Пример #1
from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.syntax_tools import pprint, fresh_var, free_vars, free_funcs, all_exps, alpha_equivalent, mk_lambda
from cozy.contexts import Context
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection, is_numeric, is_scalar
from cozy.pools import Pool, RUNTIME_POOL
from cozy.solver import ModelCachingSolver
from cozy.evaluation import eval, eval_bulk
from cozy.structures import extension_handler
from cozy.logging import task, event
from cozy.state_maintenance import mutate
from cozy.opts import Option

consider_maintenance_cost = Option(
    "Experimental option that lets Cozy use ops for the cost model. Note that Cozy will become much slower with this option on."

class Order(Enum):
    EQUAL = 0
    LT = 1
    GT = 2

    def flip(order):
        """Flips the direction of the Order.

        Less than becomes greater than (and vice versa).  Equals and ambiguous
Пример #2
from itertools import chain

from cozy.common import typechecked
from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection
from cozy.solver import valid
from cozy.syntax_tools import pprint, subst, enumerate_fragments, cse, shallow_copy, mk_lambda
from cozy.handle_tools import reachable_handles_at_method, implicit_handle_assumptions_for_method
from cozy.incrementalization import delta_form
from cozy.opts import Option

invariant_preservation_check = Option("invariant-preservation-check", bool, True)

def add_implicit_handle_assumptions(spec : Spec) -> Spec:
    At the start of every method, for all reachable handles (i.e. those stored
    on the data structure plus those in arguments):
        If two different handles have the same address, then they have the same
    spec = shallow_copy(spec)
    new_methods = []
    for m in spec.methods:
        handles = reachable_handles_at_method(spec, m)
        new_assumptions = implicit_handle_assumptions_for_method(handles, m)
        m = shallow_copy(m)
        m.assumptions = list(m.assumptions) + new_assumptions
    spec.methods = new_methods
    return spec
Пример #3
"""Well-formedness tests for Cozy expressions."""

import itertools

from cozy.common import typechecked, OrderedSet
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection, is_scalar
from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.syntax_tools import pprint, free_vars
from cozy.solver import ModelCachingSolver
from cozy.pools import RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.structures import extension_handler
from cozy.contexts import Context, RootCtx, shred

allow_conditional_state = Option("allow-conditional-state", bool, True)
do_expensive_checks = Option("expensive-wf-checks", bool, True)
allow_int_arithmetic_state = Option("allow-int-arith-state", bool, True)

class ExpIsNotWf(Exception):
    def __init__(self, e, offending_subexpression, reason):
        self.e = e
        self.offending_subexpression = offending_subexpression
        self.reason = reason

def exp_wf_nonrecursive(solver, e : Exp, context : Context, pool = RUNTIME_POOL, assumptions : Exp = T):
    state_vars = OrderedSet(v for v, p in context.vars() if p == STATE_POOL)
    args       = OrderedSet(v for v, p in context.vars() if p == RUNTIME_POOL)
    assumptions = EAll([assumptions, context.path_condition()])

    h = extension_handler(type(e))
Пример #4
from cozy.syntax import Query, Op, Exp, EVar, EAll
from cozy.target_syntax import EStateVar
from cozy.syntax_tools import pprint, unpack_representation, shallow_copy, wrap_naked_statevars
from cozy.timeouts import Timeout
from cozy import jobs
from cozy.contexts import Context
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.cost_model import CostModel

from . import core
from .impls import Implementation

nice_children = Option(
    description='Apply a high Unix "niceness" value to child processes. ' +
    "Cozy can spawn a lot of child processes during synthesis, so this " +
    "option exists to help control resource usage.")

log_dir = Option(
    description="Location to place log files for child processes.")

class ImproveQueryJob(jobs.Job):
    def __init__(self,
                 state: [EVar],
Пример #5
from cozy.target_syntax import (EStateVar, EMap, EFilter, EFlatMap, TMap,
                                EMakeMap2, EMapKeys, EMapGet, EHasKey)
from cozy.structures import all_extension_handlers
from cozy.syntax_tools import pprint, fresh_var, free_vars, freshen_binders, alpha_equivalent, all_types
from cozy.evaluation import eval_bulk, construct_value, values_equal
from cozy.typecheck import is_numeric, is_collection, is_ordered, is_hashable
from cozy.cost_model import CostModel, Order
from cozy.pools import Pool, RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL, pool_name
from cozy.contexts import Context, RootCtx, UnderBinder, more_specific_context
from cozy.logging import task, task_begin, task_end, event, verbose
from cozy.opts import Option

do_enumerate = Option(
    description="Enable brute-force enumeration.  " +
    "Disabling this option cripples Cozy, but makes the effect of the " +
    "acceleration rules more apparent.")

class Fingerprint(object):
    """A summary of an expression's behavior on some inputs.

