Пример #1
    def Make_X_UsingCopula_xi(self):
        Xvar = []
        varr = list(zip(*self.ListNonDominated))
        xx = rd.sample( self.ListNonDominated , len(self.ListNonDominated)/2) # demi de meilleur sol and random
        yy = [item for item in self.ListNonDominated if item not in xx]
        if len(xx)>len(yy):
            xx.pop()            # test egality
        if len(yy)>len(xx):
        for j in range(self.ndimension):
            xm = []
            ym = []
            for i in range(len(yy)):   # youo are here 
            x = np.array(xm)
            y = np.array(ym)
            foo = Copula(x, y, family='frank') # gumbel, clayton, frank
            self.C[j] = deepcopy(foo)            
            XX, YY = foo.generate_xy(self.Tbit)
            X1 = XX.tolist()
            Y1 = YY.tolist()
        Zvar = zip(*Xvar)
        Indexs = []
        for index in range(len(Zvar)): # test du contraintes
#            if ( ( Zvar[index][0]<0 or Zvar[index][0]>1)  or  any(map(lambda x:True if (x < -5 or x > 5) else False ,Zvar[index][1:])) == True ):
            if ( any(map(lambda x:True if (x < self.xmin or x > self.xmax) else False ,Zvar[index])) == True ):
        for index in range(len(Indexs)):
        return Zvar
Пример #2
    def Make_X_UsingCopula2(self):
        Xvar = []
#        Varrtmp = self.Choice()
        varr = list(zip(*self.ListNonDominated))
        xx = rd.sample( self.ListNonDominated , len(self.ListNonDominated)/2) # demi de meilleur sol
        yy = [item for item in self.ListNonDominated if item not in xx]
        if len(xx)>len(yy):
            xx.pop()            # test egality
        if len(yy)>len(xx):
        for j in range(m):
            xm = []
            ym = []
            for i in range(len(yy)):   # youo are here rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
            x = np.array(xm)
            y = np.array(ym)
            foo = Copula(x, y, family='frank') # gumbel, clayton, frank
            self.C[j] = deepcopy(foo)            
            XX, YY = foo.generate_xy(200)
            X1 = XX.tolist()
            Y1 = YY.tolist()
        Zvar = zip(*Xvar)
        Indexs = []
        for index in range(len(Zvar)):
            if ( any(map(lambda x:True if (x < 0 or x >1) else False ,Zvar[index])) == True ):
        for index in range(len(Indexs)):
        return Zvar
Пример #3
 def Make_X_UsingCopula2(self):
     indexes = [self.Constrained.index(b) for b in self.ListNonDominated]
     self.ListNonDominatedP = self.Load_PModel(indexes)
     Xvar = []
     xx = rd.sample(self.ListNonDominatedP,
                    len(self.ListNonDominatedP) /
                    2)  # demi de meilleur sol and random
     yy = [item for item in self.ListNonDominatedP if item not in xx]
     if len(xx) > len(yy):
         xx.pop()  # test egality
     if len(yy) > len(xx):
     for j in range(m):
         xm = []
         ym = []
         for i in range(len(yy)):
         x = np.array(xm)
         y = np.array(ym)
         foo = Copula(x, y, family='frank')  # gumbel, clayton, frank
         self.C[j] = deepcopy(foo)
         XX, YY = foo.generate_xy(150)
         X1 = XX.tolist()
         Y1 = YY.tolist()
         Xvar.append(X1 + Y1)
     Zvar = zip(*Xvar)
     Zvar = Zvar + self.ListNonDominatedP
     self.P = Zvar
     new = self.isContrainte(self.Lecture(Zvar))
