Пример #1
    def setUp(self):
        # Disable log messages to silence expected warnings
        # Note: to enable all messages for given methods, lines or
        # calls (those without a 'verbose' option to do the same)
        # e.g. to debug them, wrap them (for methods, start-to-end
        # internally) as follows:
        # cf.LOG_LEVEL('DEBUG')
        # < ... test code ... >
        # cf.log_level('DISABLE')

        self.indexed = 'DSG_timeSeries_indexed.nc'
Пример #2
 def test_aliases(self):
     self.assertEqual(cf.log_level(), cf.LOG_LEVEL())
     self.assertEqual(cf.free_memory(), cf.FREE_MEMORY())
     self.assertEqual(cf.free_memory_factor(), cf.FREE_MEMORY_FACTOR())
     self.assertEqual(cf.fm_threshold(), cf.FM_THRESHOLD())
     self.assertEqual(cf.total_memory(), cf.TOTAL_MEMORY())
     self.assertEqual(cf.regrid_logging(), cf.REGRID_LOGGING())
     self.assertEqual(cf.relaxed_identities(), cf.RELAXED_IDENTITIES())
     self.assertEqual(cf.tempdir(), cf.TEMPDIR())
     self.assertEqual(cf.chunksize(), cf.CHUNKSIZE())
     self.assertEqual(cf.set_performance(), cf.SET_PERFORMANCE())
     self.assertEqual(cf.of_fraction(), cf.OF_FRACTION())
Пример #3
    def test_manage_log_level_via_verbose_attr(self):
        if self.test_only and inspect.stack()[0][3] not in self.test_only:

        # Order of decreasing severity/verbosity is crucial to one test below
        levels = ['WARNING', 'INFO', 'DETAIL', 'DEBUG']

        # Note we test assertions on the root logger object, which is the
        # one output overall at runtime, but the specific module logger name
        # should be registered within the log message:
        example_class = dummyClass()
        log_message = [
            'WARNING:{}:{}'.format(log_name, example_class.warning_message),
            'INFO:{}:{}'.format(log_name, example_class.info_message),
            'DETAIL:{}:{}'.format(log_name, example_class.detail_message),
            'DEBUG:{}:{}'.format(log_name, example_class.debug_message)

        for level in levels:
            # Important! Need to initialise class inside this loop not
            # outside it or, it retains the verbosity attribute value set
            # for the previous loop (0, i.e disable, so nothing emerges!)
            test_class = dummyClass()
            cf.log_level(level)  # reset to level

            # Default verbose(=None) cases: log_level should determine output
            with self.assertLogs(level=cf.log_level()) as catch:

                for msg in log_message:
                    # log_level should prevent messages less severe appearing:
                    if levels.index(level) >= log_message.index(msg):
                        self.assertIn(msg, catch.output)
                    else:  # less severe, should be effectively filtered out
                        self.assertNotIn(msg, catch.output)

            # Cases where verbose is set; value should override log_level...

            # Highest verbosity case (note -1 == 'DEBUG', highest verbosity):
            # all messages should appear, regardless of global log_level:
            for attr in (-1, 'DEBUG', 'debug', 'Debug', 'DeBuG'):
                test_class.verbose = attr
                with self.assertLogs(level=cf.log_level()) as catch:
                    for msg in log_message:
                        self.assertIn(msg, catch.output)

            # Lowest verbosity case ('WARNING' / 1) excluding special case of
            # 'DISABLE' (see note above): only warning messages should appear,
            # regardless of global log_level value set:
            for attr in (1, 'WARNING', 'warning', 'Warning', 'WaRning'):
                test_class.verbose = attr
                with self.assertLogs(level=cf.log_level()) as catch:
                    for msg in log_message:
                        if msg.split(":")[0] == 'WARNING':
                            self.assertIn(msg, catch.output)
                            self.assertNotIn(msg, catch.output)

            # Boolean cases for testing backwards compatibility...

            # ... verbose=2 should be equivalent to verbose=3 now:
            test_class.verbose = True
            with self.assertLogs(level=cf.log_level()) as catch:
                for msg in log_message:
                    if msg.split(":")[0] == 'DEBUG':
                        self.assertNotIn(msg, catch.output)
                        self.assertIn(msg, catch.output)

            # ... verbose=0 should be equivalent to verbose=0 now, so
            # test along with 'DISABLE' special case below...

            # Special 'DISABLE' (0) case: note this needs to be last as we
            # reset the log_level to it but need to use 'NOTSET' for the
            # assertLogs level, which sends all log messages through:
            for attr in (0, 'DISABLE', 'disable', 'Disable', 'DisAblE'):
                test_class.verbose = attr
                with self.assertLogs(level='NOTSET') as catch:
                    # Note: get 'AssertionError' if don't log anything at all,
                    # so to avoid this and allow check for disabled logging,
                    # first log something then disable and check that no other
                    # messages emerge:
                        "Purely to keep 'assertLog' happy: see comment!")
                    for msg in log_message:  # nothing else should be logged
                        self.assertNotIn(msg, catch.output)

            # verbose=0 should be equivalent in behaviour to verbose=0
            test_class.verbose = False
            with self.assertLogs(level='NOTSET') as catch:
                logger.info("Purely to keep 'assertLog' happy: see previous!")
                for msg in log_message:  # nothing else should be logged
                    self.assertNotIn(msg, catch.output)
Пример #4
    def test_configuration(self):
        # This test assumes 'total_memory' remains constant throughout
        # the test run, which should be true generally in any
        # reasonable context.

