Пример #1
def export_network(data, cache=None, **kwargs):
    if cache is None:
        from cache import Cache
        cache = Cache()
    #log.debug('CreateNetwork {0}'.format(data))

    # We'll deal with two additional attributes, '_network' and '_uid'.
    # Thoses two attributes allow us to find the network from the value and vice-versa.
    # Note that since the '_uid' refer to the current python context,
    # it's value could be erroned when calling import_network.
    # However the change of collisions are extremely improbable so checking the type of the python variable
    # is sufficient.
    # Please feel free to provide a better design if any if possible.

    # todo: after refactoring, the network cache will be merged with the import cache
    data_id = id(data)
    result = cache.get_network_by_id(data_id)
    if result is not None:
        return result

    # Create network
    # Optimisation: Use existing network if already present in scene
    #if hasattr(data, '_network') and is_valid_PyNode(data._network):
    #    network = data._network
    # Automaticly name network whenever possible
        network_name = data.__getNetworkName__()
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        network_name = data.__class__.__name__

    network = pymel.createNode('network', name=network_name)

    # Monkey patch the network in a _network attribute if supported.
    if isinstance(data, object) and not isinstance(data, dict):
        data._network = network

    # Ensure the network have the current python id stored
    if not network.hasAttr('_uid'):
        pymel.addAttr(network, longName='_uid', niceName='_uid',
                      at='long')  # todo: validate attributeType
    # network._uid.set(id(_data))

    # Cache as soon as possible since we'll use recursivity soon.
    cache.set_network_by_id(data_id, network)

    # Convert _pData to basic data dictionary (recursive for now)
    data_dict = core.export_dict(data, recursive=False, cache=cache, **kwargs)
    assert (isinstance(data_dict, dict))

    fnNet = network.__apimfn__()
    for key, val in data_dict.items():
        if _can_export_attr_by_name(key):
            _add_attr(fnNet, key, val, cache=cache)

    return network
def export_json_file(data, path, mkdir=True, indent=4, **kwargs):
    if mkdir:

    data_dict = core.export_dict(data)

    with open(path, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(data_dict, fp, indent=indent, **kwargs)

    return True
Пример #3
def export_json_file(data, path, mkdir=True, indent=4, **kwargs):
    if mkdir:

    data_dict = core.export_dict(data)

    with open(path, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(data_dict, fp, indent=indent, **kwargs)

    return True
Пример #4
def export_yaml_file(data, path, mkdir=True, **kwargs):
	if mkdir: 

	dicData = core.export_dict(data)

	with open(path, 'w') as fp:
		yaml.dump(dicData, fp)

	return True
def export_network(data, cache=None, **kwargs):
    if cache is None:
        from cache import Cache
        cache = Cache()
    #log.debug('CreateNetwork {0}'.format(data))

    # We'll deal with two additional attributes, '_network' and '_uid'.
    # Thoses two attributes allow us to find the network from the value and vice-versa.
    # Note that since the '_uid' refer to the current python context,
    # it's value could be erroned when calling import_network.
    # However the change of collisions are extremely improbable so checking the type of the python variable
    # is sufficient.
    # Please feel free to provide a better design if any if possible.

    # todo: after refactoring, the network cache will be merged with the import cache
    data_id = id(data)
    result = cache.get_network_by_id(data_id)
    if result is not None:
        return result

    # Create network
    # Optimisation: Use existing network if already present in scene
    #if hasattr(data, '_network') and is_valid_PyNode(data._network):
    #    network = data._network
    # Automaticly name network whenever possible
        network_name = data.__getNetworkName__()
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        network_name = data.__class__.__name__

    network = pymel.createNode('network', name=network_name)

    # Monkey patch the network in a _network attribute if supported.
    if isinstance(data, object) and not isinstance(data, dict):
        data._network = network

    # Ensure the network have the current python id stored
    if not network.hasAttr('_uid'):
        pymel.addAttr(network, longName='_uid', niceName='_uid', at='long')  # todo: validate attributeType
    # network._uid.set(id(_data))

    # Cache as soon as possible since we'll use recursivity soon.
    cache.set_network_by_id(data_id, network)

    # Convert _pData to basic data dictionary (recursive for now)
    data_dict = core.export_dict(data, recursive=False, cache=cache, **kwargs)
    assert (isinstance(data_dict, dict))

    fnNet = network.__apimfn__()
    for key, val in data_dict.items():
        if _can_export_attr_by_name(key):
            _add_attr(fnNet, key, val, cache=cache)

    return network
Пример #6
def export_yaml_file(data, path, mkdir=True, **kwargs):
    if mkdir:
        dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):

    dicData = core.export_dict(data)

    with open(path, 'w') as fp:
        yaml.dump(dicData, fp)

    return True
def export_yaml_file(data, path, mkdir=True, **kwargs):
    if mkdir:
        dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):

    dicData = core.export_dict(data)

    with open(path, 'w') as fp:
        yaml.dump(dicData, fp)

    return True
def export_json(data, indent=4, **kwargs):
    data = core.export_dict(data)
    return json.dumps(data, indent=indent, **kwargs)
Пример #9
def export_yaml(data, **kwargs):
    dicData = core.export_dict(data)
    return yaml.dump(dicData, **kwargs)
def export_yaml(data, **kwargs):
    dicData = core.export_dict(data)
    return yaml.dump(dicData, **kwargs)
Пример #11
def export_json(data, indent=4, **kwargs):
    data = core.export_dict(data)
    return json.dumps(data, indent=indent, **kwargs)