Пример #1
class Site(command.UI):
    The site class
    name = "site"

    def requires(self):
        if not utils.is_program('crm_ticket'):
            return False
        return True

    def do_ticket(self, context, subcmd, ticket):
        "usage: ticket {grant|revoke|standby|activate|show|time|delete} <ticket>"

        base_cmd = "crm_ticket"
        if config.core.force:
            base_cmd += " --force"

        attr_cmd = _ticket_commands.get(subcmd)
        if not attr_cmd:
            context.fatal_error('Expected one of %s' %
        if not utils.is_name_sane(ticket):
            return False
        if subcmd not in ("show", "time"):
            return utils.ext_cmd(attr_cmd % (base_cmd, ticket)) == 0
        rc, l = utils.stdout2list(attr_cmd % (base_cmd, ticket))
            val = l[0]
        except IndexError:
            context.fatal_error("apparently nothing to show for ticket %s" %
        if subcmd == "show":
            _show(context, ticket, val)
        else:  # time
            _time(context, ticket, val)
Пример #2
class RscMgmt(command.UI):
    Resources management class
    name = "resource"

    rsc_status_all = "crm_resource -L"
    rsc_status = "crm_resource -W -r '%s'"
    rsc_showxml = "crm_resource -q -r '%s'"
    rsc_setrole = "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -p target-role -v '%s'"
    rsc_migrate = "crm_resource -M -r '%s' %s"
    rsc_unmigrate = "crm_resource -U -r '%s'"
    rsc_cleanup = "crm_resource -C -r '%s' -H '%s'"
    rsc_cleanup_all = "crm_resource -C -r '%s'"
    rsc_maintenance = "crm_resource -r '%s' --meta -p maintenance -v '%s'"
    rsc_param = {
        'set': "crm_resource -r '%s' -p '%s' -v '%s'",
        'delete': "crm_resource -r '%s' -d '%s'",
        'show': "crm_resource -r '%s' -g '%s'",
    rsc_meta = {
        'set': "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -p '%s' -v '%s'",
        'delete': "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -d '%s'",
        'show': "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -g '%s'",
    rsc_failcount = {
        'set': "crm_attribute -t status -n 'fail-count-%s' -N '%s' -v '%s' -d 0",
        'delete': "crm_attribute -t status -n 'fail-count-%s' -N '%s' -D -d 0",
        'show': "crm_attribute -t status -n 'fail-count-%s' -N '%s' -G -d 0",
    rsc_utilization = {
        'set': "crm_resource -z -r '%s' -p '%s' -v '%s'",
        'delete': "crm_resource -z -r '%s' -d '%s'",
        'show': "crm_resource -z -r '%s' -g '%s'",
    rsc_secret = {
        'set': "cibsecret set '%s' '%s' '%s'",
        'stash': "cibsecret stash '%s' '%s'",
        'unstash': "cibsecret unstash '%s' '%s'",
        'delete': "cibsecret delete '%s' '%s'",
        'show': "cibsecret get '%s' '%s'",
        'check': "cibsecret check '%s' '%s'",
    rsc_refresh = "crm_resource -R"
    rsc_refresh_node = "crm_resource -R -H '%s'"
    rsc_reprobe = "crm_resource -P"
    rsc_reprobe_node = "crm_resource -P -H '%s'"

    def requires(self):
        for program in ('crm_resource', 'crm_attribute'):
            if not utils.is_program(program):
                return False
        return True

    @command.alias('show', 'list')
    def do_status(self, context, rsc=None):
        "usage: status [<rsc>]"
        if rsc:
            if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
                return False
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_status % rsc) == 0
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_status_all) == 0

    def do_start(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: start <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        return set_deep_meta_attr("target-role", "Started", rsc)

    def do_restart(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: restart <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        common_info("ordering %s to stop" % rsc)
        if not self.do_stop(context, rsc):
            return False
        if not utils.wait4dc("stop", not options.batch):
            return False
        common_info("ordering %s to start" % rsc)
        return self.do_start(context, rsc)

    def do_stop(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: stop <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        return set_deep_meta_attr("target-role", "Stopped", rsc)

    def do_promote(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: promote <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        if not xmlutil.RscState().is_ms(rsc):
            common_err("%s is not a master-slave resource" % rsc)
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_setrole % (rsc, "Master")) == 0

    def do_scores(self, context):
        "usage: scores"
        if utils.is_program('crm_simulate'):
            utils.ext_cmd('crm_simulate -sL')
        elif utils.is_program('ptest'):
            utils.ext_cmd('ptest -sL')
            context.fatal_error("Need crm_simulate or ptest in path to display scores")

    def do_demote(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: demote <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        if not xmlutil.RscState().is_ms(rsc):
            common_err("%s is not a master-slave resource" % rsc)
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_setrole % (rsc, "Slave")) == 0

    def do_manage(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: manage <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        return set_deep_meta_attr("is-managed", "true", rsc)

    def do_unmanage(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: unmanage <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        return set_deep_meta_attr("is-managed", "false", rsc)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.resources, compl.nodes,
                                  compl.choice(['lifetime', 'force']))
    def do_migrate(self, context, *args):
        """usage: migrate <rsc> [<node>] [<lifetime>] [force]"""
        argl = list(args)
        rsc = argl[0]
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        del argl[0]
        node = None
        opt_l = utils.fetch_opts(argl, ["force"])
        lifetime = utils.fetch_lifetime_opt(argl)
        if len(argl) == 1:
            if xmlutil.is_our_node(argl[0]):
                node = argl[0]
                context.fatal_error("Not our node: " + argl[0])
        opts = ''
        if node:
            opts = "--node='%s'" % node
        if lifetime:
            opts = "%s --lifetime='%s'" % (opts, lifetime)
        if "force" in opt_l or config.core.force:
            opts = "%s --force" % opts
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_migrate % (rsc, opts)) == 0

    def do_unmigrate(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: unmigrate <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_unmigrate % rsc) == 0

    @command.completers(compl.resources, compl.nodes)
    def do_cleanup(self, context, resource, node=''):
        "usage: cleanup <rsc> [<node>]"
        # Cleanup a resource on a node. Omit node to cleanup on
        # all live nodes.
        return cleanup_resource(resource, node)

    @command.completers(compl.resources, _attrcmds, compl.nodes)
    def do_failcount(self, context, *args):
        failcount <rsc> set <node> <value>
        failcount <rsc> delete <node>
        failcount <rsc> show <node>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_failcount, args)

    @command.completers(compl.resources, _attrcmds)
    def do_param(self, context, *args):
        param <rsc> set <param> <value>
        param <rsc> delete <param>
        param <rsc> show <param>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_param, args)

                        compl.choice(['set', 'stash', 'unstash', 'delete', 'show', 'check']))
    def do_secret(self, context, *args):
        secret <rsc> set <param> <value>
        secret <rsc> stash <param>
        secret <rsc> unstash <param>
        secret <rsc> delete <param>
        secret <rsc> show <param>
        secret <rsc> check <param>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_secret, args)

    @command.completers(compl.resources, _attrcmds)
    def do_meta(self, context, *args):
        meta <rsc> set <attr> <value>
        meta <rsc> delete <attr>
        meta <rsc> show <attr>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_meta, args)

    @command.completers(compl.resources, _attrcmds)
    def do_utilization(self, context, *args):
        utilization <rsc> set <attr> <value>
        utilization <rsc> delete <attr>
        utilization <rsc> show <attr>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_utilization, args)

    def do_refresh(self, context, *args):
        'usage: refresh [<node>]'
        if len(args) == 1:
            if not utils.is_name_sane(args[0]):
                return False
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_refresh_node % args[0]) == 0
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_refresh) == 0

    def do_reprobe(self, context, *args):
        'usage: reprobe [<node>]'
        if len(args) == 1:
            if not utils.is_name_sane(args[0]):
                return False
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_reprobe_node % args[0]) == 0
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_reprobe) == 0

    @command.completers(compl.resources, compl.choice(['on', 'off', 'true', 'false']))
    def do_maintenance(self, context, resource, on_off='true'):
        'usage: maintenance <resource> [on|off|true|false]'
        on_off = on_off.lower()
        if on_off not in ('on', 'true', 'off', 'false'):
            context.fatal_error("Expected <resource> [on|off|true|false]")
        elif on_off in ('on', 'true'):
            on_off = 'true'
            on_off = 'false'
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_maintenance % (resource, on_off)) == 0

    def _get_trace_rsc(self, rsc_id):
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            return None
        rsc = cib_factory.find_object(rsc_id)
        if not rsc:
            common_err("resource %s does not exist" % rsc_id)
            return None
        if rsc.obj_type != "primitive":
            common_err("element %s is not a primitive resource" % rsc_id)
            return None
        return rsc

    @command.completers(compl.primitives, _raoperations)
    def do_trace(self, context, rsc_id, op, interval=None):
        'usage: trace <rsc> <op> [<interval>]'
        rsc = self._get_trace_rsc(rsc_id)
        if not rsc:
            return False
        if not interval:
            interval = op == "monitor" and "non-0" or "0"
        if op == "probe":
            op = "monitor"
        op_node = xmlutil.find_operation(rsc.node, op, interval)
        if op_node is None and utils.crm_msec(interval) != 0:
            common_err("not allowed to create non-0 interval operation %s" % op)
            return False
        if op_node is None:
            head_pl = ["op", []]
            head_pl[1].append(["name", op])
            head_pl[1].append(["interval", interval])
            head_pl[1].append([vars.trace_ra_attr, "1"])
            cli_list = []
            if not rsc.add_operation(cli_list):
                return False
            op_node = rsc.set_op_attr(op_node, vars.trace_ra_attr, "1")
        if not cib_factory.commit():
            return False
        if op == "monitor" and utils.crm_msec(interval) != 0:
            common_warn("please CLEANUP the RA trace directory %s regularly!" %
            common_info("restart %s to get the trace" % rsc_id)
        return True

