Пример #1
from contextlib import contextmanager

from cozy.syntax import Stm, Exp, Type
from cozy.common import declare_case, Visitor

INDENT = "  "

SEscape = declare_case(Stm, "SEscape", ["body_string", "arg_names", "args"])
EEscape = declare_case(Exp, "EEscape", ["body_string", "arg_names", "args"])

def indent_lines(s, indent):
    Prepends the given indentation string to the beginning of each line of the
    given string.
    return '\n'.join(indent + line for line in s.splitlines())

class CodeGenerator(Visitor):
    def __init__(self, out):
        self.out = out
        self.indent = 0

    def get_indent(self):
        return INDENT * self.indent

    def write(self, *parts):
        for p in parts:
Пример #2
"""Abstract syntax for Cozy specifications."""

from enum import Enum

from cozy.common import ADT, declare_case, typechecked, partition, make_random_access

Spec = declare_case(ADT, "Spec", [
    "name", "types", "extern_funcs", "statevars", "assumptions", "methods",
    "header", "footer", "docstring"
ExternFunc = declare_case(ADT, "ExternFunc",
                          ["name", "args", "out_type", "body_string"])

class Visibility(Enum):
    """Visibilities for queries in Cozy specifications."""
    Public = "public"  # usable by clients
    Private = "private"  # private helper used by other methods
    Internal = "internal"  # helper added by Cozy, not by a human programmer

class Method(ADT):

Op = declare_case(Method, "Op",
                  ["name", "args", "assumptions", "body", "docstring"])
Query = declare_case(
    Method, "Query",
    ["name", "visibility", "args", "assumptions", "ret", "docstring"])
Пример #3
While the syntax module declares the core _input_ language, this module declares
additional syntax extensions that can appear in the _target_ language: the
primitives the tool can output and use during synthesis.

from cozy.syntax import *
from cozy.common import declare_case, typechecked, fresh_name
from cozy.opts import Option

enforce_estatevar_wf = Option("enforce-well-formed-state-var-boundaries", bool,

# Misc
TRef = declare_case(Type, "TRef", ["t"])
EEnumToInt = declare_case(Exp, "EEnumToInt", ["e"])
EBoolToInt = declare_case(Exp, "EBoolToInt", ["e"])
EStm = declare_case(Exp, "EStm", ["stm", "e"])

# State var barrier: sub-expression should be maintained as a fresh state var
EStateVar = declare_case(Exp, "EStateVar", ["e"])

class IllegalStateVarBoundary(Exception):

old = EStateVar.__init__

def f(self, e):
Пример #4
from cozy.common import fresh_name, declare_case
from cozy.syntax import *
from cozy.target_syntax import SWhile, SSwap, SSwitch, SEscapableBlock, SEscapeBlock, EMap, EFilter
from cozy.syntax_tools import fresh_var, pprint, shallow_copy, mk_lambda, alpha_equivalent
from cozy.pools import RUNTIME_POOL

from .arrays import TArray, EArrayGet, EArrayIndexOf, SArrayAlloc, SEnsureCapacity, EArrayLen

TMinHeap = declare_case(Type, "TMinHeap", ["elem_type", "key_type"])
TMaxHeap = declare_case(Type, "TMaxHeap", ["elem_type", "key_type"])

# Like EArgMin: bag, keyfunc
EMakeMinHeap = declare_case(Exp, "EMakeMinHeap", ["e", "f"])
EMakeMaxHeap = declare_case(Exp, "EMakeMaxHeap", ["e", "f"])

EHeapElems = declare_case(Exp, "EHeapElems", ["e"]) # all elements
EHeapPeek  = declare_case(Exp, "EHeapPeek",  ["e", "n"]) # look at min
EHeapPeek2 = declare_case(Exp, "EHeapPeek2", ["e", "n"]) # look at 2nd min

def to_heap(e : Exp) -> Exp:
    if isinstance(e, EArgMin):
        elem_type = e.type
        key_type = e.f.body.type
        return EMakeMinHeap(e.e, e.f).with_type(TMinHeap(elem_type, key_type))
    if isinstance(e, EArgMax):
        elem_type = e.type
        key_type = e.f.body.type
        return EMakeMaxHeap(e.e, e.f).with_type(TMaxHeap(elem_type, key_type))
    raise ValueError(e)

# Binary heap utilities
Пример #5
from cozy.syntax import Stm, Exp, Type
from cozy.common import declare_case

INDENT = "  "

SEscape = declare_case(Stm, "SEscape", ["body_string", "arg_names", "args"])
EEscape = declare_case(Exp, "EEscape", ["body_string", "arg_names", "args"])
TArray = declare_case(Type, "TArray", ["t"])

def indent_lines(s, indent):
    Prepends the given indentation string to the beginning of each line of the
    given string.
    return '\n'.join(indent + line for line in s.splitlines())
Пример #6
from contextlib import contextmanager

from cozy.syntax import Stm, Exp
from cozy.common import declare_case, Visitor

INDENT = "  "

SEscape = declare_case(Stm, "SEscape", ["body_string", "arg_names", "args"])
EEscape = declare_case(Exp, "EEscape", ["body_string", "arg_names", "args"])

