Пример #1
class Manage(object):
    ''' Methods to manipulate status of movies or search results

    def __init__(self):
        self.score = searchresults.Score()
        self.tmdb = TMDB()
        self.metadata = Metadata()
        self.poster = Poster()
        self.searcher = searcher.Searcher()

    def add_movie(self, movie, full_metadata=False):
        ''' Adds movie to Wanted list.
        movie (dict): movie info to add to database.
        full_metadata (bool): if data is complete and ready for write

        movie MUST inlcude tmdb id as data['id']

        Writes data to MOVIES table.

        If full_metadata is False, searches tmdb for data['id'] and updates data
            full_metadata should only be True when passing movie as data pulled
            directly from a tmdbid search

        If Search on Add enabled,
            searches for movie immediately in separate thread.
            If Auto Grab enabled, will snatch movie if found.

        Returns dict ajax-style response

        logging.info('Adding {} to library.'.format(movie.get('title')))

        response = {}
        tmdbid = movie['id']

        if not full_metadata:
            logging.debug('More information needed, searching TheMovieDB for {}'.format(tmdbid))
            tmdb_data = self.tmdb._search_tmdbid(tmdbid)
            if not tmdb_data:
                response['error'] = _('Unable to find {} on TMDB.').format(tmdbid)
                return response
                tmdb_data = tmdb_data[0]

        if core.sql.row_exists('MOVIES', imdbid=movie['imdbid']):
            logging.info('{} already exists in library.'.format(movie['title']))

            response['response'] = False

            response['error'] = _('{} already exists in library.').format(movie['title'])
            return response

        movie.setdefault('quality', 'Default')
        movie.setdefault('status', 'Waiting')
        movie.setdefault('origin', 'Search')

        poster_path = movie.get('poster_path')

        movie = self.metadata.convert_to_db(movie)

        if not core.sql.write('MOVIES', movie):
            response['response'] = False
            response['error'] = _('Could not write to database.')
            return response
            if poster_path:
                poster_url = 'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300/{}'.format(poster_path)
                threading.Thread(target=self.poster.save_poster, args=(movie['imdbid'], poster_url)).start()

            if movie['status'] != 'Disabled' and movie['year'] != 'N/A':  # disable immediately grabbing new release for imports
                threading.Thread(target=self.searcher._t_search_grab, args=(movie,)).start()

            response['response'] = True
            response['message'] = _('{} {} added to library.').format(movie['title'], movie['year'])
            plugins.added(movie['title'], movie['year'], movie['imdbid'], movie['quality'])

            return response

    def remove_movie(self, imdbid):
        ''' Remove movie from library
        imdbid (str): imdb id #

        Calls core.sql.remove_movie and removes poster (in separate thread)

        Returns dict ajax-style response

        logging.info('Removing {} for library.'.format(imdbid))

        m = core.sql.get_movie_details('imdbid', imdbid)

        removed = core.sql.remove_movie(imdbid)

        if removed is True:
            response = {'response': True, 'message': _('{} removed from library.').format(m.get('title'))}
            threading.Thread(target=self.poster.remove_poster, args=(imdbid,)).start()
        elif removed is False:
            response = {'response': False, 'error': _('Unable to remove {}.').format(m.get('title'))}
        elif removed is None:
            response = {'response': False, 'error': _('{} does not exist in library.').format(imdbid)}

        return response

    def searchresults(self, guid, status, movie_info=None):
        ''' Marks searchresults status
        guid (str): download link guid
        status (str): status to set
        movie_info (dict): of movie metadata    <optional - default None>

        If guid is in SEARCHRESULTS table, marks it as status.

        If guid not in SEARCHRESULTS, uses movie_info to create a result.

        Returns bool


        logging.info('Marking guid {} as {}.'.format(guid.split('&')[0], status))

        if core.sql.row_exists(TABLE, guid=guid):

            # Mark bad in SEARCHRESULTS
            logging.info('Marking {} as {} in SEARCHRESULTS.'.format(guid.split('&')[0], status))
            if not core.sql.update(TABLE, 'status', status, 'guid', guid):
                logging.error('Setting SEARCHRESULTS status of {} to {} failed.'.format(guid.split('&')[0], status))
                return False
                logging.info('Successfully marked {} as {} in SEARCHRESULTS.'.format(guid.split('&')[0], status))
                return True
            logging.info('Guid {} not found in SEARCHRESULTS, attempting to create entry.'.format(guid.split('&')[0]))
            if movie_info is None:
                logging.warning('Movie metadata not supplied, unable to create SEARCHRESULTS entry.')
                return False
            search_result = searchresults.generate_simulacrum(movie_info)
            search_result['indexer'] = 'Post-Processing Import'
            if not search_result.get('title'):
                search_result['title'] = movie_info['title']
            search_result['size'] = os.path.getsize(movie_info.get('orig_filename') or '.')
            if not search_result['resolution']:
                search_result['resolution'] = 'Unknown'

            search_result = self.score.score([search_result], imported=True)[0]

            required_keys = ('score', 'size', 'status', 'pubdate', 'title', 'imdbid', 'indexer', 'date_found', 'info_link', 'guid', 'torrentfile', 'resoluion', 'type', 'downloadid', 'freeleech')

            search_result = {k: v for k, v in search_result.items() if k in required_keys}

            if core.sql.write('SEARCHRESULTS', search_result):
                return True
                return False

    def markedresults(self, guid, status, imdbid=None):
        ''' Marks markedresults status
        guid (str): download link guid
        status (str): status to set
        imdbid (str): imdb identification number    <optional - default None>

        If guid is in MARKEDRESULTS table, marks it as status.
        If guid not in MARKEDRSULTS table, created entry. Requires imdbid.

        Returns bool


        if core.sql.row_exists(TABLE, guid=guid):
            # Mark bad in MARKEDRESULTS
            logging.info('Marking {} as {} in MARKEDRESULTS.'.format(guid.split('&')[0], status))
            if not core.sql.update(TABLE, 'status', status, 'guid', guid):
                logging.info('Setting MARKEDRESULTS status of {} to {} failed.'.format(guid.split('&')[0], status))
                return False
                logging.info('Successfully marked {} as {} in MARKEDRESULTS.'.format(guid.split('&')[0], status))
                return True
            logging.info('Guid {} not found in MARKEDRESULTS, creating entry.'.format(guid.split('&')[0]))
            if imdbid:
                DB_STRING = {}
                DB_STRING['imdbid'] = imdbid
                DB_STRING['guid'] = guid
                DB_STRING['status'] = status
                if core.sql.write(TABLE, DB_STRING):
                    logging.info('Successfully created entry in MARKEDRESULTS for {}.'.format(guid.split('&')[0]))
                    return True
                    logging.error('Unable to create entry in MARKEDRESULTS for {}.'.format(guid.split('&')[0]))
                    return False
                logging.warning('Imdbid not supplied or found, unable to add entry to MARKEDRESULTS.')
                return False

    def movie_status(self, imdbid):
        ''' Updates Movie status.
        imdbid (str): imdb identification number (tt123456)

        Updates Movie status based on search results.
        Always sets the status to the highest possible level.

