def get_aggregate_comments(atype, value, username, date=None): """ Generate a list of comments for the aggregate view. :param atype: How to limit the comments ("bytag", "byuser", "bycomment"). :type atype: str :param value: If limiting by atype, the value to limit by. :type value: str :param username: The user getting the comments. :type username: str :param date: The specific date to get comments for. :type date: datetime.datetime :returns: list of :class:`cripts.comments.comment.Comment` """ results = None if date: end_date = date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) query = {'date': {'$gte': date, '$lte': end_date}} else: query = {} if atype == 'bytag': query['tags'] = value elif atype == 'byuser': query['$or'] = [{'users': value}, {'analyst': value}] elif atype == 'bycomment': query['comment'] = {'$regex': value} results = Comment.objects(__raw__=query) sources = user_sources(username) return get_user_allowed_comments(results, sources)
def comment_remove(obj_id, analyst, date): """ Remove an existing comment. :param obj_id: The top-level ObjectId to find the comment to remove. :type obj_id: str :param analyst: The user removing the comment. :type analyst: str :param date: The date of the comment to remove. :type date: datetime.datetime :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str). """ comment = Comment.objects(obj_id=obj_id, created=date).first() if not comment: message = "Could not find comment to remove!" result = {'success': False, 'message': message} elif comment.analyst != analyst: # Should admin users be able to delete others comments? message = "You cannot delete comments from other analysts!" result = {'success': False, 'message': message} else: comment.delete() message = "Comment removed successfully!" result = {'success': True, 'message': message} return result
def get_aggregate_comments(atype, value, username, date=None): """ Generate a list of comments for the aggregate view. :param atype: How to limit the comments ("bytag", "byuser", "bycomment"). :type atype: str :param value: If limiting by atype, the value to limit by. :type value: str :param username: The user getting the comments. :type username: str :param date: The specific date to get comments for. :type date: datetime.datetime :returns: list of :class:`cripts.comments.comment.Comment` """ results = None if date: end_date = date+datetime.timedelta(days=1) query = {'date':{'$gte':date, '$lte':end_date}} else: query = {} if atype == 'bytag': query['tags'] = value elif atype == 'byuser': query['$or'] = [{'users':value}, {'analyst':value}] elif atype == 'bycomment': query['comment'] = {'$regex':value} results = Comment.objects(__raw__=query) sources = user_sources(username) return get_user_allowed_comments(results, sources)
def class_from_id(type_, _id): """ Return an instantiated class object. :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type. :type type_: str :param _id: The ObjectId to search for. :type _id: str :returns: class which inherits from :class:`cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine.CriptsBaseAttributes` """ #Quick fail if not _id or not type_: return None # doing this to avoid circular imports from cripts.comments.comment import Comment from cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine import Action from cripts.core.source_access import SourceAccess from cripts.core.user_role import UserRole from import Event from cripts.usernames.username import UserName from import Target from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress # make sure it's a string _id = str(_id) # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception. if not ObjectId.is_valid(_id.decode('utf8')): return None if type_ == 'Comment': return Comment.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Event': return Event.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Action': return Action.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'SourceAccess': return SourceAccess.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'UserRole': return UserRole.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'UserName': return UserName.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Target': return Target.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Hash': return Hash.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Dataset': return Dataset.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'EmailAddress': return EmailAddress.objects(id=_id).first() else: return None
def class_from_value(type_, value): """ Return an instantiated class object. :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type. :type type_: str :param value: The value to search for. :type value: str :returns: class which inherits from :class:`cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine.CriptsBaseAttributes` """ #Quick fail if not type_ or not value: return None # doing this to avoid circular imports from cripts.comments.comment import Comment from import Event from cripts.usernames.username import UserName from import Target from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress # Make sure value is a string... value = str(value) # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception. if (type_ in [ 'Comment', 'Event', 'UserName', 'Target', 'Hash', 'Dataset', 'EmailAddress' ] and not ObjectId.is_valid(value.decode('utf8'))): return None if type_ == 'Comment': return Comment.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Event': return Event.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'UserName': return UserName.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Target': return Target.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Hash': return Hash.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Dataset': return Dataset.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'EmailAddress': return EmailAddress.objects(id=value).first() else: return None
def class_from_value(type_, value): """ Return an instantiated class object. :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type. :type type_: str :param value: The value to search for. :type value: str :returns: class which inherits from :class:`cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine.CriptsBaseAttributes` """ #Quick fail if not type_ or not value: return None # doing this to avoid circular imports from cripts.comments.comment import Comment from import Event from cripts.usernames.username import UserName from import Target from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress # Make sure value is a string... value = str(value) # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception. if (type_ in ['Comment','Event','UserName','Target','Hash','Dataset','EmailAddress'] and not ObjectId.is_valid(value.decode('utf8'))): return None if type_ == 'Comment': return Comment.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Event': return Event.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'UserName': return UserName.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Target': return Target.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Hash': return Hash.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Dataset': return Dataset.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'EmailAddress': return EmailAddress.objects(id=value).first() else: return None
