def integration_tests(_arg): "Run series of integration tests for cmssh" for fname in ['file1.root', 'file2.root']: if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) lfn = \ '/store/data/CRUZET3/Cosmics/RAW/v1/000/050/832/186585EC-024D-DD11-B747-000423D94AA8.root' lfn2 = \ '/store/data/CRUZET3/Cosmics/RAW/v1/000/050/796/4E1D3610-E64C-DD11-8629-001D09F251FE.root' dataset = '/PhotonHad/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO' dataset2 = '/SUSY_LM9_sftsht_8TeV-pythia6/Summer12-START50_V13-v1/GEN-SIM' run = 160915 sename = 'T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/valya' cmd_list = ['pager 0', 'debug_http 0'] cmd_list += ['ls', 'mkdir ttt', 'ls -l', 'rmdir ttt', 'ls'] cmd_list += [ 'ls dataset=%s' % dataset, 'ls run=%s' % run, 'ls file=%s' % lfn ] cmd_list += ['ls %s' % dataset, 'info %s' % dataset] cmd_list += ['find dataset=/ZMM*', 'das dataset=/ZMM*'] cmd_list += [ 'find lumi dataset=%s' % dataset, 'find lumi {"190704":[1,2,3]}', 'find lumi {190704:[1,2,3]}' ] cmd_list += ['find config dataset=%s' % dataset2] cmd_list += ['du T3_US_Cornell', 'ls T3_US_Cornell'] cmd_list += [ 'ls %s' % sename, 'mkdir %s/foo' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rmdir %s/foo' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, ] cmd_list += [ 'cp %s file.root' % lfn, 'ls', 'cp file.root %s' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rm %s/file.root' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rm file.root', 'cp %s file1.root &' % lfn, 'cp %s file2.root &' % lfn2, 'ls' ] cmd_list += ['find user=oliver', 'jobs list', 'jobs user=AikenOliver'] cmd_list += ['releases list', 'arch list', 'jobs', 'ls'] cmd_list += [ 'read' ] mgr = get_ipython() for item in cmd_list: print_info("Execute %s" % item) split = item.split(' ', 1) if len(split) == 1: cmd = item args = '' else: cmd = split[0] args = split[-1] mgr.run_line_magic(cmd, args)
def execute(cmds, src, dst, verbose): """ Execute given command, but also check if file is in place at dst """ status = check_file(src, dst, verbose) if status: return status else: if isinstance(cmds, basestring): stdout, stderr = execmd(cmds) if verbose: print_info('Output of %s' % cmd) print stdout + stderr status = check_file(src, dst, verbose) elif isinstance(cmds, list): for cmd in cmds: if not cmd: continue stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) if verbose: print_info('Output of %s' % cmd) print stdout + stderr status = check_file(src, dst, verbose) if status: return status return status
def rm_lfn(self, arg, verbose=0): """Remove user lfn from a node""" try: node, lfn = arg.split(':') except: msg = 'Given argument "%s" does not represent SE:LFN' % arg raise Exception(msg) cmd = os.environ.get('SRM_RM', '') dst = [r for r in resolve_user_srm_path(node)][0] dst, path = dst.split('=') if dst[-1] != '=': dst += '=' for item in lfn.split('/'): if not item or item in path: continue path += '/%s' % item cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, dst + path) if verbose: print cmd try: stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) if verbose: print_info(stdout + stderr) except: return 'fail' return 'success'
def rm_lfn(self, arg, verbose=0): """Remove user lfn from a node""" try: node, lfn = arg.split(':') except: msg = 'Given argument "%s" does not represent SE:LFN' % arg raise Exception(msg) cmd = os.environ.get('SRM_RM', '') dst = [r for r in resolve_user_srm_path(node)][0] dst, path = dst.split('=') if dst[-1] != '=': dst += '=' for item in lfn.split('/'): if not item or item in path: continue path += '/%s' % item cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, dst+path) if verbose: print cmd try: stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) if verbose: print_info(stdout + stderr) except: return 'fail' return 'success'
def cmsenv(_arg): "cmsenv command" # in CMS cmsenv is an alias to: eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`' msg = 'Within cmssh it is not required to use cmsenv\n' msg += 'please use ' + msg_green('cmsrel') + ' command and ' msg += 'CMS release environment will be set for you' print_info(msg)