        Returns str new movie status

        logging.info('Determining appropriate status for movie {}.'.format(imdbid))

        movie = core.sql.get_movie_details('imdbid', imdbid)
        if movie:
            current_status = movie.get('status')
            return ''

        if current_status == 'Disabled':
            return 'Disabled'

        new_status = None

        t = []

        if core.CONFIG['Downloader']['Sources']['usenetenabled']:
        if core.CONFIG['Downloader']['Sources']['torrentenabled']:
            t += ['torrent', 'magnet']

        cmd = 'SELECT DISTINCT status FROM SEARCHRESULTS WHERE imdbid="{}" AND type IN ("{}")'.format(imdbid, '", "'.join(t))

            result_status = [i['status'] for i in core.sql.execute([cmd]).fetchall()] or []
        except Exception as e:
            logging.warning('Unable to determine movie status.', exc_info=True)
            result_status = []

        if 'Finished' in result_status:
            new_status = 'Finished'
        elif 'Snatched' in result_status:
            new_status = 'Snatched'
        elif 'Available' in result_status:
            new_status = 'Found'
            new_status = 'Wanted' if self.searcher.verify(movie) else 'Waiting'

        logging.info('Setting MOVIES {} status to {}.'.format(imdbid, new_status))
        if core.sql.update('MOVIES', 'status', new_status, 'imdbid', imdbid):
            return new_status
            logging.error('Could not set {} to {}'.format(imdbid, new_status))
            return ''

    def get_stats(self):
        ''' Gets stats from database for graphing
        Formats data for use with Morris graphing library

        Returns dict

        logging.info('Generating library stats.')

        stats = {}

        status = {'Waiting': 0,
                  'Wanted': 0,
                  'Found': 0,
                  'Snatched': 0,
                  'Finished': 0

        qualities = {'Default': 0}
        for i in core.CONFIG['Quality']['Profiles']:
            if i == 'Default':
            qualities[i] = 0

        years = {}
        added_dates = {}
        scores = {}

        movies = core.sql.get_user_movies()

        if not movies:
            return {'error', 'Unable to read database'}

        for movie in movies:
            if movie['status'] == 'Disabled':
                status['Finished'] += 1
                status[movie['status']] += 1

            if movie['quality'].startswith('{'):
                qualities['Default'] += 1
                if movie['quality'] not in qualities:
                    qualities[movie['quality']] = 1
                    qualities[movie['quality']] += 1

            if movie['year'] not in years:
                years[movie['year']] = 1
                years[movie['year']] += 1

            if movie['added_date'][:-3] not in added_dates:
                added_dates[movie['added_date'][:-3]] = 1
                added_dates[movie['added_date'][:-3]] += 1

            score = round((float(movie['score']) * 2)) / 2
            if score not in scores:
                scores[score] = 1
                scores[score] += 1

        stats['status'] = [{'label': k, 'value': v} for k, v in status.items()]
        stats['qualities'] = [{'label': k, 'value': v} for k, v in qualities.items()]
        stats['years'] = sorted([{'year': k, 'value': v} for k, v in years.items()], key=lambda k: k['year'])
        stats['added_dates'] = sorted([{'added_date': k, 'value': v} for k, v in added_dates.items() if v is not None], key=lambda k: k['added_date'])
        stats['scores'] = sorted([{'score': k, 'value': v} for k, v in scores.items()], key=lambda k: k['score'])
        return stats
Пример #2
class Metadata(object):
    ''' Methods for gathering/preparing metadata for movies

    def __init__(self):
        self.tmdb = TMDB()
        self.poster = Poster()
        self.MOVIES_cols = [i.name for i in core.sql.MOVIES.c]

    def from_file(self, filepath, imdbid=None):
        ''' Gets video metadata using hachoir.parser
        filepath (str): absolute path to movie file
        imdbid (str): imdb id #             <optional - Default None>

        On failure can return empty dict

        Returns dict

        logging.info('Gathering metadata for {}.'.format(filepath))

        data = {
            'title': None,
            'year': None,
            'resolution': None,
            'rated': None,
            'imdbid': imdbid,
            'videocodec': None,
            'audiocodec': None,
            'releasegroup': None,
            'source': None,
            'quality': None,
            'path': filepath,
            'edition': []

        titledata = self.parse_filename(filepath)

        filedata = self.parse_media(filepath)

        if data.get('resolution'):
            if data['resolution'].upper() in ('4K', '1080P', '720P'):
                data['resolution'] = '{}-{}'.format(data['source'] or 'BluRay', data['resolution'].upper())
                data['resolution'] = 'DVD-SD'

        if data.get('title') and not data.get('imdbid'):
            title_date = '{} {}'.format(data['title'], data['year']) if data.get('year') else data['title']
            tmdbdata = self.tmdb.search(title_date, single=True)
            if not tmdbdata:
                logging.warning('Unable to get data from TheMovieDB for {}'.format(data['title']))
                return data

            tmdbdata = tmdbdata[0]
            tmdbid = tmdbdata.get('id')

            if not tmdbid:
                logging.warning('Unable to get data from TheMovieDB for {}'.format(data['imdbid']))
                return data

            tmdbdata = tmdbdata = self.tmdb._search_tmdbid(tmdbid)
            if tmdbdata:
                tmdbdata = tmdbdata[0]
                logging.warning('Unable to get data from TMDB for {}'.format(data['imdbid']))
                return data

            data['year'] = tmdbdata['release_date'][:4]

        if data.get('3d'):

        data['edition'] = ' '.join(sorted(data['edition']))

        return data

    def parse_media(self, filepath):
        ''' Uses Hachoir-metadata to parse the file header to metadata
        filepath (str): absolute path to file

        Attempts to get resolution from media width

        Returns dict of metadata

        logging.info('Parsing codec data from file {}.'.format(filepath))
        metadata = {}
            with createParser(filepath) as parser:
                extractor = extractMetadata(parser)
            filedata = extractor.exportDictionary(human=False)

        except Exception as e:
            logging.error('Unable to parse metadata from file header.', exc_info=True)
            return metadata

        if filedata:
            # For mp4, mvk, avi in order
            video = filedata.get('Metadata') or \
                filedata.get('video[1]') or \
                filedata.get('video') or \

            # mp4 doesn't have audio data so this is just for mkv and avi
            audio = filedata.get('audio[1]') or {}

            if video.get('width'):
                width = int(video.get('width'))
                if width > 1920:
                    metadata['resolution'] = '4K'
                elif 1920 >= width > 1440:
                    metadata['resolution'] = '1080P'
                elif 1440 >= width > 720:
                    metadata['resolution'] = '720P'
                    metadata['resolution'] = 'SD'
                metadata['resolution'] = 'SD'

            if audio.get('compression'):
                metadata['audiocodec'] = audio['compression'].replace('A_', '')
            if video.get('compression'):
                metadata['videocodec'] = video['compression'].split('/')[0].split('(')[0].replace('V_', '')

        return metadata

    def parse_filename(self, filepath):
        ''' Uses PTN to get as much info as possible from path
        filepath (str): absolute path to movie file

        Parses parent directory name first, then file name if folder name seems incomplete.

        Returns dict of metadata

        dirname = os.path.split(filepath)[0].split(os.sep)[-1]

        logging.info('Parsing directory name for movie information: {}.'.format(dirname))

        meta_data = PTN.parse(dirname)
        for i in ('excess', 'episode', 'episodeName', 'season', 'garbage', 'website'):
            meta_data.pop(i, None)

        if len(meta_data) > 3:
            meta_data['release_name'] = dirname
            logging.info('Found {} in filename.'.format(meta_data))
            logging.debug('Parsing directory name does not look accurate. Parsing file name.')
            filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
            meta_data = PTN.parse(filename)
            logging.info('Found {} in file name.'.format(meta_data))
            if len(meta_data) < 2:
                logging.warning('Little information found in file name. Movie may be incomplete.')
            meta_data['release_title'] = filename

        title = meta_data.get('title')
        if title and title[-1] == '.':
            meta_data['title'] = title[:-1]

        # Make sure this matches our key names
        if 'year' in meta_data:
            meta_data['year'] = str(meta_data['year'])
        meta_data['videocodec'] = meta_data.pop('codec', None)
        meta_data['audiocodec'] = meta_data.pop('audio', None)

        qual = meta_data.pop('quality', '')
        for source, aliases in core.CONFIG['Quality']['Aliases'].items():
            if any(a.lower() == qual.lower() for a in aliases):
                meta_data['source'] = source
        meta_data.setdefault('source', None)

        meta_data['releasegroup'] = meta_data.pop('group', None)

        return meta_data

    def convert_to_db(self, movie):
        ''' Takes movie data and converts to a database-writable dict
        movie (dict): of movie information

        Used to prepare TMDB's movie response for write into MOVIES
        Must include Watcher-specific keys ie resolution
        Makes sure all keys match and are present
        Sorts out alternative titles and digital release dates

