Пример #1
def match_playlist(source, media_type):
        SQLiteDB = database.SQLite_DBConnection()
        logger.info("There was a SQLite connection error.")

        table = table_map(cherrystrap.XBMC_VERSION)
        MySQLDB = database.MySQL_DBConnection()
        logger.info("There was a MySQL connection error.")

    SQLiteDB.action("DELETE FROM generated_playlist")

    if source=="Billboard":
        need_artists = []
        have_albums = []
        need_albums = []
        yes_artists = []
        yes_albums = []
        no_artists = []
        no_albums = []

        SQLite_entries = SQLiteDB.select("SELECT * FROM billboard_music_releases WHERE billboard_nr_release = ?", [media_type])
        for entry in SQLite_entries:
            artist = entry['billboard_nr_artist']
            album = entry['billboard_nr_album']
            rank = entry['billboard_nr_rank']
            artist_clean = artist.lower()
            album_clean = album.lower()
            artistSafe = formatter.MySQL(artist_clean)
            albumSafe = formatter.MySQL(album_clean)
            artist_match = MySQLDB.action("SELECT strArtist FROM %s WHERE LOWER(strArtist) = '%s'" % (table['artist'], artistSafe)).fetchone()
            if not artist_match:
                    'artist': artist,
                    'album': album
                    'artist': artist,
                    'album': album,
                    'path': artist
                if media_type=="Songs":
                    album_match = MySQLDB.select("SELECT strArtists, strTitle, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE LOWER(strArtists) = '%s' AND LOWER(strTitle) = '%s'" % (table['songview'], artistSafe, albumSafe))
                    if album_match:
                        for match in album_match:
                            path = match['strPath']+match['strFileName']
                                'artist': artist,
                                'album': album,
                                'path': path,
                                'rank': rank
                            'artist': artist,
                            'album': album

                    have_albums={v['album']:v for v in yes_albums}.values()
                    have_albums=sorted(have_albums, key=lambda k: k['rank'])

                    need_albums={v['album']:v for v in no_albums}.values()
                    need_albums=sorted(need_albums, key=lambda k: k['artist'])

                elif media_type=="Albums":
                    album_match = MySQLDB.action("SELECT strArtists, strAlbum FROM %s WHERE LOWER(strArtists) = '%s' AND LOWER(strAlbum) = '%s'" % (table['album'], artistSafe, albumSafe)).fetchone()
                    if album_match:
                        song_match = MySQLDB.select("SELECT strArtists, strTitle, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE LOWER(strArtists) = '%s' AND LOWER(strAlbum) = '%s'" % (table['songview'], artistSafe, albumSafe))
                        for match in song_match:
                            title = match['strTitle']
                            path = match['strPath']+match['strFileName']
                                'artist': artist,
                                'album': title,
                                'path': path
                            'artist': artist,
                            'album': album

                    have_albums={v['path']:v for v in yes_albums}.values()
                    have_albums=sorted(have_albums, key=lambda k: k['path'])

                    need_albums={v['album']:v for v in no_albums}.values()
                    need_albums=sorted(need_albums, key=lambda k: k['artist'])

                elif media_type=="Artists":
                    have_albums={v['artist']:v for v in yes_artists}.values()
                    have_albums=sorted(have_albums, key=lambda k: k['artist'])

            need_artists={v['artist']:v for v in no_artists}.values()
            need_artists=sorted(need_artists, key=lambda k: k['artist'])

    elif source=="Rotten Tomatoes":
        need_artists = []
        have_albums = []
        need_albums = [] 

        yes_albums = []
        no_albums = []

