode:
                    # Read the data produced by the server this frame.
                    measurements, sensor_data = client.read_data()

                    # for agent in measurements.non_player_agents:
                    # 	if agent.HasField('traffic_light'):
                    # 		agent.traffic_light.state = 0
                    # im = Image.frombytes(mode='RGBA', size=(200, 88), data=sensor_data['Camera0'].raw_data, decoder_name="raw")
                    # im.save('test/test.png')

                    # Save the images to disk if requested.
                    if args.save_images_to_disk:
                        for name, measurement in sensor_data.items():
                            filename = args.out_filename_format.format(
                                episode, name, recordFrame)

                    # We can access the encodnearested data of a given image as numpy
                    # array using its "data" property. For instance, to get the
                    # depth value (normalized) at pixel X, Y
                    #     depth_array = sensor_data['CameraDepth'].data
                    #     value_at_pixel = depth_array[Y, X]
                    # Now we have to send the instructions to control the vehicle.
                    # If we are in synchronous mode the server will pause the
                    # simulation until we send this control.
                    control = Control()
                    if args.humandriver:
                        control = driver.computeControl()

                    elif args.autopilot:
                        # Together with the measurements, the server has sent the
                        # control that the in-game autopilot would do this frame. We
                        # can enable autopilot by sending back this control to the
                        # server. We can modify it if wanted, here for instance we
                        # will add some noise to the steer.
                        control = measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control
                        # control.steer += random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)

                        control.steer = random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0)
                        control.throttle = 0.5
                        control.brake = 0.0
                        control.hand_brake = False
                        control.reverse = False

                    if args.record:
                        if recordFrame > framestart:
                            direction = 2
                            actions = control

                            action_noisy, drifting_time, will_drift = recorder._noiser.compute_noise(

                            print("Noise diff",
                                  actions.steer - action_noisy.steer,
                                  actions.throttle - action_noisy.throttle,
                                  actions.brake - action_noisy.brake)
                            if measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed <= 0.1:
                                print("No move Frame no: ", recordFrame)
                                print("Yes!! move Frame no: ", recordFrame)
                                recorder.record(measurements, sensor_data,
                                                actions, action_noisy,
                                recordFrame += 1
                            recordFrame += 1