Пример #1
	def batchcounts(self, queries, subset=None, start=None, end=None):
		if self.macros is None:
			patterns = [_regex_parse_query(query, self.flags)
					for query in queries]
			patterns = [_regex_parse_query(query.format(
					**self.macros), self.flags) for query in queries]
		chunksize = max(int(len(patterns) / (self.numproc * 4)), 1)
		chunkedpatterns = [patterns[n:n + chunksize]
				for n in range(0, len(patterns), chunksize)]
		result = OrderedDict((name, [])
				for name in subset or self.files)
		for filename in subset or self.files:
			result = array.array('I')
			for tmp in self._map(_regex_run_batch, chunkedpatterns,
					filename=filename, fileno=self.fileno[filename],
					lineidxpath=self.lineidxpath, start=start, end=end):
			yield filename, result
Пример #2
	def batchsents(self, queries, subset=None, start=None, end=None,
			maxresults=100, brackets=False):
		"""Variant of sents() to run a batch of queries."""
		if brackets:
			raise ValueError('not applicable with plain text corpus.')
		if self.macros is None:
			patterns = [_regex_parse_query(query, self.flags)
					for query in queries]
			patterns = [_regex_parse_query(query.format(
				**self.macros), self.flags) for query in queries]
		chunksize = max(int(len(patterns) / (self.numproc * 4)), 1)
		chunkedpatterns = [patterns[n:n + chunksize]
				for n in range(0, len(patterns), chunksize)]
		result = OrderedDict((name, [])
				for name in subset or self.files)
		for filename in subset or self.files:
			result = []
			for tmp in self._map(_regex_run_batch, chunkedpatterns,
					filename=filename, fileno=self.fileno[filename],
					lineidxpath=self.lineidxpath, start=start, end=end,
					maxresults=maxresults, sents=True):
			yield filename, result
Пример #3
    def render_json_for_related_rrdata(self,
        """Render a representation of this domain's related non-IP data,
        suitable for converting to JSON.

        :return: data"""
        from maasserver.models import DNSData, StaticIPAddress

        if include_dnsdata is True:
            rr_mapping = DNSData.objects.get_hostname_dnsdata_mapping(
                self, raw_ttl=True)
            # Circular imports.
            from maasserver.models.dnsdata import HostnameRRsetMapping

            rr_mapping = defaultdict(HostnameRRsetMapping)
        # Smash the IP Addresses in the rrset mapping, so that the far end
        # only needs to worry about one thing.
        ip_mapping = StaticIPAddress.objects.get_hostname_ip_mapping(
            self, raw_ttl=True)
        for hostname, info in ip_mapping.items():
            if (user is not None and not user.is_superuser
                    and info.user_id is not None and info.user_id != user.id):
            entry = rr_mapping[hostname[:-len(self.name) - 1]]
            entry.dnsresource_id = info.dnsresource_id
            if info.system_id is not None:
                entry.system_id = info.system_id
                entry.node_type = info.node_type
            if info.user_id is not None:
                entry.user_id = info.user_id
            for ip in info.ips:
                record_type = "AAAA" if IPAddress(ip).version == 6 else "A"
                entry.rrset.add((info.ttl, record_type, ip, None))
        if as_dict is True:
            result = OrderedDict()
            result = []
        for hostname, info in rr_mapping.items():
            data = [
                    "name": hostname,
                    "system_id": info.system_id,
                    "node_type": info.node_type,
                    "user_id": info.user_id,
                    "dnsresource_id": info.dnsresource_id,
                    "ttl": ttl,
                    "rrtype": rrtype,
                    "rrdata": rrdata,
                    "dnsdata_id": dnsdata_id,
                } for ttl, rrtype, rrdata, dnsdata_id in info.rrset
                if (info.user_id is None or user is None or user.is_superuser
                    or (info.user_id is not None and info.user_id == user.id))
            if as_dict is True:
                existing = result.get(hostname, [])
                result[hostname] = existing
        return result
Пример #4
    def _get_fields(self, forward=True, reverse=True, include_parents=True, include_hidden=False,
        # This helper function is used to allow recursion in ``get_fields()``
        # implementation and to provide a fast way for Django's internals to
        # access specific subsets of fields.

        # Creates a cache key composed of all arguments
        cache_key = (forward, reverse, include_parents, include_hidden, export_ordered_set)
            # In order to avoid list manipulation. Always return a shallow copy
            # of the results.
            return self._get_fields_cache[cache_key]
        except KeyError:

        # Using an OrderedDict preserves the order of insertion. This is
        # important when displaying a ModelForm or the contrib.admin panel
        # and no specific ordering is provided.
        fields = OrderedDict()
        options = {
            'include_parents': include_parents,
            'include_hidden': include_hidden,
            'export_ordered_set': True,

        # Abstract models cannot hold reverse fields.
        if reverse and not self.abstract:
            if include_parents:
                parent_list = self.get_parent_list()
                # Recursively call _get_fields() on each parent, with the same
                # options provided in this call.
                for parent in self.parents:
                    for obj, _ in six.iteritems(parent._meta._get_fields(forward=False, **options)):
                        if obj.many_to_many:
                            # In order for a reverse ManyToManyRel object to be
                            # valid, its creation counter must be > 0 and must
                            # be in the parent list.
                            if not (obj.field.creation_counter < 0 and obj.related_model not in parent_list):
                                fields[obj] = True

