Пример #1
def copy_recipe(m, config):
    if config.include_recipe and m.include_recipe() and bool(m.path):
        recipe_dir = join(config.info_dir, 'recipe')

        for fn in os.listdir(m.path):
            if fn.startswith('.'):
            src_path = join(m.path, fn)
            dst_path = join(recipe_dir, fn)
            copy_into(src_path, dst_path, timeout=config.timeout)

        # store the rendered meta.yaml file, plus information about where it came from
        #    and what version of conda-build created it
        original_recipe = os.path.join(m.path, 'meta.yaml')
        rendered = output_yaml(m)
        if not open(original_recipe).read() == rendered:
            with open(join(recipe_dir, "meta.yaml"), 'w') as f:
                f.write("# This file created by conda-build {}\n".format(
                f.write("# meta.yaml template originally from:\n")
                f.write("# " + source.get_repository_info(m.path) + "\n")
                    "# ------------------------------------------------\n\n")
                      os.path.join(recipe_dir, 'meta.yaml.template'),
Пример #2
def copy_recipe(m, config):
    if config.include_recipe and m.include_recipe():
        recipe_dir = join(config.info_dir, 'recipe')

        if os.path.isdir(m.path):
            for fn in os.listdir(m.path):
                if fn.startswith('.'):
                src_path = join(m.path, fn)
                dst_path = join(recipe_dir, fn)
                copy_into(src_path, dst_path, timeout=config.timeout)

            # store the rendered meta.yaml file, plus information about where it came from
            #    and what version of conda-build created it
            original_recipe = os.path.join(m.path, 'meta.yaml')
            original_recipe = ""

        rendered = output_yaml(m)
        if not original_recipe or not open(original_recipe).read() == rendered:
            with open(join(recipe_dir, "meta.yaml"), 'w') as f:
                f.write("# This file created by conda-build {}\n".format(__version__))
                if original_recipe:
                    f.write("# meta.yaml template originally from:\n")
                    f.write("# " + source.get_repository_info(m.path) + "\n")
                f.write("# ------------------------------------------------\n\n")
            if original_recipe:
                copy_into(original_recipe, os.path.join(recipe_dir, 'meta.yaml.template'),
Пример #3
def create_info_files(m, files, include_recipe=True):
    Creates the metadata files that will be stored in the built package.

    :param m: Package metadata
    :type m: Metadata
    :param files: Paths to files to include in package
    :type files: list of str
    :param include_recipe: Whether or not to include the recipe (True by default)
    :type include_recipe: bool
    if not isdir(config.info_dir):

    if include_recipe:
        recipe_dir = join(config.info_dir, 'recipe')

        for fn in os.listdir(m.path):
            if fn.startswith('.'):
            src_path = join(m.path, fn)
            dst_path = join(recipe_dir, fn)
            if isdir(src_path):
                shutil.copytree(src_path, dst_path)
                shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path)

        # store the rendered meta.yaml file, plus information about where it came from
        #    and what version of conda-build created it
        metayaml = output_yaml(m)
        with open(join(recipe_dir, "meta.yaml.rendered"), 'w') as f:
                "# This file created by conda-build {}\n".format(__version__))
            f.write("# meta.yaml template originally from:\n")
            f.write("# " + source.get_repository_info(m.path) + "\n")
            f.write("# ------------------------------------------------\n\n")

    license_file = m.get_value('about/license_file')
    if license_file:
        shutil.copyfile(join(source.get_dir(), license_file),
                        join(config.info_dir, 'LICENSE.txt'))

    readme = m.get_value('about/readme')
    if readme:
        src = join(source.get_dir(), readme)
        if not isfile(src):
            sys.exit("Error: no readme file: %s" % readme)
        dst = join(config.info_dir, readme)
        shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
        if os.path.split(readme)[1] not in {
                "README.md", "README.rst", "README"
                "WARNING: anaconda.org only recognizes about/readme as README.md and README.rst",
                file=sys.stderr)  # noqa

    info_index = m.info_index()
    pin_depends = m.get_value('build/pin_depends')
    if pin_depends:
        dists = get_run_dists(m)
        with open(join(config.info_dir, 'requires'), 'w') as fo:
# This file as created when building:
#     %s.tar.bz2  (on '%s')
# It can be used to create the runtime environment of this package using:
# $ conda create --name <env> --file <this file>
""" % (m.dist(), cc.subdir))
            for dist in sorted(dists + [m.dist()]):
                fo.write('%s\n' % '='.join(dist.rsplit('-', 2)))
        if pin_depends == 'strict':
            info_index['depends'] = [
                ' '.join(dist.rsplit('-', 2)) for dist in dists