     #      self.P = self.P + self.ListNonDominatedP
     return new
Пример #4
    def Make_X_UsingCopula_half(self):
        Xvar = range(self.ndimension)        # pour que la liste puisse contenir 30 elements
#        Varrtmp = self.Choice()
        varr = list(zip(*self.ListNonDominated))
        indexs = rd.sample(range(self.ndimension),self.ndimension)
        xx = rd.sample( self.ListNonDominated , len(self.ListNonDominated)/2) # demi de meilleur sol
        yy = [item for item in self.ListNonDominated if item not in xx]
        if len(xx)>len(yy):
            xx.pop()            # test egality
        if len(yy)>len(xx):
        k = 0        
        for j in range(self.ndimension/2):
            xm = deepcopy(varr[k])
            ym = deepcopy(varr[k+1])
            x = np.array(xm)
            y = np.array(ym)
            foo = Copula(x, y, family='frank') # gumbel, clayton, frank
            self.C[j] = deepcopy(foo)            
            XX, YY = foo.generate_xy(self.Tbit)
            X1 = XX.tolist()
            Y1 = YY.tolist()
            Xvar[k] = deepcopy(X1)
            Xvar[k+1] = deepcopy(Y1)
            k = k + 2
        Zvar = zip(*Xvar)
        Indexs = []
        for index in range(len(Zvar)): # test du contraintes
#            if ( ( Zvar[index][0]<0 or Zvar[index][0]>1)  or  any(map(lambda x:True if (x < self.xmin or x > self.xmax) else False ,Zvar[index][1:])) == True ):
            if ( any(map(lambda x:True if (x < self.xmin or x > self.xmax ) else False ,Zvar[index])) == True ):
        for index in range(len(Indexs)):
        return Zvar
Пример #5
    def Make_X_UsingCopula2(self):
        Xvar = range(30)        # pour que la liste puisse contenir 30 elements
#        Varrtmp = self.Choice()
        varr = list(zip(*self.ListNonDominated))
        indexs = rd.sample(range(30),30)
        xx = rd.sample( self.ListNonDominated , len(self.ListNonDominated)/2) # demi de meilleur sol
        yy = [item for item in self.ListNonDominated if item not in xx]
        if len(xx)>len(yy):
            xx.pop()            # test egality
        if len(yy)>len(xx):
        k = 0        
        for j in range(m/2):
            xm = deepcopy(varr[k])
            ym = deepcopy(varr[k+1])
            x = np.array(xm)
            y = np.array(ym)
            foo = Copula(x, y, family='frank') # gumbel, clayton, frank
            self.C[j] = deepcopy(foo)            
            XX, YY = foo.generate_xy(200)
            X1 = XX.tolist()
            Y1 = YY.tolist()
            Xvar[k] = deepcopy(X1)
            Xvar[k+1] = deepcopy(Y1)
            k = k + 2
        Zvar = zip(*Xvar)
        Indexs = []
        for index in range(len(Zvar)): # test du contraintes
            if ( any(map(lambda x:True if (x < 0 or x >1) else False ,Zvar[index])) == True ):
        for index in range(len(Indexs)):
        return Zvar
Пример #6
def Normal():
    from copulalib.copulalib import Copula
    deviation = 5
    N_points = 10000
    N_Features = 200
    size_init_data = 100
    Data_array_Ref = np.zeros((N_points, N_Features))
    Data_array_Test = np.zeros((N_points, N_Features))
    # Let us create the numpy array
    for i in range(0, N_Features):
        # Generate random (normal distributed) numbers::
        x = np.random.normal(size=size_init_data)
        y = (x) + np.random.normal(size=size_init_data)

