Пример #1
    def getPoints(self):
        scl2 = matrix_utils.scale2d(100.0 / 60.0, 100.0 / 60.0)

        pts = []
        for w in range(len(self.walls)):
            pttmp = []
            rot = matrix_utils.rotation2d(np.pi / 2 * (w + 1))
            tdif = (self.dim[0] - self.dim[1]) / 2
            t1 = matrix_utils.translation2d(-len(self.walls[w]) / 2,
                                            tdif * (1 - w % 2) + 3)
            scl1 = matrix_utils.scale2d(-1, 1)

            tf1 = rot @ scl1 @ t1

            for i in range(len(self.walls[w])):
                pttmp.append([i, self.walls[w][i], 1])
                pttmp.append([i + 1, self.walls[w][i], 1])

            for i in range(len(pttmp)):
                pttmp[i] = tf1 @ np.array(pttmp[i], dtype="float64")

            pts += pttmp

        for i in range(len(pts)):
            pts[i] = scl2 @ np.array(pts[i])
            pts[i] = np.array(pts[i], dtype="float64")

        return np.array(pts)
Пример #2
    def getYs(self, sas, mas, X):
        estFrame = self.getFrame()
        ys = []
        for i in range(len(X)):
            yi = [0, 0, 0]
            for j in range(len(sas)):
                sa = sas[j]
                ma = mas[j]
                xi = X[i]

                if type(sa) == type(None):
                    yi[j] = 15

                # transform active sensor segment to this sigma point frame
                xFrame = matrix_utils.translation2d(
                    xi[0], xi[1]) @ matrix_utils.rotation2d(xi[2])
                tf = xFrame @ np.linalg.inv(estFrame)
                sat1 = tf @ matrix_utils.toAffine(sa[0])
                sat2 = tf @ matrix_utils.toAffine(sa[1])
                ma1 = matrix_utils.toAffine(ma[0])
                ma2 = matrix_utils.toAffine(ma[1])

                # get intersection point with transformed segment
                intersect = seg_intersect(sat1, sat2, ma1, ma2)

                if type(intersect) == type(None):
                    yi[j] = 15

                yi[j] = min(np.linalg.norm(intersect[0:2] - X[i][0:2]), 15)
        return np.array(ys)
Пример #3
def move_robot(x, act, dt):
    x = np.copy(x)
    th_f = x[2] + act[2] * dt
    th_avg = (th_f + x[2]) / 2

    # transform local normal-tangential velocity to global frame
    x += mu.rotation2d(th_avg) @ act * dt

    # make sure angle is set properly
    x[2] = th_f
    return x
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, heading, distance, pFrame):
        self.color = (0, 255, 255)
        self.shape = np.array([
            [0, 0, 1],
            [1, 0, 1]
        ], dtype="float64")

        self.parentFrame = pFrame

        rot = matrix_utils.rotation2d(heading)
        scl = matrix_utils.scale2d(distance, 1)

        for i in range(len(self.shape)):
            self.shape[i] = rot @ scl @ self.shape[i]
Пример #5
    def getFF(self, act):
        vn, vt, w = act
        actv = np.array([vn, vt, w])
        actv = matrix_utils.rotation2d(self.t()) @ actv

        av = []
        for i in range(self.n_robs):
            d = self.pattern.points_pol[i][1]
            th_0 = self.pattern.points_pol[i][0] + self.t()
            vang = np.cross(
                d * np.array([np.cos(th_0), np.sin(th_0), 0]),
                np.array([0, 0, w]))
            vt = -vang + actv


        return av
Пример #6
 def getFrame(self):
     return mu.translation2d(self.state[0], self.state[1]) @ mu.rotation2d(
Пример #7
def jacobian_act(x, dt):
    return matrix_utils.rotation2d(x[2]) * dt
Пример #8
 def getPoints(self):
     cov_truncated = np.copy(self.P)
     cov_truncated[2] = np.array([0, 0, 1])
     trans = matrix_utils.translation2d(self.est[0], self.est[1])
     rot = matrix_utils.rotation2d(self.est[2])
     return (trans @ cov_truncated @ rot @ shape.T).T
Пример #9
 def setPosition(self, pose):
     self.frame = matrix_utils.translation2d(
         pose[0], pose[1]) @ matrix_utils.rotation2d(pose[2])
Пример #10
 def getPoints(self):
     tf = matrix_utils.rotation2d(self.lastReading[1]) @ matrix_utils.scale2d(self.lastReading[0], 0)
     return matrix_utils.tfPoints(cameraShape, self.parentFrame() @ tf)
Пример #11
 def setState(self, x, y, t):
     trans = matrix_utils.translation2d(x, y)
     rot = matrix_utils.rotation2d(t)
     scl = matrix_utils.scale2d(0.7, 0.7)
     self.points = matrix_utils.tfPoints(robot.robot_shape,
                                         trans @ rot @ scl)
Пример #12
 def getFrame(self):
     est = self.avg()
     return matrix_utils.translation2d(
         est[0], est[1]) @ matrix_utils.rotation2d(est[2])
Пример #13
 def setLocation(self, d, th, cFrame):
     trans = matrix_utils.translation2d(d, 0)
     rot = matrix_utils.rotation2d(th)
     self.points = matrix_utils.tfPoints(cameraPtShape,
                                         cFrame @ rot @ trans)
Пример #14
def getFrame(x):
    return mu.translation2d(x[0], x[1]) @ mu.rotation2d(x[2])
Пример #15
 def getFrame(self):
     return matrix_utils.translation2d(self.x, self.y) @ matrix_utils.rotation2d(self.t)
Пример #16
 def getPoints(self):
     cov_truncated = np.copy(self.cov)
     cov_truncated[2] = np.array([0, 0, 1])
     trans = matrix_utils.translation2d(self.mu[0], self.mu[1])
     rot = matrix_utils.rotation2d(self.mu[2])
     return matrix_utils.tfPoints(shape, trans @ cov_truncated @ rot)