        Returns dict ready to sql.write into MOVIES

        logging.info('Converting movie metadata to database structure for {}.'.format(movie['title']))

        if not movie.get('imdbid'):
            movie['imdbid'] = 'N/A'

        if not movie.get('year') and movie.get('release_date'):
            movie['year'] = movie['release_date'][:4]
        elif not movie.get('year'):
            movie['year'] = 'N/A'

        movie.setdefault('added_date', str(datetime.date.today()))

        if movie.get('poster_path'):
            movie['poster'] = '{}.jpg'.format(movie['imdbid'])
            movie['poster'] = None

        movie['plot'] = movie.get('overview') if not movie.get('plot') else movie.get('plot')
        movie['url'] = 'https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/{}'.format(movie.get('id', movie.get('tmdbid')))
        movie['score'] = movie.get('score') or movie.get('vote_average') or 0

        if not movie.get('status'):
            movie['status'] = 'Waiting'
        movie['backlog'] = 0
        if not movie.get('tmdbid'):
            movie['tmdbid'] = movie.get('id')

        if not isinstance(movie.get('alternative_titles'), str):
            a_t = []
            for i in movie.get('alternative_titles', {}).get('titles', []):
                if i['iso_3166_1'] == 'US':

            movie['alternative_titles'] = ','.join(a_t)

        dates = []
        for i in movie.get('release_dates', {}).get('results', []):
            for d in i['release_dates']:
                if d['type'] > 4:

        if dates:
            movie['media_release_date'] = min(dates)[:10]

        if not movie.get('quality'):
            movie['quality'] = 'Default'

        movie['finished_file'] = movie.get('finished_file')

        if movie['title'].startswith('The '):
            movie['sort_title'] = movie['title'][4:] + ', The'
        elif movie['title'].startswith('A '):
            movie['sort_title'] = movie['title'][2:] + ', A'
        elif movie['title'].startswith('An '):
            movie['sort_title'] = movie['title'][3:] + ', An'
            movie['sort_title'] = movie['title']

        for k, v in movie.items():
            if isinstance(v, str):
                movie[k] = v.strip()

        movie = {k: v for k, v in movie.items() if k in self.MOVIES_cols}

        return movie

    def update(self, imdbid, tmdbid=None, force_poster=True):
        ''' Updates metadata from TMDB
        imdbid (str): imdb id #
        tmdbid (str): or int tmdb id #                                  <optional - default None>
        force_poster (bool): whether or not to always redownload poster <optional - default True>

        If tmdbid is None, looks in database for tmdbid using imdbid.
        If that fails, looks on tmdb api for imdbid
        If that fails returns error message

        If force_poster is True, the poster will be re-downloaded.
        If force_poster is False, the poster will only be redownloaded if the local
            database does not have a 'poster' filepath stored. In other words, this
            will only grab missing posters.

        Returns dict ajax-style response

        logging.info('Updating metadata for {}'.format(imdbid))
        movie = core.sql.get_movie_details('imdbid', imdbid)

        if force_poster:
            get_poster = True
        elif not movie.get('poster'):
            get_poster = True
        elif not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(core.PROG_PATH, movie['poster'])):
            get_poster = True
            logging.debug('Poster will not be redownloaded.')
            get_poster = False

        if tmdbid is None:
            tmdbid = movie.get('tmdbid')

            if not tmdbid:
                logging.debug('TMDB id not found in local database, searching TMDB for {}'.format(imdbid))
                tmdb_data = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(imdbid)
                tmdbid = tmdb_data[0].get('id') if tmdb_data else None
            if not tmdbid:
                logging.debug('Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(imdbid))
                return {'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(imdbid)}

        new_data = self.tmdb._search_tmdbid(tmdbid)

        if not new_data:
            logging.warning('Empty response from TMDB.')
            new_data = new_data[0]


        target_poster = os.path.join(self.poster.poster_folder, '{}.jpg'.format(imdbid))

        if new_data.get('poster_path'):
            poster_path = 'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300{}'.format(new_data['poster_path'])
            movie['poster'] = '{}.jpg'.format(movie['imdbid'])
            poster_path = None

        movie = self.convert_to_db(movie)

        core.sql.update_multiple_values('MOVIES', movie, 'imdbid', imdbid)

        if poster_path and get_poster:
            if os.path.isfile(target_poster):
                except FileNotFoundError:
                except Exception as e:
                    logging.warning('Unable to remove existing poster.', exc_info=True)
                    return {'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to remove existing poster.'}

            self.poster.save_poster(imdbid, poster_path)

        return {'response': True, 'message': 'Metadata updated.'}
Пример #3
class API(object):
    exposed = True

    def __init__(self):
        self.tmdb = TMDB()

    def GET(self, **params):
        ''' Get handler for API calls

        params: kwargs must inlcude {'apikey': $, 'mode': $}

        Checks api key matches and other required keys are present based on
            mode. Then dispatches to correct method to handle request.

        serverkey = core.CONFIG['Server']['apikey']

        if 'apikey' not in params:
            logging.warning('API request failed, no key supplied.')
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'no api key supplied'}

        # check for api key
        if serverkey != params['apikey']:
            logging.warning('Invalid API key in request: {}'.format(
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'incorrect api key'}

        # find what we are going to do
        if 'mode' not in params:
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'no api mode specified'}

        if params['mode'] == 'liststatus':

            if 'imdbid' in params:
                return self.liststatus(imdbid=params['imdbid'])
                return self.liststatus()

        elif params['mode'] == 'addmovie':
            if 'imdbid' not in params and 'tmdbid' not in params:
                return {'response': False, 'error': 'no movie id supplied'}
            if params.get('imdbid') and params.get('tmdbid'):
                return {
                    'response': False,
                    'error': 'multiple movie ids supplied'
                quality = params.get('quality')
                if params.get('imdbid'):
                    return self.addmovie(imdbid=params['imdbid'],
                elif params.get('tmdbid'):
                    return self.addmovie(tmdbid=params['tmdbid'],
        elif params['mode'] == 'removemovie':
            if 'imdbid' not in params:
                return {'response': False, 'error': 'no imdbid supplied'}
                imdbid = params['imdbid']
            return self.removemovie(imdbid)

        elif params['mode'] == 'version':
            return self.version()

        elif params['mode'] == 'getconfig':
            return {'response': True, 'config': core.CONFIG}
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'invalid mode'}

    def liststatus(self, imdbid=None):
        ''' Returns status of user's movies
        :param imdbid: imdb id number of movie <optional>

        Returns list of movie details from MOVIES table. If imdbid is not supplied
            returns all movie details.

        Returns str dict)

        logging.info('API request movie list.')
        movies = core.sql.get_user_movies()
        if not movies:
            return 'No movies found.'

        if imdbid:
            for i in movies:
                if i['imdbid'] == imdbid:
                    if i['status'] == 'Disabled':
                        i['status'] = 'Finished'
                    return {'response': True, 'movie': i}
            for i in movies:
                if i['status'] == 'Disabled':
                    i['status'] = 'Finished'
            return {'response': True, 'movies': movies}

    def addmovie(self, imdbid=None, tmdbid=None, quality=None):
        ''' Add movie with default quality settings
        imdbid (str): imdb id #

        Returns str dict) {"status": "success", "message": "X added to wanted list."}

        origin = cherrypy.request.headers.get('User-Agent', 'API')
        origin = 'API' if origin.startswith('Mozilla/') else origin
        if quality is None:
            quality = 'Default'

        if imdbid:
            logging.info('API request add movie imdb {}'.format(imdbid))
            movie = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(imdbid)
            if not movie:
                return {
                    'response': False,
                    'error': 'Cannot find {} on TMDB'.format(imdbid)
                movie = movie[0]
                movie['imdbid'] = imdbid
        elif tmdbid:
            logging.info('API request add movie tmdb {}'.format(tmdbid))
            movie = self.tmdb._search_tmdbid(tmdbid)

            if not movie:
                return {
                    'response': False,
                    'error': 'Cannot find {} on TMDB'.format(tmdbid)
                movie = movie[0]

        movie['quality'] = quality
        movie['status'] = 'Waiting'
        movie['origin'] = origin

        return core.manage.add_movie(movie, full_metadata=True)

    def removemovie(self, imdbid):
        ''' Remove movie from library
        imdbid (str): imdb id #

        Returns str dict)

        logging.info('API request remove movie {}'.format(imdbid))

        return core.manage.remove_movie(imdbid)

    def version(self):
        ''' Simple endpoint to return commit hash

        Mostly used to test connectivity without modifying the server.