        # Make the instance of Copula class with x, y and clayton family::
        foo = Copula(x, y, family='clayton')
        X1, Y1 = foo.generate_xy(N_points)

        #print X1.shape
        #print Y1.shape
        print "The iteration going on is", i
        X2 = X1 + deviation
        Y2 = Y1 + deviation

        # plot_copula(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,'Copula_parabola_T')
    Data_array_Ref[:, i] = X1.copy()
    Data_array_Ref[:, i] = Y1.copy()
    Data_array_Test[:, i] = X2.copy()
    Data_array_Test[:, i] = Y2.copy()
    i = i + 1
    np.savetxt("foo_Ref.csv", Data_array_Ref, delimiter=",")
    np.savetxt("foo_Test.csv", Data_array_Test, delimiter=",")
Пример #7
   def Make_X_UsingCopula2(self):
       indexes = [self.Constrained.index(b) for b in self.ListNonDominated ]        
       self.ListNonDominatedP = self.Load_PModel(indexes)
       Xvar = []
       xx = rd.sample( self.ListNonDominatedP , len(self.ListNonDominatedP)/2) # demi de meilleur sol and random
       yy = [item for item in self.ListNonDominatedP if item not in xx]
       if len(xx)>len(yy):
           xx.pop()            # test egality
       if len(yy)>len(xx):
       for j in range(m):
           xm = []
           ym = []
           for i in range(len(yy)):   
           x = np.array(xm)
           y = np.array(ym)
           foo = Copula(x, y, family='frank') # gumbel, clayton, frank
           self.C[j] = deepcopy(foo)            
           XX, YY = foo.generate_xy(150)
           X1 = XX.tolist()
           Y1 = YY.tolist()
       Zvar = zip(*Xvar)
       Zvar = Zvar + self.ListNonDominatedP
       self.P = Zvar
       new = self.isContrainte(self.Lecture(Zvar))
 #      self.P = self.P + self.ListNonDominatedP
       return new
Пример #8
def Test_RBF():
    deviation = 40
    N_points = 1000
    N_Features = 2
    size_init_data = 100

    # Declare the data arrays
    Data_array_Ref = np.zeros((N_points, N_Features))
    Data_array_Test = np.zeros((N_points, N_Features))

    # Generate random (normal distributed) numbers::
    x = np.random.normal(size=size_init_data)
    y = np.power(x, 1) + np.exp(x) + np.random.normal(size=size_init_data)

    # Make the instance of Copula class with x, y and clayton family::
    foo = Copula(x, y, family='clayton')
    X1, Y1 = foo.generate_xy(N_points)

    # Plot the
    Data_array_Ref[:, 0] = X1.copy()
    Data_array_Ref[:, 1] = Y1.copy()
    Data_array_Test[:, 0] = X1.copy() + deviation
    Data_array_Test[:, 1] = Y1.copy() + deviation

    # plot the copula
    # plot_copula(Data_array_Ref[:,0], Data_array_Ref[:,1], Data_array_Test[:,0], Data_array_Test[:,1], 'Copula_parabola_T');
    start_time = time.time()
    for gam in [0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 10]:
        MD_test = np.zeros((N_points, 2))
        MD_normal = np.zeros((N_points, 2))
        alphas, lambdas = stepwise_kpca(Data_array_Ref,
        for i in range(0, N_points):
            MD_normal[i][:] = project_x(Data_array_Ref[i][:],
        for i in range(0, N_points):
            MD_test[i][:] = project_x(Data_array_Test[i][:],
        np.savetxt("Trans_normal" + str(gam) + ".csv",
        np.savetxt("Trans_Test" + str(gam) + ".csv", MD_test, delimiter=",")
        print("--- %s Seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
        print("--- %s Gamma ---" % gam)
Пример #9
 def Make_X_UsingCopula2(self):
     Xvar = []
     #        Varrtmp = self.Choice()
     varr = list(zip(*self.ListNonDominated))
     xx = rd.sample(self.ListNonDominated,
                    len(self.ListNonDominated) /
                    2)  # demi de meilleur sol and random
     yy = [item for item in self.ListNonDominated if item not in xx]
     if len(xx) > len(yy):
         xx.pop()  # test egality
     if len(yy) > len(xx):
     for j in range(m):
         xm = []
         ym = []
         for i in range(
         ):  # youo are here rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
         x = np.array(xm)
         y = np.array(ym)
         foo = Copula(x, y, family='frank')  # gumbel, clayton, frank
         self.C[j] = deepcopy(foo)
         XX, YY = foo.generate_xy(200)
         X1 = XX.tolist()
         Y1 = YY.tolist()
         Xvar.append(X1 + Y1)
     Zvar = zip(*Xvar)
     Indexs = []
     for index in range(len(Zvar)):  # test du contraintes
         #           if ( any(map(lambda x:True if (x < -5 or x >5) else False ,Zvar[index][1:])) == True ) or (Zvar[index][0]<0 or Zvar[index][0] > 1):     # pour f4
         if (any(
                 map(lambda x: True
                     if (x < 0 or x > 1) else False, Zvar[index])) == True):
     for index in range(len(Indexs)):
     return Zvar
Пример #10
def Weibull():
    N_points = 100
    N_Features = 10
    size_init_data = 100
    Data_array_Ref = np.zeros((N_points, N_Features))
    Data_array_Test = np.zeros((N_points, N_Features))
    # Let us create the numpy array
    for i in range(0, N_Features):
        # Generate random (normal distributed) numbers::
        x = np.random.weibull(10, size=size_init_data)
        y = np.power(x, 2) + np.random.weibull(10, size=size_init_data)
        # Make the instance of Copula class with x, y and clayton family::
        foo = Copula(x, y, family='frank')
        X1, Y1 = foo.generate_xy(N_points)
        #print X1.shape
        X2 = X1
        Y2 = Y1
        Data_array_Ref[:, i] = X1.copy()
        Data_array_Ref[:, i] = Y1.copy()
        Data_array_Test[:, i] = X2.copy()
        Data_array_Test[:, i] = Y2.copy()
        i = i + 1
    np.savetxt("foo_Ref.csv", Data_array_Ref, delimiter=",")
    np.savetxt("foo_Test.csv", Data_array_Test, delimiter=",")