                        elif not ((obj.field.creation_counter < 0 or obj.field.rel.parent_link)
                                  and obj.related_model not in parent_list):
                            fields[obj] = True

            # Tree is computed once and cached until the app cache is expired.
            # It is composed of a list of fields pointing to the current model
            # from other models. If the model is a proxy model, then we also
            # add the concrete model.
            all_fields = (
                self._relation_tree if not self.proxy else
                chain(self._relation_tree, self.concrete_model._meta._relation_tree)

            # Pull out all related objects from forward fields
            for field in (f.rel for f in all_fields):
                # If hidden fields should be included or the relation is not
                # intentionally hidden, add to the fields dict.
                if include_hidden or not field.hidden:
                    fields[field] = True
        if forward:
            if include_parents:
                for parent in self.parents:
                    # Add the forward fields of each parent.
                    fields.update(parent._meta._get_fields(reverse=False, **options))
                (field, True,)
                for field in chain(self.local_fields, self.local_many_to_many)

        if not export_ordered_set:
            # By default, fields contains field instances as keys and all
            # possible names if the field instance as values. When
            # _get_fields() is called, we only want to return field instances,
            # so we just preserve the keys.
            fields = list(fields.keys())

            # Virtual fields are not inheritable, therefore they are inserted
            # only when the recursive _get_fields() call comes to an end.
            if forward:
            fields = make_immutable_fields_list("get_fields()", fields)

        # Store result into cache for later access
        self._get_fields_cache[cache_key] = fields

        # In order to avoid list manipulation. Always
        # return a shallow copy of the results
        return fields
Пример #5
d['b'] = 2

# deque
d = deque([1])



d.extend([2, 3])
d.extendleft([0, -1])  # extend [-1, 0] to the left


d_max = deque("hello", maxlen=5)
d_max.extendleft(["B", "C"])

# 8.3 collections - High-performance container datatypes
Пример #6
    def _get_fields(self, forward=True, reverse=True, include_parents=True, include_hidden=False,
        # This helper function is used to allow recursion in ``get_fields()``
        # implementation and to provide a fast way for Django's internals to
        # access specific subsets of fields.

        # Creates a cache key composed of all arguments
        cache_key = (forward, reverse, include_parents, include_hidden, export_ordered_set)
            # In order to avoid list manipulation. Always return a shallow copy
            # of the results.
            return self._get_fields_cache[cache_key]
        except KeyError:

        # Using an OrderedDict preserves the order of insertion. This is
        # important when displaying a ModelForm or the contrib.admin panel
        # and no specific ordering is provided.
        fields = OrderedDict()
        options = {
            'include_parents': include_parents,
            'include_hidden': include_hidden,
            'export_ordered_set': True,

        # Abstract models cannot hold reverse fields.
        if reverse and not self.abstract:
            if include_parents:
                parent_list = self.get_parent_list()
                # Recursively call _get_fields() on each parent, with the same
                # options provided in this call.
                for parent in self.parents:
                    for obj, _ in six.iteritems(parent._meta._get_fields(forward=False, **options)):
                        if obj.many_to_many:
                            # In order for a reverse ManyToManyRel object to be
                            # valid, its creation counter must be > 0 and must
                            # be in the parent list.
                            if not (obj.field.creation_counter < 0 and obj.related_model not in parent_list):
                                fields[obj] = True

                        elif not ((obj.field.creation_counter < 0 or obj.field.rel.parent_link)
                                  and obj.related_model not in parent_list):
                            fields[obj] = True

            # Tree is computed once and cached until the app cache is expired.
            # It is composed of a list of fields pointing to the current model
            # from other models. If the model is a proxy model, then we also
            # add the concrete model.
            all_fields = (
                self._relation_tree if not self.proxy else
                chain(self._relation_tree, self.concrete_model._meta._relation_tree)

            # Pull out all related objects from forward fields
            for field in (f.rel for f in all_fields):
                # If hidden fields should be included or the relation is not
                # intentionally hidden, add to the fields dict.
                if include_hidden or not field.hidden:
                    fields[field] = True
        if forward:
            if include_parents:
                for parent in self.parents:
                    # Add the forward fields of each parent.
                    fields.update(parent._meta._get_fields(reverse=False, **options))
                (field, True,)
                for field in chain(self.local_fields, self.local_many_to_many)

        if not export_ordered_set:
            # By default, fields contains field instances as keys and all
            # possible names if the field instance as values. When
            # _get_fields() is called, we only want to return field instances,
            # so we just preserve the keys.
            fields = list(fields.keys())

            # Virtual fields are not inheritable, therefore they are inserted
            # only when the recursive _get_fields() call comes to an end.
            if forward:
            fields = make_immutable_fields_list("get_fields()", fields)