        SQLite_entries = SQLiteDB.select("SELECT * FROM rottentomatoes_movies")
        for entry in SQLite_entries:
            title = entry['rotten_title']
            percent = entry['rotten_percent']
            title_clean = title.lower()
            titleSafe = formatter.MySQL(title_clean)
            movie_match = MySQLDB.select("SELECT c00, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE LOWER(c00) = '%s'" % (table['movieview'], titleSafe))
            if not movie_match:
                    'artist': "",
                    'album': title,
                    'rank': percent
                for movie in movie_match:
                        'artist': "",
                        'album': title,
                        'rank': percent,
                        'path': movie['strPath']+movie['strFileName']

        have_albums={v['album']:v for v in yes_albums}.values()
        have_albums=sorted(have_albums, key=lambda k: k['rank'], reverse=True)

        need_albums={v['album']:v for v in no_albums}.values()
        need_albums=sorted(need_albums, key=lambda k: k['rank'], reverse=True)

    for entry in have_albums:
        SQLiteDB.action("INSERT INTO generated_playlist (filepath) VALUES (?)", [entry['path']])

    return (have_albums, need_artists, need_albums)
Пример #2
def global_search(term=None, plot=None, media_type=None, playlist_name=None):
    term = str(term)
    termSafe = formatter.MySQL(term)
    artists = []
    albums = []
    songs = []
    movies = []
    mvideos = []
    series = []
    episodes = []

        SQLiteDB = database.SQLite_DBConnection()
        logger.info("There was a SQLite connection error.")

        table = table_map(cherrystrap.XBMC_VERSION)
        MySQLDB = database.MySQL_DBConnection()
        logger.info("There was a MySQL connection error.")

    if (not media_type) or (media_type=="artists"):
        artist_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idArtist, strArtist FROM %s WHERE strArtist LIKE '%s'" % (table['artist'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
        if artist_query:
            for artist in artist_query:
                artistID = artist['idArtist']
                artistName = artist['strArtist']
                imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='artist'" % (table['music_art'], artistID))
                for image in imageUrls:
                    if image['type'] == 'thumb':
                        thumb_url = image['url']
                    elif image['type'] == 'fanart':
                        fanart_url = image['url']
                artistThumb, artistBanner, artistPoster, artistFan = formatter.get_image_locations(artistID, thumb_url=thumb_url, fanart_url=fanart_url)
                    'artistID': artistID,
                    'artistName': artistName,
                    'artistThumb': artistThumb
    if (not media_type) or (media_type=="albums"):
        album_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idAlbum, strAlbum, strArtists FROM %s WHERE strAlbum LIKE '%s'" % (table['album'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
        if album_query:
            for album in album_query:
                albumID = album['idAlbum']
                albumName = album['strAlbum']
                artistName = album['strArtists']
                imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='album'" % (table['music_art'], albumID))
                for image in imageUrls:
                    if image['type'] == 'thumb':
                        thumb_url = image['url']
                albumThumb, albumBanner, albumPoster, albumFan = formatter.get_image_locations(albumID, thumb_url=thumb_url)
                    'albumID': albumID,
                    'albumName': albumName,
                    'albumThumb': albumThumb,
                    'artistName': artistName

    if (not media_type) or (media_type=="songs"):
        song_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idSong, strTitle, strArtists, idAlbum, strAlbum, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE strTitle LIKE '%s'" % (table['songview'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
        if song_query:
            for song in song_query:
                songID = song['idSong']
                songName = song['strTitle']
                artistName = song['strArtists']
                albumID = song['idAlbum']
                imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='album'" % (table['music_art'], albumID))
                for image in imageUrls:
                    if image['type'] == 'thumb':
                        thumb_url = image['url']
                songThumb, songBanner, songPoster, songFan = formatter.get_image_locations(songID, thumb_url=thumb_url)
                    'songID': songID,
                    'songName': songName,
                    'songThumb': songThumb,
                    'artistName': artistName,
                    'albumID': albumID,
                    'path': song['strPath']+song['strFileName']

    if (not media_type) or (media_type=="movies"):
        movie_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idMovie, c00, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE c00 LIKE '%s'" % (table['movieview'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
        if movie_query:
            for movie in movie_query:
                movieID = movie['idMovie']
                movieName = movie['c00']
                imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='movie'" % (table['video_art'], movieID))
                for image in imageUrls:
                    if image['type'] == 'poster':
                        poster_url = image['url']
                    elif image['type'] == 'fanart':
                        fanart_url = image['url']
                movieThumb, movieBanner, moviePoster, movieFan = formatter.get_image_locations(movieID, poster_url=poster_url, fanart_url=fanart_url)
                    'movieID': movieID,
                    'movieName': movieName,
                    'moviePoster': moviePoster,
                    'path': movie['strPath']+movie['strFileName']