    from numpy import genfromtxt
    dev = np.random.rand(100, 1) * 1000
    dev = np.sort(dev, axis=None)
    Data_array_Ref = genfromtxt('foo_Ref.csv', delimiter=',')
    Data_array_Test = genfromtxt('foo_Test.csv', delimiter=',')
    Data_array_Test = Data_array_Test + 40
    # Calculate Distance between Class 2 and Class 1
    row_ref = Data_array_Ref.shape[0]
    column_ref = Data_array_Ref.shape[1]
    row_test = Data_array_Test.shape[0]
    column_test = Data_array_Test.shape[1]
    for gam in [0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.1]:
        Res = []
        for element in dev:

            # Declare the variables
            print("--- %s True Distance ---" % (element))
            Data_array_Ref = genfromtxt('foo_Ref.csv', delimiter=',')
            Data_array_Test = genfromtxt('foo_Test.csv', delimiter=',')
            Data_array_Test = Data_array_Test + element
            mean_normal = []
            std_normal = []

            # Declare the Matrices
            Normalized_matrix_test_Data_class_1 = np.zeros(
                (row_ref, column_ref))
            Normalized_matrix_test_Data_class_2 = np.zeros(
                (row_test, column_test))

            # First Calculate the mean and the standard deviation\
            for i in range(0, column_ref):
                a = np.array(Data_array_Ref[i])

            #Calcualte Normalized matrix
            for j in range(0, column_ref):
                for i in range(0, row_ref):
                    Normalized_matrix_test_Data_class_1[i, j] = (
                        Data_array_Ref[i, j] - mean_normal[j]) / std_normal[j]
            for j in range(0, column_test):
                for i in range(0, row_test):
                    Normalized_matrix_test_Data_class_2[i, j] = (
                        Data_array_Test[i, j] - mean_normal[j]) / std_normal[j]

            numberFlag = 1
            CurrentFile = []
            start_time = time.time()
            MD, CurrentFile = Initialization_kernel(
                Normalized_matrix_test_Data_class_2, 'Simulated_Data', 1, 2,
                numberFlag, CurrentFile, gam)
            print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
            print "The mean of Class 2 from Ref is", MD.mean()
        print "The resulting distances are", Res
        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
        colors = ["#9b59b6", "#3498db", "#95a5a6", "#e74c3c"]
        Data_plot = np.zeros((len(Res), 2))
        Data_plot[:, 0] = np.array(Res).copy()
        Data_plot[:, 1] = np.array(dev).copy()
        np.savetxt("foo_data_plot_Weibull" + str(gam) + ".csv",
        plot_copula_time(Res, dev, str(gam), 'Weibull1' + str(gam), colors[0])
Пример #11
def GammachangeNormal():
    deviation = [30]
    N_points = 10000
    N_Features = 100
    size_init_data = 1000
    Data_array_Ref = np.zeros((N_points, N_Features))
    Data_array_Test = np.zeros((N_points, N_Features))
    # Let us create the numpy array
    for i in range(0, N_Features):
        # Generate random (normal distributed) numbers::
        x = np.random.normal(size=size_init_data)
        y = x + np.random.normal(size=size_init_data)
        # Make the instance of Copula class with x, y and clayton family::
        foo = Copula(x, y, family='clayton')
        X1, Y1 = foo.generate_xy(N_points)
        #print X1.shape
        #print Y1.shape
        print "The iteration going on is", i
        X2 = X1
        Y2 = Y1
        Data_array_Ref[:, i] = X1.copy()
        Data_array_Ref[:, i] = Y1.copy()
        Data_array_Test[:, i] = X2.copy()
        Data_array_Test[:, i] = Y2.copy()
        i = i + 1

