Пример #1
    def plot(
        self, ax: GeoAxesSubplot, **kwargs
    ) -> List[Artist]:  # coverage: ignore
        """Plots the trajectory on a Matplotlib axis.

        The Flight supports Cartopy axis as well with automatic projection. If
        no projection is provided, a default `PlateCarree
        is applied.

        Example usage:

        >>> from traffic.drawing import Mercator
        >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, subplot_kw=dict(projection=Mercator())
        >>> flight.plot(ax, alpha=.5)

        .. note::
            See also `geoencode() <#traffic.core.Flight.geoencode>`_ for the
            altair equivalent.


        if "projection" in ax.__dict__ and "transform" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["transform"] = PlateCarree()
        if self.shape is not None:
            return ax.plot(*self.shape.xy, **kwargs)
        return []
Пример #2
    def plot(self, ax: GeoAxesSubplot, **kwargs) -> List[Artist]:

        if "projection" in ax.__dict__ and "transform" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["transform"] = PlateCarree()
        if self.shape is not None:
            return ax.plot(*self.shape.xy, **kwargs)
        return []
Пример #3
    def plot(
        ax: GeoAxesSubplot,
        airports: bool = True,
        airports_kw: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        labels: Union[None, bool, str] = None,
        labels_kw: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    ) -> List[Artist]:  # coverage: ignore
        """Plots the trajectory on a Matplotlib axis.

        FlightPlans support Cartopy axis as well with automatic projection. If
        no projection is provided, a default `PlateCarree
        is applied.

        Example usage:

        .. code:: python

            from traffic.drawing import Mercator
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, subplot_kw=dict(projection=Mercator())
            flightplan.plot(ax, labels=True, alpha=.5)

        .. note::
            See also `geoencode() <#traffic.core.Flight.geoencode>`_ for the
            altair equivalent.


        cumul = []
        if "projection" in ax.__dict__ and "transform" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["transform"] = PlateCarree()

        if self.shape is not None:
            if isinstance(self.shape, LineString):
                cumul.append(ax.plot(*self.shape.xy, **kwargs))
                for s_ in self.shape:
                    cumul.append(ax.plot(*s_.xy, **kwargs))

        airports_style = dict(s=50, marker=markers.atc_tower)
        if airports_kw is not None:
            airports_style = {**airports_style, **airports_kw}

        labels_style = dict(s=30, marker="^", zorder=3)
        if labels_kw is not None:
            labels_style = {**labels_style, **labels_kw}

        if airports and self.origin:
            from traffic.data import airports as airport_db

            ap = airport_db[self.origin]
            if ap is not None:
                cumul.append(ap.point.plot(ax, **airports_style))
        if airports and self.destination:
            from traffic.data import airports as airport_db

            ap = airport_db[self.destination]
            if ap is not None:
                cumul.append(ap.point.plot(ax, **airports_style))

        if labels:
            for point in self.all_points if labels == "all" else self.points:
                cumul.append(point.plot(ax, **labels_style))

        return cumul