        # Store result into cache for later access
        self._get_fields_cache[cache_key] = fields

        # In order to avoid list manipulation. Always
        # return a shallow copy of the results
        return fields
Пример #7
d = deque('ghi')
for elem in d: # iterate over the deque's elements

d.append('j')               # add a new entry to the right side
d.appendleft('f')           # add a new entry to the left side
d.pop()                     # return and remove the rightmost item
d.popleft()                 # return and remove the leftmost item
list(d)                     # list the contents of the deque
d[0]                        # peek at leftmost item
d[-1]                       # peek at rightmost item
list(reversed(d))           # list the contents of a deque in reverse
'h' in d                    # search the deque
d.extend('jkl')             # add multiple elements at once
d.rotate(1)                 # right rotation
d.rotate(-1)                #  left rotation
deque(reversed(d))          # make a new deque in reverse order
d.clear()                   # empty the deque
#d.pop()                     # cannot pop from an empty deque
d.extendleft('abc')         # extendleft() reverses the input order

#Section 47.6: collections.ChainMap
print("---------Section 47.6: collections.ChainMap----------")
# define two dictionaries with at least some keys overlapping.
dict1 = {'apple': 1, 'banana': 2}
dict2 = {'coconut': 1, 'date': 1, 'apple': 3}
# create two ChainMaps with different ordering of those dicts.
combined_dict = collections.ChainMap(dict1, dict2)
reverse_ordered_dict = collections.ChainMap(dict2, dict1)
Пример #8
CGM = CGM.append(cvmgt)
CGM = CGM.drop('AREA', axis=1)
cols = ['10', '11', '12', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
CGM = CGM[cols]
CGM['REMI'] = CGM.index
#grouped = CGM.groupby('REMI', 'AREA'])
###################### Aggiunta remi entranti #################################
entranti = list(
DFE = OrderedDict()

for ent in entranti:
    res = []
    dfe = resdf.loc[resdf.REMI == ent]
    captot = dfe['DA CONFERIRE'].sum()
    res.extend(np.repeat(captot, 12).tolist())
    DFE[ent] = res

DFE = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(DFE, orient='index')
DFE.columns = CGM.columns
CGM = CGM.append(DFE)

CGM = CGM.groupby('REMI')
CGM = CGM.agg(sum)

###### a qui 7 #########

###### da qui fino alla fine #########

def items_clustering():
    items = load_all_items()
    annotated_items = get_annotated_data("items")

    sents = [sent.replace('"', "") for sent in items]
    sents = [sent.replace(",", " ") for sent in sents]
    sents = [sent.replace("/", " / ") for sent in sents]
    sents = [sent.replace(".-", " .- ") for sent in sents]
    sents = [sent.replace(".", " . ") for sent in sents]
    sents = [sent.replace("'", " ' ") for sent in sents]
    sents = [sent.replace("\n", "") for sent in sents]
    sents = [sent.lower() for sent in sents]
    sents = [" ".join(sent.split()) for sent in sents]

    annotated_items_idxs = {}
    for key, key_items in annotated_items.items():
        annotated_items_idxs[key] = []

        for cluster in key_items:
            for item in cluster:
                cleaned_item = " ".join(item.split())
                cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace('"', "")
                cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace(",", " ")
                cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace("/", " / ")
                cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace(".-", " .- ")
                cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace(".", " . ")
                cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace("  ", " ")
                cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace("'", " ' ")
                cleaned_item = cleaned_item.lower()
                if cleaned_item in sents:
                elif len(cleaned_item.split()) > 2:
                    print(cleaned_item + ",")

    with open(f"expert_annotations/dec3_expert_knowledge.pck", "rb") as f:
        dec3_data = pickle.load(f)

    sentence_annotations = []
    for index, samples in dec3_data.items():
        for item in samples:
            cleaned_item = " ".join(item.split())
            cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace('"', "")
            cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace(",", " ")
            cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace("/", " / ")
            cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace(".-", " .- ")
            cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace(".", " . ")
            cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace("  ", " ")
            cleaned_item = cleaned_item.replace("'", " ' ")
            cleaned_item = cleaned_item.lower()
            if cleaned_item[-1] == " ":
                cleaned_item = cleaned_item[:-1]
            if cleaned_item in sents:
                sentence_annotations.append((sents.index(cleaned_item), index))
            elif len(cleaned_item.split()) > 2:
                print(cleaned_item + ",")

    results_dir = "./results/items"
    if not os.path.isdir(results_dir):

    results = OrderedDict()
    hparams, pre_hparams = get_hparams()

    results = []

    all_configs = list(
        product(*[[(key, val) for val in vals]
                  for key, vals in hparams.items()]))

    for pre_config in tqdm(
                product(*[[(key, val) for val in vals]
                          for key, vals in pre_hparams.items()])),
            desc="Processing configs for items",
        sents = deepcopy(items)
        pre_config = dict(pre_config)
        vocab, sents = preprocess(sents, pre_config["word_filtering"],

        sent_embeddings = sentence_vectorize(pre_config["reduce_method"],
                                             pre_config["model"], sents, vocab)

            ) for config in all_configs))

    results = sorted(results, key=lambda item: item[1])

    for result in results:

    with open(os.path.join(results_dir, "results.pck"), "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(results, f)