def create_dataset(input_path, output_path, check_valid=True, use_space=False):
    os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True)
    lmdb_env =, map_size=1099511627776)
    classes = load_classes_dictionary('data_generation/kr_labels.txt',
    cache = {}
    sample_count = 0

    for image_path in glob(os.path.join(input_path, "**"), recursive=True):
        if os.path.isfile(image_path):
            file_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
            label = get_gt_from_file_name(file_name, classes)

        if label.find('<UNK>') >= 0:

        if len(label) > 30:
            print(f'skip {label} {len(label)}')

        with open(image_path, 'rb') as f:
            image_bin =

        if check_valid:
                if not checkImageIsValid(image_bin):
                    print('%s is not a valid image' % image_path)
                print(f'{image_path} error occurred')
                with open(output_path + '/error_image_log.txt', 'a') as log:
                    log.write('%s-th image data occurred error\n' %

        image_key = 'image-%09d'.encode() % sample_count
        label_key = 'label-%09d'.encode() % sample_count

        cache[image_key] = image_bin
        cache[label_key] = label.encode()
        sample_count += 1
        if sample_count % 1000 == 0:
            writeCache(lmdb_env, cache)
            cache = {}
            print(f'Written {sample_count}')

    cache['num-samples'.encode()] = str(sample_count - 1).encode()
    writeCache(lmdb_env, cache)
    print(f'Created dataset {sample_count}')
Пример #2
def copy_lmdb(src_lmdb_env, target_lmdb_env, classes):
    data_cache = {}
    with target_lmdb_env.begin(write=False) as txn:
        num_samples = txn.get('num-samples'.encode())
        if num_samples is None:
            print('target lmdb is empty')
            target_count = 0
            target_count = int(num_samples)

    with src_lmdb_env.begin(write=False) as txn:
        num_samples = txn.get('num-samples'.encode())
        if num_samples is None:
            print('src lmdb is empty')
        src_count = int(num_samples)

    with src_lmdb_env.begin(write=False) as src_txn:
        for idx in range(0, src_count):
            image_key = 'image-%09d'.encode() % idx
            label_key = 'label-%09d'.encode() % idx
            label = src_txn.get(label_key)
            if label is None:
                print(f'{label} has no data')

            label = label.decode('utf-8')
            label = label.replace(',', '.')
            if not is_valid_label(label, classes):
                print(f'{label} has invalid label ')

            image_bin = src_txn.get(image_key)
            image_key = 'image-%09d'.encode() % target_count
            label_key = 'label-%09d'.encode() % target_count
            data_cache[label_key] = label.encode()
            data_cache[image_key] = image_bin
            target_count += 1

            if target_count % 1000 == 1:
                writeCache(target_lmdb_env, data_cache)

        data_cache['num-samples'.encode()] = str(target_count - 1).encode()
        writeCache(target_lmdb_env, data_cache)
        print(f'target dataset size: {target_count}')
def create_words_data(rel_in_path, rel_out_path, map_size, format, images_num):
    dir_in = './' + rel_in_path
    dir_out = './' + rel_out_path

    output_format = format

    os.makedirs(dir_out, exist_ok=True)
    env =, map_size=map_size)
    cache = {}
    cnt = 1

    dir_in_path = pathlib.Path(dir_in)
    chr_dirs = os.listdir(dir_in_path)
    idx_to_chr_path = defaultdict(def_value)
    aleph = ord('א')
    for chr_dir in chr_dirs:
        #print(chr(int(chr_dir) + aleph))
        chr_dir_path = dir_in + chr_dir
        cur_chr_path = pathlib.Path(chr_dir_path)
        chr_files = os.listdir(cur_chr_path)
        for chr_file in chr_files:
            cur_chr_img_path = chr_dir_path + '/' + chr_file

    non_ending_letters = 'אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת'
    ending_letters = 'אבגדהוזחטיךלמןסעףץקרשת'
    low_letters = 'נקךןת'

    bg = './bg.jpg'
    bg =
    bg = np.asarray(bg)
    total_bytes = 0
    while cnt - 1 < images_num:
        one_or_two = np.random.randint(0, 10)
        if one_or_two == 3:
            word_len = np.random.randint(11, 20)
            word_len = np.random.randint(1, 11)

        is_lower = np.zeros(word_len)

        images = []
        length_upper = 0
        length_lower = 0
        width = 0

        label = ''
        for i in range(word_len - 1):
            letter = np.random.randint(22)
            if non_ending_letters[letter] in low_letters:
                is_lower[word_len - 1 - i] = 1
            letter_idx = ord(non_ending_letters[letter]) - ord('א')
            label += chr(letter_idx + ord('א'))
            letter_imgs = idx_to_chr_path[letter_idx]
            amount = len(letter_imgs)
            img_num = np.random.randint(amount - 1)
            letter_img_path = letter_imgs[img_num]

            cur_chr_img =
            cur_chr_img = np.asarray(cur_chr_img)
            cur_length, cur_width, channels = cur_chr_img.shape
            if channels == 4:  # remove the alpha channel
                cur_chr_img = cur_chr_img[:, :, :-1]
            width += cur_width
            if non_ending_letters[letter] in low_letters:
                length_lower = max(length_lower, cur_length)
                length_upper = max(length_upper, cur_length)