def github_issues(arg=None): """ Retrieve information about cmssh tickets, e.g. Examples: cmssh> tickets # list all cmssh tickets cmssh> ticket 14 # get details for given ticket id cmssh> ticket new # post new ticket from cmssh # or post it at """ if arg == 'new': msg = 'You can post new ticket via web interface at\n' msg += '\n' msg += 'otherwise it will be posted as anonymous gist ticket' print_info(msg) if not user_input('Proceed', default='N'): return email = raw_input('Your Email : ') if not email: msg = "You did your email address" print_error(msg) return desc = '' msg = 'Type your problem, attach traceback, etc. Once done print ' msg += msg_blue('EOF') + ' and hit ' + msg_blue('Enter') + '\n' print msg while True: try: uinput = raw_input() if uinput.strip() == 'EOF': break desc += uinput + '\n' except KeyboardInterrupt: break if not desc: msg = "You did not provide bug description" print_error(msg) return if not user_input('Send this ticket', default='N'): print_info('Aborting your action') return key = 'cmssh-%s' % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time())) files = {key: {'content': desc}} res = post_ticket(key, files) if res.has_key('html_url'): print_status('New gist ticket %s' % res['html_url']) title = 'cmssh gist %s' % res['html_url'] if isinstance(res, dict): ticket = pprint.pformat(res) else: ticket = res to_user = base64.decodestring('dmt1em5ldEBnbWFpbC5jb20=\n') send_email(to_user, email, title, ticket) else: res = get_tickets(arg) RESMGR.assign(res) pprint.pprint(res)
def integration_tests(_arg): "Run series of integration tests for cmssh" for fname in ['file1.root', 'file2.root']: if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) lfn = \ '/store/data/Run2012A/ElectronHad/AOD/PromptReco-v1/000/193/686/58802521-EF9A-E111-9EE7-BCAEC518FF50.root' lfn2 = \ '/store/data/Run2012A/ElectronHad/AOD/PromptReco-v1/000/190/450/84087548-ED80-E111-A737-0025901D5D80.root' dataset = '/PhotonHad/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO' dataset2 = '/SUSY_LM9_sftsht_8TeV-pythia6/Summer12-START50_V13-v1/GEN-SIM' run = 160915 sename = 'T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/valya' cmd_list = ['pager 0', 'debug_http 0'] cmd_list += ['ls', 'mkdir ttt', 'ls -l', 'rmdir ttt', 'ls'] cmd_list += ['ls dataset=%s' % dataset, 'ls run=%s' % run, 'ls file=%s' % lfn] cmd_list += ['ls %s' % dataset, 'info %s' % dataset] cmd_list += ['find dataset=/ZMM*', 'das dataset=/ZMM*', 'find dataset file=%s' % lfn] cmd_list += ['find lumi dataset=%s' % dataset, 'find lumi {"190704":[1,2,3]}', 'find lumi {190704:[1,2,3]}'] cmd_list += ['find config dataset=%s' % dataset2] cmd_list += ['du T3_US_Cornell', 'ls T3_US_Cornell'] cmd_list += ['ls %s' % sename, 'mkdir %s/foo' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rmdir %s/foo' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, ] cmd_list += ['cp %s file.root' % lfn, 'ls', 'cp file.root %s' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rm %s/file.root' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rm file.root', 'cp %s file1.root &' % lfn, 'cp %s file2.root &' % lfn2, 'ls'] cmd_list += ['find user=oliver', 'jobs list', 'jobs user=AikenOliver'] cmd_list += ['releases list', 'arch list', 'jobs', 'ls'] cmd_list += ['read'] mgr = get_ipython() for item in cmd_list: print_info("Execute %s" % item) split = item.split(' ', 1) if len(split) == 1: cmd = item args = '' else: cmd = split[0] args = split[-1] mgr.run_line_magic(cmd, args)