    @command.completers(compl.primitives, _raoperations)
    def do_untrace(self, context, rsc_id, op, interval=None):
        'usage: untrace <rsc> <op> [<interval>]'
        rsc = self._get_trace_rsc(rsc_id)
        if not rsc:
            return False
        if not interval:
            interval = op == "monitor" and "non-0" or "0"
        if op == "probe":
            op = "monitor"
        op_node = xmlutil.find_operation(rsc.node, op, interval)
        if op_node is None:
            common_err("operation %s does not exist in %s" % (op, rsc.obj_id))
            return False
        op_node = rsc.del_op_attr(op_node, vars.trace_ra_attr)
        if rsc.is_dummy_operation(op_node):
        return cib_factory.commit()
Пример #3
    if not set_deep_meta_attr_node(target_node, attr, value):
        return False
    return xmlutil.commit_rsc(target_node)

def cleanup_resource(rsc, node=''):
    if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc) or not utils.is_name_sane(node):
        return False
    if not node:
        rc = utils.ext_cmd(RscMgmt.rsc_cleanup_all % (rsc)) == 0
        rc = utils.ext_cmd(RscMgmt.rsc_cleanup % (rsc, node)) == 0
    return rc

_attrcmds = compl.choice(['delete', 'set', 'show'])
_raoperations = compl.choice(vars.ra_operations)

class RscMgmt(command.UI):
    Resources management class
    name = "resource"

    rsc_status_all = "crm_resource -L"
    rsc_status = "crm_resource -W -r '%s'"
    rsc_showxml = "crm_resource -q -r '%s'"
    rsc_setrole = "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -p target-role -v '%s'"
    rsc_migrate = "crm_resource -M -r '%s' %s"
    rsc_unmigrate = "crm_resource -U -r '%s'"
Пример #4
        "usage: log [<node> ...]"
        return crm_report().log(*args)

    def ptest(self, nograph, scores, utilization, actions, verbosity):
        'Send a decompressed self.pe_file to ptest'
            s = bz2.decompress(open(self.pe_file).read())
        except IOError, msg:
            common_err("open: %s" % msg)
            return False
        return utils.run_ptest(s, nograph, scores, utilization, actions, verbosity)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.join(compl.call(lambda: crm_report().peinputs_list()),
    def do_peinputs(self, context, *args):
        """usage: peinputs [{<range>|<number>} ...] [v]"""
        argl = list(args)
        opt_l = utils.fetch_opts(argl, ["v"])
        if argl:
            l = []
            for s in argl:
                a = utils.convert2ints(s.split(':'))
                if a and len(a) == 2 and not utils.check_range(a):
                    common_err("%s: invalid peinputs range" % a)
                    return False
                l += crm_report().pelist(a, long=("v" in opt_l))
            l = crm_report().pelist(long=("v" in opt_l))
Пример #5
class RscMgmt(command.UI):
    Resources management class
    name = "resource"

    rsc_status_all = "crm_resource -L"
    rsc_status = "crm_resource -W -r '%s'"
    rsc_showxml = "crm_resource -q -r '%s'"
    rsc_setrole = "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -p target-role -v '%s'"
    rsc_migrate = "crm_resource -M -r '%s' %s"
    rsc_unmigrate = "crm_resource -U -r '%s'"
    rsc_cleanup = "crm_resource -C -r '%s' -H '%s'"
    rsc_cleanup_all = "crm_resource -C -r '%s'"
    rsc_maintenance = "crm_resource -r '%s' --meta -p maintenance -v '%s'"
    rsc_param = {
        'set': "crm_resource -r '%s' -p '%s' -v '%s'",
        'delete': "crm_resource -r '%s' -d '%s'",
        'show': "crm_resource -r '%s' -g '%s'",
    rsc_meta = {
        'set': "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -p '%s' -v '%s'",
        'delete': "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -d '%s'",
        'show': "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -g '%s'",
    rsc_failcount = {
        'set': "crm_attribute -t status -n 'fail-count-%s' -N '%s' -v '%s' -d 0",
        'delete': "crm_attribute -t status -n 'fail-count-%s' -N '%s' -D -d 0",
        'show': "crm_attribute -t status -n 'fail-count-%s' -N '%s' -G -d 0",
    rsc_utilization = {
        'set': "crm_resource -z -r '%s' -p '%s' -v '%s'",
        'delete': "crm_resource -z -r '%s' -d '%s'",
        'show': "crm_resource -z -r '%s' -g '%s'",
    rsc_secret = {
        'set': "cibsecret set '%s' '%s' '%s'",
        'stash': "cibsecret stash '%s' '%s'",
        'unstash': "cibsecret unstash '%s' '%s'",
        'delete': "cibsecret delete '%s' '%s'",
        'show': "cibsecret get '%s' '%s'",
        'check': "cibsecret check '%s' '%s'",
    rsc_refresh = "crm_resource -C"
    rsc_refresh_node = "crm_resource -C -H '%s'"
    rsc_reprobe = "crm_resource -C"
    rsc_reprobe_node = "crm_resource -C -H '%s'"

    def requires(self):
        for program in ('crm_resource', 'crm_attribute'):
            if not utils.is_program(program):
                return False
        return True

    @command.alias('show', 'list')
    def do_status(self, context, rsc=None):
        "usage: status [<rsc>]"
        if rsc:
            if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
                return False
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_status % rsc) == 0
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_status_all) == 0

    def _commit_meta_attr(self, context, rsc, name, value):
        Perform change to resource
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        commit = not cib_factory.has_cib_changed()
        if not commit:
            context.info("Currently editing the CIB, changes will not be committed")
        return set_deep_meta_attr(rsc, name, value, commit=commit)

    def do_start(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: start <rsc>"
        return self._commit_meta_attr(context, rsc, "target-role", "Started")

    def do_stop(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: stop <rsc>"
        return self._commit_meta_attr(context, rsc, "target-role", "Stopped")

    def do_restart(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: restart <rsc>"
        common_info("ordering %s to stop" % rsc)
        if not self._commit_meta_attr(context, rsc, "target-role", "Stopped"):
            return False
        if not utils.wait4dc("stop", not options.batch):
            return False
        common_info("ordering %s to start" % rsc)
        return self._commit_meta_attr(context, rsc, "target-role", "Started")

    def do_promote(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: promote <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        if not xmlutil.RscState().is_ms(rsc):
            common_err("%s is not a master-slave resource" % rsc)
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_setrole % (rsc, "Master")) == 0

    def do_scores(self, context):
        "usage: scores"
        if utils.is_program('crm_simulate'):
            utils.ext_cmd('crm_simulate -sL')
        elif utils.is_program('ptest'):
            utils.ext_cmd('ptest -sL')
            context.fatal_error("Need crm_simulate or ptest in path to display scores")

    def do_demote(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: demote <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        if not xmlutil.RscState().is_ms(rsc):
            common_err("%s is not a master-slave resource" % rsc)
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_setrole % (rsc, "Slave")) == 0

    def do_manage(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: manage <rsc>"
        return self._commit_meta_attr(context, rsc, "is-managed", "true")

    def do_unmanage(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: unmanage <rsc>"
        return self._commit_meta_attr(context, rsc, "is-managed", "false")

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.resources, compl.nodes,
                                  compl.choice(['reboot', 'forever', 'force']))
    def do_migrate(self, context, rsc, *args):
        """usage: migrate <rsc> [<node>] [<lifetime>] [force]"""
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        node = None
        argl = list(args)
        force = "force" in utils.fetch_opts(argl, ["force"])
        lifetime = utils.fetch_lifetime_opt(argl)
        if len(argl) > 0:
            node = argl[0]
            if not xmlutil.is_our_node(node):
                context.fatal_error("Not our node: " + node)
        opts = ''
        if node:
            opts = "--node='%s'" % node
        if lifetime:
            opts = "%s --lifetime='%s'" % (opts, lifetime)
        if force or config.core.force:
            opts = "%s --force" % opts
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_migrate % (rsc, opts)) == 0

    def do_unmigrate(self, context, rsc):
        "usage: unmigrate <rsc>"
        if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc):
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_unmigrate % rsc) == 0

    @command.completers(compl.resources, compl.nodes)
    def do_cleanup(self, context, resource, node=''):
        "usage: cleanup <rsc> [<node>]"
        # Cleanup a resource on a node. Omit node to cleanup on
        # all live nodes.
        return cleanup_resource(resource, node)

    @command.completers(compl.resources, _attrcmds, compl.nodes)
    def do_failcount(self, context, rsc, cmd, node, value=None):
        failcount <rsc> set <node> <value>
        failcount <rsc> delete <node>
        failcount <rsc> show <node>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_failcount,
                                    rsc, cmd, node, value)

    @command.completers(compl.resources, _attrcmds)
    def do_param(self, context, rsc, cmd, param, value=None):
        param <rsc> set <param> <value>
        param <rsc> delete <param>
        param <rsc> show <param>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_param,
                                    rsc, cmd, param, value)

                        compl.choice(['set', 'stash', 'unstash', 'delete', 'show', 'check']))
    def do_secret(self, context, rsc, cmd, param, value=None):
        secret <rsc> set <param> <value>
        secret <rsc> stash <param>
        secret <rsc> unstash <param>
        secret <rsc> delete <param>
        secret <rsc> show <param>
        secret <rsc> check <param>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_secret,
                                    rsc, cmd, param, value)

    @command.completers(compl.resources, _attrcmds)
    def do_meta(self, context, rsc, cmd, attr, value=None):
        meta <rsc> set <attr> <value>
        meta <rsc> delete <attr>
        meta <rsc> show <attr>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_meta,
                                    rsc, cmd, attr, value)

    @command.completers(compl.resources, _attrcmds)
    def do_utilization(self, context, rsc, cmd, attr, value=None):
        utilization <rsc> set <attr> <value>
        utilization <rsc> delete <attr>
        utilization <rsc> show <attr>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.rsc_utilization,
                                    rsc, cmd, attr, value)

    def do_refresh(self, context, *args):
        'usage: refresh [<node>]'
        if len(args) == 1:
            if not utils.is_name_sane(args[0]):
                return False
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_refresh_node % args[0]) == 0
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_refresh) == 0

    def do_reprobe(self, context, *args):
        'usage: reprobe [<node>]'
        if len(args) == 1:
            if not utils.is_name_sane(args[0]):
                return False
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_reprobe_node % args[0]) == 0
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_reprobe) == 0