    An expression's fingerprint is derived from a set of example inputs.  Two
    expressions with different fingerprints are known to behave differently.
    Two expressions with the same fingerprint might be
    semantically equivalent (i.e. behave the same on all inputs), or they might
    just appear to be semantically equivalent on the given inputs.
Пример #6
import itertools

from cozy.common import fresh_name
from cozy import syntax
from cozy import target_syntax
from cozy.syntax_tools import free_vars, pprint, fresh_var, strip_EStateVar, subst, BottomUpRewriter, alpha_equivalent
from cozy.typecheck import is_numeric
from cozy.solver import valid
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.structures import extension_handler
from cozy.evaluation import construct_value

skip_stateless_synthesis = Option(
    "Do not waste time optimizing expressions that do not depend on the data structure state"
update_numbers_with_deltas = Option("update-numbers-with-deltas", bool, False)

def mutate(e: syntax.Exp, op: syntax.Stm) -> syntax.Exp:
    """Return the new value of `e` after executing `op`."""
    if isinstance(op, syntax.SNoOp):
        return e
    elif isinstance(op, syntax.SAssign):
        return _do_assignment(op.lhs, op.rhs, e)
    elif isinstance(op, syntax.SCall):
        if op.func == "add":
            return mutate(
Пример #7
"""Helper method to do a little simplification on expressions.

This is useful both to make expressions visually simpler for presentation and
to make them simpler for the synthesis backend.

The most important function is `simplify`.

from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection, is_numeric
from cozy.syntax_tools import BottomUpRewriter, alpha_equivalent, cse, compose, pprint, mk_lambda, replace
from cozy.evaluation import construct_value, eval
from cozy.solver import valid, satisfy
from cozy.opts import Option

checked_simplify = Option("checked-simplification", bool, False)

def is_simple(t):
    if is_numeric(t):
        return True
    if isinstance(t, TString) or isinstance(t, TEnum) or isinstance(t, TBool) or isinstance(t, TNative):
        return True
    if isinstance(t, TTuple) and all(is_simple(tt) for tt in t.ts):
        return True
    if isinstance(t, TRecord) and all(is_simple(tt) for f, tt in t.fields):
        return True
    return False

class _V(BottomUpRewriter):
    def __init__(self, debug=False):
        self.debug = debug
Пример #8
from queue import Empty

from cozy.common import typechecked, OrderedSet
from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.syntax_tools import all_types, free_vars, pprint, unpack_representation, shallow_copy, wrap_naked_statevars
from cozy.typecheck import is_scalar
from cozy.timeouts import Timeout
from cozy import jobs
from cozy.contexts import RootCtx
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.cost_model import CostModel

from . import core
from .impls import Implementation

nice_children = Option("nice-children", bool, False)
log_dir = Option("log-dir", str, "/tmp")
SynthCtx = namedtuple("SynthCtx", ["all_types", "basic_types"])
LINE_BUFFER_MODE = 1  # see help for open() function

class ImproveQueryJob(jobs.Job):
    def __init__(self,
                 ctx: SynthCtx,
                 state: [EVar],
                 assumptions: [Exp],
                 q: Query,
                 hints: [Exp] = [],
                 freebies: [Exp] = [],
Пример #9
from cozy.syntax_tools import all_types, alpha_equivalent, BottomUpExplorer, BottomUpRewriter, free_vars, pprint, subst, implies, fresh_var, mk_lambda, all_exps, equal, is_scalar, tease_apart, shallow_copy, enumerate_fragments2, wrap_naked_statevars
import cozy.incrementalization as inc
from cozy.timeouts import Timeout, TimeoutException
from cozy.cost_model import CompositeCostModel
from cozy import jobs
from cozy.solver import valid
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.pools import STATE_POOL

from . import core
from .impls import Implementation
from .grammar import BinderBuilder
from .acceleration import AcceleratedBuilder
from .misc import rewrite_ret, queries_equivalent

