Пример #1
    def __init__(self,problem,params = fsinewton_params):
        timings.startnext("Fsi Newton Solver init")
        info_blue("Initializing FSI Newton Solver")
        info("Using params \n" + str(params) )
        #Initialize base class
        self.problem = problem
        self.params = params
        #Define the various helper objects of the fsinewton solver
        self.spaces = FSISpaces(problem,params)
        self.fsibc = FSIBC(problem,self.spaces)

        #Define mixed Functions
        self.U0 = self.__initial_state()
        self.U1 = Function(self.spaces.fsispace)

        #Define Subfunction references to the mixed functions
        (self.U1_F,self.P1_F,self.L1_U,self.D1_S,self.U1_S,self.D1_F,self.L1_D) = self.U1.split()
        (self.U0_F,self.P0_F,self.L0_U,self.D0_S,self.U0_S,self.D0_F,self.L0_D) = self.U0.split()

        #Define list tensor references to the mixed funtions
        self.U1list = self.spaces.unpack_function(self.U1)
        self.U0list = self.spaces.unpack_function(self.U0)

        #Define Mixed Trial and Test Functions
        self.IU = TrialFunctions(self.spaces.fsispace)
        self.V = TestFunctions(self.spaces.fsispace)

        #Define time relevant variables
        self.dt = self.problem.initial_step()
        self.kn = Constant(self.dt)
        self.t = 0.0
        #Define Time Descretized Functions
        self.Umid,self.Udot = self.time_discreteU(self.U1list,self.U0list,self.kn)
        self.IUmid,self.IUdot = self.time_discreteI(self.IU,self.kn)
        #Initialize any Body forces if present

        #Define Forms and buffered part of the jacobian matrix.
        self.r,self.j,self.j_buff = self.create_forms()
        self.runtimedata = FsiRunTimeData(self)
        timings.stop("Fsi Newton Solver init")
Пример #2
class FSINewtonSolver(ccom.CBCSolver):
    """A Monolithic Newton Solver for FSI problems"""
    def __init__(self,problem,params = fsinewton_params):
        timings.startnext("Fsi Newton Solver init")
        info_blue("Initializing FSI Newton Solver")
        info("Using params \n" + str(params) )
        #Initialize base class
        self.problem = problem
        self.params = params
        #Define the various helper objects of the fsinewton solver
        self.spaces = FSISpaces(problem,params)
        self.fsibc = FSIBC(problem,self.spaces)

        #Define mixed Functions
        self.U0 = self.__initial_state()
        self.U1 = Function(self.spaces.fsispace)

        #Define Subfunction references to the mixed functions
        (self.U1_F,self.P1_F,self.L1_U,self.D1_S,self.U1_S,self.D1_F,self.L1_D) = self.U1.split()
        (self.U0_F,self.P0_F,self.L0_U,self.D0_S,self.U0_S,self.D0_F,self.L0_D) = self.U0.split()

        #Define list tensor references to the mixed funtions
        self.U1list = self.spaces.unpack_function(self.U1)
        self.U0list = self.spaces.unpack_function(self.U0)

        #Define Mixed Trial and Test Functions
        self.IU = TrialFunctions(self.spaces.fsispace)
        self.V = TestFunctions(self.spaces.fsispace)

        #Define time relevant variables
        self.dt = self.problem.initial_step()
        self.kn = Constant(self.dt)
        self.t = 0.0
        #Define Time Descretized Functions
        self.Umid,self.Udot = self.time_discreteU(self.U1list,self.U0list,self.kn)
        self.IUmid,self.IUdot = self.time_discreteI(self.IU,self.kn)
        #Initialize any Body forces if present

        #Define Forms and buffered part of the jacobian matrix.
        self.r,self.j,self.j_buff = self.create_forms()
        self.runtimedata = FsiRunTimeData(self)
        timings.stop("Fsi Newton Solver init")

    def prepare_solve(self):
        """Setup helper objects for a solve"""        
        #Init the plotter if necessary
        if self.params["plot"]:
            self.plotter = FSIPlotter(self.U1)
        #Init Storage
        if self.params["store"] != False:
            self.storage = FSIStorer(self.params["store"])
        #Define nonlinear problem for newton solver.
        self.nonlinearproblem = \
        MyNonlinearProblem(self.r, self.U1, self.fsibc.bcallI,
                           self.j,J_buff = self.j_buff,
                           cell_domains = self.problem.meshfunctions["cell"],
                           interior_facet_domains = self.problem.meshfunctions["interiorfacet"],
                           exterior_facet_domains= self.problem.meshfunctions["exteriorfacet"],
                           spaces = self.spaces)
        #Create a Newton Solver object
        self.newtonsolver = MyNewtonSolver(self.nonlinearproblem,
                                           itrmax = self.params["newtonitrmax"],
                                           reuse_jacobian = self.params["optimization"]["reuse_jacobian"],
                                           max_reuse_jacobian = self.params["optimization"]["max_reuse_jacobian"],
                                           runtimedata = self.params["runtimedata"]["newtonsolver"],
                                           tol = self.params["newtonsoltol"],
                                           reduce_quadrature =  self.params["optimization"]["reduce_quadrature"] )
        info_blue("Newton Solver Tolerance is %s"%self.newtonsolver.tol)
    def solve(self):
        """Solve the FSI problem over time"""
        #Time Loop
        info(" ".join(["\n Solving FSI problem",self.problem.__str__() ,"with Newton's method \n"]))
        if self.params["solve"] != False:
            #Store the initial value if necessary
            if self.params["store"] != False:
            while self.t < self.problem.end_time() - DOLFIN_EPS:
                ret = self.time_step()
                if self.params["store"] != False:

    def prebuild_jacobians(self):
        """Buffer or assemble jacobians if neccessary"""
        #Build the buffered jacobian if necessary
        if self.params["jacobian"] == "buff":
            self.nonlinearproblem.J_buff = self.assemble_J_buff()
        #Prebuild step jacobian if necessary
        if self.params["optimization"]["reuse_jacobian"] == True:

    def assemble_J_buff(self):
        """Assembles the buffered jacobian"""
        info("Assembling Buffered Jacobian")
        timings.startnext("Buffered Jacobian assembly")
        J_buff = assemble(self.j_buff,
                          cell_domains = self.problem.cellfunc,
                          interior_facet_domains = self.problem.fsiboundfunc,
                          exterior_facet_domains = self.problem.extboundfunc)
        timings.stop("Buffered Jacobian assembly")
        return J_buff

    def time_step(self):
        """Newton solve for the values of the FSI system at the next time level"""
        #update the body forces

        #Update the time
        self.t += self.dt
        info("\n t = %f"%self.t)
        #Initial guess is previous time step value
        self.U1.vector()[:] = self.U0.vector()

        #Apply initial guess BC (not homogeneous)
        for bc in self.fsibc.bcallU1_ini:

            #Call newton solve and store the last iteration for testing
            self.last_itr = self.newtonsolver.solve(t = self.t)                    
            info("Newton Solver Converged in %i iterations"%(len(self.last_itr)))

            #store fsisolver runtimedata
            if self.params["runtimedata"]["fsisolver"] != False:
                #Save the number of iterations and lagrange multiplier
                #precision for later ploting

            #store newtonsolverruntimedata
            if self.params["runtimedata"]["newtonsolver"]:
            #Assign the new time step value to U0
            self.U0.vector()[:] = self.U1.vector()

            #Plot if necessary
            if self.params["plot"]:
        except NewtonConverganceError as NCE:
            #Print some analysis of why convergence failed

        except NanError as NE:
            #Print analysis of why the Nan happened
            ne.zTOL = 1.0e-5
            print NE.mess

    def __init_forces(self):
        """Create a list of all present forces"""
        self.G_S = self.problem.structure_boundary_traction_extra()
        self.F_F = self.problem.fluid_body_force()
        self.F_S = self.problem.structure_body_force()
        self.F_M = self.problem.mesh_right_hand_side()
        self.G_F = self.problem.fluid_velocity_neumann_values()
        self.G_F_FSI = self.problem.fluid_fsi_stress()
        self.forces = [f for f in [self.G_S,self.F_F,self.F_S,self.F_M, self.G_F,self.G_F_FSI]\
                       if f is not None and f != []]

    def __update_forces(self,t):
        for f in self.forces:
            f.t = t + self.dt
        #Update functions connected to the problem if possible.
            self.problem.update(t, t + self.dt , self.dt)
            raise Exception("Update of functions failed")

    def create_forms(self):
        """Generate FSI residual and jacobian"""
        #Material Paramter Dictionary
        matparams = {"mu_F": self.problem.fluid_viscosity(),
                     "rho_F": self.problem.fluid_density(),
                     "mu_S": self.problem.structure_mu(),
                     "lmbda_S": self.problem.structure_lmbda(),
                     "rho_S": self.problem.structure_density(),
                     "mu_M": self.problem.mesh_mu(),
                     "lmbda_M": self.problem.mesh_lmbda() }

        info("Using material parameters\n" + str(matparams))

        #Turn the numbers into dolfin constants
        for k in matparams:
            matparams[k] = Constant(matparams[k])

        #Normals Dictionary
        normals = {"N_F":FacetNormal(self.problem.fluidmesh), \
        #Measures dictionary
        measures = self.problem.measures