    @command.completers(compl.resources, compl.choice(['on', 'off', 'true', 'false']))
    def do_maintenance(self, context, resource, on_off='true'):
        'usage: maintenance <resource> [on|off|true|false]'
        on_off = on_off.lower()
        if on_off not in ('on', 'true', 'off', 'false'):
            context.fatal_error("Expected <resource> [on|off|true|false]")
        elif on_off in ('on', 'true'):
            on_off = 'true'
            on_off = 'false'
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_maintenance % (resource, on_off)) == 0

    def _get_trace_rsc(self, rsc_id):
        if not cib_factory.refresh():
            return None
        rsc = cib_factory.find_object(rsc_id)
        if not rsc:
            common_err("resource %s does not exist" % rsc_id)
            return None
        if rsc.obj_type != "primitive":
            common_err("element %s is not a primitive resource" % rsc_id)
            return None
        return rsc

    def _add_trace_op(self, rsc, op, interval):
        from lxml import etree
        n = etree.Element('op')
        n.set('name', op)
        n.set('interval', interval)
        n.set(constants.trace_ra_attr, '1')
        return rsc.add_operation(n)

    def _trace_resource(self, context, rsc_id, rsc):
        op_nodes = rsc.node.xpath('.//op')

        def trace(name):
            for o in op_nodes:
                if o.get('name') == name:
            if not self._add_trace_op(rsc, name, '0'):
                context.fatal_error("Failed to add trace for %s:%s" % (rsc_id, name))
        if xmlutil.is_ms(rsc.node):
        for op_node in op_nodes:
            rsc.set_op_attr(op_node, constants.trace_ra_attr, "1")

    def _trace_op(self, context, rsc_id, rsc, op):
        op_nodes = rsc.node.xpath('.//op[@name="%s"]' % (op))
        if not op_nodes:
            if op == 'monitor':
                context.fatal_error("No monitor operation configured for %s" % (rsc_id))
            if not self._add_trace_op(rsc, op, '0'):
                context.fatal_error("Failed to add trace for %s:%s" % (rsc_id, op))
        for op_node in op_nodes:
            rsc.set_op_attr(op_node, constants.trace_ra_attr, "1")

    def _trace_op_interval(self, context, rsc_id, rsc, op, interval):
        op_node = xmlutil.find_operation(rsc.node, op, interval)
        if op_node is None and utils.crm_msec(interval) != 0:
            context.fatal_error("Operation %s with interval %s not found in %s" % (op, interval, rsc_id))
        if op_node is None:
            if not self._add_trace_op(rsc, op, interval):
                context.fatal_error("Failed to add trace for %s:%s" % (rsc_id, op))
            rsc.set_op_attr(op_node, constants.trace_ra_attr, "1")

    @command.completers(compl.primitives, _raoperations)
    def do_trace(self, context, rsc_id, op=None, interval=None):
        'usage: trace <rsc> [<op>] [<interval>]'
        rsc = self._get_trace_rsc(rsc_id)
        if not rsc:
            return False
        if op == "probe":
            op = "monitor"
            if interval is None:
                interval = "0"
        if op is None:
            self._trace_resource(context, rsc_id, rsc)
        elif interval is None:
            self._trace_op(context, rsc_id, rsc, op)
            self._trace_op_interval(context, rsc_id, rsc, op, interval)
        if not cib_factory.commit():
            return False
        if op is not None:
            common_info("Trace for %s:%s is written to %s/trace_ra/" %
                        (rsc_id, op, config.path.heartbeat_dir))
            common_info("Trace for %s is written to %s/trace_ra/" %
                        (rsc_id, config.path.heartbeat_dir))
        if op is not None and op != "monitor":
            common_info("Trace set, restart %s to trace the %s operation" % (rsc_id, op))
            common_info("Trace set, restart %s to trace non-monitor operations" % (rsc_id))
        return True

    def _remove_trace(self, rsc, op_node):
        from lxml import etree
        common_debug("op_node: %s" % (etree.tostring(op_node)))
        op_node = rsc.del_op_attr(op_node, constants.trace_ra_attr)
        if rsc.is_dummy_operation(op_node):

    @command.completers(compl.primitives, _raoperations)
    def do_untrace(self, context, rsc_id, op=None, interval=None):
        'usage: untrace <rsc> [<op>] [<interval>]'
        rsc = self._get_trace_rsc(rsc_id)
        if not rsc:
            return False
        if op == "probe":
            op = "monitor"
        if op is None:
            n = 0
            for tn in rsc.node.xpath('.//*[@%s]' % (constants.trace_ra_attr)):
                self._remove_trace(rsc, tn)
                n += 1
            for tn in rsc.node.xpath('.//*[@name="%s"]' % (constants.trace_ra_attr)):
                if tn.getparent().getparent().tag == 'op':
                    self._remove_trace(rsc, tn.getparent().getparent())
                    n += 1
            op_node = xmlutil.find_operation(rsc.node, op, interval=interval)
            if op_node is None:
                common_err("operation %s does not exist in %s" % (op, rsc.obj_id))
                return False
            self._remove_trace(rsc, op_node)
        return cib_factory.commit()
Пример #6
class CibConfig(command.UI):
    The configuration class
    name = "configure"

    def __init__(self):
        # for interactive use, we want to populate the CIB
        # immediately so that tab completion works
        if options.interactive or options.shell_completion:

    def requires(self):
        # see the configure ptest/simulate command
        has_ptest = utils.is_program('ptest')
        has_simulate = utils.is_program('crm_simulate')
        if not has_ptest:
            vars.simulate_programs["ptest"] = "crm_simulate"
        if not has_simulate:
            vars.simulate_programs["simulate"] = "ptest"
        if not (has_ptest or has_simulate):
            common_warn("neither ptest nor crm_simulate exist, check your installation")
            vars.simulate_programs["ptest"] = ""
            vars.simulate_programs["simulate"] = ""
        return True

    def do_check_structure(self, context):
        return cib_factory.check_structure()

    def do_regression_testing(self, context, param):
        return cib_factory.regression_testing(param)

    def do_showobjects(self, context):

    def do_ra(self):

    def do_cib(self):

    def do_cibstatus(self):

    def do_template(self):

    def do_history(self):

    def do_assist(self):

    def do_show(self, context, *args):
        "usage: show [xml] [<id>...]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        set_obj = mkset_obj(*args)
        return set_obj.show()

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, _id_xml_list, _id_list)
    def do_filter(self, context, filterprog, *args):
        "usage: filter <prog> [xml] [<id>...]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        set_obj = mkset_obj(*args)
        return set_obj.filter(filterprog)

    @command.completers(_f_group_id_list, compl.choice(['add', 'remove']),
                        _prim_id_list, compl.choice(['after', 'before']), _prim_id_list)
    def do_modgroup(self, context, group_id, subcmd, prim_id, *args):
        """usage: modgroup <id> add <id> [after <id>|before <id>]
        modgroup <id> remove <id>"""
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        if subcmd not in ("add", "remove"):
            common_err("modgroup subcommand %s unknown" % subcmd)
            return False
        after_before = None
        if args:
            if subcmd != 'add':
                context.fatal_error("Expected add (found %s)" % subcmd)
            if args[0] not in ("after", "before"):
                context.fatal_error("Expected after|before (found %s)" % args[0])
            if len(args) != 2:
                context.fatal_error("Expected 'after|before <id>' (%d arguments given)" %
            after_before = args[0]
            ref_member_id = args[1]
        g = cib_factory.find_object(group_id)
        if not g:
            context.fatal_error("group %s does not exist" % group_id)
        if not xmlutil.is_group(g.node):
            context.fatal_error("element %s is not a group" % group_id)
        children = xmlutil.get_rsc_children_ids(g.node)
        if after_before and ref_member_id not in children:
            context.fatal_error("%s is not member of %s" % (ref_member_id, group_id))
        if subcmd == "remove" and prim_id not in children:
            context.fatal_error("%s is not member of %s" % (prim_id, group_id))
        # done checking arguments
        # have a group and children
        if not after_before:
            after_before = "after"
            ref_member_id = children[-1]
        # just do the filter
        # (i wonder if this is a feature abuse?)
        if subcmd == "add":
            if after_before == "after":
                sed_s = r's/ %s( |$)/& %s /' % (ref_member_id, prim_id)
                sed_s = r's/ %s( |$)/ %s& /' % (ref_member_id, prim_id)
            sed_s = r's/ %s( |$)/ /' % prim_id
        l = (group_id,)
        set_obj = mkset_obj(*l)
        return set_obj.filter("sed -r '%s'" % sed_s)

    @command.completers_repeating(_id_xml_list, _id_list)
    def do_edit(self, context, *args):
        "usage: edit [xml] [<id>...]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        err_buf.buffer()  # keep error messages
        set_obj = mkset_obj(*args)
        err_buf.release()  # show them, but get an ack from the user
        return set_obj.edit()

    def _verify(self, set_obj_semantic, set_obj_all):
        rc1 = set_obj_all.verify()
        if config.core.check_frequency != "never":
            rc2 = set_obj_semantic.semantic_check(set_obj_all)
            rc2 = 0
        return rc1 and rc2 <= 1

    def do_verify(self, context):
        "usage: verify"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        set_obj_all = mkset_obj("xml")
        return self._verify(set_obj_all, set_obj_all)

    def do_save(self, context, *args):
        "usage: save [xml] <filename>"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        if not args:
            context.fatal_error("Expected 1 argument (0 given)")
        if args[0] == "xml":
            if len(args) != 2:
                context.fatal_error("Expected 2 arguments (%d given)" % (len(args)))
            filename = args[1]
            set_obj = mkset_obj("xml")
            filename = args[0]
            set_obj = mkset_obj()
        return set_obj.save_to_file(filename)