        Returns str dict)
        return {
            'response': True,
            'version': core.CURRENT_HASH,
            'api_version': api_version
Пример #4
class Ajax(object):
    ''' These are all the methods that handle
        ajax post/get requests from the browser.

    Except in special circumstances, all should return a JSON string
        since that is the only datatype sent over http


    def __init__(self):
        self.tmdb = TMDB()
        self.config = config.Config()
        self.metadata = library.Metadata()
        self.predb = predb.PreDB()
        self.plugins = plugins.Plugins()
        self.searcher = searcher.Searcher()
        self.score = searchresults.Score()
        self.sql = sqldb.SQL()
        self.library = library
        self.poster = poster.Poster()
        self.snatcher = snatcher.Snatcher()
        self.update = library.Status()

    def search_tmdb(self, search_term):
        ''' Search tmdb for movies
        :param search_term: str title and year of movie (Movie Title 2016)

        Returns str json-encoded list of dicts that contain tmdb's data.

        results = self.tmdb.search(search_term)
        if not results:
            logging.info('No Results found for {}'.format(search_term))
            return None
            return json.dumps(results)

    def movie_info_popup(self, data):
        ''' Calls movie_info_popup to render html
        :param imdbid: str imdb identification number (tt123456)

        Returns str html content.

        mip = movie_info_popup.MovieInfoPopup()
        return mip.html(data)

    def movie_status_popup(self, imdbid):
        ''' Calls movie_status_popup to render html
        :param imdbid: str imdb identification number (tt123456)

        Returns str html content.

        msp = movie_status_popup.MovieStatusPopup()
        return msp.html(imdbid)

    def add_wanted_movie(self, data, full_metadata=False):
        ''' Adds movie to Wanted list.
        :param data: str json.dumps(dict) of info to add to database.
        full_metadata: bool if data is complete and ready for write

        data MUST inlcude tmdb id as data['id']

        Writes data to MOVIES table.

        If full_metadata is False, searches tmdb for data['id'] and updates data

        If Search on Add enabled,
            searches for movie immediately in separate thread.
            If Auto Grab enabled, will snatch movie if found.

        Returns str json.dumps(dict) of status and message

        def thread_search_grab(data):
            imdbid = data['imdbid']
            title = data['title']
            year = data['year']
            quality = data['quality']
            if core.CONFIG['Search']['searchafteradd']:
                if self.searcher.search(imdbid, title, year, quality):
                    if core.CONFIG['Search']['autograb']:

        response = {}
        data = json.loads(data)
        tmdbid = data['id']

        if not full_metadata:
            movie = self.tmdb._search_tmdbid(tmdbid)[0]
            movie = data

        movie['quality'] = data.get('quality', 'Default')
        movie['status'] = data.get('status', 'Wanted')

        if self.sql.row_exists('MOVIES', imdbid=movie['imdbid']):
            logging.info('{} already exists in library.'.format(movie['title']))

            response['response'] = False

            response['error'] = '{} already exists in library.'.format(movie['title'])
            return json.dumps(response)

        if movie.get('poster_path'):
            poster_url = 'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300{}'.format(movie['poster_path'])
            poster_url = '{}/static/images/missing_poster.jpg'.format(core.PROG_PATH)

        movie = self.metadata.convert_to_db(movie)

        if self.sql.write('MOVIES', movie):
            t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.poster.save_poster, args=(movie['imdbid'], poster_url))

            if movie['status'] != 'Disabled':  # disable immediately grabbing new release for imports
                t = threading.Thread(target=thread_search_grab, args=(movie,))

            response['response'] = True
            response['message'] = '{} {} added to library.'.format(movie['title'], movie['year'])
            self.plugins.added(movie['title'], movie['year'], movie['imdbid'], movie['quality'])

            return json.dumps(response)
            response['response'] = False
            response['error'] = 'Could not write to database. Check logs for more information.'
            return json.dumps(response)

    def add_wanted_imdbid(self, imdbid, quality='Default'):
        ''' Method to quckly add movie with just imdbid
        :param imdbid: str imdb id #

        Submits movie with base quality options

        Generally just used for the api

        Returns dict of success/fail with message.

        Returns str json.dumps(dict)

        response = {}

        movie = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(imdbid)

        if not movie:
            response['status'] = 'false'
            response['message'] = '{} not found on TMDB.'.format(imdbid)
            return response
            movie = movie[0]

        movie['imdbid'] = imdbid
        movie['quality'] = quality

        return self.add_wanted_movie(json.dumps(movie))

    def add_wanted_tmdbid(self, tmdbid, quality='Default'):
        ''' Method to quckly add movie with just tmdbid
        :param imdbid: str imdb id #

        Submits movie with base quality options

        Generally just used for the api

        Returns dict of success/fail with message.

        Returns str json.dumps(dict)

        response = {}

        data = self.tmdb._search_tmdbid(tmdbid)

        if not data:
            response['status'] = 'false'
            response['message'] = '{} not found on TMDB.'.format(tmdbid)
            return response
            data = data[0]

        data['quality'] = quality
        data['status'] = 'Wanted'

        return self.add_wanted_movie(json.dumps(data))

    def save_settings(self, data):
        ''' Saves settings to config file
        :param data: dict of Section with nested dict of keys and values:
        {'Section': {'key': 'val', 'key2': 'val2'}, 'Section2': {'key': 'val'}}

        All dicts must contain the full tree or data will be lost.

        Fires off additional methods if neccesary.

        Returns json.dumps(dict)

        # orig_config = dict(core.CONFIG)

        logging.info('Saving settings.')
        data = json.loads(data)

        save_data = {}
        for key in data:
            if data[key] != core.CONFIG[key]:
                save_data[key] = data[key]

        if not save_data:
            return json.dumps({'response': True})

        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
        except Exception as e: # noqa
            logging.error('Writing config.', exc_info=True)
            return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to write to config file.'})

        return json.dumps({'response': True})

    def remove_movie(self, imdbid):
        ''' Removes movie
        :param imdbid: str imdb identification number (tt123456)

        Removes row from MOVIES, removes any entries in SEARCHRESULTS
        In separate thread deletes poster image.

        Returns srt 'error' or nothing on success

        t = threading.Thread(target=self.poster.remove_poster, args=(imdbid,))

        if self.sql.remove_movie(imdbid):
            response = {'response': True}
            response = {'response': False}
        return json.dumps(response)

    def search(self, imdbid, title, year, quality):
        ''' Search indexers for specific movie.
        :param imdbid: str imdb identification number (tt123456)
        :param title: str movie title and year

        Checks predb, then, if found, starts searching providers for movie.