accelerate = Option("acceleration-rules", bool, True)
nice_children = Option("nice-children", bool, False)
log_dir = Option("log-dir", str, "/tmp")
SynthCtx = namedtuple("SynthCtx", ["all_types", "basic_types"])
LINE_BUFFER_MODE = 1  # see help for open() function

class ImproveQueryJob(jobs.Job):
    def __init__(self,
                 ctx: SynthCtx,
                 state: [EVar],
                 assumptions: [Exp],
                 q: Query,
                 hints: [Exp] = [],
Пример #10
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import total_ordering, lru_cache
import itertools

from cozy.common import typechecked, partition, make_random_access
from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.syntax_tools import BottomUpExplorer, pprint, equal, fresh_var, mk_lambda, free_vars, subst, alpha_equivalent, all_exps, cse
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection
from cozy.pools import RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL
from cozy.solver import valid, satisfiable, REAL, SolverReportedUnknown, IncrementalSolver
from cozy.evaluation import eval
from cozy.opts import Option

assume_large_cardinalities = Option("assume-large-cardinalities", int, 1000)
integer_cardinalities = Option("try-integer-cardinalities", bool, True)

# In principle these settings are supposed to improve performance; in practice,
# they do not.
incremental = False
use_indicators = False

class Cost(object):
    WORSE = "worse"
    BETTER = "better"
    UNORDERED = "unordered"
    def compare_to(self, other, assumptions : Exp = T, solver : IncrementalSolver = None):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class CostModel(object):
    def cost(self, e, pool):
        raise NotImplementedError()
Пример #11
from cozy.syntax_tools import subst, pprint, free_vars, fresh_var, alpha_equivalent, strip_EStateVar, freshen_binders, wrap_naked_statevars, break_conj, inline_lets
from cozy.wf import exp_wf
from cozy.common import No, OrderedSet, unique, OrderedSet, StopException
from cozy.solver import valid, solver_for_context, ModelCachingSolver
from cozy.evaluation import construct_value
from cozy.cost_model import CostModel, Order, LINEAR_TIME_UOPS
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.pools import Pool, RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL, pool_name
from cozy.contexts import Context, all_subexpressions_with_context_information, replace
from cozy.logging import task, event
from cozy.structures import extension_handler

from .acceleration import try_optimize
from .enumeration import Enumerator, Fingerprint, retention_policy

eliminate_vars = Option("eliminate-vars", bool, False)
enable_blacklist = Option(
    description='If enabled, skip expressions that have been ' +
    'found not useful or invalid during improvement searching')
check_blind_substitutions = Option(
    description='"Blind substitutions" allow Cozy to try replacing expressions '
    + "with other expressions, even when the substitution appears wrong. " +
    "In some cases, this allows Cozy to quickly discover nonintuitive " +
enable_eviction = Option("eviction", bool, True)
Пример #12
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection, is_scalar
from cozy.syntax_tools import subst, pprint, free_vars, fresh_var, alpha_equivalent, enumerate_fragments, strip_EStateVar, freshen_binders, wrap_naked_statevars, break_conj
from cozy.wf import ExpIsNotWf, exp_wf
from cozy.common import No, OrderedSet, ADT, Visitor, fresh_name, unique, pick_to_sum, OrderedDefaultDict, OrderedSet, group_by, find_one, extend, StopException
from cozy.solver import satisfy, satisfiable, valid, IncrementalSolver, ModelCachingSolver
from cozy.evaluation import eval, eval_bulk, mkval, construct_value, uneval, eq
from cozy.cost_model import CostModel, Order, rt as runtime, asymptotic_runtime, max_storage_size, LINEAR_TIME_UOPS
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.pools import Pool, ALL_POOLS, RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL, pool_name
from cozy.contexts import Context, shred, replace
from cozy.logging import task, event

from .acceleration import try_optimize
from .enumeration import Enumerator, fingerprint, eviction_policy

eliminate_vars = Option("eliminate-vars", bool, False)
incremental = Option(
    description="Experimental option that can greatly improve performance.")