        #last letter in ending letters
        letter = np.random.randint(22)
        if ending_letters[letter] in low_letters:
            is_lower[0] = 1
        letter_idx = ord(ending_letters[letter]) - ord('א')
        label += chr(letter_idx + ord('א'))
        letter_imgs = idx_to_chr_path[letter_idx]
        amount = len(letter_imgs)
        img_num = np.random.randint(amount - 1)
        letter_img_path = letter_imgs[img_num]

        cur_chr_img =
        cur_chr_img = np.asarray(cur_chr_img)
        cur_length, cur_width, channels = cur_chr_img.shape
        if channels == 4:  # remove the alpha channel
            cur_chr_img = cur_chr_img[:, :, :-1]
        width += cur_width
        if non_ending_letters[letter] in low_letters:
            length_lower = max(length_lower, cur_length)
            length_upper = max(length_upper, cur_length)

        if length_upper > length_lower:
            total_length = ceil(length_upper + length_lower / 2)
            total_length = ceil(length_lower + length_upper / 2)
        background = np.copy(bg[0:total_length, 0:width, :])

        #word generation
        width_start_idx = 0
        for letter_img, is_low in zip(reversed(images), is_lower):
            cur_len, cur_width, _ = letter_img.shape
            if not is_low:
                start_idx = length_upper - cur_len
                start_idx = total_length - cur_len
            col_end_idx = width_start_idx + cur_width
            background[start_idx:(start_idx + cur_len),
                       width_start_idx:(col_end_idx), :] = letter_img
            width_start_idx += cur_width

        #background = Image.fromarray(background)
        #save image in lmdb
        #_, format = chr_file.split('.')
        #if output_format == 'same':
        #output_format = format
        imageKey = 'image-%09d'.encode() % cnt
        labelKey = 'label-%09d'.encode() % cnt
        total_bytes += len(imageKey) + len(labelKey)
        background = Image.fromarray(background)
        with io.BytesIO() as output:
  , format=output_format)
            imageBin = output.getvalue()
            total_bytes += len(imageBin) + len(label.encode())
        cache[imageKey] = imageBin
        cache[labelKey] = label.encode()
        if cnt % 1000 == 0:
            env.set_mapsize(int(total_bytes * 1.2))
            writeCache(env, cache)
            cache = {}
            print('Written %d' % cnt)
        cnt += 1
    nSamples = cnt - 1
    cache['num-samples'.encode()] = str(nSamples).encode()
    writeCache(env, cache)
    print('Created dataset with %d samples of size %d bytes' %
          (nSamples, total_bytes))
def create_data(rel_in_path, rel_out_path, map_size, format):
    dir_in = './' + rel_in_path
    dir_out = './' + rel_out_path

    output_format = format

    os.makedirs(dir_out, exist_ok=True)
    env =, map_size=map_size)
    cache = {}
    cnt = 1

    # Open the image form working directory
    bg = './bg.jpg'
    bg =
    bg = np.asarray(bg)

    l_size = 3

    dir_in_path = pathlib.Path(dir_in)
    chr_dirs = os.listdir(dir_in_path)
    aleph = ord('א')
    for chr_dir in chr_dirs:
        chr_dir_path = dir_in + chr_dir
        cur_chr_path = pathlib.Path(chr_dir_path)
        chr_files = os.listdir(cur_chr_path)
        for chr_file in chr_files:
            cur_chr_img_path = chr_dir_path + '/' + chr_file
            cur_chr_img =
            cur_chr_img = np.asarray(cur_chr_img)
            sz = cur_chr_img.shape
            if sz[2] == 4:  # remove the alpha channel
                cur_chr_img = cur_chr_img[:, :, :-1]