        Does not return

        self.searcher.search(imdbid, title, year, quality)

    def manual_download(self, title, year, guid, kind):
        ''' Sends search result to downloader manually
        :param guid: str download link for nzb/magnet/torrent file.
        :param kind: str type of download (torrent, magnet, nzb)

        Returns str json.dumps(dict) success/fail message

        torrent_enabled = core.CONFIG['Downloader']['Sources']['torrentenabled']

        usenet_enabled = core.CONFIG['Downloader']['Sources']['usenetenabled']

        if kind == 'nzb' and not usenet_enabled:
            return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Link is NZB but no Usent downloader is enabled.'})
        elif kind in ('torrent', 'magnet') and not torrent_enabled:
            return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Link is {} but no Torrent downloader is enabled.'.format(kind)})

        data = dict(self.sql.get_single_search_result('guid', guid))
        if data:
            data['year'] = year
            return json.dumps(self.snatcher.snatch(data))
            return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to get download information from the database. Check logs for more information.'})

    def mark_bad(self, guid, imdbid):
        ''' Marks guid as bad in SEARCHRESULTS and MARKEDRESULTS
        :param guid: srt guid to mark

        Returns str json.dumps(dict)

        if self.update.mark_bad(guid, imdbid=imdbid):
            response = {'response': True, 'message': 'Marked as Bad.'}
            response = {'response': False, 'error': 'Could not mark release as bad. Check logs for more information.'}
        return json.dumps(response)

    def notification_remove(self, index):
        ''' Removes notification from core.notification
        :param index: str or unicode index of notification to remove

        'index' will be a type of string since it comes from ajax request.
            Therefore we convert to int here before passing to Notification

        Simply calls Notification module.

        Does not return



    def update_check(self):
        ''' Manually check for updates

        Returns str json.dumps(dict) from Version manager update_check()

        response = version.Version().manager.update_check()
        return json.dumps(response)

    def refresh_list(self, list, imdbid='', quality=''):
        ''' Re-renders html for Movies/Results list
        :param list: str the html list id to be re-rendered
        :param imdbid: str imdb identification number (tt123456) <optional>

        Calls template file to re-render a list when modified in the database.
        #result_list requires imdbid.

        Returns str html content.

        if list == '#movie_list':
            return status.Status.movie_list()
        if list == '#result_list':
            return movie_status_popup.MovieStatusPopup().result_list(imdbid, quality)

    def test_downloader_connection(self, mode, data):
        ''' Test connection to downloader.
        :param mode: str which downloader to test.
        :param data: dict connection information (url, port, login, etc)

        Executes staticmethod in the chosen downloader's class.

        Returns str json.dumps dict:
        {'status': 'false', 'message': 'this is a message'}

        response = {}

        data = json.loads(data)

        if mode == 'sabnzbd':
            test = sabnzbd.Sabnzbd.test_connection(data)
            if test is True:
                response['status'] = True
                response['message'] = 'Connection successful.'
                response['status'] = False
                response['error'] = test
        if mode == 'nzbget':
            test = nzbget.Nzbget.test_connection(data)
            if test is True:
                response['status'] = True
                response['message'] = 'Connection successful.'
                response['status'] = False
                response['error'] = test

        if mode == 'transmission':
            test = transmission.Transmission.test_connection(data)
            if test is True:
                response['status'] = True
                response['message'] = 'Connection successful.'
                response['status'] = False
                response['error'] = test

        if mode == 'delugerpc':
            test = deluge.DelugeRPC.test_connection(data)
            if test is True:
                response['status'] = True
                response['message'] = 'Connection successful.'
                response['status'] = False
                response['error'] = test

        if mode == 'delugeweb':
            test = deluge.DelugeWeb.test_connection(data)
            if test is True:
                response['status'] = True
                response['message'] = 'Connection successful.'
                response['status'] = False
                response['error'] = test

        if mode == 'qbittorrent':
            test = qbittorrent.QBittorrent.test_connection(data)
            if test is True:
                response['status'] = True
                response['message'] = 'Connection successful.'
                response['status'] = False
                response['error'] = test

        if mode == 'rtorrentscgi':
            test = rtorrent.rTorrentSCGI.test_connection(data)
            if test is True:
                response['status'] = True
                response['message'] = 'Connection successful.'
                response['status'] = False
                response['error'] = test

        if mode == 'rtorrenthttp':
            test = rtorrent.rTorrentHTTP.test_connection(data)
            if test is True:
                response['status'] = True
                response['message'] = 'Connection successful.'
                response['status'] = False
                response['error'] = test

        return json.dumps(response)

    def server_status(self, mode):
        ''' Check or modify status of CherryPy server_status
        :param mode: str command or request of state

        Restarts or Shuts Down server in separate thread.
            Delays by one second to allow browser to redirect.

        If mode == 'online', asks server for status.
            (ENGINE.started, ENGINE.stopped, etc.)

        Returns nothing for mode == restart || shutdown
        Returns str server state if mode == online

        def server_restart():
            cwd = os.getcwd()
            os.chdir(cwd)  # again, for the daemon

        def server_shutdown():

        if mode == 'restart':
            logging.info('Restarting Server...')
            threading.Timer(1, server_restart).start()

        elif mode == 'shutdown':
            logging.info('Shutting Down Server...')
            threading.Timer(1, server_shutdown).start()

        elif mode == 'online':
            return str(cherrypy.engine.state)

    def update_now(self, mode):
        ''' Starts and executes update process.
        :param mode: str 'set_true' or 'update_now'

        The ajax response is a generator that will contain
            only the success/fail message.

        This is done so the message can be passed to the ajax
            request in the browser while cherrypy restarts.

        response = self._update_now(mode)
        for i in response:
            return i

    def _update_now(self, mode):
        ''' Starts and executes update process.
        :param mode: str 'set_true' or 'update_now'

        Helper for self.update_now()

        If mode == set_true, sets core.UPDATING to True
        This is done so if the user visits /update without setting true
            they will be redirected back to status.
        Yields 'true' back to browser

        If mode == 'update_now', starts update process.
        Yields 'true' or 'failed'. If true, restarts server.

        if mode == 'set_true':
            core.UPDATING = True
            yield json.dumps({'response': True})
        if mode == 'update_now':
            update_status = version.Version().manager.execute_update()
            core.UPDATING = False
            if update_status is False:
                logging.error('Update Failed.')
                yield json.dumps({'response': False})
            elif update_status is True:
                yield json.dumps({'response': True})
                logging.info('Respawning process...')
                python = sys.executable
                os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv)

    def update_movie_options(self, quality, status, imdbid):
        ''' Updates quality settings for individual title
        :param quality: str name of new quality
        :param status: str status management state
        :param imdbid: str imdb identification number


        logging.info('Updating quality profile to {} for {}.'.format(quality, imdbid))

        if not self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'quality', quality, 'imdbid', imdbid):
            return json.dumps({'response': False})

        logging.info('Updating status to {} for {}.'.format(status, imdbid))

        if status == 'Automatic':
            if not self.update.movie_status(imdbid):
                return json.dumps({'response': False})
        elif status == 'Finished':
            if not self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'status', 'Disabled', 'imdbid', imdbid):
                return json.dumps({'response': False})

        return json.dumps({'response': True})

    def get_log_text(self, logfile):

        with open(os.path.join(core.LOG_DIR, logfile), 'r') as f:
            log_text = ''.join(reversed(f.readlines()))

        return log_text

    def indexer_test(self, indexer, apikey, mode):
        if mode == 'newznab':
            return json.dumps(newznab.NewzNab.test_connection(indexer, apikey))
        elif mode == 'torznab':
            return json.dumps(torrent.Torrent.test_connection(indexer, apikey))
            return json.dumps({'response': 'false', 'error': 'Invalid test mode.'})

    def get_plugin_conf(self, folder, conf):
        ''' Calls plugin_conf_popup to render html
        folder: str folder to read config file from
        conf: str filename of config file (ie 'my_plugin.conf')

        Returns str html content.

        return plugin_conf_popup.PluginConfPopup.html(folder, conf)

    def save_plugin_conf(self, folder, conf, data):
        ''' Calls plugin_conf_popup to render html
        folder: str folder to store config file
        conf: str filename of config file (ie 'my_plugin.conf')
        data: str json data to store in conf file

        Returns str json dumps dict of success/fail message

        data = json.loads(data)

        conf_file = conf_file = os.path.join(core.PROG_PATH, core.PLUGIN_DIR, folder, conf)

        response = {'response': True, 'message': 'Plugin settings saved'}

            with open(conf_file, 'w') as output:
                json.dump(data, output, indent=2)
        except Exception as e:
            response = {'response': False, 'error': str(e)}

        return json.dumps(response)

    def scan_library_directory(self, directory, minsize, recursive):
        ''' Calls library to scan directory for movie files
        directory: str directory to scan
        minsize: str minimum file size in mb, coerced to int
        resursive: str 'true' or 'false', coerced to bool

        Removes all movies already in library.