        # Test getting of all config. and store original values to
        # test on:
        org = cf.configuration()
        self.assertIsInstance(org, dict)

        # Check all keys that should be there are, with correct value type:
        self.assertEqual(len(org), 11)  # update expected len if add new key(s)

        # Floats expected as values for most keys. Store these for
        # later as floats need assertAlmostEqual rather than
        # assertEqual tests:
        keys_with_float_values = [
        for key in keys_with_float_values:
            self.assertIsInstance(org[key], float)

        # Other types expected:
        self.assertIsInstance(org["collapse_parallel_mode"], int)
        self.assertIsInstance(org["relaxed_identities"], bool)
        self.assertIsInstance(org["bounds_combination_mode"], str)
        self.assertIsInstance(org["regrid_logging"], bool)
        # Log level may be input as an int but always given as
        # equiv. string
        self.assertIsInstance(org["log_level"], str)
        self.assertIsInstance(org["tempdir"], str)

        # Store some sensible values to reset items to for testing, ensuring:
        # 1) they are kept different to the defaults (i.e. org values); and
        # 2) floats differ sufficiently that they will be picked up as
        #    qdifferent by the assertAlmostEqual decimal places (8, see
        #    below)
        reset_values = {
            "rtol": 5e-7,
            "atol": 2e-7,
            "tempdir": "/my-custom-tmpdir",
            "of_fraction": 0.1,
            "free_memory_factor": 0.25,
            "regrid_logging": True,
            "collapse_parallel_mode": 2,
            "relaxed_identities": True,
            "bounds_combination_mode": "XOR",
            "log_level": "INFO",
            "chunksize": 8e9,

        # Test the setting of each lone item.
        expected_post_set = dict(org)  # copy for safety with mutable dict
        for setting, value in reset_values.items():
            cf.configuration(**{setting: value})
            post_set = cf.configuration()

            # Expect a dict that is identical to the original to start
            # with but as we set values incrementally they should be
            # reflected:
            expected_post_set[setting] = value

            # Can't trivially do a direct test that the actual and
            # expected return dicts are the same as there are float
            # values which have limited float precision so need
            # assertAlmostEqual testing:
            for name, val in expected_post_set.items():
                if isinstance(val, float):
                    self.assertEqual(post_set[name], val)

        # Test the setting of more than one, but not all, items
        # simultaneously:
        new_values = {
            "regrid_logging": True,
            "tempdir": "/bin/bag",
            "of_fraction": 0.33,
        post_set = cf.configuration()
        for name, val in new_values.items():  # test values that should change
            self.assertEqual(post_set[name], val)
        # ...and some values that should not:
        self.assertEqual(post_set["log_level"], "INFO")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(post_set["rtol"], 5e-7)

        # Test setting all possible items simultaneously (back to originals):
        post_set = cf.configuration()
        for name, val in org.items():
            if isinstance(val, float):
                self.assertAlmostEqual(post_set[name], val, places=8)
                self.assertEqual(post_set[name], val)

        # Test edge cases & invalid inputs...
        # ... 1. Falsy value inputs on some representative items:
        pre_set_config = cf.configuration()
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        new_values = {
            "tempdir": "",
            "atol": 0.0,
            "regrid_logging": False,
        post_set = cf.configuration()
        for name, val in new_values.items():  # test values that should change
            self.assertEqual(post_set[name], val)
        # ...and some values that should not:
        self.assertEqual(post_set["log_level"], pre_set_config["log_level"])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(post_set["rtol"], pre_set_config["rtol"])

        # 2. None as an input kwarg rather than as a default:
        pre_set_config = cf.configuration()
        set_of = 0.45
        cf.configuration(of_fraction=set_of, rtol=None, log_level=None)
        post_set = cf.configuration()
        # test values that should change
        self.assertEqual(post_set["of_fraction"], set_of)
        # ...and values that should not:
        self.assertEqual(post_set["rtol"], pre_set_config["rtol"])

        # 3. Gracefully error with invalid inputs:
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        # 4. Check invalid kwarg given logic processes **kwargs:
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        old = cf.configuration()
            cf.configuration(atol=888, rtol=999, log_level="BAD")
        except ValueError:
            self.assertEqual(cf.configuration(), old)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "A ValueError should have been raised, but wasn't")

        # Reset so later test fixtures don't spam with output
        # messages:
Пример #5
 def setUp(self):
     # Disable log messages to silence expected warnings
Пример #6
    def test_configuration(self):
        if self.test_only and inspect.stack()[0][3] not in self.test_only:

        # This test assumes 'total_memory' remains constant throughout the
        # test run, which should be true generally in any reasonable context.