            for cur_size in range(0, l_size):
                for r in range(0, cur_size + 1):
                    sz = cur_chr_img.shape
                    background = np.copy(bg[0:sz[0],
                                            0:((cur_size + 1) * sz[1]), :])
                    background[:, r * sz[1]:(r + 1) * sz[1], :] = cur_chr_img
                    _, format = chr_file.split('.')
                    if output_format == 'same':
                        output_format = format
                    imageKey = 'image-%09d'.encode() % cnt
                    labelKey = 'label-%09d'.encode() % cnt
                    background = Image.fromarray(background)
                    with io.BytesIO() as output:
              , format=output_format)
                        imageBin = output.getvalue()
                    cache[imageKey] = imageBin
                    label = chr(int(chr_dir) + aleph)
                    cache[labelKey] = label.encode()
                    if cnt % 1000 == 0:
                        writeCache(env, cache)
                        cache = {}
                        print('Written %d' % cnt)
                    cnt += 1

                if cur_size == 0:

                for c in range(0, cur_size + 1):
                    sz = cur_chr_img.shape
                    background = np.copy(bg[0:(cur_size + 1) * sz[0],
                                            0:sz[1], :])
                    background[c * sz[0]:(c + 1) * sz[0], :, :] = cur_chr_img
                    _, format = chr_file.split('.')
                    if output_format == 'same':
                        output_format = format
                    imageKey = 'image-%09d'.encode() % cnt
                    labelKey = 'label-%09d'.encode() % cnt
                    background = Image.fromarray(background)
                    with io.BytesIO() as output:
              , format=output_format)
                        imageBin = output.getvalue()
                    cache[imageKey] = imageBin
                    label = chr(int(chr_dir) + aleph)
                    cache[labelKey] = label.encode()
                    if cnt % 1000 == 0:
                        writeCache(env, cache)
                        cache = {}
                        print('Written %d' % cnt)
                    cnt += 1

                for r in range(0, cur_size + 1):
                    for c in range(0, cur_size + 1):
                        sz = cur_chr_img.shape
                        background = np.copy(bg[0:((cur_size + 1) * sz[0]),
                                                0:((cur_size + 1) * sz[1]), :])
                        background[c * sz[0]:(c + 1) * sz[0],
                                   r * sz[1]:(r + 1) * sz[1], :] = cur_chr_img
                        _, format = chr_file.split('.')
                        if output_format == 'same':
                            output_format = format
                        imageKey = 'image-%09d'.encode() % cnt
                        labelKey = 'label-%09d'.encode() % cnt
                        background = Image.fromarray(background)
                        with io.BytesIO() as output:
                  , format=output_format)
                            imageBin = output.getvalue()
                        cache[imageKey] = imageBin
                        label = chr(int(chr_dir) + aleph)
                        cache[labelKey] = label.encode()
                        if cnt % 1000 == 0:
                            writeCache(env, cache)
                            cache = {}
                            print('Written %d' % cnt)
                        cnt += 1
    nSamples = cnt - 1
    cache['num-samples'.encode()] = str(nSamples).encode()
    writeCache(env, cache)
    print('Created dataset with %d samples' % nSamples)
def create_words_data3(rel_in_path, rel_out_path, map_size, format,
    dir_in = './' + rel_in_path
    dir_out = './' + rel_out_path

    output_format = format

    os.makedirs(dir_out, exist_ok=True)
    env =, map_size=map_size)
    cache = {}
    cnt = 1

    dir_in_path = pathlib.Path(dir_in)
    chr_dirs = os.listdir(dir_in_path)
    idx_to_chr_path = defaultdict(def_value)
    aleph = ord('א')
    for chr_dir in chr_dirs:
        # print(chr(int(chr_dir) + aleph))
        chr_dir_path = dir_in + chr_dir
        cur_chr_path = pathlib.Path(chr_dir_path)
        chr_files = os.listdir(cur_chr_path)
        for chr_file in chr_files:
            cur_chr_img_path = chr_dir_path + '/' + chr_file

    non_ending_letters = 'אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת'
    ending_letters = 'אבגדהוזחטיךלמןסעףץקרשת'
    low_letters = 'נקךןת'

    bg = './bg.jpg'
    bg =
    bg = np.asarray(bg)
    words_count = 0
    total_copies = []
    total_bytes = 0
    images_count = 0
    while images_count < images_num:
        one_or_two = np.random.randint(0, 10)
        if one_or_two == 3:
            word_len = np.random.randint(11, 20)
            word_len = np.random.randint(1, 11)

        is_lower = np.zeros(word_len)

        images = []
        length_upper = 0
        length_lower = 0
        width = 0

        label = ''
        # letters generations separetly
        for i in range(word_len - 1):
            letter = np.random.randint(22)
            if non_ending_letters[letter] in low_letters:
                is_lower[word_len - 1 - i] = 1
            letter_idx = ord(non_ending_letters[letter]) - ord('א')
            label += chr(letter_idx + ord('א'))
            letter_imgs = idx_to_chr_path[letter_idx]
            amount = len(letter_imgs)
            img_num = np.random.randint(amount - 1)
            letter_img_path = letter_imgs[img_num]

            cur_chr_img =
            cur_chr_img = np.asarray(cur_chr_img)
            cur_length, cur_width, channels = cur_chr_img.shape
            if channels == 4:  # remove the alpha channel
                cur_chr_img = cur_chr_img[:, :, :-1]
            width += cur_width
            if non_ending_letters[letter] in low_letters:
                length_lower = max(length_lower, cur_length)
                length_upper = max(length_upper, cur_length)

