def iterComponentsHeader(probeMakePath):
	probeVars = extractMakeVariables(probeMakePath)
	buildComponents = set(
		for component in iterComponents()
		if component.canBuild(probeVars)

	yield '// Automatically generated by build process.'
	yield ''
	yield '#ifndef COMPONENTS_HH'
	yield '#define COMPONENTS_HH'
	yield ''
	yield '#include <string>'
	yield ''
	for component in iterComponents():
		varName = component.makeName
		yield '#define COMPONENT_%s %d' % (varName, varName in buildComponents)
	yield ''
	yield 'namespace openmsx {'
	yield ''
	yield 'static const std::string BUILD_COMPONENTS = "%s";' \
		% ' '.join(sorted(buildComponents))
	yield ''
	yield '} // namespace openmsx'
	yield ''
	yield '#endif // COMPONENTS_HH'
Пример #2
def iterComponentsHeader(probeMakePath):
	probeVars = extractMakeVariables(probeMakePath)
	buildComponents = set(
		for component in iterComponents()
		if component.canBuild(probeVars)

	yield '// Automatically generated by build process.'
	yield ''
	yield '#ifndef COMPONENTS_HH'
	yield '#define COMPONENTS_HH'
	yield ''
	for component in iterComponents():
		varName = component.makeName
		yield '#define COMPONENT_%s %d' % (varName, varName in buildComponents)
	yield ''
	yield 'namespace openmsx {'
	yield ''
	yield 'static const char* const BUILD_COMPONENTS = "%s";' \
		% ' '.join(sorted(buildComponents))
	yield ''
	yield '} // namespace openmsx'
	yield ''
	yield '#endif // COMPONENTS_HH'
Пример #3
def getConfiguration(name):
    if name == 'SYS_DYN':
        requiredComponents = set((EmulationCore, ))
        optionalComponents = set(iterComponents()) - requiredComponents
        linkStatic = False
    elif name == '3RD_STA':
        requiredComponents = set((EmulationCore, GLRenderer))
        optionalComponents = set(iterComponents()) - requiredComponents
        linkStatic = True
    elif name == '3RD_STA_MIN':
        requiredComponents = set((EmulationCore, ))
        optionalComponents = set((AODriver, ))
        linkStatic = True
        raise ValueError('No configuration named "%s"' % name)
    return Configuration(requiredComponents, optionalComponents, linkStatic)
Пример #4
def iterComponentDefs(probeMakePath):
    probeVars = extractMakeVariables(probeMakePath)

    yield '# Automatically generated by build process.'
    yield 'CORE_LIBS:=%s' % ' '.join(EmulationCore.dependsOn)
    for component in iterComponents():
        yield 'COMPONENT_%s:=%s' % (component.makeName,
Пример #5
def iterComponentDefs(probeMakePath):
	probeVars = extractMakeVariables(probeMakePath)

	yield '# Automatically generated by build process.'
	yield 'CORE_LIBS:=%s' % ' '.join(EmulationCore.dependsOn)
	for component in iterComponents():
		yield 'COMPONENT_%s:=%s' % (
Пример #6
def getConfiguration(name):
	if name == 'SYS_DYN':
		requiredComponents = set((EmulationCore, ))
		optionalComponents = set(iterComponents()) - requiredComponents
		linkStatic = False
	elif name == '3RD_STA':
		requiredComponents = set((EmulationCore, GLRenderer))
		optionalComponents = set(iterComponents()) - requiredComponents
		linkStatic = True
	elif name == '3RD_STA_GLES':
		# TODO: We don't have an OpenGL ES component yet.
		requiredComponents = set((EmulationCore, ))
		optionalComponents = \
			set(iterComponents()) - requiredComponents - set((GLRenderer, ))
		linkStatic = True
	elif name == '3RD_STA_MIN':
		requiredComponents = set((EmulationCore, ))
		optionalComponents = set()
		linkStatic = True
		raise ValueError('No configuration named "%s"' % name)
	return Configuration(requiredComponents, optionalComponents, linkStatic)
Пример #7
def iterComponentDefs(probeMakePath):
    probeVars = extractMakeVariables(probeMakePath)

    yield '# Automatically generated by build process.'
    yield ''

    yield 'LIBRARY_LINK_FLAGS:='
    for libName in requiredLibrariesFor(iterBuildableComponents(probeVars)):
        yield '# %s' % libName
        yield 'LIBRARY_COMPILE_FLAGS+=' + probeVars.get(
            libName + '_CFLAGS', '')
        yield 'LIBRARY_LINK_FLAGS+=' + probeVars.get(libName + '_LDFLAGS', '')
    yield ''

    for component in iterComponents():
        yield 'COMPONENT_%s:=%s' % (component.makeName,
Пример #8
 def iterNiceNames():
     for package in packages:
         yield package.niceName
     for component in iterComponents():
         yield component.niceName
Пример #9
def iterProbeResults(probeVars, configuration, logPath):
    '''Present probe results, so user can decide whether to start the build,
	or to change system configuration and rerun "configure".
    desiredComponents = set(configuration.iterDesiredComponents())
    requiredComponents = set(configuration.iterRequiredComponents())
    buildableComponents = set(configuration.iterBuildableComponents(probeVars))
    packages = sorted(
         for makeName in requiredLibrariesFor(desiredComponents)),
        key=lambda package: package.niceName.lower())
    customVars = extractMakeVariables('build/')