    @command.completers(compl.choice(['xml', 'replace', 'update']), _load_2nd_completer)
    def do_load(self, context, *args):
        "usage: load [xml] {replace|update} {<url>|<path>}"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        if len(args) < 2:
            context.fatal_error("Expected 2 arguments (0 given)")
        if args[0] == "xml":
            if len(args) != 3:
                context.fatal_error("Expected 3 arguments (%d given)" % len(args))
            url = args[2]
            method = args[1]
            xml = True
            if len(args) != 2:
                context.fatal_error("Expected 2 arguments (%d given)" % len(args))
            url = args[1]
            method = args[0]
            xml = False
        if method not in ("replace", "update"):
            context.fatal_error("Unknown method %s" % method)
        if method == "replace":
            if options.interactive and cib_factory.has_cib_changed():
                if not utils.ask("This operation will erase all changes. Do you want to proceed?"):
                    return False
        if xml:
            set_obj = mkset_obj("xml")
            set_obj = mkset_obj()
        return set_obj.import_file(method, url)

    @command.completers(compl.choice(gv_types.keys() + ['exportsettings']))
    def do_graph(self, context, *args):
        "usage: graph [<gtype> [<file> [<img_format>]]]"
        if args and args[0] == "exportsettings":
            return utils.save_graphviz_file(userdir.GRAPHVIZ_USER_FILE, vars.graph)
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        rc, gtype, outf, ftype = ui_utils.graph_args(args)
        if not rc:
            context.fatal_error("Failed to create graph")
        rc, d = utils.load_graphviz_file(userdir.GRAPHVIZ_USER_FILE)
        if rc and d:
            vars.graph = d
        set_obj = mkset_obj()
        if not outf:
            rc = set_obj.show_graph(gtype)
        elif gtype == ftype:
            rc = set_obj.save_graph(gtype, outf)
            rc = set_obj.graph_img(gtype, outf, ftype)
        return rc

    def do_delete(self, context, *args):
        "usage: delete <id> [<id>...]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        return cib_factory.delete(*args)

    def do_default_timeouts(self, context, *args):
        "usage: default-timeouts <id> [<id>...]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        return cib_factory.default_timeouts(*args)

    @command.completers(_id_list, _id_list)
    def do_rename(self, context, old_id, new_id):
        "usage: rename <old_id> <new_id>"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        return cib_factory.rename(old_id, new_id)

    def do_erase(self, context, nodes=None):
        "usage: erase [nodes]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            context.fatal_error("CIB is not valid")
        if nodes is None:
            return cib_factory.erase()
        if nodes != 'nodes':
            context.fatal_error("Expected 'nodes' (found '%s')" % (nodes))
        return cib_factory.erase_nodes()

    def do_refresh(self, context):
        "usage: refresh"
        if options.interactive and cib_factory.has_cib_changed():
            if not utils.ask("All changes will be dropped. Do you want to proceed?"):

    def do_ptest(self, context, *args):
        "usage: ptest [nograph] [v...] [scores] [utilization] [actions]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            return False
        # use ptest/crm_simulate depending on which command was
        # used
        config.core.ptest = vars.simulate_programs[context.get_command_name()]
        if not config.core.ptest:
            return False
        set_obj = mkset_obj("xml")
        return ui_utils.ptestlike(set_obj.ptest, 'vv', context.get_command_name(), args)

    def _commit(self, force=None):
        if force and force != "force":
            syntax_err(('configure.commit', force))
            return False
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            return False
        if not cib_factory.has_cib_changed():
            common_info("apparently there is nothing to commit")
            common_info("try changing something first")
            return True
        rc1 = True
        if not (force or utils.cibadmin_can_patch()):
            rc1 = cib_factory.is_current_cib_equal()
        rc2 = cib_factory.is_cib_empty() or \
            self._verify(mkset_obj("xml", "changed"), mkset_obj("xml"))
        if rc1 and rc2:
            return cib_factory.commit()
        if force or config.core.force:
            common_info("commit forced")
            return cib_factory.commit(force=True)
        if utils.ask("Do you still want to commit?"):
            return cib_factory.commit(force=True)
        return False

    def do_commit(self, context, force=None):
        "usage: commit [force]"
        return self._commit(force=force)

    def do_upgrade(self, context, force=None):
        "usage: upgrade [force]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            return False
        if force and force != "force":
            syntax_err((context.get_command_name(), force))
            return False
        if config.core.force or force:
            return cib_factory.upgrade_cib_06to10(True)
            return cib_factory.upgrade_cib_06to10()

    def do_schema(self, context, schema_st=None):
        "usage: schema [<schema>]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            return False
        if not schema_st:
            print cib_factory.get_schema()
            return True
        return cib_factory.change_schema(schema_st)

    def __conf_object(self, cmd, *args):
        "The configure object command."
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            return False
        if cmd in vars.cib_cli_map.values() and \
                not cib_factory.is_elem_supported(cmd):
            common_err("%s not supported by the RNG schema" % cmd)
            return False
        f = lambda: cib_factory.create_object(cmd, *args)
        return f()

    @command.completers(_node_id_list, compl.choice(vars.node_attributes_keyw))
    def do_node(self, context, *args):
        """usage: node <uname>[:<type>]
           [attributes <param>=<value> [<param>=<value>...]]
           [utilization <param>=<value> [<param>=<value>...]]"""
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, ra_classes_or_tmpl, primitive_complete_complex)
    def do_primitive(self, context, *args):
        """usage: primitive <rsc> {[<class>:[<provider>:]]<type>|@<template>}
        [params <param>=<value> [<param>=<value>...]]
        [meta <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value>...]]
        [utilization <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value>...]]
        [operations id_spec
            [op op_type [<attribute>=<value>...] ...]]"""
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, _group_completer)
    def do_group(self, context, *args):
        """usage: group <name> <rsc> [<rsc>...]
        [params <param>=<value> [<param>=<value>...]]
        [meta <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value>...]]"""
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, _f_children_id_list, _clone_completer)
    def do_clone(self, context, *args):
        """usage: clone <name> <rsc>
        [params <param>=<value> [<param>=<value>...]]
        [meta <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value>...]]"""
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, _f_children_id_list, _ms_completer)
    def do_ms(self, context, *args):
        """usage: ms <name> <rsc>
        [params <param>=<value> [<param>=<value>...]]
        [meta <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value>...]]"""
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, ui_ra.complete_class_provider_type,
    def do_rsc_template(self, context, *args):
        """usage: rsc_template <name> [<class>:[<provider>:]]<type>
        [params <param>=<value> [<param>=<value>...]]
        [meta <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value>...]]
        [utilization <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value>...]]
        [operations id_spec
            [op op_type [<attribute>=<value>...] ...]]"""
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers(compl.null, _top_rsc_id_list)
    def do_location(self, context, *args):
        """usage: location <id> <rsc> {node_pref|rules}

        node_pref :: <score>: <node>

        rules ::
          rule [id_spec] [$role=<role>] <score>: <expression>
          [rule [id_spec] [$role=<role>] <score>: <expression> ...]

        id_spec :: $id=<id> | $id-ref=<id>
        score :: <number> | <attribute> | [-]inf
        expression :: <simple_exp> [bool_op <simple_exp> ...]
        bool_op :: or | and
        simple_exp :: <attribute> [type:]<binary_op> <value>
                      | <unary_op> <attribute>
                      | date <date_expr>
        type :: string | version | number
        binary_op :: lt | gt | lte | gte | eq | ne
        unary_op :: defined | not_defined"""
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, compl.null, top_rsc_tmpl_id_list)
    def do_colocation(self, context, *args):
        """usage: colocation <id> <score>: <rsc>[:<role>] <rsc>[:<role>] ...
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

                                  compl.call(schema.rng_attr_values, 'rsc_order', 'kind'),
    def do_order(self, context, *args):
        """usage: order <id> {kind|<score>}: <rsc>[:<action>] <rsc>[:<action>] ...
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, compl.null, top_rsc_tmpl_id_list)
    def do_rsc_ticket(self, context, *args):
        """usage: rsc_ticket <id> <ticket_id>: <rsc>[:<role>] [<rsc>[:<role>] ...]
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    def do_property(self, context, *args):
        "usage: property [$id=<set_id>] <option>=<value>"
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    def do_rsc_defaults(self, context, *args):
        "usage: rsc_defaults [$id=<set_id>] <option>=<value>"
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    def do_op_defaults(self, context, *args):
        "usage: op_defaults [$id=<set_id>] <option>=<value>"
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(node_id_colon_list, stonith_resource_list)
    def do_fencing_topology(self, context, *args):
        "usage: fencing_topology [<node>:] stonith_resources [stonith_resources ...]"
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    def do_xml(self, context, *args):
        "usage: xml <xml>"
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    def do_monitor(self, context, *args):
        "usage: monitor <rsc>[:<role>] <interval>[:<timeout>]"
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, compl.choice(["role:", "read", "write", "deny"]))
    def do_user(self, context, *args):
        """user <uid> {roles|rules}

        roles :: role:<role-ref> [role:<role-ref> ...]
        rules :: rule [rule ...]

