Пример #1
            def score(vector):
                for (parameter, value) in zip(parameters, vector):
                    setattr(self.args, parameter.replace('-', '_'), [value])
                result = sgn * self.volume[0]
                LOG.info('Optimization vector: %s, result: %g', vector, result)

                return result
Пример #2
def _get_param_value_table(device):
    field_names = ["Name", "Value"]
    table = get_default_table(field_names)
    table.border = False
    table.header = False

    for param in device:
        table.add_row([param.name, str(run_in_loop(param.get()))])

    if hasattr(device, 'state'):
        table.add_row(['state', device.state])

    return table.get_string()
Пример #3
    def test_run_in_loop(self):
        async def consume():
            return 1

        self.assertEqual(run_in_loop(consume()), 1)
Пример #4
    def find_parameters(self, parameters, projections=None, metrics=('sag',), regions=None,
                        iterations=1, fwhm=0, minimize=(True,), z=None, method='powell',
                        method_options=None, guesses=None, bounds=None, store=True):
        """Find reconstruction parameters. *parameters* (see
        :attr:`.GeneralBackprojectArgs.z_parameters`) are the names of the parameters which should
        be found, *projections* are the input data and if not specified, the ones from last
        reconstruction are used. *z* specifies the height in which the parameter is looked for. If
        *store* is True, the found parameter values are stored in the reconstruction arguments.
        Optimization is done either brute-force if *regions* are not specified or one of the scipy
        minimization methods is used, see below.

        If *regions* are specified, they are reconstructed for the corresponding parameters and a
        metric from *metrics* list is applied. Thus, first parameter in *parameters* is
        reconstructed within the first region in *regions* and the first metric (see
        :attr:`.GeneralBackprojectArgs.slice_metrics`) in *metrics* is applied and so on. If
        *metrics* is of length 1 then it is applied to all parameters. *minimize* is a tuple
        specifying whether each parameter in the list should be minimized (True) or maximized
        (False). After every parameter is processed, the parameter optimization result is stored and
        the next parameter is optimized in such a way, that the result of the optimization of the
        previous parameter already takes place. *iterations* specifies how many times are all the
        parameters reconstructed. *fwhm* specifies the full width half maximum of the gaussian
        window used to filter out the low frequencies in the metric, which is useful when the region
        for a metric is large. If the *fwhm* is specified, the region must be at least 4 * fwhm
        large. If *fwhm* is 0 no filtering is done.

        If *regions* is not specified, :func:`scipy.minimize` is used to find the parameter, where
        the optimization method is given by the *method* parameter, *method_options* are passed as
        *options* to the minimize function and *guesses* are initial guesses in the order of the
        *parameters* list. If *bounds* are given, they represent the domains where to look for
        parameters, they are (min, max) tuples, also in the order of the *parameters* list. See
        documentation of :func:`scipy.minimize` for the list of minimization methods which support
        bounds specification. In this approach only the first in *metrics* is taken into account
        because the optimization happens on all parameters simultaneously, the same holds for
        if projections is None:
            if self.projections is None:
                raise GeneralBackprojectManagerError('*projections* must be specified if no '
                                                     ' reconstructions have been done yet')
            projections = self.projections
        orig_args = self.args
        self.args = copy.deepcopy(self.args)

        if regions is None:
            # No region specified, do a real optimization on the parameters vector
            from scipy import optimize

            def score(vector):
                for (parameter, value) in zip(parameters, vector):
                    setattr(self.args, parameter.replace('-', '_'), [value])
                result = sgn * self.volume[0]
                LOG.info('Optimization vector: %s, result: %g', vector, result)

                return result

            self.args.z_parameter = 'z'
            z = z or 0
            self.args.region = [z, z + 1, 1.]
            self.args.slice_metric = metrics[0]
            sgn = 1 if minimize[0] else -1
            if guesses is None:
                guesses = []
                for parameter in parameters:
                    if parameter == 'center-position-x':
                        guesses.append(self.args.width / 2)
            LOG.info('Guesses: %s', guesses)
            result = optimize.minimize(score, guesses, method=method, bounds=bounds,
            LOG.info('%s', result.message)
            result = result.x
            # Regions specified, reconstruct given regions for given parameters and simply search
            # for extrema of the given metrics
            self.args.z = z or 0
            if fwhm:
                for region in regions:
                    if len(np.arange(*region)) < 4 * fwhm:
                        raise ValueError('All regions must be at least 4 * fwhm large '
                                         'when fwhm is specified')
            result = []
            if len(metrics) == 1:
                metrics = metrics * len(parameters)
            if len(minimize) == 1:
                minimize = minimize * len(parameters)
            for i in range(iterations):
                for (parameter, region, metric, minim) in zip(parameters, regions,
                                                              metrics, minimize):
                    self.args.slice_metric = metric
                    self.args.z_parameter = parameter
                    self.args.region = region
                    sgn = 1 if minim else -1
                    values = self.volume
                    if fwhm:
                        values = filter_low_frequencies(values, fwhm=fwhm)[2 * int(fwhm):
                                                                           -2 * int(fwhm)]
                    param_result = (np.argmin(sgn * values) + 2 * fwhm) * region[2] + region[0]
                    setattr(self.args, parameter.replace('-', '_'), [param_result])
                    if i == iterations - 1:
                    LOG.info('Optimizing %s, region: %s, metric: %s, minimize: %s, result: %g',
                             parameter, region, metric, minim, param_result)

        LOG.info('Optimization result: %s', result)

        if store:
            for (parameter, value) in zip(parameters, result):
                setattr(orig_args, parameter.replace('-', '_'), [value])
        self.args = orig_args

        return result
Пример #5
 def upper_external(self):
     return run_in_loop(self.get_upper_external())
Пример #6
 def lower_external(self):
     return run_in_loop(self.get_lower_external())
Пример #7
 def lower_user(self):
     return run_in_loop(self.get_lower_user())
Пример #8
 def upper_user(self):
     return run_in_loop(self.get_upper_user())
Пример #9
 def upper(self, value):
Пример #10
 def lower(self, value):
Пример #11
 def target(self):
     return run_in_loop(self.get_target())
Пример #12
 def __repr__(self):
     return run_in_loop(self.info_table).get_string()
Пример #13
 def __set__(self, instance, value):
Пример #14
 def __get__(self, instance, owner):
     return run_in_loop(instance[self.name].get())
Пример #15
 def __str__(self):
     return run_in_loop(self.info_table).get_string(sortby="Parameter")