class NoMoreImprovements(Exception):

def exploration_order(targets: [Exp],
                      context: Context,
                      pool: Pool = RUNTIME_POOL):
Пример #13
import itertools

from cozy.common import find_one
from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.syntax_tools import fresh_var, free_vars, free_funcs, mk_lambda, strip_EStateVar, alpha_equivalent, compose, nnf, map_value_func
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection, retypecheck
from cozy.contexts import Context, all_subexpressions_with_context_information, replace
from cozy.pools import Pool, RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL
from cozy.structures.heaps import TMinHeap, TMaxHeap, EMakeMinHeap, EMakeMaxHeap, EHeapPeek2
from cozy.evaluation import construct_value, uneval, eval
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.wf import repair_well_formedness

accelerate = Option("acceleration-rules",
                    description="Enable rewrite rules that try to optimize " +
                    "expressions during synthesis. This usually " +
                    "improves Cozy's performance.")

def find_one_or_fail(iter):
    res = find_one(iter)
    if res is None:
        raise ValueError()
    return res

def try_optimize(e: Exp, context: Context, pool: Pool):
    """Yields expressions for the given context and pool.

    The expressions are likely to be semantically equivalent to `e` and likely
Пример #14
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection, is_scalar
from cozy.syntax_tools import subst, pprint, free_vars, fresh_var, alpha_equivalent, strip_EStateVar, freshen_binders, wrap_naked_statevars, break_conj
from cozy.wf import exp_wf
from cozy.common import No, OrderedSet, unique, OrderedSet, StopException
from cozy.solver import valid, solver_for_context
from cozy.evaluation import construct_value
from cozy.cost_model import CostModel, Order, LINEAR_TIME_UOPS
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.pools import Pool, RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL, pool_name
from cozy.contexts import Context, shred, replace
from cozy.logging import task, event

from .acceleration import try_optimize
from .enumeration import Enumerator, Fingerprint, fingerprint, fingerprints_match, fingerprint_is_subset, eviction_policy

eliminate_vars = Option("eliminate-vars", bool, False)
enable_blacklist = Option("enable-blacklist", bool, False)
check_all_substitutions = Option("check-all-substitutions", bool, True)
enable_eviction = Option("eviction", bool, True)

def exploration_order(targets: [Exp],
                      context: Context,
                      pool: Pool = RUNTIME_POOL):
    What order should subexpressions of the given targets be explored for
    possible improvements?

    Yields (target, subexpression, subcontext, subpool) tuples.
Пример #15
import igraph

from cozy.common import fresh_name, find_one, typechecked, OrderedSet
from cozy.syntax import *
from cozy.target_syntax import EFilter, EDeepIn, EStateVar
from cozy.syntax_tools import subst, free_vars, fresh_var, alpha_equivalent, all_exps, BottomUpRewriter, BottomUpExplorer, pprint, replace, shallow_copy, tease_apart, wrap_naked_statevars, rewrite_ret
from cozy.handle_tools import reachable_handles_at_method, implicit_handle_assumptions_for_method
import cozy.state_maintenance as inc
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.simplification import simplify
from cozy.solver import valid, ModelCachingSolver
from cozy.logging import task, event

from .misc import queries_equivalent, pull_temps

dedup_queries = Option("deduplicate-subqueries", bool, True)

def simplify_or_ignore(e):
    ee = simplify(e)
    return ee if ee.size() < e.size() else e

def safe_feedback_arc_set(g, method):
    Compute the feedback arc set for directed graph `g`.

    This function works around a potential segfault in igraph:

    assert g.is_directed()
Пример #16
import sys
import traceback

from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.syntax_tools import subst, pprint, free_vars, free_funcs, BottomUpExplorer, BottomUpRewriter, equal, fresh_var, alpha_equivalent, all_exps, implies, mk_lambda, enumerate_fragments2, strip_EStateVar
from cozy.wf import ExpIsNotWf, exp_wf, exp_wf_nonrecursive
from cozy.common import OrderedSet, ADT, Visitor, fresh_name, typechecked, unique, pick_to_sum, cross_product, OrderedDefaultDict, OrderedSet, group_by, find_one
from cozy.solver import satisfy, satisfiable, valid, IncrementalSolver
from cozy.evaluation import eval, eval_bulk, mkval, construct_value, uneval
from cozy.cost_model import CostModel, Cost
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.pools import ALL_POOLS, RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL, pool_name