def integration_tests(_arg): "Run series of integration tests for cmssh" for fname in ['file1.root', 'file2.root']: if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) lfn = \ '/store/data/CRUZET3/Cosmics/RAW/v1/000/050/832/186585EC-024D-DD11-B747-000423D94AA8.root' lfn2 = \ '/store/data/CRUZET3/Cosmics/RAW/v1/000/050/796/4E1D3610-E64C-DD11-8629-001D09F251FE.root' dataset = '/PhotonHad/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO' dataset2 = '/SUSY_LM9_sftsht_8TeV-pythia6/Summer12-START50_V13-v1/GEN-SIM' run = 160915 sename = 'T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/valya' cmd_list = ['pager 0', 'debug_http 0'] cmd_list += ['ls', 'mkdir ttt', 'ls -l', 'rmdir ttt', 'ls'] cmd_list += ['ls dataset=%s' % dataset, 'ls run=%s' % run, 'ls file=%s' % lfn] cmd_list += ['ls %s' % dataset, 'info %s' % dataset] cmd_list += ['find dataset=/ZMM*', 'das dataset=/ZMM*'] cmd_list += ['find lumi dataset=%s' % dataset, 'find lumi {"190704":[1,2,3]}', 'find lumi {190704:[1,2,3]}'] cmd_list += ['find config dataset=%s' % dataset2] cmd_list += ['du T3_US_Cornell', 'ls T3_US_Cornell'] cmd_list += ['ls %s' % sename, 'mkdir %s/foo' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rmdir %s/foo' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, ] cmd_list += ['cp %s file.root' % lfn, 'ls', 'cp file.root %s' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rm %s/file.root' % sename, 'ls %s' % sename, 'rm file.root', 'cp %s file1.root &' % lfn, 'cp %s file2.root &' % lfn2, 'ls'] cmd_list += ['find user=oliver', 'jobs list', 'jobs user=AikenOliver'] cmd_list += ['releases list', 'arch list', 'jobs', 'ls'] cmd_list += ['read'] mgr = get_ipython() for item in cmd_list: print_info("Execute %s" % item) split = item.split(' ', 1) if len(split) == 1: cmd = item args = '' else: cmd = split[0] args = split[-1] mgr.run_line_magic(cmd, args)
def verbose(arg): """ Set/get verbosity level """ arg = arg.strip() ipth = get_ipython() if arg == '': print_info("Verbose level is %s" % ipth.debug) else: if arg == 0 or arg == '0': ipth.debug = False else: ipth.debug = True
def debug_http(arg): """ Show or set HTTP debug flag. Default is 0. """ arg = arg.strip() if arg: if arg not in ['0', '1']: print_error('Please provide 0/1 for debug_http command') return print_info("Set HTTP debug level to %s" % arg) os.environ['HTTPDEBUG'] = arg else: print_info("HTTP debug level is %s" % os.environ.get('HTTPDEBUG', 0))
def cms_json(arg): "Print or set location of CMS JSON file" if arg: if access2file(arg): os.environ['CMS_JSON'] = arg print_info('CMS_JSON: %s' % arg) else: fname = os.environ.get('CMS_JSON') print_info('CMS JSON: %s' % fname) try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if debug and access2file(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as cms_json: print
def register(prompt, name, funcList=[]): """Register shell""" set_prompt(prompt) ID.prompt = prompt = name funcList.sort() ID.dict[name] = funcList if funcList: print_info("Available commands within %s sub-shell:" % prompt) if funcList: if not funcList.count('_exit'): funcList.append('_exit') for func in funcList: print_info("%s %s" % (" "*10, func)) if not ID.funcList.count(func): ID.funcList.append(func) else: ID.funcList = funcList
def register(prompt, name, funcList=[]): """Register shell""" set_prompt(prompt) ID.prompt = prompt = name funcList.sort() ID.dict[name] = funcList if funcList: print_info("Available commands within %s sub-shell:" % prompt) if funcList: if not funcList.count('_exit'): funcList.append('_exit') for func in funcList: print_info("%s %s" % (" " * 10, func)) if not ID.funcList.count(func): ID.funcList.append(func) else: ID.funcList = funcList
def mkdir(self, path, verbose=0): """mkdir command""" spath = path.split(':') if len(spath) == 1: node = spath[0] ldir = '/store/user' else: node = spath[0] ldir = spath[1] dst = [r for r in resolve_user_srm_path(node, ldir)][0] cmd = '%s %s' % (os.environ.get('SRM_MKDIR', ''), dst) if verbose: print_info(cmd) try: stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) if verbose: print_info(stdout + stderr) except: return 'fail' return 'success'