        # last letter in ending letters
        letter = np.random.randint(22)
        if ending_letters[letter] in low_letters:
            is_lower[0] = 1
        letter_idx = ord(ending_letters[letter]) - ord('א')
        label += chr(letter_idx + ord('א'))
        letter_imgs = idx_to_chr_path[letter_idx]
        amount = len(letter_imgs)
        img_num = np.random.randint(amount - 1)
        letter_img_path = letter_imgs[img_num]

        cur_chr_img =
        cur_chr_img = np.asarray(cur_chr_img)
        cur_length, cur_width, channels = cur_chr_img.shape
        if channels == 4:  # remove the alpha channel
            cur_chr_img = cur_chr_img[:, :, :-1]
        width += cur_width
        if non_ending_letters[letter] in low_letters:
            length_lower = max(length_lower, cur_length)
            length_upper = max(length_upper, cur_length)

        if length_upper > length_lower:
            total_length = ceil(length_upper + length_lower / 2)
            total_length = ceil(length_lower + length_upper / 2)

        # word generation from letters
        # print(label)
        background = np.copy(bg[0:total_length, 0:width, :])
        width_start_idx = 0
        for letter_img, is_low in zip(reversed(images), is_lower):
            cur_len, cur_width, _ = letter_img.shape
            if not is_low:
                start_idx = length_upper - cur_len
                start_idx = total_length - cur_len
            col_end_idx = width_start_idx + cur_width
            background[start_idx:(start_idx + cur_len),
                       width_start_idx:(col_end_idx), :] = letter_img
            width_start_idx += cur_width

        # background_img = Image.fromarray(background)
        # print()
        # save image in lmdb
        # _, format = chr_file.split('.')
        # if output_format == 'same':
        # output_format = format
        # word writing to lmdb in compressed form with bytesIO - reduces total size
        imageKey = 'image-%09d'.encode() % cnt
        labelKey = 'label-%09d'.encode() % cnt
        background_img = Image.fromarray(background)
        with io.BytesIO() as output:
  , format=output_format)
            imageBin = output.getvalue()
            total_size += len(imageBin)

        cache[imageKey] = imageBin
        cache[labelKey] = label.encode()
        if cnt % 1000 == 0:
            writeCache(env, cache)
            cache = {}
            print('Written %d' % cnt)
        cnt += 1
        cur_word_img = background
        words_count += 1
        # place diversity images generation
        word_l, word_w, _ = background.shape

        row_shift = 3
        col_shift = 3
        _, width_step, _ = list(reversed(images))[0].shape
        copies = 0
        for cls in range(col_shift + 1):
            for rws in range(row_shift + 1):
                for c in range(0, cls + 1):
                    for r in range(0, rws + 1):
                        background = np.copy(
                            bg[0:word_l + word_l * cls,
                               0:word_w + width_step * rws, :])
                        background[c * word_l:(c + 1) * word_l,
                                   r * width_step:word_w +
                                   r * width_step, :] = cur_word_img
                        # background_img = Image.fromarray(background)
                        copies += 1
                        imageKey = 'image-%09d'.encode() % cnt
                        labelKey = 'label-%09d'.encode() % cnt
                        total_bytes += len(imageKey) + len(labelKey)
                        background = Image.fromarray(background)
                        with io.BytesIO() as output:
                  , format=output_format)
                            imageBin = output.getvalue()
                            total_bytes += len(imageBin) + len(label.encode())
                        cache[imageKey] = imageBin
                        cache[labelKey] = label.encode()
                        if cnt % 1000 == 0:
                            env.set_mapsize(int(total_bytes * 1.12))
                            writeCache(env, cache)
                            cache = {}
                            print('Written %d' % cnt)
                        cnt += 1
        images_count += copies

    if len(cache) != 0:
        env.set_mapsize(int(total_bytes * 1.09))
        writeCache(env, cache)
        cache = {}
        print('Written %d' % (cnt - 1))
    nSamples = cnt - 1
    cache['num-samples'.encode()] = str(nSamples).encode()
    writeCache(env, cache)
        'Created dataset with %d samples of size %d bytes with %d words and %d copies in average'
        (nSamples, total_bytes, words_count, np.asarray(total_copies).mean()))