        (See the role command for details on rules.)"""
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, compl.choice(["read", "write", "deny"]))
    def do_role(self, context, *args):
        """role <role-id> rule [rule ...]

        rule :: acl-right cib-spec [attribute:<attribute>]

        acl-right :: read | write | deny

        cib-spec :: xpath-spec | tag-ref-spec
        xpath-spec :: xpath:<xpath> | shortcut
        tag-ref-spec :: tag:<tag> | ref:<id> | tag:<tag> ref:<id>

        shortcut :: meta:<rsc>[:<attr>]
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, top_rsc_tmpl_id_list)
    def do_tag(self, context, *args):
        return self.__conf_object(context.get_command_name(), *args)

    def do_rsctest(self, context, *args):
        "usage: rsctest <rsc_id> [<rsc_id> ...] [<node_id> ...]"
        if not cib_factory.is_cib_sane():
            return False
        rc = True
        rsc_l = []
        node_l = []
        current = "r"
        for ident in args:
            el = cib_factory.find_object(ident)
            if not el:
                common_err("element %s does not exist" % ident)
                rc = False
            elif current == "r" and xmlutil.is_resource(el.node):
                if xmlutil.is_container(el.node):
                    rsc_l += el.node.findall("primitive")
            elif xmlutil.is_normal_node(el.node):
                current = "n"
                syntax_err((context.get_command_name(), ident), context='rsctest')
                return False
        if not rc:
            return False
        if not rsc_l:
            common_err("specify at least one resource")
            return False
        all_nodes = cib_factory.node_id_list()
        if not node_l:
            node_l = all_nodes
        return rsctest.test_resources(rsc_l, node_l, all_nodes)

    def should_wait(self):
        return cib_factory.has_cib_changed()

    def end_game(self, no_questions_asked=False):
        ok = True
        if cib_factory.has_cib_changed():
            if no_questions_asked or not options.interactive:
                ok = self._commit()
            elif utils.ask("There are changes pending. Do you want to commit them?"):
                ok = self._commit()
        return ok
Пример #7
class Template(command.UI):
    Configuration templates.
    name = "template"

    def __init__(self):
        self.curr_conf = ''

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, compl.call(utils.listtemplates))
    def do_new(self, context, name, *args):
        "usage: new <config> <template> [<template> ...] [params name=value ...]"
        if not utils.is_filename_sane(name):
            return False
        if os.path.isfile("%s/%s" % (userdir.CRMCONF_DIR, name)):
            common_err("config %s exists; delete it first" % name)
            return False
        lt = LoadTemplate(name)
        rc = True
        mode = 0
        params = {}
        for s in args:
            if mode == 0 and s == "params":
                params["id"] = name
                mode = 1
            elif mode == 1:
                a = s.split('=')
                if len(a) != 2:
                    syntax_err(args, context='new')
                    rc = False
                    params[a[0]] = a[1]
            elif not lt.load_template(s):
                rc = False
        if rc:
        if not rc or not lt.write_config(name):
            return False
        self.curr_conf = name

    def do_delete(self, context, name, force=''):
        "usage: delete <config> [force]"
        if force:
            if force != "force" and force != "--force":
                syntax_err((context.get_command_name(), force),
                return False
        if not self.config_exists(name):
            return False
        if name == self.curr_conf:
            if not force and not config.core.force and \
                    not utils.ask("Do you really want to remove config %s which is in use?" %
                return False
                self.curr_conf = ''
        os.remove("%s/%s" % (userdir.CRMCONF_DIR, name))

    def do_load(self, context, name=''):
        "usage: load [<config>]"
        if not name:
            self.curr_conf = ''
            return True
        if not self.config_exists(name):
            return False
        self.curr_conf = name

    def do_edit(self, context, name=''):
        "usage: edit [<config>]"
        if not name and not self.curr_conf:
            common_err("please load a config first")
            return False
        if name:
            if not self.config_exists(name):
                return False
            utils.edit_file("%s/%s" % (userdir.CRMCONF_DIR, name))
            utils.edit_file("%s/%s" % (userdir.CRMCONF_DIR, self.curr_conf))

    def do_show(self, context, name=''):
        "usage: show [<config>]"
        if not name and not self.curr_conf:
            common_err("please load a config first")
            return False
        if name:
            if not self.config_exists(name):
                return False
            print self.process(name)
            print self.process()

                   compl.choice(['replace', 'update'])),
    def do_apply(self, context, *args):
        "usage: apply [<method>] [<config>]"
        method = "replace"
        name = ''
        if len(args) > 0:
            i = 0
            if args[0] in ("replace", "update"):
                method = args[0]
                i += 1
            if len(args) > i:
                name = args[i]
        if not name and not self.curr_conf:
            common_err("please load a config first")
            return False
        if name:
            if not self.config_exists(name):
                return False
            s = self.process(name)
            s = self.process()
        if not s:
            return False
        tmp = utils.str2tmp(s)
        if not tmp:
            return False
        if method == "replace":
            if options.interactive and cib_factory.has_cib_changed():
                if not utils.ask(
                        "This operation will erase all changes. Do you want to proceed?"
                    return False
        set_obj = mkset_obj()
        rc = set_obj.import_file(method, tmp)
        return rc

    def do_list(self, context, templates=''):
        "usage: list [templates]"
        if templates == "templates":

    def init_dir(self):
        '''Create the conf directory, link to templates'''
        if not os.path.isdir(userdir.CRMCONF_DIR):
            except os.error, msg:
                common_err("makedirs: %s" % msg)
Пример #8
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import command
import completers
import config
import options

_yesno = completers.choice(['yes', 'no'])

_legacy_map = {
    'editor': ('core', 'editor'),
    'pager': ('core', 'pager'),
    'user': ('core', 'user'),
    'skill_level': ('core', 'skill_level'),
    'sort_elements': ('core', 'sort_elements'),
    'check_frequency': ('core', 'check_frequency'),
    'check_mode': ('core', 'check_mode'),
    'wait': ('core', 'wait'),
    'add_quotes': ('core', 'add_quotes'),
    'manage_children': ('core', 'manage_children'),
    'force': ('core', 'force'),
    'debug': ('core', 'debug'),
    'ptest': ('core', 'ptest'),
Пример #9
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import command
import completers
import config
import options

_yesno = completers.choice(['yes', 'no'])

_legacy_map = {
    'editor': ('core', 'editor'),
    'pager': ('core', 'pager'),
    'user': ('core', 'user'),
    'skill_level': ('core', 'skill_level'),
    'sort_elements': ('core', 'sort_elements'),
    'check_frequency': ('core', 'check_frequency'),
    'check_mode': ('core', 'check_mode'),
    'wait': ('core', 'wait'),
    'add_quotes': ('core', 'add_quotes'),
    'manage_children': ('core', 'manage_children'),
    'force': ('core', 'force'),
    'debug': ('core', 'debug'),
    'ptest': ('core', 'ptest'),
Пример #10
class Maintenance(command.UI):
    Commands that should only be run while in
    maintenance mode.
    name = "maintenance"

    rsc_maintenance = "crm_resource -r '%s' --meta -p maintenance -v '%s'"

    def __init__(self):

    def requires(self):
        return cib_factory.initialize()

    def _onoff(self, resource, onoff):
        if resource is not None:
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.rsc_maintenance % (resource, onoff)) == 0
            return cib_factory.create_object('property',
                                             'maintenance-mode=%s' % (onoff))

    def do_on(self, context, resource=None):
        Enable maintenance mode (for the optional resource or for everything)
        return self._onoff(resource, 'true')

    def do_off(self, context, resource=None):
        Disable maintenance mode (for the optional resource or for everything)
        return self._onoff(resource, 'false')

    def _in_maintenance_mode(self, obj):
        if cib_factory.get_property("maintenance-mode") == "true":
            return True
        v = obj.meta_attributes("maintenance")
        return v and all(x == 'true' for x in v)

    def _runs_on_this_node(self, resource):
        nodes = utils.running_on(resource)
        return set(nodes) == set([utils.this_node()])

    @command.completers(compl.call(cib_factory.rsc_id_list), _compl_actions,
    def do_action(self, context, resource, action, ssh=None):
        Issue action out-of-band to the given resource, making
        sure that the resource is in maintenance mode first
        obj = cib_factory.find_object(resource)
        if not obj:
            context.fatal_error("Resource not found: %s" % (resource))
        if not xmlutil.is_resource(obj.node):
            context.fatal_error("Not a resource: %s" % (resource))
        if not self._in_maintenance_mode(obj):
            context.fatal_error("Not in maintenance mode.")

        if ssh is None:
            if action not in ('start', 'monitor'):
                if not self._runs_on_this_node(resource):
                        "Resource %s must be running on this node (%s)" %
                        (resource, utils.this_node()))

            import rsctest
            return rsctest.call_resource(obj.node,
                                         action, [utils.this_node()],
        elif ssh == "ssh":
            import rsctest
            if action in ('start', 'promote', 'demote', 'recover',
                return rsctest.call_resource(obj.node,
                                             action, [utils.this_node()],
                all_nodes = cib_factory.node_id_list()
                return rsctest.call_resource(obj.node,
            context.fatal_error("Unknown argument: %s" % (ssh))
Пример #11
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import command
import completers as compl
from cibconfig import cib_factory
import utils
import xmlutil

_compl_actions = compl.choice([
    'start', 'stop', 'monitor', 'meta-data', 'validate-all', 'promote',
    'demote', 'notify', 'reload', 'migrate_from', 'migrate_to', 'recover'

class Maintenance(command.UI):
    Commands that should only be run while in
    maintenance mode.
    name = "maintenance"

    rsc_maintenance = "crm_resource -r '%s' --meta -p maintenance -v '%s'"

    def __init__(self):
Пример #12
    def ptest(self, nograph, scores, utilization, actions, verbosity):
        'Send a decompressed self.pe_file to ptest'
            f = open(self.pe_file)
        except IOError, msg:
            common_err("open: %s" % msg)
            return False
        s = bz2.decompress(''.join(f))
        return utils.run_ptest(s, nograph, scores, utilization, actions,

        compl.join(compl.call(crm_report.peinputs_list), compl.choice(['v'])))
    def do_peinputs(self, context, *args):
        """usage: peinputs [{<range>|<number>} ...] [v]"""
        argl = list(args)
        opt_l = utils.fetch_opts(argl, ["v"])
        if argl:
            l = []
            for s in argl:
                a = utils.convert2ints(s.split(':'))
                if a and len(a) == 2 and not utils.check_range(a):
                    common_err("%s: invalid peinputs range" % a)
                    return False
                l += crm_report.pelist(a, long=("v" in opt_l))
            l = crm_report.pelist(long=("v" in opt_l))
        if not l:
Пример #13
class CibStatusUI(command.UI):
    The CIB status section management user interface class
    name = "cibstatus"

    def do_load(self, context, org):
        "usage: load {<file>|shadow:<cib>|live}"
        return cib_status.load(org)

    def do_save(self, context, dest=None):
        "usage: save [<file>|shadow:<cib>]"
        return cib_status.save(dest)

    def do_origin(self, context):
        "usage: origin"
        state = cib_status.modified and " (modified)" or ""
        print "%s%s" % (cib_status.origin, state)

    def do_show(self, context, changed=""):
        "usage: show [changed]"
        if changed:
            if changed != "changed":
                context.fatal_error("Expected 'changed', got '%s'" % (changed))
            return cib_status.list_changes()
        return cib_status.show()

    def do_quorum(self, context, opt):
        "usage: quorum <bool>"
        if not utils.verify_boolean(opt):
            context.fatal_error("%s: bad boolean option" % opt)
        return cib_status.set_quorum(utils.is_boolean_true(opt))