def cms_jobs(arg=None): """ cmssh jobs command lists local job queue or provides information about jobs at give site or for given user. It accepts the following list of options: - list, which lists local transfer jobs - site, which lists jobs at given site - dashboard, which lists jobs of current user - user, which lists jobs of given user Examples: cmssh> jobs cmssh> jobs list cmssh> jobs site=T2_US_UCSD cmssh> jobs dashboard cmssh> jobs user=my_cms_user_name """ res = None try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 orig_arg = arg if orig_arg.find('|') != -1: arg, flt = orig_arg.split('|', 1) arg = arg.strip() else: flt = None if arg: arg = arg.strip() if not arg or arg == 'list': print_info('Local data transfer') dqueue(arg) elif arg == 'dashboard': userdn = os.environ.get('USER_DN', None) if userdn: user = get_dashboardname(userdn) print_info('Dashboard information, user=%s' % user) res = jobsummary({'user': user}) elif pat_site.match(arg): site = arg.replace('site=', '') print_info('Dashboard information, site=%s' % site) res = jobsummary({'site': site}) elif pat_user.match(arg): user = arg.replace('user='******'') print_info('Dashboard information, user=%s' % user) res = jobsummary({'user': user}) if res: RESMGR.assign(res) list_results(res, debug=True, flt=flt)
def reqmgr(dataset): "Retrieve information from CMS ReqMgr data-service" url = '' + dataset cert = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/usercert.pem') configs = [] with working_pem(PEMMGR.pem) as key: with get_data_and_close(url, key, cert) as data: stream = try: jsondict = json.loads(stream) except Exception as _exc: jsondict = eval(stream, {"__builtins__": None}, {}) for key, val in jsondict.items(): for item in val: configs.append(item) if configs: print_info('Found %s configuration files:' % len(configs)) for rec in configs: print rec else: print_info('No configuration files is found')
def reqmgr(dataset): "Retrieve information from CMS ReqMgr data-service" url = '' + dataset cert = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/usercert.pem') configs = [] with working_pem(PEMMGR.pem) as key: with get_data_and_close(url, key, cert) as data: stream = try: jsondict = json.loads(stream) except Exception as _exc: jsondict = eval(stream, { "__builtins__": None }, {}) for key, val in jsondict.items(): for item in val: configs.append(item) if configs: print_info('Found %s configuration files:' % len(configs)) for rec in configs: print rec else: print_info('No configuration files is found')
def get_size(surl, verbose=None): """ Execute srm-ls <surl> command and retrieve file size information """ srmls = os.environ.get('SRM_LS', '') if not srmls: print_error('Unable to find srm ls tool') sys.exit(1) if srmls.find('srm-ls') != -1: srmargs = '' else: srmargs = '-2' cmd = '%s %s %s' % (srmls, srmargs, surl) if verbose: print_info(cmd) if cmd.find('file:///') != -1: return file_size(cmd.split('file:///')[-1]) stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) if verbose: print_info(stdout + stderr) orig_size = 0 if cmd.find('file:///') != -1: # srm-ls returns XML if srmls.find('srm-ls') != -1: orig_size = parse_srmls(stdout) else: try: orig_size = stdout.split()[0].strip() except: return 0 else: if srmls.find('srm-ls') != -1: for line in stdout.split('\n'): if line.find('Bytes') != -1: orig_size = line.replace('\n', '').split('=')[-1] else: try: orig_size = stdout.split()[0].strip() except: return 0 return orig_size
def cmscrab(arg): """ Execute CRAB command, help is available at """ msg = \ 'CRAB FAQ:' print_info(msg) # check if release version and work area are set (should be set at cmsrel) rel = os.environ.get('CMSSW_VERSION', None) work_area = os.environ.get('CMSSW_WORKAREA', None) if not rel or not work_area: msg = 'In order to run crab command you must ' msg += 'run ' + msg_blue('cmsrel') + ' command' print_error(msg) return # check existence of crab.cfg crab_dir = os.path.join(work_area, 'crab') crab_cfg = os.path.join(crab_dir, 'crab.cfg') if not os.path.isdir(crab_dir): os.makedirs(crab_dir) os.chdir(crab_dir) if not os.path.isfile(crab_cfg): msg = 'No crab.cfg file found in %s' % crab_dir print_warning(msg) msg = 'Would you like to create one' if user_input(msg, default='N'): with open('crab.cfg', 'w') as config: config.write(crabconfig()) msg = 'Your crab.cfg has been created, please edit it ' msg += 'appropriately and re-run crab command' print_info(msg) print "cwd:", os.getcwd() return if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin' and arg == '-submit': crab_submit_remotely(rel, work_area) return cmd = 'source $CRAB_ROOT/; crab %s' % arg cmsexe(cmd)
