Пример #1
 def stem_residue_orientation(self, p, next_p, pair_p):
     from chimerax.geometry import cross_product, orthonormal_frame
     from numpy import array
     x, y = next_p - p, array(pair_p) - p
     z = cross_product(x, y)
     tf = orthonormal_frame(z, xdir=x, origin=p)
     return tf
Пример #2
    def scene_position_2d(self, hand_pose, view):
        # Adjust origin
        cpos = hand_pose.origin() - self._center

        # Scale millimeters to scene units
        cpos /= self._width  # millimeters to unit width

        # Rotate to screen orientation
        from chimerax.geometry import cross_product, orthonormal_frame
        yaxis = self._facing
        zaxis = cross_product(yaxis, self._cord)
        cpos = orthonormal_frame(zaxis, ydir=yaxis) * cpos

        # Convert to window pixels
        w, h = view.window_size
        win_xy = (w / 2 + w * cpos[0], h / 2 - h * cpos[1])

        # Map to scene near front clip plane.
        xyz_min, xyz_max = view.clip_plane_points(win_xy[0], win_xy[1])
        scene_point = (0, 0,
                       0) if xyz_min is None else (.9 * xyz_min + .1 * xyz_max)

        # Convert camera coordinates to scene coordinates
        rot = view.camera.position.zero_translation()
        from chimerax.geometry import translation
        scene_pos = translation(scene_point) * rot

        return scene_pos, win_xy
Пример #3
    def scene_position_6d(self, hand_pose, view):
        from chimerax.geometry import translation, cross_product
        from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame, inner_product

        # Adjust origin
        cpos = translation(-self._center) * hand_pose

        # Scale millimeters to scene units
        scene_center = view.center_of_rotation
        cam = view.camera
        factor = cam.view_width(scene_center) / self._width
        cpos = cpos.scale_translation(factor)  # millimeters to scene units

        # Rotate to screen orientation
        yaxis = self._facing
        zaxis = cross_product(yaxis, self._cord)
        cpos = orthonormal_frame(zaxis, ydir=yaxis) * cpos

        # Adjust depth origin to center of rotation.
        cam_pos = cam.position
        depth = inner_product(scene_center - cam_pos.origin(),
        cpos = translation(
            (0, 0, -depth)) * cpos  # Center in front of camera (-z axis).

        # Convert camera coordinates to scene coordinates
        scene_pos = cam_pos * cpos  # Map from camera to scene coordinates

        return scene_pos
Пример #4
 def interface_frame(self, facing_group):
     r1, r2 = [self.contact_residues(g) for g in (self.group1, self.group2)]
     xyz1, xyz2 = [r.atoms.scene_coords.mean(axis = 0) for r in (r1,r2)]
     zaxis = (xyz2 - xyz1) if facing_group is self.group1 else (xyz1 - xyz2)
     center = 0.5 * (xyz1 + xyz2)
     from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
     f = orthonormal_frame(zaxis, origin = center)
     return f
Пример #5
def polar_angle(zaxis, v1, v2):
    from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
    f = orthonormal_frame(zaxis, xdir=v1)
    x, y, z = f.transpose() * v2
    a = atan2(y, x)
    if a < 0:
        a += 2 * pi
    return a
Пример #6
 def layout_projection(self):
     c = self.contact
     r1, r2 = (self.residues1, self.residues2)
     xyz1, xyz2 = [r.atoms.scene_coords.mean(axis=0) for r in (r1, r2)]
     zaxis = xyz2 - xyz1
     center = 0.5 * (xyz1 + xyz2)
     from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
     f = orthonormal_frame(zaxis, origin=center)
     finv = f.inverse()
     return finv
Пример #7
def _axis_square(axis, center, width_axis, length, width, thickness):

    l2 = 0.5 * length
    t2 = 0.5 * thickness
    box = [(0, -t2, -l2), (width, -t2, -l2), (width, t2, -l2), (0, t2, -l2),
           (0, -t2, l2), (width, -t2, l2), (width, t2, l2), (0, t2, l2)]
    from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
    f = orthonormal_frame(axis, xdir=width_axis, origin=center)
    corners = f * box
    va, na, ta = _box_geometry(corners)
    return va, na, ta
Пример #8
def surface_projection_coordinates(surfaces, projection_axis, volume):

    g = volume.data

    # Scale rotated surface coordinates to grid index units.
    axis_aligned = (tuple(projection_axis) in ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1))
                    and tuple(g.cell_angles) == (90, 90, 90)
                    and g.rotation == ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)))
    if axis_aligned:
        grid_spacing = g.step
        s = min(g.plane_spacings())
        grid_spacing = (s, s, s)