from .cache import Cache, SeenSet

save_testcases = Option("save-testcases", str, "", metavar="PATH")
hyperaggressive_culling = Option("hyperaggressive-culling", bool, False)
hyperaggressive_eviction = Option("hyperaggressive-eviction", bool, True)
reject_symmetric_binops = Option("reject-symmetric-binops", bool, False)
eliminate_vars = Option("eliminate-vars", bool, True)
reset_on_success = Option("reset-on-success", bool, False)
enforce_seen_wf = Option("enforce-seen-set-well-formed", bool, False)
enforce_strong_progress = Option("enforce-strong-progress", bool, False)
enforce_exprs_wf = Option("enforce-expressions-well-formed", bool, False)
preopt = Option("optimize-accelerated-exps", bool, True)
check_depth = Option("proof-depth", int, 4)
incremental = Option("incremental", bool, False, description="Experimental option that can greatly improve performance.")

# When are costs checked?
CHECK_FINAL_COST = True  # compare overall cost of each candidiate to target
CHECK_SUBST_COST = False # compare cost of each subexp. to its replacement
Пример #17
While the syntax module declares the core _input_ language, this module declares
additional syntax extensions that can appear in the _target_ language: the
primitives the tool can output and use during synthesis.

from cozy.syntax import *
from cozy.common import declare_case, typechecked, fresh_name
from cozy.opts import Option

enforce_estatevar_wf = Option("enforce-well-formed-state-var-boundaries", bool,

# Misc
TRef = declare_case(Type, "TRef", ["t"])
EEnumToInt = declare_case(Exp, "EEnumToInt", ["e"])
EBoolToInt = declare_case(Exp, "EBoolToInt", ["e"])
EStm = declare_case(Exp, "EStm", ["stm", "e"])

# State var barrier: sub-expression should be maintained as a fresh state var
EStateVar = declare_case(Exp, "EStateVar", ["e"])

class IllegalStateVarBoundary(Exception):

old = EStateVar.__init__

def f(self, e):
Пример #18
from cozy.contexts import Context
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection, is_numeric, is_scalar
from cozy.pools import Pool, RUNTIME_POOL
from cozy.solver import ModelCachingSolver
from cozy.evaluation import eval, eval_bulk
from cozy.structures import extension_handler
from cozy.logging import task, event
from cozy.state_maintenance import mutate
from cozy.polynomials import Polynomial, DominantTerm
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.structures.treemultiset import ETreeMultisetElems, ETreeMultisetPeek

cost_model_selection = Option("cost-model", int, 2,
    description="Cost model to use.  "
        + "Higher numbers are much slower to evaluate but often yield better results.  "
        + "0: optimize for expression size.  "
        + "1: optimize for asymptotic runtime.  "
        + "2: optimize for a mix of asymptotic runtime, storage size, and exact runtime.  "
        + "3: optimize for a mix of asymptotic runtime and state maintenance cost.")

class Order(Enum):
    EQUAL     = "="
    LT        = "<"
    GT        = ">"
    AMBIGUOUS = "?"

    def flip(order):
        """Flips the direction of the Order.

        Less than becomes greater than (and vice versa).  Equals and ambiguous
        are unchanged.
Пример #19
"""A small logging framework that supports timing and indented log messages.

Important functions:
 - task: a context manager to wrap self-contained tasks
 - event: print a log message (indented based on active tasks)

from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
import datetime

from cozy.opts import Option

verbose = Option("verbose", bool, False)

_times = defaultdict(float)
_task_stack = []
_begin = datetime.datetime.now()

def log(string):
    if verbose.value:

def task_begin(name, **kwargs):
    start = datetime.datetime.now()
    _task_stack.append((name, start))
    if not verbose.value:
    indent = "  " * (len(_task_stack) - 1)
Пример #20
from cozy.handle_tools import reachable_handles_at_method, implicit_handle_assumptions
import cozy.state_maintenance as inc
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.simplification import simplify
from cozy.solver import valid, ModelCachingSolver
from cozy.logging import task, event
from cozy.graph_theory import DirectedGraph
from cozy.contexts import Context, RootCtx
from cozy.wf import repair_well_formedness

from .misc import queries_equivalent, pull_temps

dedup_queries = Option(
    description="Use the solver to deduplicate the internal queries that Cozy "
    + "adds to the implementation. While deduplication is slow (it involves " +
    "a solver call), it results in far fewer query synthesis threads.")