def run(cmd, cdir=None, log=None, msg=None, debug=None, shell=False, call=False): "Run given command via subprocess call" if msg: print msg cmd = cmd.strip() kwds = {} if shell or cmd.find(';') != -1 or cmd.find('&&') != -1 or \ cmd.find('|') != -1: kwds = {'shell': True} else: if isinstance(cmd, unicode): cmd = shlex.split(cmd.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) else: cmd = shlex.split(cmd) msg = 'execute cmd=%s, kwds=%s' % (cmd, kwds) if debug: print_info(msg.capitalize()) try: with working_dir(cdir): if not call: kwds.update({'stdout':subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr':subprocess.PIPE, 'close_fds':True}) if log: with open(log, 'w') as logstream: kwds.update({'stdout': logstream, 'stderr': logstream}) if call:, **kwds) return pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwds) else: if call:, **kwds) return pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwds) (child_stdout, child_stderr) = (pipe.stdout, pipe.stderr) if child_stdout: stdout = else: stdout = '' if child_stderr: stderr = else: stderr = '' if stderr: if isinstance(cmd, list): cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd) else: cmd_str = cmd if cmd_str.find('proxy') != -1: # proxy commands prints . to stderr sss = stderr.replace(stderr[0], '') if not (stderr[0] == '.' and not len(sss)): print_error(stderr) else: print_error(stderr) if stdout: print stdout except OSError as err: msg = 'OSError, fail to ' + msg + ', error=%s' % str(err) print_error(msg) except Exception as err: msg = 'Fail to ' + msg + ', error=%s' % str(err) print_error(msg)
def get_data_sso(url, key, cert, debug=0, redirect=None): """ Main routine to get data from data service behind CERN SSO. Return file-like descriptor object (similar to open). For iCMS access we need to pass via environment checking, e.g. should be redirected to """ cern_env = '' if url.find('') == 0 or\ url.find('') == 0: url = cern_env + url orig_url = url orig_args = url.split('?')[-1] # send request to url, it sets the _shibstate_ cookie which # will be used for redirection opener = create_https_opener(key, cert) fdesc = url = fdesc.geturl() if url.find('?') == -1: params = '' else: params = url.split('?')[-1] # redirect parameters if int(os.environ.get('HTTPDEBUG', 0)): print_info('Response info') print print fdesc.geturl() if not params or params == orig_args: # if we did not receive new set of SSO parameters pass file # descriptor to upper level, e.g. # in case of CERN twiki it does not pass through SSO # therefore we just return file descriptor return fdesc fdesc.close() # now, request authentication at CERN login page url = '' if int(os.environ.get('HTTPDEBUG', 0)): print_info('CERN Login parameters') print url + '?' + params if params: fdesc = + '?' + params) else: fdesc = data = if int(os.environ.get('HTTPDEBUG', 0)): print_info('Response info') print fdesc.close() # parse SSO output param_dict, action = parse_sso_output(data) # finally, retrieve data from given action URL/redirect or original URL # with all cookies in place and given set of parameters if action: url = action elif redirect: url = redirect else: url = orig_url params = urllib.urlencode(param_dict) if int(os.environ.get('HTTPDEBUG', 0)): print_info('Redirect parameters') print url + '?' + params fdesc =, params) return fdesc