    # Determine transform from vertex coordinates to depth array indices
    # Rotate projection axis to z.
    from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame, scale, translation
    tfrs = orthonormal_frame(projection_axis).inverse() * scale(
        [1 / s for s in grid_spacing])

    # Transform vertices to depth array coordinates.
    zsurf = []
    tcount = 0
    for vertices, triangles in surfaces:
        varray = tfrs.transform_points(vertices)
        zsurf.append((varray, triangles))
        tcount += len(triangles)
    if tcount == 0:
        return None

    # Compute origin for depth grid
    vmin, vmax = bounding_box(zsurf)
    if axis_aligned:
        o = tfrs * g.origin
        offset = [(vmin[a] - o[a]) for a in (0, 1, 2)]
        from math import floor
        align_frac = [offset[a] - floor(offset[a]) for a in (0, 1, 2)]
        vmin -= align_frac
        vmin -= 0.5

    tf = translation(-vmin) * tfrs

    # Shift surface vertices by depth grid origin
    for varray, triangles in zsurf:
        varray -= vmin

    # Compute size of depth grid
    from math import ceil
    size = tuple(int(ceil(vmax[a] - vmin[a] + 1)) for a in (0, 1))

    return zsurf, size, tf
Пример #9
def box_path(points, width, twist=0):

    from numpy import dot, concatenate, array

    # Find normal to bisecting plane through each point.
    n = len(points)
    p = array(points)
    from chimerax.geometry import normalize_vector as nv
    tangents = array([
            array(nv(p[min(i + 1, n - 1)] - p[i])) +
            array(nv(p[i] - p[max(i - 1, 0)]))) for i in range(n)

    # Trace edge of square cross-section from start to finish.
    edges = []
    y, z = p[2] - p[0], tangents[0]
    from chimerax.geometry import rotation, orthonormal_frame
    if twist != 0:
        y = rotation(z, twist) * y
    f = orthonormal_frame(z, y)
    xa, ya = f.axes()[:2]
    corners = ((1, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1), (1, -1))
    for x, y in corners:
        ep = [points[0] + (x * 0.5 * width) * xa + (y * 0.5 * width) * ya]
        for i in range(n - 1):
            e0, p0, p1, t = ep[i], p[i], p[i + 1], tangents[i + 1]
            ep.append(e0 + (dot(p1 - e0, t) / dot(p1 - p0, t)) * (p1 - p0))

    # Calculate triangles for each face of a surface model.
    # Make sharp edges.
    va = concatenate(edges + edges + edges + edges)
    ta = []
    nc = len(corners)
    for s in range(n - 1):
        for c in range(nc):
            c1 = (c + 1) % nc + nc
            t = s + (s % 2) * 2 * nc * n
            ta.append((c * n + t, c1 * n + 1 + t, c * n + 1 + t))
            ta.append((c * n + t, c1 * n + t, c1 * n + 1 + t))

    # Add end caps.
    ta.extend([(nc * n + 0, nc * n + (2 + c) * n, nc * n + (1 + c) * n)
               for c in range(nc - 2)])
    ta.extend([(n - 1, (1 + c) * n + n - 1, (2 + c) * n + n - 1)
               for c in range(nc - 2)])
    ta = array(ta)

    return va, ta
Пример #10
def draw_circles(circles, sphere, s, offset, width, color=(0, .2, .9, 1)):
    cs, r = sphere
    from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
    for c in circles:
        f = orthonormal_frame(c.center)
        va, ta = sphere_band_geometry(c.angle, width=width)
        na = va.copy()
        va *= r + offset
        f.transform_points(va, in_place=True)
        f.transform_vectors(na, in_place=True)
        va += cs
        p = s.new_drawing('circles')
        p.set_geometry(va, na, ta)
        p.color = color
Пример #11
def draw_arc(circle, p1, p2, sphere, surf, color, width, offset):

    arc = polar_angle(circle.center, p1, p2)
    va, ta = sphere_band_arc(circle.angle, arc, width)
    from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
    f = orthonormal_frame(circle.center, xdir=p1)
    f.transform_points(va, in_place=True)
    na = va.copy()
    c, r = sphere
    va *= r + offset
    va += c
    p = surf.new_drawing('arcs')
    p.set_geometry(va, na, ta)
    p.color = color
Пример #12
def rna_nucleotide_templates(session,
                                 'A': 2097,
                                 'C': 2096,
                                 'G': 2193,
                                 'U': 2192
    Return residues A,G,C,U with P at (0,0,0) and next residue P at (x,0,0) with x>0
    and rotated so that a basepaired residue P is in the xy-plane with y > 0.
    These are used for building an atomic model from a P-atom backbone trace.