    # Deal with Python 2 and 3's different json module type reqs
    mode_dict = {'mode': 'w', 'encoding': 'utf-8'} if PY3 else {'mode': 'wb'}
    with open(join(config.info_dir, 'index.json'), **mode_dict) as fo:
        json.dump(info_index, fo, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

    with open(join(config.info_dir, 'about.json'), 'w') as fo:
        d = {}
        for key in ('home', 'dev_url', 'doc_url', 'license_url', 'license',
                    'summary', 'description', 'license_family'):
            value = m.get_value('about/%s' % key)
            if value:
                d[key] = value
        json.dump(d, fo, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

    if on_win:
        # make sure we use '/' path separators in metadata
        files = [_f.replace('\\', '/') for _f in files]

    with open(join(config.info_dir, 'files'), **mode_dict) as fo:
        if m.get_value('build/noarch_python'):
            for f in files:
                fo.write(f + '\n')

    files_with_prefix = sorted(have_prefix_files(files))
    binary_has_prefix_files = m.binary_has_prefix_files()
    text_has_prefix_files = m.has_prefix_files()

    ignore_files = m.ignore_prefix_files()
    if ignore_files:
        # do we have a list of files, or just ignore everything?
        if hasattr(ignore_files, "__iter__"):
            files_with_prefix = [
                f for f in files_with_prefix if f[2] not in ignore_files
            binary_has_prefix_files = [
                f for f in binary_has_prefix_files if f[2] not in ignore_files
            ]  # noqa
            text_has_prefix_files = [
                f for f in text_has_prefix_files if f[2] not in ignore_files
            files_with_prefix = []

    if files_with_prefix and not m.get_value('build/noarch_python'):
        auto_detect = m.get_value('build/detect_binary_files_with_prefix')
        if on_win:
            # Paths on Windows can contain spaces, so we need to quote the
            # paths. Fortunately they can't contain quotes, so we don't have
            # to worry about nested quotes.
            fmt_str = '"%s" %s "%s"\n'
            # Don't do it everywhere because paths on Unix can contain quotes,
            # and we don't have a good method of escaping, and because older
            # versions of conda don't support quotes in has_prefix
            fmt_str = '%s %s %s\n'
        with open(join(config.info_dir, 'has_prefix'), 'w') as fo:
            for pfix, mode, fn in files_with_prefix:
                if (fn in text_has_prefix_files):
                    # register for text replacement, regardless of mode
                    fo.write(fmt_str % (pfix, 'text', fn))
                elif ((mode == 'binary') and (fn in binary_has_prefix_files)):
                    print("Detected hard-coded path in binary file %s" % fn)
                    fo.write(fmt_str % (pfix, mode, fn))
                elif (auto_detect or (mode == 'text')):
                    print("Detected hard-coded path in %s file %s" %
                          (mode, fn))
                    fo.write(fmt_str % (pfix, mode, fn))
                    print("Ignored hard-coded path in %s" % fn)

    # make sure we found all of the files expected
    errstr = ""
    for f in text_has_prefix_files:
        errstr += "Did not detect hard-coded path in %s from has_prefix_files\n" % f
    for f in binary_has_prefix_files:
        errstr += "Did not detect hard-coded path in %s from binary_has_prefix_files\n" % f
    if errstr:
        raise RuntimeError(errstr)

    no_link = m.get_value('build/no_link')
    if no_link:
        if not isinstance(no_link, list):
            no_link = [no_link]
        with open(join(config.info_dir, 'no_link'), 'w') as fo:
            for f in files:
                if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(f, p) for p in no_link):
                    fo.write(f + '\n')

    if m.get_value('source/git_url'):
        with io.open(join(config.info_dir, 'git'), 'w',
                     encoding='utf-8') as fo:

    if m.get_value('app/icon'):
        shutil.copyfile(join(m.path, m.get_value('app/icon')),
                        join(config.info_dir, 'icon.png'))
Пример #4
def create_info_files(m, files, include_recipe=True):
    Creates the metadata files that will be stored in the built package.

    :param m: Package metadata
    :type m: Metadata
    :param files: Paths to files to include in package
    :type files: list of str
    :param include_recipe: Whether or not to include the recipe (True by default)
    :type include_recipe: bool
    if not isdir(config.info_dir):

    if include_recipe and m.include_recipe():
        recipe_dir = join(config.info_dir, 'recipe')

        for fn in os.listdir(m.path):
            if fn.startswith('.'):
            src_path = join(m.path, fn)
            dst_path = join(recipe_dir, fn)
            if isdir(src_path):
                shutil.copytree(src_path, dst_path)
                shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path)