        If error, yields {'error': reason} and stops Iteration
        If movie has all metadata, yields:
            {'complete': {<metadata>}}
        If missing imdbid or resolution, yields:
            {'incomplete': {<knownn metadata>}}

        All metadata dicts include:
            'path': 'absolute path to file'
            'progress': '10 of 250'

        Yeilds generator object of json objects

        recursive = json.loads(recursive)
        minsize = int(minsize)
        files = self.library.ImportDirectory.scan_dir(directory, minsize, recursive)
        if files.get('error'):
            yield json.dumps({'error': files['error']})
            raise StopIteration()
        library = [i['imdbid'] for i in self.sql.get_user_movies()]
        files = files['files']
        length = len(files)
        for index, path in enumerate(files):
            metadata = self.metadata.get_metadata(path)
            metadata['size'] = os.path.getsize(path)
            metadata['finished_file'] = path
            metadata['human_size'] = Conversions.human_file_size(metadata['size'])
            progress = [index + 1, length]
            if not metadata.get('imdbid'):
                logging.info('IMDB unknown for import {}'.format(metadata['title']))
                yield json.dumps({'response': 'incomplete', 'movie': metadata, 'progress': progress})
            if metadata['imdbid'] in library:
                logging.info('Import {} already in library, ignoring.'.format(metadata['title']))
                yield json.dumps({'response': 'in_library', 'movie': metadata, 'progress': progress})
            elif not metadata.get('resolution'):
                logging.info('Resolution/Source unknown for import {}'.format(metadata['title']))
                yield json.dumps({'response': 'incomplete', 'movie': metadata, 'progress': progress})
                logging.info('All data found for import {}'.format(metadata['title']))
                yield json.dumps({'response': 'complete', 'movie': metadata, 'progress': progress})

    scan_library_directory._cp_config = {'response.stream': True}

    def import_dir(self, movie_data, corrected_movies):
        ''' Imports list of movies in data
        movie_data: list of dicts of movie info ready to import
        corrected_movies: list of dicts of user-corrected movie info

        corrected_movies must be [{'/path/to/file': {'known': 'metadata'}}]

        Iterates through corrected_movies and attmpts to get metadata again if required.

        If imported, generates and stores fake search result.

        Creates dict {'success': [], 'failed': []} and
            appends movie data to the appropriate list.

        Yeilds generator object of json objects

        movie_data = json.loads(movie_data)
        corrected_movies = json.loads(corrected_movies)

        fake_results = []

        success = []

        length = len(movie_data) + len(corrected_movies)
        progress = 1

        if corrected_movies:
            for data in corrected_movies:
                tmdbdata = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(data['imdbid'])[0]
                if tmdbdata:
                    data['year'] = tmdbdata['release_date'][:4]
                    logging.error('Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(data['imdbid']))
                    yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': data, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': 'Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(data['imdbid'])})
                    progress += 1

        for movie in movie_data:
            if movie['imdbid']:
                movie['status'] = 'Disabled'
                response = json.loads(self.add_wanted_movie(json.dumps(movie)))
                if response['response'] is True:
                    yield json.dumps({'response': True, 'progress': [progress, length], 'movie': movie})
                    progress += 1
                    yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': movie, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': response['error']})
                    progress += 1
                logging.error('Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(movie['imdbid']))
                yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': movie, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': 'IMDB ID invalid or missing.'})
                progress += 1

        fake_results = self.score.score(fake_results, imported=True)

        for i in success:
            score = None
            for r in fake_results:
                if r['imdbid'] == i['imdbid']:
                    score = r['score']

            if score:
                self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'finished_score', score, 'imdbid', i['imdbid'])


    import_dir._cp_config = {'response.stream': True}

    def list_files(self, current_dir, move_dir):
        ''' Lists files in directory
        current_dir: str base path
        move_dir: str child path to read

        Joins and normalizes paths:
            ('/home/user/movies', '..')
            Becomes /home/user

        Sends path to import_library template to generate html

        Returns json dict {'new_path': '/path', 'html': '<li>...'}

        response = {}

        new_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(current_dir, move_dir))
        response['new_path'] = new_path

            response['html'] = import_library.ImportLibrary.file_list(new_path)
        except Exception as e:
            response = {'error': str(e)}
            logging.error('Error listing directory.', exc_info=True)

        return json.dumps(response)

    def update_metadata(self, imdbid):
        tmdbid = self.sql.get_movie_details('imdbid', imdbid).get('tmdbid')

        if not tmdbid:
            tmdbid = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(imdbid)[0].get('id')
        if not tmdbid:
            return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(imdbid)})

        movie = self.tmdb._search_tmdbid(tmdbid)[0]

        target_poster = os.path.join(self.poster.poster_folder, '{}.jpg'.format(imdbid))

        if movie['poster_path']:
            poster_url = 'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300{}'.format(movie['poster_path'])
            poster_url = '{}/static/images/missing_poster.jpg'.format(core.PROG_PATH)

        if os.path.isfile(target_poster):
            except Exception as e: #noqa
                logging.warning('Unable to remove existing poster.', exc_info=True)
                return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to remove existing poster.'})

        movie = self.metadata.convert_to_db(movie)

        self.sql.update_multiple('MOVIES', movie, imdbid=imdbid)

        self.poster.save_poster(imdbid, poster_url)
        return json.dumps({'response': True, 'message': 'Metadata updated.'})

    def change_quality_profile(self, profiles, imdbid=None):
        ''' Updates quality profile name
        names: dict of profile names. k:v is currentname:newname
        imdbid: str imdbid of movie to change   <default None>

        Changes movie quality profiles from k in names to v in names

        If imdbid is passed will change only one movie, otherwise changes
            all movies where profile == k

        If imdbid is passed and names contains more than one k:v pair, submits changes
            using v from the first dict entry. This is unreliable, so just submit one.

        Executes two loops.
            First changes qualities to temporary value.
            Then changes tmp values to target values.
        This way you can swap two names without them all becoming one.


        profiles = json.loads(profiles)

        if imdbid:
            q = profiles.values()[0]

            if not self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'quality', q, 'imdbid', imdbid):
                return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to update {} to quality {}'.format(imdbid, q)})
                return json.dumps({'response': True, 'Message': '{} changed to {}'.format(imdbid, q)})
            tmp_qualities = {}
            for k, v in profiles.items():
                q = b16encode(v.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii')
                if not self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'quality', q, 'quality', k):
                    return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to change {} to temporary quality {}'.format(k, q)})
                    tmp_qualities[q] = v

            for k, v in tmp_qualities.items():
                if not self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'quality', v, 'quality', k):
                    return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to change temporary quality {} to {}'.format(k, v)})
                if not self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'backlog', 0, 'quality', k):
                    return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to set backlog flag. Manual backlog search required for affected titles.'})

            return json.dumps({'response': True, 'message': 'Quality profiles updated.'})

    def get_kodi_movies(self, url):
        ''' Gets list of movies from kodi server
        url: str url of kodi server

        Calls Kodi import method to gather list.

        Returns list of dicts of movies

        return json.dumps(library.ImportKodiLibrary.get_movies(url))

    def import_kodi(self, movies):
        ''' Imports list of movies in movies from Kodi library
        movie_data: JSON list of dicts of movies

        Iterates through movies and gathers all required metadata.

        If imported, generates and stores fake search result.

        Creates dict {'success': [], 'failed': []} and
            appends movie data to the appropriate list.

