Пример #1
 def put(self, id):
   session = Session()
   username = oidc.user_getfield('username')
   topic = session.query(Topic).get(id)
   if topic:
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     if topic.start_time <= now and now <= topic.end_time:
     if topic.user != username:
     kargs = request.get_json(silent=True)
     fields = Topic.get_form_fields()
     for field in fields:
        if kargs.get(field):
           setattr(topic, field, kargs[field])
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     minimum = datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) 
     if kargs.get('start_time') and (parse(kargs.get('start_time'), yearfirst=True) - now) < minimum:
       json_abort(400, "You can't edit a topic 5 minutes before start.")
     if topic.start_time >= topic.end_time:
       json_abort(400, "End time can not be less than Start time.")
     if not oidc.is_api_request():
       url = url_for('api_topic', id=int(id))
       data = { "url": url, "message": "Success. Redirecting to %s" % url }
       return jsonify(data) 
   return jsonify(topic)
Пример #2
 def delete(self, id):
   session = Session()
   roles = oidc.user_getfield('cognito:groups') if oidc.user_getfield('cognito:groups') else []
   topic = session.query(Topic).get(id)
   if topic:
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     if now > topic.start_time:
       json_abort(403, "Voting started. Can't delete")
     if 'admin' not in roles:
   topic = session.query(Topic).get(id)
   if not oidc.is_api_request():
     url = url_for('api_topic', id=int(id))
     data = { "url": url, "message": "Success. Redirecting to %s" % url }
   return jsonify(topic)
Пример #3
 def get(self, id=None):
   session = Session()
   roles = oidc.user_getfield('cognito:groups') if oidc.user_getfield('cognito:groups') else []
   username = oidc.user_getfield('username')
   vote = False
   if id is not None:
     if id == 0:
        if not oidc.is_api_request():
          editables = Topic.get_form_fields()
          url = url_for('api_topics')
          return render_template('topic.html', topic=None, colnames=editables, editables=editables, method="POST", url=url) 
     topic = session.query(Topic).get(id)
     if not topic:
     grant = session.query(RoleGrant).filter(RoleGrant.topic_id == id).filter(RoleGrant.role.in_(roles)).all()
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     if 'admin' not in roles and not grant and topic.user != username:
       invite = session.query(Invite).filter(Invite.topic_id == id).filter(Invite.role.in_(roles)).all()
       if not invite:
         abort(403, 'You do not have privilege to either vote or edit this topic')
       method = 'GET'
     elif now > topic.start_time:
       method = 'GET'
       method = 'PUT'
     url = url_for('api_topic', id=int(id))
     topic = session.query(Topic).get(id)
     if topic.start_time <= now and now <= topic.end_time:
       voted = session.query(Mapper).filter(Mapper.user==username).filter(Mapper.topic_id==id).all()
       if not voted:
         vote = True
     if not oidc.is_api_request():
       options = session.query(TopicOption).filter(TopicOption.topic_id == id).all()
       invites = session.query(Invite).filter(Invite.topic_id == id).all()
       columns = Topic.get_default_fields()
       optioncols = TopicOption.get_form_fields()
       invitecols = Invite.get_form_fields()
       editables = Topic.get_editable_fields()
       if now > topic.end_time:
         votes = session.query(Vote).filter(Vote.topic_id == id).all()
         for option in options:
           count = session.query(Vote).filter(Vote.topic_id == id).filter(Vote.option_id == option.id).count()
           logger.debug("Vote count for {}: {}".format(option.id, count))
           option.vote_count = count 
         votecols = Vote.get_form_fields()
         return render_template(
                         'topic.html', topic=topic, options=options, colnames=columns, invites=invites,
                          editables=editables, optioncols=optioncols, invitecols=invitecols, 
                          method=method, url=url, vote=vote, votes=votes, votecols=votecols, 
       return render_template(
                     'topic.html', topic=topic, options=options, colnames=columns, invites=invites,
                      editables=editables, optioncols=optioncols, invitecols=invitecols, method=method, 
                      url=url, vote=vote, client_url=CLIENT_URL)
     return jsonify(topics)
     result = {'owned': {}, 'vote': {}, 'manage': {}}
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     if 'admins' in roles:
       topics = session.query(Topic).all()
       return topics
     topics = session.query(Topic).filter(Topic.user==username)
     for topic in topics:
     	result['owned'][topic.id] = topic
     rows = session.query(RoleGrant).join(Topic).filter(RoleGrant.role.in_(roles)).filter(Topic.end_time >= now).all()
     for row in rows:
       result['manage'][row.topic.id] = row.topic
     rows = session.query(Invite).join(Topic).filter(Invite.role.in_(roles)).filter(Topic.end_time >= now).all()
     for row in rows:
       result['vote'][row.topic.id] = row.topic
     topics = {'Topics owned': list(result['owned'].values()), 'Topics to vote': list(result['vote'].values()), 'Topics to manage': list(result['manage'].values())}
     url = url_for('api_topics')
     if not oidc.is_api_request():
        columns = Topic.get_default_fields()
        return render_template('topics.html', topics=topics, colnames=columns, url=url)
     return jsonify(topics)