    @command.completers(_status_node_list, compl.choice(vars.node_states))
    def do_node(self, context, node, state):
        "usage: node <node> {online|offline|unclean}"
        return cib_status.edit_node(node, state)

    @command.completers(compl.null, compl.choice(cib_status.ticket_ops.keys()))
    def do_ticket(self, context, ticket, subcmd):
        "usage: ticket <ticket> {grant|revoke|activate|standby}"
        return cib_status.edit_ticket(ticket, subcmd)

    def do_op(self, context, op, rsc, rc, op_status=None, node=''):
        "usage: op <operation> <resource> <exit_code> [<op_status>] [<node>]"
        if rc in vars.lrm_exit_codes:
            num_rc = vars.lrm_exit_codes[rc]
            num_rc = rc
        if not num_rc.isdigit():
            context.fatal_error("Invalid exit code '%s'" % num_rc)
        num_op_status = op_status
        if op_status:
            if op_status in vars.lrm_status_codes:
                num_op_status = vars.lrm_status_codes[op_status]
            if not num_op_status.isdigit():
                context.fatal_error("Invalid operation status '%s'" % num_op_status)
        return cib_status.edit_op(op, rsc, num_rc, num_op_status, node)

    def do_run(self, context, *args):
        "usage: run [nograph] [v...] [scores] [utilization]"
        return ui_utils.ptestlike(cib_status.run, '', context.get_command_name(), args)

    def do_simulate(self, context, *args):
        "usage: simulate [nograph] [v...] [scores] [utilization]"
        return ui_utils.ptestlike(cib_status.simulate, '', context.get_command_name(), args)
Пример #14
        "usage: log [<node> ...]"
        return crm_report.log(*args)

    def ptest(self, nograph, scores, utilization, actions, verbosity):
        'Send a decompressed self.pe_file to ptest'
            s = bz2.decompress(open(self.pe_file).read())
        except IOError, msg:
            common_err("open: %s" % msg)
            return False
        return utils.run_ptest(s, nograph, scores, utilization, actions, verbosity)

    def do_peinputs(self, context, *args):
        """usage: peinputs [{<range>|<number>} ...] [v]"""
        argl = list(args)
        opt_l = utils.fetch_opts(argl, ["v"])
        if argl:
            l = []
            for s in argl:
                a = utils.convert2ints(s.split(':'))
                if a and len(a) == 2 and not utils.check_range(a):
                    common_err("%s: invalid peinputs range" % a)
                    return False
                l += crm_report.pelist(a, long=("v" in opt_l))
            l = crm_report.pelist(long=("v" in opt_l))
Пример #15
class CliOptions(command.UI):
    Manage user preferences
    name = "options"

    def do_set(self, context, option, value):
        '''usage: set <option> <value>'''
        parts = option.split('.')
        if len(parts) != 2:
            context.fatal_error("Unknown option: " + option)
        config.set_option(parts[0], parts[1], value)

    def do_skill_level(self, context, level):
        """usage: skill-level <level>
        level: operator | administrator | expert"""
        return _legacy_set_pref('skill-level', level)

    def do_editor(self, context, program):
        "usage: editor <program>"
        return _legacy_set_pref('editor', program)

    def do_pager(self, context, program):
        "usage: pager <program>"
        return _legacy_set_pref('pager', program)

    def do_user(self, context, crm_user=''):
        "usage: user [<crm_user>]"
        return _legacy_set_pref('user', crm_user)

    def do_output(self, context, output_type):
        "usage: output <type>"
        _legacy_set_pref("output", output_type)
        import term

    def do_colorscheme(self, context, colors):
        "usage: colorscheme <colors>"
        return _legacy_set_pref("colorscheme", colors)

    def do_check_frequency(self, context, freq):
        "usage: check-frequency <freq>"
        return _legacy_set_pref("check-frequency", freq)

    def do_check_mode(self, context, mode):
        "usage: check-mode <mode>"
        return _legacy_set_pref("check-mode", mode)

    def do_sort_elements(self, context, opt):
        "usage: sort-elements {yes|no}"
        return _legacy_set_pref("sort-elements", opt)

    def do_wait(self, context, opt):
        "usage: wait {yes|no}"
        return _legacy_set_pref("wait", opt)

    def do_add_quotes(self, context, opt):
        "usage: add-quotes {yes|no}"
        return _legacy_set_pref("add-quotes", opt)

    def do_manage_children(self, context, opt):
        "usage: manage-children <option>"
        return _legacy_set_pref("manage-children", opt)

    def do_show(self, context, option=None):
        "usage: show [all | <option>]"
        import utils
        opts = config.get_configured_options(
        ) if option is None else config.get_all_options()

        def show_options(fn):
            s = ''
            for opt in opts:
                if fn(opt):
                    parts = opt.split('.')
                    val = (opt, config.get_option(parts[0], parts[1],
                    s += "%s = %s\n" % val

        if option == 'all' or option is None:
            show_options(lambda o: True)
            show_options(lambda o: o.startswith(option) or o.endswith(option))

    def do_save(self, context):
        "usage: save"

    def do_reset(self, context):
        "usage: reset"

    def end_game(self, no_questions_asked=False):
        if no_questions_asked and not options.interactive:
Пример #16
        return crm_report().log(*args)

    def ptest(self, nograph, scores, utilization, actions, verbosity):
        'Send a decompressed self.pe_file to ptest'
            s = bz2.decompress(open(self.pe_file).read())
        except IOError, msg:
            common_err("open: %s" % msg)
            return False
        return utils.run_ptest(s, nograph, scores, utilization, actions,

        compl.join(compl.call(lambda: crm_report().peinputs_list()),
    def do_peinputs(self, context, *args):
        """usage: peinputs [{<range>|<number>} ...] [v]"""
        argl = list(args)
        opt_l = utils.fetch_opts(argl, ["v"])
        if argl:
            l = []
            for s in argl:
                a = utils.convert2ints(s.split(':'))
                if a and len(a) == 2 and not utils.check_range(a):
                    common_err("%s: invalid peinputs range" % a)
                    return False
                l += crm_report().pelist(a, long=("v" in opt_l))
            l = crm_report().pelist(long=("v" in opt_l))
Пример #17
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import command
import completers as compl
from cibconfig import cib_factory
import utils
import xmlutil

_compl_actions = compl.choice(['start', 'stop', 'monitor', 'meta-data', 'validate-all',
                               'promote', 'demote', 'notify', 'reload', 'migrate_from',
                               'migrate_to', 'recover'])

class Maintenance(command.UI):
    Commands that should only be run while in
    maintenance mode.
    name = "maintenance"

    rsc_maintenance = "crm_resource -r '%s' --meta -p maintenance -v '%s'"

    def __init__(self):
Пример #18
        common_error("Failed to commit updates to %s" % (rsc))
        return False
    return True

def cleanup_resource(rsc, node=''):
    if not utils.is_name_sane(rsc) or not utils.is_name_sane(node):
        return False
    if not node:
        rc = utils.ext_cmd(RscMgmt.rsc_cleanup_all % (rsc)) == 0
        rc = utils.ext_cmd(RscMgmt.rsc_cleanup % (rsc, node)) == 0
    return rc

_attrcmds = compl.choice(['delete', 'set', 'show'])
_raoperations = compl.choice(constants.ra_operations)

class RscMgmt(command.UI):
    Resources management class
    name = "resource"

    rsc_status_all = "crm_resource -L"
    rsc_status = "crm_resource -W -r '%s'"
    rsc_showxml = "crm_resource -q -r '%s'"
    rsc_setrole = "crm_resource --meta -r '%s' -p target-role -v '%s'"
    rsc_migrate = "crm_resource -M -r '%s' %s"
    rsc_unmigrate = "crm_resource -U -r '%s'"
Пример #19
class CibShadow(command.UI):
    CIB shadow management class
    name = "cib"
    extcmd = ">/dev/null </dev/null crm_shadow"
    extcmd_stdout = "</dev/null crm_shadow"

    def requires(self):
        if not utils.is_program('crm_shadow'):
            return False
        return True

    def do_cibstatus(self):