def comment_update(cleaned_data, obj_type, obj_id, subscr, analyst): """ Update an existing comment. :param cleaned_data: Cleaned data from the Django form submission. :type cleaned_data: dict :param obj_type: The top-level object type to find the comment to update. :type obj_type: str :param obj_id: The top-level ObjectId to find the comment to update. :type obj_id: str :param subscr: The subscription information for the top-level object. :type subscr: dict :param analyst: The user updating the comment. :type analyst: str :returns: :class:`django.http.HttpResponse` """ result = None date = cleaned_data['parent_date'] comment = Comment.objects(obj_id=obj_id, created=date).first() if not comment: message = "Cannot find comment to update!" result = {'success': False, 'message': message} elif comment.analyst != analyst: # Should admin users be able to edit others comments? message = "You cannot edit comments from other analysts!" result = {'success': False, 'message': message} else: comment.edit_comment(cleaned_data['comment']) try: comment.comment_to_html() html = render_to_string( 'comments_row_widget.html', { 'comment': comment, 'user': { 'username': analyst }, 'subscription': subscr }) message = "Comment updated successfully!" result = {'success': True, 'html': html, 'message': message} except ValidationError, e: result = {'success': False, 'message': e}
def get_comments(obj_id, obj_type): """ Get Comments for a specific top-level object. :param obj_id: The ObjectId to search for. :type obj_id: str :param obj_type: The top-level object type. :type obj_type: str :returns: list of :class:`cripts.comments.comment.Comment` """ #TODO: add source filtering for non-UI based applications results = Comment.objects(obj_id=obj_id, obj_type=obj_type).order_by('+created') final_comments = [] for result in results: result.comment_to_html() final_comments.append(result) return final_comments
def comment_update(cleaned_data, obj_type, obj_id, subscr, analyst): """ Update an existing comment. :param cleaned_data: Cleaned data from the Django form submission. :type cleaned_data: dict :param obj_type: The top-level object type to find the comment to update. :type obj_type: str :param obj_id: The top-level ObjectId to find the comment to update. :type obj_id: str :param subscr: The subscription information for the top-level object. :type subscr: dict :param analyst: The user updating the comment. :type analyst: str :returns: :class:`django.http.HttpResponse` """ result = None date = cleaned_data['parent_date'] comment = Comment.objects(obj_id=obj_id, created=date).first() if not comment: message = "Cannot find comment to update!" result = {'success': False, 'message': message} elif comment.analyst != analyst: # Should admin users be able to edit others comments? message = "You cannot edit comments from other analysts!" result = {'success': False, 'message': message} else: comment.edit_comment(cleaned_data['comment']) try: comment.comment_to_html() html = render_to_string('comments_row_widget.html', {'comment': comment, 'user': {'username': analyst}, 'subscription': subscr}) message = "Comment updated successfully!" result = {'success': True, 'html': html, 'message': message} except ValidationError, e: result = {'success': False, 'message': e}
def comment_add(cleaned_data, obj_type, obj_id, method, subscr, analyst): """ Add a new comment. :param cleaned_data: Cleaned data from the Django form submission. :type cleaned_data: dict :param obj_type: The top-level object type to add the comment to. :type obj_type: str :param obj_id: The top-level ObjectId to add the comment to. :type obj_id: str :param method: If this is a reply or not (set method to "reply"). :type method: str :param subscr: The subscription information for the top-level object. :type subscr: dict :param analyst: The user adding the comment. :type analyst: str :returns: dict with keys: 'success' (boolean), 'message': (str), 'html' (str) if successful. """ comment = Comment() comment.comment = cleaned_data['comment'] comment.parse_comment() comment.set_parent_object(obj_type, obj_id) if method == "reply": comment.set_parent_comment(cleaned_data['parent_date'], cleaned_data['parent_analyst']) comment.analyst = analyst comment.set_url_key(cleaned_data['url_key']) source = create_embedded_source(name=get_user_organization(analyst), analyst=analyst) comment.source = [source] try: # this is silly :( in the comment object the dates are still # accurate to .###### seconds, but in the database are only # accurate to .### seconds. This messes with the template's ability # to compare creation and edit times. comment.reload() comment.comment_to_html() html = render_to_string( 'comments_row_widget.html', { 'comment': comment, 'user': { 'username': analyst }, 'subscription': subscr }) message = "Comment added successfully!" result = {'success': True, 'html': html, 'message': message} except ValidationError, e: result = {'success': False, 'message': e}
def comment_add(cleaned_data, obj_type, obj_id, method, subscr, analyst): """ Add a new comment. :param cleaned_data: Cleaned data from the Django form submission. :type cleaned_data: dict :param obj_type: The top-level object type to add the comment to. :type obj_type: str :param obj_id: The top-level ObjectId to add the comment to. :type obj_id: str :param method: If this is a reply or not (set method to "reply"). :type method: str :param subscr: The subscription information for the top-level object. :type subscr: dict :param analyst: The user adding the comment. :type analyst: str :returns: dict with keys: 'success' (boolean), 'message': (str), 'html' (str) if successful. """ comment = Comment() comment.comment = cleaned_data['comment'] comment.parse_comment() comment.set_parent_object(obj_type, obj_id) if method == "reply": comment.set_parent_comment(cleaned_data['parent_date'], cleaned_data['parent_analyst']) comment.analyst = analyst comment.set_url_key(cleaned_data['url_key']) source = create_embedded_source(name=get_user_organization(analyst), analyst=analyst) comment.source = [source] try: # this is silly :( in the comment object the dates are still # accurate to .###### seconds, but in the database are only # accurate to .### seconds. This messes with the template's ability # to compare creation and edit times. comment.reload() comment.comment_to_html() html = render_to_string('comments_row_widget.html', {'comment': comment, 'user': {'username': analyst}, 'subscription': subscr}) message = "Comment added successfully!" result = {'success': True, 'html': html, 'message': message} except ValidationError, e: result = {'success': False, 'message': e}