    # Read template residues from mmCIF file
    from os.path import join, dirname
    path = join(dirname(__file__), file)
    from chimerax.mmcif import open_mmcif
    mols, msg = open_mmcif(session, path)
    m = mols[0]

    # Calculate transforms to standard coordinates.
    res_tf = []
    pair_name = {'A': 'U', 'U': 'A', 'G': 'C', 'C': 'G'}
    from chimerax.geometry import cross_product, orthonormal_frame
    for resname in ('A', 'C', 'G', 'U'):
        r = m.find_residue(chain_id, residue_numbers[resname])
        rnext = m.find_residue(chain_id, residue_numbers[resname] + 1)
        rpair = m.find_residue(chain_id, residue_numbers[pair_name[resname]])
        a0, a1, a2 = r.find_atom('P'), rnext.find_atom('P'), rpair.find_atom(
        o, x, y = a0.coord, a1.coord, a2.coord
        z = cross_product(x - o, y - o)
        tf = orthonormal_frame(z, xdir=x - o, origin=o).inverse()
        res_tf.append((resname, r, tf))

    # Transform template residues to standard coordinate frame.
    res = {}
    for name, r, tf in res_tf:
        ratoms = r.atoms
        ratoms.coords = tf * ratoms.coords
        res[name] = r

    res['T'] = res['U']

    return res
Пример #13
def annulus_grid(radius0, radius1, center, axis, ncircum, nradius):

    from math import pi, cos, sin
    from numpy import empty, float32, multiply
    grid_points = empty((ncircum, nradius, 3), float32)
    for i in range(ncircum):
        a = -pi + 2 * pi * float(i) / ncircum
        grid_points[i, 0, :] = (cos(a), sin(a), 0)
    for i in range(nradius):
        grid_points[:, i, :] = grid_points[:, 0, :]
    for i in range(nradius):
        f = float(i) / (nradius - 1)
        r = radius0 + f * (radius1 - radius0)
        multiply(grid_points[:, i, :], r, grid_points[:, i, :])
    from chimerax.geometry import translation, orthonormal_frame
    tf = translation(center) * orthonormal_frame(axis)
    tf.transform_points(grid_points.reshape((ncircum * nradius, 3)),
    return grid_points
Пример #14
def unroll_operation(v, r0, r1, h, center, axis, gsp, subregion, step,

    from math import ceil, pi
    zsize = int(max(1, ceil(h / gsp)))  # cylinder height
    xsize = int(max(1, ceil((r1 - r0) / gsp)))  # slab thickness
    rmid = 0.5 * (r0 + r1)
    circum = rmid * 2 * pi
    ysize = int(max(1, ceil(circum / gsp)))  # circumference

    from chimerax.geometry import normalize_vector
    axis = normalize_vector(axis)
    agrid_points = annulus_grid(r0, r1, center, axis, ysize, xsize)
    grid_points = agrid_points.reshape((ysize * xsize, 3))
    grid_points[:] += tuple([-0.5 * h * ai for ai in axis])  # Shift annulus.
    from numpy import empty
    values = empty((zsize, ysize, xsize), v.data.value_type)
    axis_step = tuple([h * float(ai) / (zsize - 1) for ai in axis])
    for i in range(zsize):
        vval = v.interpolated_values(grid_points,
        values[i, :, :] = vval.reshape((ysize, xsize))
        grid_points[:] += axis_step  # Shift annulus.

    from chimerax.map_data import ArrayGridData
    gstep = (float(r1 - r0) / (xsize - 1), circum / (ysize - 1),
             float(h) / (zsize - 1))
    gorigin = (center[0] + r0, center[1] - 0.5 * circum, center[2] - 0.5 * h)
    g = ArrayGridData(values, gorigin, gstep, name='unrolled %s' % v.name)
    from chimerax.map import volume_from_grid_data
    vu = volume_from_grid_data(g, v.session, model_id=modelId)

    if axis[0] != 0 or axis[1] != 0:
        # Rotate so unrolled volume is tangential to cylinder
        from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
        vu.position = v.position * orthonormal_frame(axis)

    return vu
Пример #15
def path_point_axes(points, yaxis):

    zaxes = path_tangents(points)
    from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
    axes = [orthonormal_frame(za, ydir=yaxis) for za in zaxes]
    return axes
Пример #16
 def _hand_pose(self, palm_position, palm_normal, finger_direction):
     from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
     hp = orthonormal_frame(finger_direction,
     return hp
Пример #17
def random_rotation():

    y, z = random_direction(), random_direction()
    from chimerax.geometry import orthonormal_frame
    f = orthonormal_frame(z, y)
    return f