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.null, compl.choice(_NEWARGS))
    def do_new(self, context, *args):
        "usage: new [<shadow_cib>] [withstatus] [force] [empty]"
        argl = list(args)
        opt_l = utils.fetch_opts(argl,
                                 ["force", "--force", "withstatus", "empty"])
        if len(argl) > 1:
            context.fatal_error("Unexpected argument(s): " + ','.join(argl))

        name = None
        if argl:
            name = argl[0]
            if not utils.is_filename_sane(name):
                context.fatal_error("Bad filename: " + name)
            if name in (vars.tmp_cib_prompt, vars.live_cib_prompt):
                context.fatal_error("Shadow name '%s' is not allowed" % (name))
            del argl[0]
            vars.tmp_cib = False
            fd, fname = tmpfiles.create(dir=xmlutil.cib_shadow_dir(),
            name = os.path.basename(fname).replace("shadow.", "")
            vars.tmp_cib = True

        if "empty" in opt_l:
            new_cmd = "%s -e '%s'" % (self.extcmd, name)
            new_cmd = "%s -c '%s'" % (self.extcmd, name)
        if vars.tmp_cib or config.core.force or "force" in opt_l or "--force" in opt_l:
            new_cmd = "%s --force" % new_cmd
        if utils.ext_cmd(new_cmd) == 0:
            context.info("%s shadow CIB created" % name)
            self.do_use(context, name)
            if "withstatus" in opt_l:
                cib_status.load("shadow:%s" % name)

    def _find_pe(self, context, infile):
        'Find a pe input'
        for p in ("%s/%s", "%s/%s.bz2", "%s/pe-*-%s.bz2"):
            fl = glob.glob(p % (config.path.pe_state_dir, infile))
            if fl:
        if not fl:
            context.fatal_error("no %s pe input file" % infile)
        if len(fl) > 1:
            context.fatal_error("more than one %s pe input file: %s" %
                                (infile, ' '.join(fl)))
        if not fl[0]:
            context.fatal_error("bad %s pe input file" % infile)
        return fl[0]

    @command.completers(compl.null, compl.shadows)
    def do_import(self, context, infile, name=None):
        "usage: import {<file>|<number>} [<shadow>]"
        if name and not utils.is_filename_sane(name):
            context.fatal_error("Bad filename: " + name)
        # where's the input?
        if not os.access(infile, os.F_OK):
            if "/" in infile:
                context.fatal_error(str(infile) + ": no such file")
            infile = self._find_pe(context, infile)
        if not name:
            name = os.path.basename(infile).replace(".bz2", "")
        if not xmlutil.pe2shadow(infile, name):
            context.fatal_error("Error copying PE file to shadow: %s -> %s" %
                                (infile, name))
        # use the shadow and load the status from there
        return self.do_use(context, name, "withstatus")

    def do_delete(self, context, name):
        "usage: delete <shadow_cib>"
        if not utils.is_filename_sane(name):
            context.fatal_error("Bad filename: " + name)
        if utils.get_cib_in_use() == name:
            context.fatal_error("%s shadow CIB is in use" % name)
        if utils.ext_cmd("%s -D '%s' --force" % (self.extcmd, name)) == 0:
            context.info("%s shadow CIB deleted" % name)
            context.fatal_error("failed to delete %s shadow CIB" % name)

    def do_reset(self, context, name):
        "usage: reset <shadow_cib>"
        if not utils.is_filename_sane(name):
            context.fatal_error("Bad filename: " + name)
        if utils.ext_cmd("%s -r '%s'" % (self.extcmd, name)) == 0:
            context.info("copied live CIB to %s" % name)
            context.fatal_error("failed to copy live CIB to %s" % name)

    def do_commit(self, context, name=None):
        "usage: commit [<shadow_cib>]"
        if name and not utils.is_filename_sane(name):
            context.fatal_error("Bad filename: " + name)
        if not name:
            name = utils.get_cib_in_use()
        if not name:
            context.fatal_error("There is nothing to commit")
        if utils.ext_cmd("%s -C '%s' --force" % (self.extcmd, name)) == 0:
            context.info("committed '%s' shadow CIB to the cluster" % name)
            context.fatal_error("failed to commit the %s shadow CIB" % name)
        if vars.tmp_cib:
            self._use('', '')

    def do_diff(self, context):
        "usage: diff"
        rc, s = utils.get_stdout(utils.add_sudo("%s -d" % self.extcmd_stdout))

    def do_list(self, context):
        "usage: list"
        if options.regression_tests:
            for t in xmlutil.listshadows():
                print t

    def _use(self, name, withstatus):
        # Choose a shadow cib for further changes. If the name
        # provided is empty, then choose the live (cluster) cib.
        # Don't allow ' in shadow names
        if not name or name == "live":
            if withstatus:
            if vars.tmp_cib:
                utils.ext_cmd("%s -D '%s' --force" %
                              (self.extcmd, utils.get_cib_in_use()))
                vars.tmp_cib = False
            if withstatus:
                cib_status.load("shadow:%s" % name)
        return True

    @command.completers(compl.join(compl.shadows, compl.choice(['live'])),
    def do_use(self, context, name='', withstatus=''):
        "usage: use [<shadow_cib>] [withstatus]"
        # check the name argument
        if name and not utils.is_filename_sane(name):
            context.fatal_error("Bad filename: " + name)
        if name and name != "live":
            if not os.access(xmlutil.shadowfile(name), os.F_OK):
                context.fatal_error("%s: no such shadow CIB" % name)
        if withstatus and withstatus != "withstatus":
            context.fatal_error("Expected 'withstatus', got '%s'" %
        # If invoked from configure
        # take special precautions
        if not context.previous_level_is("cibconfig"):
            return self._use(name, withstatus)
        if not cib_factory.has_cib_changed():
            ret = self._use(name, withstatus)
            # new CIB: refresh the CIB factory
            return ret
        saved_cib = utils.get_cib_in_use()
        self._use(name, '')  # don't load the status yet
        if not cib_factory.is_current_cib_equal(silent=True):
            # user made changes and now wants to switch to a
            # different and unequal CIB; we refuse to cooperate
                "the requested CIB is different from the current one")
            if config.core.force:
                context.info("CIB overwrite forced")
            elif not utils.ask(
                    "All changes will be dropped. Do you want to proceed?"):
                self._use(saved_cib, '')  # revert to the previous CIB
                return False
        return self._use(name, withstatus)  # now load the status too
Пример #20
import ui_assist
from crm_gv import gv_types

err_buf = ErrorBuffer.getInstance()
cib_factory = CibFactory.getInstance()

def _type_completions():
    "completer for type: use in show"
    typelist = cib_factory.type_list()
    return ['type:%s' % (t) for t in typelist]

# Tab completion helpers
_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.id_list)
_id_xml_list = compl.join(_id_list, compl.choice(['xml']))
_id_show_list = compl.join(_id_list,
                           compl.choice(['xml', 'changed']),
_prim_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.prim_id_list)
_f_prim_free_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.f_prim_free_id_list)
_f_group_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.f_group_id_list)
_f_children_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.f_children_id_list)
_rsc_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.rsc_id_list)
_top_rsc_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.top_rsc_id_list)
_node_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.node_id_list)
_rsc_template_list = compl.call(cib_factory.rsc_template_list)
_group_completer = compl.join(_f_prim_free_id_list, compl.choice(['params', 'meta']))
_clone_completer = compl.choice(['params', 'meta'])
_ms_completer = compl.choice(['params', 'meta'])
Пример #21
class Cluster(command.UI):
    Whole cluster management.

    - Package installation
    - System configuration
    - Network troubleshooting
    - Perform other callouts/cluster-wide devops operations
    name = "cluster"

    def requires(self):
        stack = utils.cluster_stack()
        if len(stack) > 0 and stack != 'corosync':
            err_buf.warning("Unsupported cluster stack %s detected." % (stack))
            return False
        return True

    def __init__(self):
        # ugly hack to allow overriding the node list
        # for the cluster commands that operate before
        # there is an actual cluster
        self._inventory_nodes = None
        self._inventory_target = None

    def do_start(self, context):
        Starts the cluster services on this node
        rc, out, err = utils.get_stdout_stderr('service corosync start')
        if rc != 0:
            context.fatal_error("Failed to start corosync service: %s" % (err))
        rc, out, err = utils.get_stdout_stderr('service pacemaker start')
        if rc != 0:
            context.fatal_error("Failed to start pacemaker service: %s" %
        err_buf.info("Cluster services started")

        # TODO: optionally start services on all nodes or specific node

    def do_stop(self, context):
        Stops the cluster services on this node
        rc, out, err = utils.get_stdout_stderr('service pacemaker stop')
        if rc != 0:
            context.fatal_error("Failed to stop pacemaker service: %s" % (err))
        rc, out, err = utils.get_stdout_stderr('service corosync stop')
        if rc != 0:
            context.fatal_error("Failed to stop corosync service: %s" % (err))
        err_buf.info("Cluster services stopped")

        # TODO: optionally stop services on all nodes or specific node

    def _args_implicit(self, context, args, name):
        handle early non-nvpair arguments as
        values in an implicit list
        args = list(args)
        vals = []
        while args and args[0].find('=') == -1:
            args = args[1:]
        if vals:
            return args + ['%s=%s' % (name, ','.join(vals))]
        return args

    def do_init(self, context, *args):
        Initialize a cluster with the given hosts as nodes.
        return scripts.run('init', self._args_implicit(context, args, 'nodes'))

    def do_add(self, context, *args):
        Add the given node(s) to the cluster.
        Installs packages, sets up corosync and pacemaker, etc.
        Must be executed from a node in the existing cluster.
        params = self._args_implicit(context, args, 'node')
        paramdict = utils.nvpairs2dict(params)
        node = paramdict.get('node')
        if node:
            node = node.replace(',', ' ').split()
            node = []
        nodes = paramdict.get('nodes')
        if not nodes:
            nodes = utils.list_cluster_nodes()
        nodes += node
        params += ['nodes=%s' % (','.join(nodes))]
        return scripts.run('add', params)

    def do_remove(self, context, *args):
        Remove the given node(s) from the cluster.
        params = self._args_implicit(context, args, 'node')
        return scripts.run('remove', params)

    def do_health(self, context, *args):
        Extensive health check.
        params = self._args_implicit(context, args, 'nodes')
        return scripts.run('health', params)

    def _node_in_cluster(self, node):
        return node in utils.list_cluster_nodes()

    def do_status(self, context):
        Quick cluster health status. Corosync status, DRBD status...
        stack = utils.cluster_stack()
        if not stack:
                "No supported cluster stack found (tried heartbeat|openais|corosync)"
        if utils.cluster_stack() == 'corosync':
            print "Services:"
            for svc in ["corosync", "pacemaker"]:
                info = utils.service_info(svc)
                if info:
                    print "%-16s %s" % (svc, info)
                    print "%-16s unknown" % (svc)

            rc, outp = utils.get_stdout(['corosync-cfgtool', '-s'],
            if rc == 0:
                print ""
                print outp
                print "Failed to get corosync status"