        # store the rendered meta.yaml file, plus information about where it came from
        #    and what version of conda-build created it
        metayaml = output_yaml(m)
        with open(join(recipe_dir, "meta.yaml.rendered"), 'w') as f:
            f.write("# This file created by conda-build {}\n".format(__version__))
            f.write("# meta.yaml template originally from:\n")
            f.write("# " + source.get_repository_info(m.path) + "\n")
            f.write("# ------------------------------------------------\n\n")

    license_file = m.get_value('about/license_file')
    if license_file:
        shutil.copyfile(join(source.get_dir(), license_file),
                        join(config.info_dir, 'LICENSE.txt'))

    readme = m.get_value('about/readme')
    if readme:
        src = join(source.get_dir(), readme)
        if not isfile(src):
            sys.exit("Error: no readme file: %s" % readme)
        dst = join(config.info_dir, readme)
        shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
        if os.path.split(readme)[1] not in {"README.md", "README.rst", "README"}:
            print("WARNING: anaconda.org only recognizes about/readme as README.md and README.rst", file=sys.stderr)  # noqa

    info_index = m.info_index()
    pin_depends = m.get_value('build/pin_depends')
    if pin_depends:
        dists = get_run_dists(m)
        with open(join(config.info_dir, 'requires'), 'w') as fo:
# This file as created when building:
#     %s.tar.bz2  (on '%s')
# It can be used to create the runtime environment of this package using:
# $ conda create --name <env> --file <this file>
""" % (m.dist(), cc.subdir))
            for dist in sorted(dists + [m.dist()]):
                fo.write('%s\n' % '='.join(dist.split('::', 1)[-1].rsplit('-', 2)))
        if pin_depends == 'strict':
            info_index['depends'] = [' '.join(dist.split('::', 1)[-1].rsplit('-', 2))
                                     for dist in dists]

    # Deal with Python 2 and 3's different json module type reqs
    mode_dict = {'mode': 'w', 'encoding': 'utf-8'} if PY3 else {'mode': 'wb'}
    with open(join(config.info_dir, 'index.json'), **mode_dict) as fo:
        json.dump(info_index, fo, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

    with open(join(config.info_dir, 'about.json'), 'w') as fo:
        d = {}
        for key in ('home', 'dev_url', 'doc_url', 'license_url',
                    'license', 'summary', 'description', 'license_family'):
            value = m.get_value('about/%s' % key)
            if value:
                d[key] = value
        json.dump(d, fo, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

    if on_win:
        # make sure we use '/' path separators in metadata
        files = [_f.replace('\\', '/') for _f in files]

    with open(join(config.info_dir, 'files'), **mode_dict) as fo:
        if m.get_value('build/noarch_python'):
            for f in files:
                fo.write(f + '\n')

    files_with_prefix = sorted(have_prefix_files(files))
    binary_has_prefix_files = m.binary_has_prefix_files()
    text_has_prefix_files = m.has_prefix_files()

    ignore_files = m.ignore_prefix_files()
    if ignore_files:
        # do we have a list of files, or just ignore everything?
        if hasattr(ignore_files, "__iter__"):
            files_with_prefix = [f for f in files_with_prefix if f[2] not in ignore_files]
            binary_has_prefix_files = [f for f in binary_has_prefix_files if f[2] not in ignore_files]  # noqa
            text_has_prefix_files = [f for f in text_has_prefix_files if f[2] not in ignore_files]
            files_with_prefix = []

    if files_with_prefix and not m.get_value('build/noarch_python'):
        auto_detect = m.get_value('build/detect_binary_files_with_prefix')
        if on_win:
            # Paths on Windows can contain spaces, so we need to quote the
            # paths. Fortunately they can't contain quotes, so we don't have
            # to worry about nested quotes.
            fmt_str = '"%s" %s "%s"\n'
            # Don't do it everywhere because paths on Unix can contain quotes,
            # and we don't have a good method of escaping, and because older
            # versions of conda don't support quotes in has_prefix
            fmt_str = '%s %s %s\n'
        with open(join(config.info_dir, 'has_prefix'), 'w') as fo:
            for pfix, mode, fn in files_with_prefix:
                if (fn in text_has_prefix_files):
                    # register for text replacement, regardless of mode
                    fo.write(fmt_str % (pfix, 'text', fn))
                elif ((mode == 'binary') and (fn in binary_has_prefix_files)):
                    print("Detected hard-coded path in binary file %s" % fn)
                    fo.write(fmt_str % (pfix, mode, fn))
                elif (auto_detect or (mode == 'text')):
                    print("Detected hard-coded path in %s file %s" % (mode, fn))
                    fo.write(fmt_str % (pfix, mode, fn))
                    print("Ignored hard-coded path in %s" % fn)

    # make sure we found all of the files expected
    errstr = ""
    for f in text_has_prefix_files:
        errstr += "Did not detect hard-coded path in %s from has_prefix_files\n" % f
    for f in binary_has_prefix_files:
        errstr += "Did not detect hard-coded path in %s from binary_has_prefix_files\n" % f
    if errstr:
        raise RuntimeError(errstr)

    no_link = m.get_value('build/no_link')
    if no_link:
        if not isinstance(no_link, list):
            no_link = [no_link]
        with open(join(config.info_dir, 'no_link'), 'w') as fo:
            for f in files:
                if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(f, p) for p in no_link):
                    fo.write(f + '\n')

    if m.get_value('source/git_url'):
        with io.open(join(config.info_dir, 'git'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fo:

    if m.get_value('app/icon'):
        shutil.copyfile(join(m.path, m.get_value('app/icon')),
                        join(config.info_dir, 'icon.png'))