Пример #1
 def test_no_labels(self):
     """FastaParser should return empty list from file w/o seqs"""
     # should fail if strict (the default)
     self.assertRaises(RecordError, list,
                       FastaParser(self.labels, strict=True))
     # if not strict, should skip the records
     self.assertEqual(list(FastaParser(self.labels, strict=False)), [])
Пример #2
 def test_multiple_bad(self):
     """Parser should complain or skip bad records"""
     self.assertRaises(RecordError, list, FastaParser(self.twogood))
     f = list(FastaParser(self.twogood, strict=False))
     self.assertEqual(len(f), 2)
     a, b = f
     a, b = a[1], b[1]  # field 0 is name
     self.assertEqual((a.name, a), ("abc", "caggac"))
     self.assertEqual((b.name, b), ("456", "cg"))
Пример #3
    def test_single(self):
        """FastaParser should read single record as seq object"""
        f = list(FastaParser(self.oneseq))
        self.assertEqual(len(f), 1)
        a = f[0]
        self.assertEqual(a, ("abc", "UCAG"))
        self.assertEqual(a[1].name, "abc")

        f = list(FastaParser(self.multiline))
        self.assertEqual(len(f), 1)
        a = f[0]
        self.assertEqual(a, ("xyz", "UUUUCCAAAAAG"))
        self.assertEqual(a[1].name, "xyz")
Пример #4
    def test_multiple_constructor_bad(self):
        """Parser should complain or skip bad records w/ constructor"""
        def dnastrict(x, **kwargs):
                return Dna(x, check=True, **kwargs)
            except Exception as e:
                raise RecordError("Could not convert sequence")

        self.assertRaises(RecordError, list, FastaParser(self.oneX, dnastrict))
        f = list(FastaParser(self.oneX, dnastrict, strict=False))
        self.assertEqual(len(f), 2)
        a, b = f
        a, b = a[1], b[1]
        self.assertEqual((a.name, a), ("abc", "caggac".upper()))
        self.assertEqual((b.name, b), ("456", "cg".upper()))
Пример #5
    def test_single_constructor(self):
        """FastaParser should use constructors if supplied"""
        f = list(FastaParser(self.oneseq, Dna))
        self.assertEqual(len(f), 1)
        a = f[0]
        self.assertEqual(a, ("abc", "TCAG"))
        self.assertEqual(a[1].name, "abc")

        def upper_abc(x):
            return None, {"ABC": x.upper()}

        f = list(FastaParser(self.multiline, Dna, upper_abc))
        self.assertEqual(len(f), 1)
        a = f[0]
        self.assertEqual(a, (None, "TTTTCCAAAAAG"))
        self.assertEqual(a[1].name, None)
        self.assertEqual(a[1].info.ABC, "XYZ")
Пример #6
 def test_multiple(self):
     """FastaParser should read multiline records correctly"""
     f = list(FastaParser(self.threeseq))
     self.assertEqual(len(f), 3)
     for i in f:
         assert isinstance(i[1], Sequence)
     a, b, c = f
     self.assertEqual((a[1].name, a[1]), ("123", "a"))
     self.assertEqual((b[1].name, b[1]), ("abc", "caggac"))
     self.assertEqual((c[1].name, c[1]), ("456", "cg"))
Пример #7
    def test_annotate_from_gff(self):
        """correctly annotates a Sequence from a gff file"""
        from cogent3.parse.fasta import FastaParser

        fasta_path = os.path.join("data/c_elegans_WS199_dna_shortened.fasta")
        gff3_path = os.path.join("data/c_elegans_WS199_shortened_gff.gff3")
        name, seq = next(FastaParser(fasta_path))

        sequence = Sequence(seq)
        matches = [m for m in sequence.get_annotations_matching("*", extend_query=True)]
        # 13 features with one having 2 parents, so 14 instances should be found
        self.assertEqual(len(matches), 14)
Пример #8
 def test_empty(self):
     """FastaParser should return empty list from 'file' w/o labels"""
     self.assertEqual(list(FastaParser(self.empty)), [])
     self.assertEqual(list(FastaParser(self.nolabels, strict=False)), [])
     self.assertRaises(RecordError, list, FastaParser(self.nolabels))