    if (not media_type) or (media_type=="series"):
        series_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idShow, c00 FROM %s WHERE c00 LIKE '%s'" % (table['tvshow'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
        if series_query:
            for show in series_query:
                showID = show['idShow']
                showName = show['c00']
                imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='tvshow'" % (table['video_art'], showID))
                for image in imageUrls:
                    if image['type'] == 'poster':
                        poster_url = image['url']
                    elif image['type'] == 'banner':
                        banner_url = image['url']
                    elif image['type'] == 'fanart':
                        fanart_url = image['url']
                seriesThumb, seriesBanner, seriesPoster, seriesFan = formatter.get_image_locations(movieID, poster_url=poster_url, banner_url=banner_url, fanart_url=fanart_url)
                    'showID': showID,
                    'showName': showName,
                    'showPoster': seriesPoster,

    if (not media_type) or (media_type=="episodes"):
        episode_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idEpisode, c00, idShow, strTitle, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE c00 LIKE '%s'" % (table['episodeview'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
        if episode_query:
            for episode in episode_query:
                episodeID = episode['idEpisode']
                episodeName = episode['c00']
                showName = episode['strTitle']
                showID = episode['idShow']
                imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='episode'" % (table['video_art'], episodeID))
                for image in imageUrls:
                    if image['type'] == 'thumb':
                        thumb_url = image['url']
                episodeThumb, episodeBanner, episodePoster, episodeFan = formatter.get_image_locations(episodeID, thumb_url=thumb_url)
                    'episodeID': episodeID,
                    'episodeName': episodeName,
                    'episodeThumb': episodeThumb,
                    'showName': showName,
                    'showID': showID,
                    'path': episode['strPath']+episode['strFileName']

    if (not media_type) or (media_type=="mvideos"):
        mvideo_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idMVideo, c00, c10, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE c00 LIKE '%s'" % (table['musicvideoview'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
        if mvideo_query:
            for mvideo in mvideo_query:
                mvideoID = mvideo['idMVideo']
                mvideoName = mvideo['c00']
                artistName = mvideo['c10']
                imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='musicvideo'" % (table['video_art'], mvideoID))
                for image in imageUrls:
                    if image['type'] == 'thumb':
                        thumb_url = image['url']
                mvideoThumb, mvideoBanner, mvideoPoster, mvideoFan = formatter.get_image_locations(mvideoID, thumb_url=thumb_url)
                    'mvideoID': mvideoID,
                    'mvideoName': mvideoName,
                    'mvideoThumb': mvideoThumb,
                    'artistName': artistName,
                    'path': mvideo['strPath']+mvideo['strFileName']

        mvideo_query2 = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idMVideo, c00, c10, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE c10 LIKE '%s'" % (table['musicvideoview'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
        if mvideo_query2:
            for mvideo in mvideo_query2:
                mvideoID = mvideo['idMVideo']
                mvideoName = mvideo['c00']
                artistName = mvideo['c10']
                imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='musicvideo'" % (table['video_art'], mvideoID))
                for image in imageUrls:
                    if image['type'] == 'thumb':
                        thumb_url = image['url']
                mvideoThumb, mvideoBanner, mvideoPoster, mvideoFan = formatter.get_image_locations(mvideoID, thumb_url=thumb_url)
                    'mvideoID': mvideoID,
                    'mvideoName': mvideoName,
                    'mvideoThumb': mvideoThumb,
                    'artistName': artistName,
                    'path': mvideo['strPath']+mvideo['strFileName']

    if plot:

        if (not media_type) or (media_type=="movies"):
            movie_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idMovie, c00, c01, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE c01 LIKE '%s'" % (table['movieview'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
            if movie_query:
                for movie in movie_query:
                    movieID = movie['idMovie']
                    movieName = movie['c00']
                    imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='movie'" % (table['video_art'], movieID))
                    for image in imageUrls:
                        if image['type'] == 'poster':
                            poster_url = image['url']
                        elif image['type'] == 'fanart':
                            fanart_url = image['url']
                    movieThumb, movieBanner, moviePoster, movieFan = formatter.get_image_locations(movieID, poster_url=poster_url, fanart_url=fanart_url)
                        'movieID': movieID,
                        'movieName': movieName,
                        'moviePoster': moviePoster,
                        'path': movie['strPath']+movie['strFileName']

            movie_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idMovie, c00, c02, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE c02 LIKE '%s'" % (table['movieview'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
            if movie_query:
                for movie in movie_query:
                    movieID = movie['idMovie']
                    movieName = movie['c00']
                    imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='movie'" % (table['video_art'], movieID))
                    for image in imageUrls:
                        if image['type'] == 'poster':
                            poster_url = image['url']
                        elif image['type'] == 'fanart':
                            fanart_url = image['url']
                    movieThumb, movieBanner, moviePoster, movieFan = formatter.get_image_locations(movieID, poster_url=poster_url, fanart_url=fanart_url)
                        'movieID': movieID,
                        'movieName': movieName,
                        'moviePoster': moviePoster,
                        'path': movie['strPath']+movie['strFileName']

            movie_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idMovie, c00, c03, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE c03 LIKE '%s'" % (table['movieview'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
            if movie_query:
                for movie in movie_query:
                    movieID = movie['idMovie']
                    movieName = movie['c00']
                    imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='movie'" % (table['video_art'], movieID))
                    for image in imageUrls:
                        if image['type'] == 'poster':
                            poster_url = image['url']
                        elif image['type'] == 'fanart':
                            fanart_url = image['url']
                    movieThumb, movieBanner, moviePoster, movieFan = formatter.get_image_locations(movieID, poster_url=poster_url, fanart_url=fanart_url)
                        'movieID': movieID,
                        'movieName': movieName,
                        'moviePoster': moviePoster,
                        'path': movie['strPath']+movie['strFileName']

        if (not media_type) or (media_type=="episodes"):
            episode_query = MySQLDB.select("SELECT idEpisode, c00, idShow, strTitle, c01, strPath, strFileName FROM %s WHERE c01 LIKE '%s'" % (table['episodeview'], '%'+termSafe+'%'))
            if episode_query:
                for episode in episode_query:
                    episodeID = episode['idEpisode']
                    episodeName = episode['c00']
                    showName = episode['strTitle']
                    showID = episode['idShow']
                    imageUrls = MySQLDB.select("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE media_id = %s AND media_type='episode'" % (table['video_art'], episodeID))
                    for image in imageUrls:
                        if image['type'] == 'thumb':
                            thumb_url = image['url']
                    episodeThumb, episodeBanner, episodePoster, episodeFan = formatter.get_image_locations(episodeID, thumb_url=thumb_url)
                        'episodeID': episodeID,
                        'episodeName': episodeName,
                        'episodeThumb': episodeThumb,
                        'showName': showName,
                        'showID': showID,
                        'path': episode['strPath']+episode['strFileName']

        movies={v['movieID']:v for v in movies}.values()
        episodes={v['episodeID']:v for v in episodes}.values()
        mvideos={v['mvideoID']:v for v in mvideos}.values()

    if playlist_name:
        SQLiteDB.action("DELETE FROM generated_playlist")
        if media_type == "songs":
            for entry in songs:
                SQLiteDB.action("INSERT INTO generated_playlist (filepath) VALUES (?)", [entry['path']])
        elif media_type == "movies":
            for entry in movies:
                SQLiteDB.action("INSERT INTO generated_playlist (filepath) VALUES (?)", [entry['path']])
        elif media_type == "episodes":
            for entry in episodes:
                SQLiteDB.action("INSERT INTO generated_playlist (filepath) VALUES (?)", [entry['path']])
        elif media_type == "mvideos":
            for entry in mvideos:
                SQLiteDB.action("INSERT INTO generated_playlist (filepath) VALUES (?)", [entry['path']])


    return (term, artists, albums, songs, movies, mvideos, series, episodes, plot)