def pfn_dst(lfn, dst, verbose=None): """ Look-up LFN in Phedex and return pfn dst for further processing """ dstfname = None pat = re.compile('^T[0-9]_[A-Z]+(_)[A-Z]+') if pat.match(dst): dst_split = dst.split(':') dst = dst_split[0] if len(dst_split) == 1: # copy to the node local_path = dst_split[1] for srm_path, lfn_match in resolve_srm_path(dst, verbose): lfn_pat = re.compile(lfn_match) if lfn_pat.match(lfn): srm_path = srm_path.replace('\?', '?').replace('$1', local_path) if verbose: print "Resolve %s into %s" % (dst, srm_path) dst = srm_path else: paths = [p for p in resolve_user_srm_path(dst, verbose=verbose)] dst = '%s/%s' % (paths[0], get_username()) check_permission(dst, verbose) else: if dst.find('file:///') == -1: dstfname = dst.split('/')[-1] if dstfname == '.': dstfname = None if dst[0] == '/': # absolute path if os.path.isdir(dst): ddir = dst dstfname = None else: ddir = '/'.join(dst.split('/')[:-1]) if not os.path.isdir(ddir): msg = 'Provided destination directory %s does not exists' % ddir raise Exception(msg) dst = 'file:///%s' % ddir else: ddir = '/'.join(dst.split('/')[:-1]).replace('$PWD', os.getcwd()) if os.path.isdir(ddir): dst = 'file:///%s' % os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ddir) else: dst = 'file:///%s' % os.getcwd() pfnlist = [] if os.path.isfile(lfn) or lfn.find('file:///') != -1: # local file pfn = lfn.replace('file:///', '') if pfn[0] != '/': pfn = 'file:///%s' % os.path.join(os.getcwd(), pfn) else: pfn = 'file:///%s' % pfn pfnlist = [pfn] else: if lfn.find(':') != -1: node, lfn = lfn.split(':') params = {'node':node, 'lfn':lfn, 'protocol':'srmv2'} method = 'lfn2pfn' else: params = {'se':'*', 'lfn':lfn} method = 'fileReplicas' json_dict = get_data(phedex_url(method), params) ddict = DotDict(json_dict) if verbose: print "Look-up LFN:" print lfn phedex = json_dict['phedex'] if phedex.has_key('mapping'): if not phedex['mapping']: msg = "LFN: %s\n" % lfn msg += 'No replicas found\n' msg += str(json_dict) raise Exception(msg) filelist = ddict.get('phedex.mapping.pfn') if not filelist: filelist = [] if isinstance(filelist, basestring): filelist = [filelist] for fname in filelist: pfnlist.append(fname) elif phedex.has_key('block') and not phedex['block']: msg = 'No replicas found in PhEDEx, will try to get original SE from DBS' print_warning(msg) sename = get_dbs_se(lfn) msg = 'Orignal LFN site %s' % sename print_info(msg) mgr = SiteDBManager() pfnlist = lfn2pfn(lfn, sename, mgr) filelist = ddict.get('phedex.block.file') if not filelist: filelist = [] for fname in filelist: for replica in fname['replica']: cmsname = replica['node'] se = replica['se'] if verbose: print "found LFN on node=%s, se=%s" % (cmsname, se) if cmsname.count('T0', 0, 2) == 1: continue # skip T0's # query Phedex for PFN params = {'protocol':'srmv2', 'lfn':lfn, 'node':cmsname} result = get_data(phedex_url('lfn2pfn'), params) try: for item in result['phedex']['mapping']: pfn = item['pfn'] if pfn not in pfnlist: pfnlist.append(pfn) except: msg = "Fail to look-up PFNs in Phedex\n" + str(result) print msg continue if verbose > 1: print "PFN list:" for pfn in pfnlist: print pfn # finally return pfn and dst paths w/ file for further processing for item in pfnlist: ifile = item.split("/")[-1] if not dstfname else dstfname yield item, '%s/%s' % (dst, ifile)
def transfer(self, cmd, lfn, pfn, pdst, verbose=0, background=False): """Copy LFN to given destination""" err = 'Unable to identify total size of the file,' err += ' GRID middleware fails.' if not background: bar = PrintProgress('Fetching LFN info') if verbose: print_info(cmd) if background: # here background is a list of commands if not isinstance(background, list): return 'fail' proc = Process(target=execute, args=(background, pfn, pdst, 0)) self.queue[lfn] = (proc, None) return 'accepted' elif verbose: status = execute(cmd, pfn, pdst, verbose) if not status: return 'fail' else: dst, dst_size = status size = size_format(dst_size) if not size or not dst_size: print_error(err) print "Status of transfer:\n", status return 'fail' else: print "\nDone, file located at %s (%s)" \ % (dst, size_format(dst_size)) return 'success' else: ifile = pdst pfn_size = get_size(pfn) if pfn_size and pfn_size != 'null': tot_size = float(pfn_size) bar.print_msg('LFN size=%s' % size_format(tot_size)) bar.init('Download in progress:') proc = Process(target=execute, args=(cmd, pfn, pdst, verbose)) proc.start() while True: if proc.is_alive(): size = get_size(ifile) if not size or size == 'null': bar.refresh('') pass else: progress = float(size) * 100 / tot_size bar.refresh(progress) if progress == 100: break else: break time.sleep(0.5) bar.clear() status = check_file(pfn, pdst, verbose) if status: return 'success' else: print_error(err) return 'fail' return 'fail'