    yield ''
    if not parseBool(probeVars['COMPILER']):
        yield 'No working C++ compiler was found.'
        yield "Please install a C++ compiler, such as GCC's g++."
        yield 'If you have a C++ compiler installed and openMSX did not ' \
         'detect it, please set the environment variable CXX to the name ' \
         'of your C++ compiler.'
        yield 'After you have corrected the situation, rerun "configure".'
        yield ''
        # Compute how wide the first column should be.
        def iterNiceNames():
            for package in packages:
                yield package.niceName
            for component in iterComponents():
                yield component.niceName

        maxLen = max(len(niceName) for niceName in iterNiceNames())
        formatStr = '  %-' + str(maxLen + 3) + 's %s'

        yield 'Found libraries:'
        for package in packages:
            makeName = package.getMakeName()
            if probeVars['HAVE_%s_LIB' % makeName]:
                found = 'version %s' % probeVars['VERSION_%s' % makeName]
            elif probeVars['HAVE_%s_H' % makeName]:
                # Dependency resolution of a typical distro will not allow
                # this situation. Most likely we got the link flags wrong.
                found = 'headers found, link test failed'
                found = 'no'
            yield formatStr % (package.niceName + ':', found)
        yield ''

        yield 'Components overview:'
        for component in iterComponents():
            if component in desiredComponents:
                status = 'yes' if component in buildableComponents else 'no'
                status = 'disabled'
            yield formatStr % (component.niceName + ':', status)
        yield ''

        yield 'Customisable options:'
        yield formatStr % ('Install to', customVars['INSTALL_BASE'])
        yield '  (you can edit these in build/'
        yield ''

        if buildableComponents == desiredComponents:
            yield 'All required and optional components can be built.'
        elif requiredComponents.issubset(buildableComponents):
            yield 'If you are satisfied with the probe results, ' \
             'run "make" to start the build.'
            yield 'Otherwise, install some libraries and headers ' \
             'and rerun "configure".'
            yield 'Please install missing libraries and headers ' \
             'and rerun "configure".'
        yield ''
        yield 'If the detected libraries differ from what you think ' \
         'is installed on this system, please check the log file: %s' \
         % logPath
        yield ''
Пример #10
		def iterNiceNames():
			for package in packages:
				yield package.niceName
			for component in iterComponents():
				yield component.niceName
Пример #11
def iterProbeResults(probeVars, configuration, logPath):
	'''Present probe results, so user can decide whether to start the build,
	or to change system configuration and rerun "configure".
	desiredComponents = set(configuration.iterDesiredComponents())
	requiredComponents = set(configuration.iterRequiredComponents())
	buildableComponents = set(configuration.iterBuildableComponents(probeVars))
	packages = sorted(
		(	getPackage(makeName)
			for makeName in requiredLibrariesFor(desiredComponents)
		key = lambda package: package.niceName.lower()
	customVars = extractMakeVariables('build/')

	yield ''
	if not parseBool(probeVars['COMPILER']):
		yield 'No working C++ compiler was found.'
		yield "Please install a C++ compiler, such as GCC's g++."
		yield 'If you have a C++ compiler installed and openMSX did not ' \
			'detect it, please set the environment variable CXX to the name ' \
			'of your C++ compiler.'
		yield 'After you have corrected the situation, rerun "configure".'
		yield ''
		# Compute how wide the first column should be.
		def iterNiceNames():
			for package in packages:
				yield package.niceName
			for component in iterComponents():
				yield component.niceName
		maxLen = max(len(niceName) for niceName in iterNiceNames())
		formatStr = '  %-' + str(maxLen + 3) + 's %s'

		yield 'Found libraries:'
		for package in packages:
			makeName = package.getMakeName()
			if probeVars['HAVE_%s_LIB' % makeName]:
				found = 'version %s' % probeVars['VERSION_%s' % makeName]
			elif probeVars['HAVE_%s_H' % makeName]:
				# Dependency resolution of a typical distro will not allow
				# this situation. Most likely we got the link flags wrong.
				found = 'headers found, link test failed'
				found = 'no'
			yield formatStr % (package.niceName + ':', found)
		yield ''

		yield 'Components overview:'
		for component in iterComponents():
			if component in desiredComponents:
				status = 'yes' if component in buildableComponents else 'no'
				status = 'disabled'
			yield formatStr % (component.niceName + ':', status)
		yield ''

		yield 'Customisable options:'
		yield formatStr % ('Install to', customVars['INSTALL_BASE'])
		yield '  (you can edit these in build/'
		yield ''

		if buildableComponents == desiredComponents:
			yield 'All required and optional components can be built.'
		elif requiredComponents.issubset(buildableComponents):
			yield 'If you are satisfied with the probe results, ' \
				'run "make" to start the build.'
			yield 'Otherwise, install some libraries and headers ' \
				'and rerun "configure".'
			yield 'Please install missing libraries and headers ' \
				'and rerun "configure".'
		yield ''
		yield 'If the detected libraries differ from what you think ' \
			'is installed on this system, please check the log file: %s' \
			% logPath
		yield ''