        Yeilds generator object of json objects

        movies = json.loads(movies)

        fake_results = []

        success = []

        length = len(movies)
        progress = 1


        for movie in movies:

            tmdb_data = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(movie['imdbid'])[0]
            if not tmdb_data.get('id'):
                yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': movie, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': 'Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(movie['imdbid'])})
                progress += 1
                movie['id'] = tmdb_data['id']
                movie['size'] = 0
                movie['status'] = 'Disabled'

            response = json.loads(self.add_wanted_movie(json.dumps(movie)))
            if response['response'] is True:
                yield json.dumps({'response': True, 'progress': [progress, length], 'movie': movie})
                progress += 1
                yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': movie, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': response['error']})
                progress += 1

        fake_results = self.score.score(fake_results, imported=True)

        for i in success:
            score = None
            for r in fake_results:
                if r['imdbid'] == i['imdbid']:
                    score = r['score']

            if score:
                self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'finished_score', score, 'imdbid', i['imdbid'])


    import_kodi._cp_config = {'response.stream': True}

    def get_plex_libraries(self, server, username, password):
        if core.CONFIG['External']['plex_tokens'].get(server) is None:
            token = library.ImportPlexLibrary.get_token(username, password)
            if token is None:
                return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to get Plex token.'})
                core.CONFIG['External']['plex_tokens'][server] = token
            token = core.CONFIG['External']['plex_tokens'][server]

        return json.dumps(library.ImportPlexLibrary.get_libraries(server, token))

    def upload_plex_csv(self, file_input):
            csv_text = file_input.file.read().decode('utf-8')
        except Exception as e: #noqa

        if csv_text:
            return json.dumps(library.ImportPlexLibrary.read_csv(csv_text))


    def import_plex_csv(self, movie_data, corrected_movies):
        ''' Imports list of movies genrated by csv import
        movie_data: list of dicts of movie info ready to import
        corrected_movies: list of dicts of user-corrected movie info

        Iterates through corrected_movies and attmpts to get metadata again if required.

        If imported, generates and stores fake search result.

        Creates dict {'success': [], 'failed': []} and
            appends movie data to the appropriate list.

        Yeilds generator object of json objects

        movie_data = json.loads(movie_data)
        corrected_movies = json.loads(corrected_movies)

        fake_results = []

        success = []

        length = len(movie_data) + len(corrected_movies)
        progress = 1

        if corrected_movies:
            for data in corrected_movies:
                tmdbdata = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(data['imdbid'])[0]
                if tmdbdata:
                    data['year'] = tmdbdata['release_date'][:4]
                    logging.error('Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(data['imdbid']))
                    yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': data, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': 'Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(data['imdbid'])})
                    progress += 1

        for movie in movie_data:
            if movie['imdbid']:
                movie['status'] = 'Disabled'
                tmdb_data = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(movie['imdbid'])[0]
                response = json.loads(self.add_wanted_movie(json.dumps(movie)))
                if response['response'] is True:
                    yield json.dumps({'response': True, 'progress': [progress, length], 'movie': movie})
                    progress += 1
                    yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': movie, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': response['error']})
                    progress += 1
                logging.error('Unable to find {} on TMDB.'.format(movie['imdbid']))
                yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': movie, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': 'IMDB ID invalid or missing.'})
                progress += 1

        fake_results = self.score.score(fake_results, imported=True)

        for i in success:
            score = None
            for r in fake_results:
                if r['imdbid'] == i['imdbid']:
                    score = r['score']

            if score:
                self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'finished_score', score, 'imdbid', i['imdbid'])


    import_dir._cp_config = {'response.stream': True}

    def get_cp_movies(self, url, apikey):

        url = '{}/api/{}/movie.list/'.format(url, apikey)

        return json.dumps(library.ImportCPLibrary.get_movies(url))

    def import_cp_movies(self, wanted, finished):
        wanted = json.loads(wanted)
        finished = json.loads(finished)

        fake_results = []

        success = []

        length = len(wanted) + len(finished)
        progress = 1

        for movie in wanted:
            response = json.loads(self.add_wanted_movie(json.dumps(movie), full_metadata=True))
            if response['response'] is True:
                yield json.dumps({'response': True, 'progress': [progress, length], 'movie': movie})
                progress += 1
                yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': movie, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': response['error']})
                progress += 1

        for movie in finished:
            response = json.loads(self.add_wanted_movie(json.dumps(movie), full_metadata=True))
            if response['response'] is True:
                yield json.dumps({'response': True, 'progress': [progress, length], 'movie': movie})
                progress += 1
                yield json.dumps({'response': False, 'movie': movie, 'progress': [progress, length], 'reason': response['error']})
                progress += 1

        fake_results = self.score.score(fake_results, imported=True)

        for i in success:
            score = None
            for r in fake_results:
                if r['imdbid'] == i['imdbid']:
                    score = r['score']

            if score:
                self.sql.update('MOVIES', 'finished_score', score, 'imdbid', i['imdbid'])

    import_cp_movies._cp_config = {'response.stream': True}
Пример #5
class API(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tmdb = TMDB()

    def default(self, **params):
        ''' Get handler for API calls

        params: kwargs must inlcude {'apikey': $, 'mode': $}

        Checks api key matches and other required keys are present based on
            mode. Then dispatches to correct method to handle request.

        logging.info('API request from {}'.format(

        serverkey = core.CONFIG['Server']['apikey']

        if 'apikey' not in params:
            logging.warning('API request failed, no key supplied.')
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'no api key supplied'}

        if serverkey != params['apikey']:
            logging.warning('Invalid API key in request: {}'.format(
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'incorrect api key'}

        # find what we are going to do
        if 'mode' not in params:
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'no api mode specified'}

        mode = params.pop('mode')
        if not hasattr(self, mode):
            return {
                'response': False,
                'error': 'unknown method call: {}'.format(mode)
            return getattr(self, mode)(params)

    def putio_process(self, metadata):
        ''' Method to handle post-processing callbacks from PutIO
        metadata (dict): @todo: I don't know yet how this data is formatted

        return {}

    def liststatus(self, filters):
        ''' Returns status of user's movies
        filters (dict): filters to apply to database request

        Returns all movies where col:val pairs match all key:val pairs in filters

        Returns list of movie details from MOVIES table.

        Returns dict

        logging.info('API request movie list -- filters: {}'.format(filters))
        movies = core.sql.get_user_movies()
        if not movies:
            return {'response': True, 'movies': []}

        for i in filters.keys():
            if i not in core.sql.MOVIES.columns:
                return {
                    'response': False,
                    'error': 'Invalid filter key: {}'.format(i)

        return {
            [i for i in movies if all(i[k] == v for k, v in filters.items())]

    def addmovie(self, params):
        ''' Add movie with default quality settings
        params (dict): params passed in request url

        Returns dict {'status': 'success', 'message': 'X added to wanted list.'}

        if not (params.get('imdbid') or params.get('tmdbid')):
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'no movie id supplied'}
        elif (params.get('imdbid') and params.get('tmdbid')):
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'multiple movie ids supplied'}

        origin = cherrypy.request.headers.get('User-Agent', 'API')
        origin = 'API' if origin.startswith('Mozilla/') else origin

        quality = params.get('quality') or core.config.default_profile()

        if params.get('imdbid'):
            imdbid = params['imdbid']
            logging.info('API request add movie imdb {}'.format(imdbid))
            movie = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(imdbid)
            if not movie:
                return {
                    'response': False,
                    'error': 'Cannot find {} on TMDB'.format(imdbid)
                movie = movie[0]
                movie['imdbid'] = imdbid
        elif params.get('tmdbid'):
            tmdbid = params['tmdbid']
            logging.info('API request add movie tmdb {}'.format(tmdbid))
            movie = self.tmdb._search_tmdbid(tmdbid)

            if not movie:
                return {
                    'response': False,
                    'error': 'Cannot find {} on TMDB'.format(tmdbid)
                movie = movie[0]

        movie['quality'] = quality
        movie['status'] = 'Waiting'
        movie['origin'] = origin

        return core.manage.add_movie(movie, full_metadata=True)

    def removemovie(self, params):
        ''' Remove movie from library
        params (dict): params passed in request url, must include imdbid

        Returns dict
        if not params.get('imdbid'):
            return {'response': False, 'error': 'no imdbid supplied'}

        logging.info('API request remove movie {}'.format(params['imdbid']))

        return core.manage.remove_movie(params['imdbid'])

    def poster(self, params):
        ''' Return poster
        params (dict): params passed in request url, must include imdbid

        Returns image as binary datastream with image/jpeg content type header

        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "image/jpeg"
            with open(
                        os.path.join(core.USERDATA, 'posters',
                    'rb') as f:
                img = f.read()
            return img
        except KeyError as e:
            err = {'response': False, 'error': 'no imdbid supplied'}
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            err = {
                'response': False,
                'error': 'file not found: {}.jpg'.format(params['imdbid'])
        except Exception as e:
            err = {'response': False, 'error': str(e)}
            cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
            return json.dumps(err).encode('utf-8')

    def version(self, *args):
        ''' Simple endpoint to return commit hash
        Mostly used to test connectivity without modifying the server.