def pfn_dst(lfn, dst, verbose=None): """ Look-up LFN in Phedex and return pfn dst for further processing """ dstfname = None pat = re.compile('^T[0-9]_[A-Z]+(_)[A-Z]+') if pat.match(dst): dst_split = dst.split(':') dst = dst_split[0] if len(dst_split) == 1: # copy to the node local_path = dst_split[1] for srm_path, lfn_match in resolve_srm_path(dst, verbose): lfn_pat = re.compile(lfn_match) if lfn_pat.match(lfn): srm_path = srm_path.replace('\?', '?').replace('$1', local_path) if verbose: print "Resolve %s into %s" % (dst, srm_path) dst = srm_path else: paths = [p for p in resolve_user_srm_path(dst, verbose=verbose)] dst = '%s/%s' % (paths[0], get_username()) check_permission(dst, verbose) else: if dst.find('file:///') == -1: dstfname = dst.split('/')[-1] if dstfname == '.': dstfname = None if dst[0] == '/': # absolute path if os.path.isdir(dst): ddir = dst dstfname = None else: ddir = '/'.join(dst.split('/')[:-1]) if not os.path.isdir(ddir): msg = 'Provided destination directory %s does not exists' % ddir raise Exception(msg) dst = 'file:///%s' % ddir else: ddir = '/'.join(dst.split('/')[:-1]).replace( '$PWD', os.getcwd()) if os.path.isdir(ddir): dst = 'file:///%s' % os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ddir) else: dst = 'file:///%s' % os.getcwd() pfnlist = [] if os.path.isfile(lfn) or lfn.find('file:///') != -1: # local file pfn = lfn.replace('file:///', '') if pfn[0] != '/': pfn = 'file:///%s' % os.path.join(os.getcwd(), pfn) else: pfn = 'file:///%s' % pfn pfnlist = [pfn] else: if lfn.find(':') != -1: node, lfn = lfn.split(':') params = {'node': node, 'lfn': lfn, 'protocol': 'srmv2'} method = 'lfn2pfn' else: params = {'se': '*', 'lfn': lfn} method = 'fileReplicas' json_dict = get_data(phedex_url(method), params) ddict = DotDict(json_dict) if verbose: print "Look-up LFN:" print lfn phedex = json_dict['phedex'] if phedex.has_key('mapping'): if not phedex['mapping']: msg = "LFN: %s\n" % lfn msg += 'No replicas found\n' msg += str(json_dict) raise Exception(msg) filelist = ddict.get('phedex.mapping.pfn') if not filelist: filelist = [] if isinstance(filelist, basestring): filelist = [filelist] for fname in filelist: pfnlist.append(fname) elif phedex.has_key('block') and not phedex['block']: msg = 'No replicas found in PhEDEx, will try to get original SE from DBS' print_warning(msg) sename = get_dbs_se(lfn) msg = 'Orignal LFN site %s' % sename print_info(msg) mgr = SiteDBManager() pfnlist = lfn2pfn(lfn, sename, mgr) filelist = ddict.get('phedex.block.file') if not filelist: filelist = [] for fname in filelist: for replica in fname['replica']: cmsname = replica['node'] se = replica['se'] if verbose: print "found LFN on node=%s, se=%s" % (cmsname, se) if cmsname.count('T0', 0, 2) == 1: continue # skip T0's # query Phedex for PFN params = {'protocol': 'srmv2', 'lfn': lfn, 'node': cmsname} result = get_data(phedex_url('lfn2pfn'), params) try: for item in result['phedex']['mapping']: pfn = item['pfn'] if pfn not in pfnlist: pfnlist.append(pfn) except: msg = "Fail to look-up PFNs in Phedex\n" + str(result) print msg continue if verbose > 1: print "PFN list:" for pfn in pfnlist: print pfn # finally return pfn and dst paths w/ file for further processing for item in pfnlist: ifile = item.split("/")[-1] if not dstfname else dstfname yield item, '%s/%s' % (dst, ifile)