    np.savetxt("foo_Ref.csv", Data_array_Ref, delimiter=",")
    np.savetxt("foo_Test.csv", Data_array_Test, delimiter=",")

    from numpy import genfromtxt
    #dev= np.random.rand(100,1)*1000;
    #dev=np.sort(dev, axis=None);
    Data_array_Ref = genfromtxt('foo_Ref.csv', delimiter=',')
    Data_array_Test = genfromtxt('foo_Test.csv', delimiter=',')
    Data_array_Test = Data_array_Test + 40
    # Calculate Distance between Class 2 and Class 1:
    row_ref = Data_array_Ref.shape[0]
    column_ref = Data_array_Ref.shape[1]
    row_test = Data_array_Test.shape[0]
    column_test = Data_array_Test.shape[1]
    MD = traditional_MTS(Data_array_Ref, Data_array_Test)
    a1 = (np.random.rand(50, 1) / 10000).tolist(
    )  # [0.000001,0.000002,0.000003,0.000005,0.000009,0.00001,0.00002,0.00004,0.00006,0.00008,0.00009,0.0001,0.0002,0.0003,0.0004,0.0006,0.0008,0.001,0.002,0.003,0.004];
    a2 = (np.random.rand(50, 1) / 1000).tolist()
    a3 = (np.random.rand(50, 1) / 100).tolist()

    gamma_array = np.asarray(a1 + a2 + a3)
    # Declare the variables
    Data_array_Ref = genfromtxt('foo_Ref.csv', delimiter=',')
    Data_array_Test = genfromtxt('foo_Test.csv', delimiter=',')
    Data_array_Test = Data_array_Test + 30
    mean_normal = []
    std_normal = []

    # Declare the Matrices
    Normalized_matrix_test_Data_class_1 = np.zeros((row_ref, column_ref))
    Normalized_matrix_test_Data_class_2 = np.zeros((row_test, column_test))

    # First Calculate the mean and the standard deviation\
    for i in range(0, column_ref):
        a = np.array(Data_array_Ref[i])

    #Calcualte Normalized matrix
    for j in range(0, column_ref):
        for i in range(0, row_ref):
                i, j] = (Data_array_Ref[i, j] - mean_normal[j]) / std_normal[j]
    for j in range(0, column_test):
        for i in range(0, row_test):
                j] = (Data_array_Test[i, j] - mean_normal[j]) / std_normal[j]
    Res = []
    numberFlag = 1

    P = np.sort(gamma_array, axis=None)

    for gam in P:
        CurrentFile = []
        start_time = time.time()
        MD, CurrentFile = Initialization_kernel(
            Normalized_matrix_test_Data_class_2, 'Simulated_Data', 1, 2,
            numberFlag, CurrentFile, gam)
        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
        print "The mean of Class 2 from Ref is", MD.mean()

    colors = ["#9b59b6", "#3498db", "#95a5a6", "#e74c3c"]
    Data_plot = np.zeros((len(Res), P))
    Data_plot[:, 0] = np.array(Res).copy()
    Data_plot[:, 1] = np.array(dev).copy()
    np.savetxt("foo_data_plot_Normal_gamma_change" + str(gam) + ".csv",
    plot_copula_time(Res, P, 'NGDM-HDR Vs Gamma', 'GammaNorm_1' + str(gam),