        # Test getting of all config. and store original values to test on:
        org = cf.configuration()
        self.assertIsInstance(org, dict)

        # Check all keys that should be there are, with correct value type:
        self.assertEqual(len(org), 13)  # update expected len if add new key(s)
        # Floats expected as values for most keys. Store these for later as
        # floats need assertAlmostEqual rather than assertEqual tests:
        keys_with_float_values = [
        for key in keys_with_float_values:
            self.assertIsInstance(org[key], float)
        # Other types expected:
        self.assertIsInstance(org['collapse_parallel_mode'], int)
        self.assertIsInstance(org['relaxed_identities'], bool)
        self.assertIsInstance(org['regrid_logging'], bool)
        # Log level may be input as an int but always given as equiv. string
        self.assertIsInstance(org['log_level'], str)
        self.assertIsInstance(org['tempdir'], str)

        constants_that_cannot_be_set = (
        # Store some sensible values to reset items to for testing, ensuring:
        # 1) they are kept different to the defaults (i.e. org values); and
        # 2) floats differ sufficiently that they will be picked up as
        #    different by the assertAlmostEqual decimal places (8, see below)
        reset_values = {
            'rtol': 5e-7,
            'atol': 2e-7,
            'tempdir': '/my-custom-tmpdir',
            'of_fraction': 0.1,
            'total_memory': 5e10,  # can't in fact be (re)set: test for error
            'free_memory_factor': 0.25,
            'regrid_logging': True,
            'collapse_parallel_mode': 2,
            'relaxed_identities': True,
            'log_level': 'INFO',
            'fm_threshold': 4e9,  # also can't be (re)set
            'min_total_memory': 6e9,  # also can't be (re)set
            'chunksize': 8e9,

        # Test the setting of each lone item.
        expected_post_set = dict(org)  # copy for safety with mutable dict
        for setting, value in reset_values.items():
            # These are shown in output but can't be set (no such kwarg):
            if setting in constants_that_cannot_be_set:
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):  # error from invalid kwarg
                    cf.configuration(**{setting: value})
            cf.configuration(**{setting: value})
            post_set = cf.configuration()

            # Expect a dict that is identical to the original to start with
            # but as we set values incrementally they should be reflected:
            expected_post_set[setting] = value
            # As a special case, we need to account for the fact that
            # fm_threshold = free_memory_factor * total_memory, so it
            # changes when the former is set (latter can't be set):
            if setting == 'free_memory_factor':
                expected_post_set['fm_threshold'] = (
                    value * expected_post_set['total_memory'])

            # Can't trivially do a direct test that the actual and expected
            # return dicts are the same as there are float values which have
            # limited float precision so need assertAlmostEqual testing:
            for name, val in expected_post_set.items():
                if isinstance(val, float):
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(post_set[name], val, places=8)
                    self.assertEqual(post_set[name], val)

        # Test the setting of more than one, but not all, items simultaneously:
        new_values = {
            'regrid_logging': True,
            'tempdir': '/bin/bag',
            'of_fraction': 0.33,
        post_set = cf.configuration()
        for name, val in new_values.items():  # test values that should change
            self.assertEqual(post_set[name], val)
        # ...and some values that should not:
        self.assertEqual(post_set['log_level'], 'INFO')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(post_set['rtol'], 5e-7)

        # Test setting all possible items simultaneously (back to originals):
        for constant_name in constants_that_cannot_be_set:
            org.pop(constant_name)  # as these can't be set, are just shown
        post_set = cf.configuration()
        for name, val in org.items():
            if isinstance(val, float):
                self.assertAlmostEqual(post_set[name], val, places=8)
                self.assertEqual(post_set[name], val)

        # Test edge cases & invalid inputs...
        # ... 1. Falsy value inputs on some representative items:
        pre_set_config = cf.configuration()
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        new_values = {
            'tempdir': '',
            'atol': 0.0,
            'regrid_logging': False,
        post_set = cf.configuration()
        for name, val in new_values.items():  # test values that should change
            self.assertEqual(post_set[name], val)
        # ...and some values that should not:
        self.assertEqual(post_set['log_level'], pre_set_config['log_level'])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(post_set['rtol'], pre_set_config['rtol'])

        # 2. None as an input kwarg rather than as a default:
        pre_set_config = cf.configuration()
        set_of = 0.45
        cf.configuration(of_fraction=set_of, rtol=None, log_level=None)
        post_set = cf.configuration()
        # test values that should change
        self.assertEqual(post_set['of_fraction'], set_of)
        # ...and values that should not:
        self.assertEqual(post_set['rtol'], pre_set_config['rtol'])

        # 3. Gracefully error with invalid inputs:
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        # 4. Check invalid kwarg given logic processes **kwargs:
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        # Reset so later test fixtures don't spam with output messages:
Пример #7


import cf


print("\n**Field construct**\n")

print("\n**Reading field constructs from datasets**\n")

x = cf.read('file.nc')
y = cf.read('*.nc')
z = cf.read(['file.nc', 'precipitation_flux.nc'])
    y = cf.read('$PWD')
    raise Exception("This should have failed!")

y = cf.read('$PWD', ignore_read_error=True)