def read(url, output=None, debug=0): "Get run information from RunSummary data-service" encoding = 'utf-8' key = None cert = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/usercert.pem') if os.path.isfile(url): with open(url, 'r') as stream: context = try: pydoc.pager(context) except: print context return elif url.find('') != -1: data = get_data(url, decoder=None) html = data encoding = None elif url.find('') != -1: data = urllib.urlopen(url) html =' _place_holder;', '') encoding = enc(data.headers, html)[0] elif url.find('') == -1: data = urllib.urlopen(url) html = encoding = enc(data.headers, html)[0] else: with working_pem(PEMMGR.pem) as key: data = get_data_sso(url, key, cert, debug) html = encoding = enc(data.headers, html)[0] if encoding == 'us-ascii': encoding = 'utf-8' pager = os.environ.get('CMSSH_PAGER', None) if html: if int(os.environ.get('HTTPDEBUG', 0)): print_info('read data') print html if encoding: text = html.decode(encoding) res = html2text(text, '') if output: with open(output, 'w') as stream: stream.write(html) else: try: if pager: pydoc.pager(res.encode('utf-8')) else: wrapwrite(html2text(text, '')) except: wrapwrite(html2text(text, '')) else: if output: with open(output, 'w') as stream: stream.write(html) else: try: if pager: pydoc.pager(html) else: print html except: print html
def transfer(self, cmd, lfn, pfn, pdst, verbose=0, background=False): """Copy LFN to given destination""" err = 'Unable to identify total size of the file,' err += ' GRID middleware fails.' if not background: bar = PrintProgress('Fetching LFN info') if verbose: print_info(cmd) if background: # here background is a list of commands if not isinstance(background, list): return 'fail' proc = Process(target=execute, args=(background, pfn, pdst, 0)) self.queue[lfn] = (proc, None) return 'accepted' elif verbose: status = execute(cmd, pfn, pdst, verbose) if not status: return 'fail' else: dst, dst_size = status size = size_format(dst_size) if not size or not dst_size: print_error(err) print "Status of transfer:\n", status return 'fail' else: print "\nDone, file located at %s (%s)" \ % (dst, size_format(dst_size)) return 'success' else: ifile = pdst pfn_size = get_size(pfn) if pfn_size and pfn_size != 'null': tot_size = float(pfn_size) bar.print_msg('LFN size=%s' % size_format(tot_size)) bar.init('Download in progress:') proc = Process(target=execute, args=(cmd, pfn, pdst, verbose)) proc.start() while True: if proc.is_alive(): size = get_size(ifile) if not size or size == 'null': bar.refresh('') pass else: progress = float(size)*100/tot_size bar.refresh(progress) if progress == 100: break else: break time.sleep(0.5) bar.clear() status = check_file(pfn, pdst, verbose) if status: return 'success' else: print_error(err) return 'fail' return 'fail'
def run(cmd, cdir=None, log=None, msg=None, debug=None, shell=False, call=False): "Run given command via subprocess call" if msg: print msg cmd = cmd.strip() kwds = {} if shell or cmd.find(';') != -1 or cmd.find('&&') != -1 or \ cmd.find('|') != -1: kwds = {'shell': True} else: if isinstance(cmd, unicode): cmd = shlex.split(cmd.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) else: cmd = shlex.split(cmd) msg = 'execute cmd=%s, kwds=%s' % (cmd, kwds) if debug: print_info(msg.capitalize()) try: with working_dir(cdir): if not call: kwds.update({ 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': subprocess.PIPE, 'close_fds': True }) if log: with open(log, 'w') as logstream: kwds.update({'stdout': logstream, 'stderr': logstream}) if call:, **kwds) return pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwds) else: if call:, **kwds) return pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwds) (child_stdout, child_stderr) = (pipe.stdout, pipe.stderr) if child_stdout: stdout = else: stdout = '' if child_stderr: stderr = else: stderr = '' if stderr: if isinstance(cmd, list): cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd) else: cmd_str = cmd if cmd_str.find( 'proxy') != -1: # proxy commands prints . to stderr sss = stderr.replace(stderr[0], '') if not (stderr[0] == '.' and not len(sss)): print_error(stderr) else: print_error(stderr) if stdout: print stdout except OSError as err: msg = 'OSError, fail to ' + msg + ', error=%s' % str(err) print_error(msg) except Exception as err: msg = 'Fail to ' + msg + ', error=%s' % str(err) print_error(msg)