EMove = declare_case(Exp, "EMove", ["e"])
SScoped = declare_case(Stm, "SScoped", ["s"])

def indent_lines(s, indent):
    Prepends the given indentation string to the beginning of each line of the
    given string.
    return '\n'.join(indent + line for line in s.splitlines())

class CodeGenerator(Visitor):

    def __init__(self, out):
        self.out = out
        self.indent = 0

    def get_indent(self):
        return INDENT * self.indent

    def write(self, *parts):
        for p in parts:
Пример #7
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import itertools

from cozy import common, library, evaluation
from cozy.common import fresh_name, declare_case
from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.syntax_tools import all_types, fresh_var, subst, free_vars, is_scalar, mk_lambda, alpha_equivalent, all_exps
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection, is_numeric

from .misc import *

EMove = declare_case(Exp, "EMove", ["e"])
SScoped = declare_case(Stm, "SScoped", ["s"])

class CxxPrinter(common.Visitor):
    def __init__(self, use_qhash: bool = False):
        self.types = OrderedDict()
        self.funcs = {}
        self.queries = {}
        self.use_qhash = use_qhash
        self.vars = set()  # set of strings

    def fn(self, hint="var"):
        n = common.fresh_name(hint, omit=self.vars)
        return n

    def fv(self, t, hint="var"):
        n = fresh_var(t, hint=hint, omit=self.vars)
Пример #8
"""Additional internal syntax.

While the syntax module declares the core _input_ language, this module declares
additional syntax extensions that can appear in the _target_ language: the
primitives the tool can output and use during synthesis.

from cozy.syntax import *
from cozy.common import declare_case, fresh_name

# Misc
TRef       = declare_case(Type, "TRef", ["elem_type"])
EEnumToInt = declare_case(Exp, "EEnumToInt", ["e"])

# Execute a statement and then "return" the value of `out_var`.  The statement
# must declare `out_var` in its body.
EStm       = declare_case(Exp, "EStm", ["stm", "out_var"])

# State var barrier: sub-expression should be maintained as a fresh state var
EStateVar  = declare_case(Exp, "EStateVar", ["e"])

def EIsSingleton(e):
    arg = EVar(fresh_name()).with_type(e.type.elem_type)
    return EBinOp(EUnaryOp(UOp.Sum, EMap(e, ELambda(arg, ONE)).with_type(TBag(INT))).with_type(INT), "<=", ONE).with_type(BOOL)

def EDeepEq(e1, e2):
    return EBinOp(e1, "===", e2).with_type(BOOL)

def EDeepIn(e1, e2):
    from cozy.syntax_tools import free_vars, fresh_var
    arg = fresh_var(e1.type, omit=free_vars(e1))
Пример #9
from cozy.common import declare_case
from cozy.syntax import Type, Exp, Stm

TArray = declare_case(Type, "TArray", ["t"])
EArrayCapacity = declare_case(Exp, "EArrayCapacity", ["e"])
EArrayLen = declare_case(Exp, "EArrayLen", ["e"])
EArrayGet = declare_case(Exp, "EArrayGet", ["a", "i"])
EArrayIndexOf = declare_case(Exp, "EArrayIndexOf", ["a", "x"])
SArrayAlloc = declare_case(Stm, "SArrayAlloc", ["a", "capacity"])
SArrayReAlloc = declare_case(Stm, "SArrayReAlloc", ["a", "new_capacity"])
SEnsureCapacity = declare_case(Stm, "SEnsureCapacity", ["a", "capacity"])
Пример #10
from cozy.common import fresh_name, declare_case, No, pick_to_sum
from cozy.syntax import *
from cozy.target_syntax import (
    SWhile, SSwap, SSwitch, SEscapableBlock, SEscapeBlock, EMap, EFilter, EStateVar,
    TArray, EArrayGet, EArrayIndexOf, SArrayAlloc, SEnsureCapacity)
from cozy.syntax_tools import fresh_var, pprint, mk_lambda, alpha_equivalent
from cozy.pools import Pool, RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL

TMinHeap = declare_case(Type, "TMinHeap", ["elem_type", "key_type"])
TMaxHeap = declare_case(Type, "TMaxHeap", ["elem_type", "key_type"])

# Like EArgMin: bag, keyfunc
EMakeMinHeap = declare_case(Exp, "EMakeMinHeap", ["e", "key_function"])
EMakeMaxHeap = declare_case(Exp, "EMakeMaxHeap", ["e", "key_function"])

EHeapElems = declare_case(Exp, "EHeapElems", ["e"]) # all elements
EHeapPeek  = declare_case(Exp, "EHeapPeek",  ["e"]) # look at min
EHeapPeek2 = declare_case(Exp, "EHeapPeek2", ["e"]) # look at 2nd min

def to_heap(e : Exp) -> Exp:
    """Construct a heap that would be useful for evaluating `e`.

    Given an EArgMin or EArgMax expression, this function produces a new
    expression that constructs a heap. Peeking the top value of the
    constructed heap is semantically equivalent to evaluating `e`.
    if isinstance(e, EArgMin):
        elem_type = e.type
        key_type = e.key_function.body.type
        return EMakeMinHeap(e.e, e.key_function).with_type(TMinHeap(elem_type, key_type))
    if isinstance(e, EArgMax):
Пример #11
"""Additional internal syntax.

While the syntax module declares the core _input_ language, this module declares
additional syntax extensions that can appear in the _target_ language: the
primitives the tool can output and use during synthesis.

from cozy.syntax import *
from cozy.common import declare_case, fresh_name

# Misc
TRef = declare_case(Type, "TRef", ["elem_type"])
EEnumToInt = declare_case(Exp, "EEnumToInt", ["e"])

# Execute a statement and then "return" the value of `out_var`.  The statement
# must declare `out_var` in its body.
EStm = declare_case(Exp, "EStm", ["stm", "out_var"])

# State var barrier: sub-expression should be maintained as a fresh state var
EStateVar = declare_case(Exp, "EStateVar", ["e"])

def statevar(e, ty):
    return EStateVar(e.with_type(ty)).with_type(ty)

def EIsSingleton(e):
    arg = EVar(fresh_name()).with_type(e.type.elem_type)
    return EBinOp(
                 EMap(e, ELambda(arg,