        Returns dict
        return {
            'response': True,
            'version': core.CURRENT_HASH,
            'api_version': api_version

    def getconfig(self, *args):
        ''' Returns config contents as JSON object
        return {'response': True, 'config': core.CONFIG}

    def server_shutdown(self, *args):
        threading.Timer(1, core.shutdown).start()
        return {'response': True}

    def server_restart(self, *args):
        threading.Timer(1, core.restart).start()
        return {'response': True}
Пример #6
class Ajax(object):
    ''' These are all the methods that handle
        ajax post/get requests from the browser.

    Except in special circumstances, all should return a string
        since that is the only datatype sent over http


    def __init__(self):
        self.tmdb = TMDB()
        self.config = config.Config()
        self.library = library.ImportDirectory()
        self.predb = predb.PreDB()
        self.plugins = plugins.Plugins()
        self.searcher = searcher.Searcher()
        self.score = scoreresults.ScoreResults()
        self.sql = sqldb.SQL()
        self.poster = poster.Poster()
        self.snatcher = snatcher.Snatcher()
        self.update = updatestatus.Status()

    def search_tmdb(self, search_term):
        ''' Search tmdb for movies
        :param search_term: str title and year of movie (Movie Title 2016)

        Returns str json-encoded list of dicts that contain tmdb's data.

        results = self.tmdb.search(search_term)
        if not results:
            logging.info(u'No Results found for {}'.format(search_term))
            return None
            return json.dumps(results)

    def movie_info_popup(self, data):
        ''' Calls movie_info_popup to render html
        :param imdbid: str imdb identification number (tt123456)

        Returns str html content.

        mip = movie_info_popup.MovieInfoPopup()
        return mip.html(data)

    def movie_status_popup(self, imdbid):
        ''' Calls movie_status_popup to render html
        :param imdbid: str imdb identification number (tt123456)

        Returns str html content.

        msp = movie_status_popup.MovieStatusPopup()
        return msp.html(imdbid)

    def add_wanted_movie(self, data):
        ''' Adds movie to Wanted list.
        :param data: str json.dumps(dict) of info to add to database.

        Writes data to MOVIES table.
        If Search on Add enabled,
            searches for movie immediately in separate thread.
            If Auto Grab enabled, will snatch movie if found.

        Returns str json.dumps(dict) of status and message

        data = json.loads(data)
        title = data['title']

        if data.get('release_date'):
            data['year'] = data['release_date'][:4]
            data['year'] = 'N/A'
        year = data['year']

        response = {}

        def thread_search_grab(data):
            imdbid = data['imdbid']
            title = data['title']
            year = data['year']
            quality = data['quality']
            if core.CONFIG['Search']['searchafteradd']:
                if self.searcher.search(imdbid, title, year, quality):
                    # if we don't need to wait to grab the movie do it now.
                    if core.CONFIG['Search']['autograb'] and \
                            core.CONFIG['Search']['waitdays'] == 0:
                        self.snatcher.auto_grab(title, year, imdbid, quality)

        TABLE = u'MOVIES'

        if data.get('imdbid') is None:
            data['imdbid'] = self.tmdb.get_imdbid(data['id'])
            if not data['imdbid']:
                response['response'] = False
                response['error'] = u'Could not find imdb id for {}. Unable to add.'.format(title)
                return json.dumps(response)

        if self.sql.row_exists(TABLE, imdbid=data['imdbid']):
            logging.info(u'{} {} already exists as a wanted movie'.format(title, year))

            response['response'] = False
            movie = self.sql.get_movie_details('imdbid', data['imdbid'])
            status = 'Finished' if movie['status'] == 'Disabled' else movie['status']
            response['error'] = u'{} {} is {}, cannot add.'.format(title, year, status)
            return json.dumps(response)

        poster_url = u'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300{}'.format(data['poster_path'])

        data['poster'] = u'images/poster/{}.jpg'.format(data['imdbid'])
        data['plot'] = data['overview']
        data['url'] = u'https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/{}'.format(data['id'])
        data['score'] = data['vote_average']
        if not data.get('status'):
            data['status'] = u'Wanted'
        data['added_date'] = str(datetime.date.today())

        required_keys = ['added_date', 'imdbid', 'title', 'year', 'poster', 'plot', 'url', 'score', 'release_date', 'rated', 'status', 'quality', 'addeddate']

        for i in data.keys():
            if i not in required_keys:
                del data[i]

        if data.get('quality') is None:
            data['quality'] = 'Default'

        if self.sql.write(TABLE, data):
            t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.poster.save_poster,
                                  args=(data['imdbid'], poster_url))

            # disable immediately grabbing new release for imports
            if data['status'] != 'Disabled':
                t = threading.Thread(target=thread_search_grab, args=(data,))

            response['response'] = True
            response['message'] = u'{} {} added to wanted list.' \
                .format(title, year)

            self.plugins.added(data['title'], data['year'], data['imdbid'], data['quality'])

            return json.dumps(response)
            response['response'] = False
            response['error'] = u'Could not write to database. ' \
                'Check logs for more information.'
            return json.dumps(response)

    def add_wanted_imdbid(self, imdbid, quality='Default'):
        ''' Method to quckly add movie with just imdbid
        :param imdbid: str imdb id #

        Submits movie with base quality options

        Generally just used for the api

        Returns dict of success/fail with message.

        Returns str json.dumps(dict)

        response = {}

        data = self.tmdb._search_imdbid(imdbid)

        if not data:
            response['status'] = u'false'
            response['message'] = u'{} not found on TMDB.'.format(imdbid)
            return response
            data = data[0]

        data['imdbid'] = imdbid
        data['quality'] = quality

        return self.add_wanted_movie(json.dumps(data))

    def add_wanted_tmdbid(self, tmdbid, quality='Default'):
        ''' Method to quckly add movie with just tmdbid
        :param imdbid: str imdb id #

        Submits movie with base quality options

        Generally just used for the api

        Returns dict of success/fail with message.

        Returns str json.dumps(dict)

        response = {}

        data = self.tmdb._search_tmdbid(tmdbid)

        if not data:
            response['status'] = u'false'
            response['message'] = u'{} not found on TMDB.'.format(tmdbid)
            return response
            data = data[0]

        data['quality'] = quality
        data['status'] = 'Wanted'

        return self.add_wanted_movie(json.dumps(data))

    def save_settings(self, data):
        ''' Saves settings to config file
        :param data: dict of Section with nested dict of keys and values:
        {'Section': {'key': 'val', 'key2': 'val2'}, 'Section2': {'key': 'val'}}

        All dicts must contain the full tree or data will be lost.

        Fires off additional methods if neccesary.

        Returns json.dumps(dict)

        orig_config = dict(core.CONFIG)

        logging.info(u'Saving settings.')
        data = json.loads(data)

        save_data = {}
        for key in data:
            if data[key] != core.CONFIG[key]:
                save_data[key] = data[key]

        if not save_data:
            return json.dumps({'response': True})

        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
        except Exception, e: # noqa
            logging.error(u'Writing config.', exc_info=True)
            return json.dumps({'response': False, 'error': 'Unable to write to config file.'})

        return json.dumps({'response': True})