def simplify_or_ignore(e):
    ee = simplify(e)
    return ee if ee.size() < e.size() else e

class Implementation(object):
    def __init__(self, spec: Spec, concretization_functions: [(EVar, Exp)],
                 query_specs: [Query], query_impls: OrderedDict,
                 updates: defaultdict, handle_updates: defaultdict):
Пример #21
import itertools

from cozy.common import pick_to_sum, cross_product, group_by, find_one
from cozy.target_syntax import *
from cozy.syntax_tools import subst, mk_lambda, free_vars, is_scalar, pprint, strip_EStateVar
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection, is_numeric
from cozy.pools import STATE_POOL, RUNTIME_POOL, ALL_POOLS
from cozy.opts import Option

from .core import ExpBuilder

build_exprs = Option("build-exprs", bool, True)

class BinderBuilder(ExpBuilder):
    def __init__(self, binders: [EVar], state_vars: [EVar], args: [EVar] = []):
        self.binders = binders
        self.state_vars = state_vars
        self.args = args

    def __repr__(self):
        return "BinderBuilder(binders={!r}, state_vars={!r}, args={!r})".format(
            self.binders, self.state_vars, self.args)

    def build(self, cache, size):
        # print("Cache:")
        # for (e, sz, pool) in cache:
        #     from cozy.syntax_tools import pprint
        #     print("    @size={}, pool={}\t:\t{}".format(sz, pool, pprint(e)))
        binders_by_type = group_by(self.binders, lambda b: b.type)
Пример #22
from cozy.typecheck import is_collection
from cozy.syntax_tools import subst, pprint, free_vars, fresh_var, alpha_equivalent, enumerate_fragments, strip_EStateVar, freshen_binders, wrap_naked_statevars, break_conj
from cozy.wf import ExpIsNotWf, exp_wf
from cozy.common import OrderedSet, ADT, Visitor, fresh_name, unique, pick_to_sum, OrderedDefaultDict, OrderedSet, group_by, find_one, extend, StopException
from cozy.solver import satisfy, satisfiable, valid, IncrementalSolver, ModelCachingSolver
from cozy.evaluation import eval, eval_bulk, mkval, construct_value, uneval, eq
from cozy.cost_model import CostModel, Order, rt as runtime, asymptotic_runtime, max_storage_size, LINEAR_TIME_UOPS
from cozy.opts import Option
from cozy.pools import Pool, ALL_POOLS, RUNTIME_POOL, STATE_POOL, pool_name
from cozy.contexts import Context, shred, replace
from cozy.logging import task, event

from .acceleration import try_optimize
from .enumeration import Enumerator, fingerprint, eviction_policy

eliminate_vars = Option("eliminate-vars", bool, False)
incremental = Option(
    description="Experimental option that can greatly improve performance.")

class NoMoreImprovements(Exception):

def exploration_order(targets: [Exp],
                      context: Context,
                      pool: Pool = RUNTIME_POOL):
Пример #23
"""Helper class to implement interruptable tasks."""

from multiprocessing import Process, Array, Queue
from queue import Queue as PlainQueue, Empty, Full
import time
import threading
import sys

from cozy.opts import Option

do_profiling = Option("profile",
                      description="Profile Cozy itself")

class Job(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._thread = Process(target=self._run, daemon=True)
        self._flags = Array("b", [False] * 3)
        # flags[0] - stop_requested?
        # flags[1] - done?
        # flags[2] - true iff completed with no exception
    def start(self):

    def _run(self):
            if do_profiling.value:
                import cProfile
                import tempfile
Пример #24
from cozy.common import fresh_name
from cozy import syntax
from cozy import target_syntax
from cozy.syntax_tools import free_vars, pprint, fresh_var, mk_lambda, alpha_equivalent, strip_EStateVar, subst
from cozy.typecheck import is_numeric
from cozy.solver import valid
from cozy.opts import Option

skip_stateless_synthesis = Option(
    "Do not waste time optimizing expressions that do not depend on the data structure state"

def delta_form(members: [(str, syntax.Type)], op: syntax.Op) -> {
        str: syntax.Exp
    Given the abstract state of a data structure and an imperative operation
    that modifies it, return new values for the abstract state in terms of the
    old values.

        members - a list of (id, type) tuples specifying the abstract state
        op      - an imperative operation

        dictionary mapping id->new_exp (suitable for use by syntax_tools.subst)