    @command.completers_repeating(compl.choice(['10', '60', '600']))
    def do_wait_for_startup(self, context, timeout='10'):
        "usage: wait_for_startup [<timeout>]"
        import time
        t0 = time.time()
        timeout = float(timeout)
        cmd = 'crm_mon -bD1 2&>1 >/dev/null'
        ret = utils.ext_cmd(cmd)
        while ret in (107, 64) and time.time() < t0 + timeout:
            ret = utils.ext_cmd(cmd)
        if ret != 0:
            context.fatal_error("Timed out waiting for cluster (rc = %s)" %

    def do_run(self, context, cmd):
        Execute the given command on all nodes, report outcome
            from psshlib import api as pssh
            _has_pssh = True
        except ImportError:
            _has_pssh = False

        if not _has_pssh:
            context.fatal_error("PSSH not found")

        hosts = utils.list_cluster_nodes()
        opts = pssh.Options()
        for host, result in pssh.call(hosts, cmd, opts).iteritems():
            if isinstance(result, pssh.Error):
                err_buf.error("[%s]: %s" % (host, result))
                if result[0] != 0:
                    err_buf.error("[%s]: rc=%s\n%s\n%s" %
                                  (host, result[0], result[1], result[2]))
                    err_buf.ok("[%s]\n%s" % (host, result[1]))
Пример #22
class NodeMgmt(command.UI):
    Nodes management class
    name = "node"

    node_standby = "crm_attribute -t nodes -N '%s' -n standby -v '%s' %s"
    node_maint = "crm_attribute -t nodes -N '%s' -n maintenance -v '%s'"
    node_delete = """cibadmin -D -o nodes -X '<node uname="%s"/>'"""
    node_delete_status = """cibadmin -D -o status -X '<node_state uname="%s"/>'"""
    node_clear_state = _oneline("""cibadmin %s
      -o status --xml-text
      '<node_state id="%s"
    node_clear_state_118 = "stonith_admin --confirm %s"
    hb_delnode = config.path.hb_delnode + " '%s'"
    crm_node = "crm_node"
    node_fence = "crm_attribute -t status -U '%s' -n terminate -v true"
    dc = "crmadmin -D"
    node_attr = {
        'set': "crm_attribute -t nodes -U '%s' -n '%s' -v '%s'",
        'delete': "crm_attribute -D -t nodes -U '%s' -n '%s'",
        'show': "crm_attribute -G -t nodes -U '%s' -n '%s'",
    node_status = {
        'set': "crm_attribute -t status -U '%s' -n '%s' -v '%s'",
        'delete': "crm_attribute -D -t status -U '%s' -n '%s'",
        'show': "crm_attribute -G -t status -U '%s' -n '%s'",
    node_utilization = {
        'set': "crm_attribute -z -t nodes -U '%s' -n '%s' -v '%s'",
        'delete': "crm_attribute -z -D -t nodes -U '%s' -n '%s'",
        'show': "crm_attribute -z -G -t nodes -U '%s' -n '%s'",

    def requires(self):
        for p in ('cibadmin', 'crm_attribute'):
            if not utils.is_program(p):
                return False
        return True

    def do_status(self, context, node=None):
        'usage: status [<node>]'
        a = node and ('--xpath "//nodes/node[@uname=\'%s\']"' % node) or \
            '-o nodes'
        return utils.ext_cmd("%s %s" % (xmlutil.cib_dump, a)) == 0

    def do_show(self, context, node=None):
        'usage: show [<node>]'
        cib_elem = xmlutil.cibdump2elem()
        if cib_elem is None:
            return False
            nodes_node = cib_elem.xpath("//configuration/nodes")[0]
            status = cib_elem.findall("status")[0]
            return False
        for c in nodes_node.iterchildren():
            if c.tag != "node":
            if node is not None and c.get("uname") != node:
            type = uname = id = ""
            inst_attr = []
            other = {}
            for attr in c.keys():
                v = c.get(attr)
                if attr == "type":
                    type = v
                elif attr == "uname":
                    uname = v
                elif attr == "id":
                    id = v
                    other[attr] = v
            for c2 in c.iterchildren():
                if c2.tag == "instance_attributes":
                    inst_attr += nvpairs2list(c2)
            offline = False
            for c2 in status.xpath(".//node_state"):
                if uname != c2.get("uname"):
                offline = c2.get("crmd") == "offline"
            print_node(uname, id, type, other, inst_attr, offline)

    def do_standby(self, context, *args):
        'usage: standby [<node>] [<lifetime>]'
        argl = list(args)
        node = None
        lifetime = utils.fetch_lifetime_opt(argl, iso8601=False)
        if not argl:
            node = utils.this_node()
        elif len(argl) == 1:
            if xmlutil.is_our_node(args[0]):
                node = args[0]
                common_err("%s: node name not recognized" % args[0])
                return False
            syntax_err(args, context=context.get_command_name())
            return False
        opts = ''
        if lifetime:
            opts = "--lifetime='%s'" % lifetime
            opts = "--lifetime='forever'"
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.node_standby % (node, "on", opts)) == 0

    def do_online(self, context, node=None):
        'usage: online [<node>]'
        if not node:
            node = utils.this_node()
        if not utils.is_name_sane(node):
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.node_standby % (node, "off", "--lifetime='forever'")) == 0

    def do_maintenance(self, context, node=None):
        'usage: maintenance [<node>]'
        if not node:
            node = utils.this_node()
        if not utils.is_name_sane(node):
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.node_maint % (node, "on")) == 0

    def do_ready(self, context, node=None):
        'usage: ready [<node>]'
        if not node:
            node = utils.this_node()
        if not utils.is_name_sane(node):
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.node_maint % (node, "off")) == 0

    def do_fence(self, context, node):
        'usage: fence <node>'
        if not node:
            node = utils.this_node()
        if not utils.is_name_sane(node):
            return False
        if not config.core.force and \
                not utils.ask("Do you really want to shoot %s?" % node):
            return False
        return utils.ext_cmd(self.node_fence % (node)) == 0

    def do_clearstate(self, context, node):
        'usage: clearstate <node>'
        if not utils.is_name_sane(node):
            return False
        if not config.core.force and \
                not utils.ask("Do you really want to drop state for node %s?" % node):
            return False
        if utils.is_pcmk_118():
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.node_clear_state_118 % node) == 0
            return utils.ext_cmd(self.node_clear_state % ("-M -c", node, node)) == 0 and \
                utils.ext_cmd(self.node_clear_state % ("-R", node, node)) == 0

    def _call_delnode(self, node):
        "Remove node (how depends on cluster stack)"
        rc = True
        if utils.cluster_stack() == "heartbeat":
            cmd = (self.hb_delnode % node)
            ec, s = utils.get_stdout("%s -p" % self.crm_node)
            if not s:
                common_err('%s -p could not list any nodes (rc=%d)' %
                           (self.crm_node, ec))
                rc = False
                partition_l = s.split()
                if node in partition_l:
                    common_err("according to %s, node %s is still active" %
                               (self.crm_node, node))
                    rc = False
            cmd = "%s --force -R %s" % (self.crm_node, node)
        if not rc:
            if config.core.force:
                common_info('proceeding with node %s removal' % node)
                return False
        ec = utils.ext_cmd(cmd)
        if ec != 0:
            common_warn('"%s" failed, rc=%d' % (cmd, ec))
            return False
        return True

    def do_delete(self, context, node):
        'usage: delete <node>'
        if not utils.is_name_sane(node):
            return False
        if not xmlutil.is_our_node(node):
            common_err("node %s not found in the CIB" % node)
            return False
        if not self._call_delnode(node):
            return False
        if utils.ext_cmd(self.node_delete % node) != 0 or \
                utils.ext_cmd(self.node_delete_status % node) != 0:
            common_err("%s removed from membership, but not from CIB!" % node)
            return False
        common_info("node %s deleted" % node)
        return True

    @command.completers(compl.nodes, compl.choice(['set', 'delete', 'show']), compl.resources)
    def do_attribute(self, context, *args):
        attribute <node> set <rsc> <value>
        attribute <node> delete <rsc>
        attribute <node> show <rsc>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.node_attr, args)

    @command.completers(compl.nodes, compl.choice(['set', 'delete', 'show']), compl.resources)
    def do_utilization(self, context, *args):
        utilization <node> set <rsc> <value>
        utilization <node> delete <rsc>
        utilization <node> show <rsc>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.node_utilization, args)

    @command.completers(compl.nodes, compl.choice(['set', 'delete', 'show']), compl.resources)
    def do_status_attr(self, context, *args):
        status-attr <node> set <rsc> <value>
        status-attr <node> delete <rsc>
        status-attr <node> show <rsc>"""
        return ui_utils.manage_attr(context.get_command_name(), self.node_status, args)
Пример #23

def _type_completions():
    "completer for type: use in show"
    typelist = cib_factory.type_list()
    return ['type:%s' % (t) for t in typelist]

def _tag_completions():
    "completer for tag: use in show"
    return ['tag:%s' % (t) for t in cib_factory.tag_list()]

# Tab completion helpers
_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.id_list)
_id_xml_list = compl.join(_id_list, compl.choice(['xml']))
_id_show_list = compl.join(_id_list, compl.choice(['xml', 'changed']),
_prim_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.prim_id_list)
_f_prim_free_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.f_prim_free_id_list)
_f_group_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.f_group_id_list)
_f_children_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.f_children_id_list)
_rsc_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.rsc_id_list)
_top_rsc_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.top_rsc_id_list)
_node_id_list = compl.call(cib_factory.node_id_list)
_rsc_template_list = compl.call(cib_factory.rsc_template_list)
_group_completer = compl.join(_f_prim_free_id_list,
                              compl.choice(['params', 'meta']))
_clone_completer = compl.choice(['params', 'meta'])
_ms_completer = compl.choice(['params', 'meta'])