        #Forces dictionary
        forces = {"F_F":self.F_F,

        #Define full FSI residual and store block residuals for testing
        r,self.blockresiduals = rf.fsi_residual(self.U1list,self.Umid,self.Udot, 
        #Calculcate Jacobian forms
        if self.params["jacobian"] == "auto":
            info("Using Automatic Jacobian")
            j_buff = None
            j = derivative(r,self.U1)
        #Not Automatic so manual calculation
            j,j_buff =  jfor.fsi_jacobian(self.IU,self.IUdot,self.IUmid,self.U1list,
            if self.params["jacobian"] == "buff":
                info("Using Buffered Jacobian")
            elif self.params["jacobian"] == "manual":
                info("Using Manual Jacobian")
                j += j_buff 
                j_buff = None
                raise Exception("only auto, buff, and manual are possible jacobian parameters")
        return r,j,j_buff

    def assemble_J_buff(self):
        """Assembles the buffered jacobian"""
        info("Assembling Buffered Jacobian")
        timings.startnext("Buffered Jacobian assembly")
        J_buff = assemble(self.j_buff,
                          cell_domains = self.problem.meshfunctions["cell"],
                          interior_facet_domains = self.problem.meshfunctions["interiorfacet"],
                          exterior_facet_domains = self.problem.meshfunctions["exteriorfacet"]  )
        timings.stop("Buffered Jacobian assembly")
        return J_buff

    def __initial_state(self):
        "Get the initial state of the fsi system by inserting values from subspace functions"
        info_blue("Creating initial conditions")
        #Generate a zerovector with same dim as mesh
        d = self.problem.singlemesh.topology().dim()
        zerovec = ["0.0" for i in range(d)]

        #Take the initial data in a dictionary in whatever form it may be
        ini_data    = {"U_F":self.problem.fluid_velocity_initial_condition,\

        spaces = self.spaces.subloc.spaces

        #Try to get all initial data as a dolfin function.
        for funcname in ini_data.keys():
            success = "Initial data created for " + funcname
            fail = "Warning, could not create initial condition for "+funcname+ " default value is 0"
                ini_data[funcname] = ini_data[funcname]()
                #Try the CBCSolver initial function method
                ini_data[funcname] = self.create_initial_condition(ini_data[funcname],spaces[funcname])
                #Try to strings into expressions and interpolate them
                if isinstance(ini_data[funcname], basestring):
                    ini_data[funcname] = interpolate(Expression(ini_data[funcname]),spaces[funcname])

                #If a list or tuple
                elif type(ini_data[funcname]) == type([]) or type(ini_data[funcname]) == type(()):
                    #First assume there are strings in the tuple already
                        ini_data[funcname] = interpolate(Expression(ini_data[funcname]),spaces[funcname])
                        #If this doesn't work interpolate as constant
                        ini_data[funcname] = interpolate(Constant(ini_data[funcname]),spaces[funcname])
                #If already an expression interpolate it.
                elif isinstance(ini_data[funcname],Expression):
                    ini_data[funcname] = interpolate(ini_data[funcname],spaces[funcname])

                #If a function try to project it.
                elif isinstance(ini_data[funcname],Function):
                    ini_data[funcname] = project(ini_data[funcname],spaces[funcname])
                elif ini_data[funcname] is not None:
                ini_data[funcname] = None
        U0 = Function(self.spaces.fsispace)

        #insert the data into U0
        for funcname in ini_data.keys():
            if ini_data[funcname] is not None:
                print funcname
                U0.vector()[self.spaces.subloc.spacebegins[funcname]: \
                            self.spaces.subloc.spaceends[funcname]] = \
        fsi_dofs = self.spaces.fsidofs["fsispace"]
        cellfunc = self.problem.meshfunctions["cell"]
        strucdomains = self.problem.domainnums["structure"]
        fluiddomains = self.problem.domainnums["fluid"]
        #Zero out fluid variables outside of their domain.
        mf.assign_to_region(U0,zerovec,cellfunc,strucdomains,V = self.spaces.V_F,exclude = fsi_dofs)
        mf.assign_to_region(U0,"0.0",cellfunc,strucdomains,V = self.spaces.Q_F,exclude = fsi_dofs)
        mf.assign_to_region(U0,zerovec,cellfunc,strucdomains,V = self.spaces.C_F,exclude = fsi_dofs)

        #Zero out structure variables outside of their domain
        mf.assign_to_region(U0,zerovec,cellfunc,fluiddomains,V = self.spaces.C_S,exclude = fsi_dofs)
        mf.assign_to_region(U0,zerovec,cellfunc,fluiddomains,V = self.spaces.V_S,exclude = fsi_dofs)
        return U0
    def time_discreteU(self,U1,U0,kn):
        Umid = tuple([(x+y)*0.5 for x,y in zip(U1,U0)])
        Udot = tuple([(x-y)*(1/kn) for x,y in zip(U1,U0)])  
        return Umid,Udot                                            
    def time_discreteI(self,IU,kn):
        IUmid = tuple([x*0.5 for x in IU])
        IUdot = tuple([x/kn for x in IU])  
        return IUmid,IUdot

    def post_processing(self):
        #Write a report of the timings
        if self.params["runtimedata"]["fsisolver"] != "False":
            if  self.params["bigblue"] == False:
                #Create plots with matplotlibs
                info("Total number of newton iterations is %i"%sum(self.runtimedata.newtonitr))
            elif self.params["bigblue"] == True:
                #cPickle data for later plotting 

        if self.params["runtimedata"]["newtonsolver"] != "False":
            if self.params["bigblue"] == False: mode = "plot"
            else:mode = "store"
            self.runtimedata.store_newtonsolverdata(path = self.params["runtimedata"]["newtonsolver"],
                                                    mode = mode)