Пример #1
def test_dl2(tmp_path, dl2_shower_geometry_file, dl2_proton_geometry_file):
    from ctapipe.tools.merge import MergeTool

    output = tmp_path / "merged.dl2.h5"
    ret = run_tool(
    assert ret == 0, f"Running merge for dl2 files failed with exit code {ret}"

    table1 = read_table(dl2_shower_geometry_file,
    table2 = read_table(dl2_proton_geometry_file,
    table_merged = read_table(
        output, "/dl2/event/subarray/geometry/HillasReconstructor")

    diff = StringIO()
    identical = report_diff_values(vstack([table1, table2]),
    assert (
    ), f"Merged table not equal to individual tables. Diff:\n {diff.getvalue()}"
Пример #2
def test_read_table(tmp_path):

    # write a simple hdf5 file using

    container = ReconstructedEnergyContainer()
    filename = tmp_path / "test_astropy_table.h5"

    with HDF5TableWriter(filename) as writer:
        for energy in np.logspace(1, 2, 10) * u.TeV:
            container.energy = energy
            writer.write("events", container)

    # try opening the result
    table = read_table(filename, "/events")

    assert "energy" in table.columns
    assert table["energy"].unit == u.TeV
    assert "CTAPIPE_VERSION" in table.meta
    assert table["energy"].description is not None

    # test using a string
    table = read_table(str(filename), "/events")

    # test write the table back out to some other format:
    table.write(tmp_path / "test_output.ecsv")
    table.write(tmp_path / "test_output.fits.gz")

    # test using a file handle
    with tables.open_file(filename) as handle:
        table = read_table(handle, "/events")

    # test a bad input
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        table = read_table(12345, "/events")
Пример #3
def test_file_closed(tmp_path):
    """Test read_table closes the file even when an exception happens during read"""

    path = tmp_path / "empty.hdf5"
    with tables.open_file(path, "w"):

    with pytest.raises(tables.NoSuchNodeError):
        read_table(path, "/foo")

    # test we can open the file for writing, fails if read_table did not close
    # the file
    with tables.open_file(path, "w"):
Пример #4
def test_write_table(tmp_path):
    """Test write_table"""
    from ctapipe.io.astropy_helpers import write_table, read_table

    table = Table({
        "a": [1, 2, 3],
        "b": np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.uint16),
        "speed": [2.0, 3.0, 4.2] * (u.m / u.s),
        "time": Time([58e3, 59e3, 60e3], format="mjd"),
        "name": ["a", "bb", "ccc"],

    table.meta["FOO"] = "bar"
    table["speed"].description = "Speed of stuff"

    output_path = tmp_path = tmp_path / "table.h5"
    table_path = "/foo/bar"

    write_table(table, output_path, table_path)
    read = read_table(output_path, table_path)

    for name, column in table.columns.items():
        assert name in read.colnames, f"Column {name} not found in output file"
        assert (read.dtype[name] == table.dtype[name]
                ), f"Column {name} dtype different in output file"

        # time conversion is not lossless
        if name == "time":
            assert np.allclose(column.tai.mjd, read[name].tai.mjd)
            assert np.all(
                column == read[name]), f"Column {name} differs after reading"

    assert "FOO" in read.meta
    assert read.meta["FOO"] == "bar"
    assert read["speed"].description == "Speed of stuff"

    # test error for already existing table
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        write_table(table, output_path, table_path)

    # test we can append
    write_table(table, output_path, table_path, append=True)
    read = read_table(output_path, table_path)
    assert len(read) == 2 * len(table)

    # test we can overwrite
    write_table(table, output_path, table_path, overwrite=True)
    assert len(read_table(output_path, table_path)) == len(table)
Пример #5
def test_skip_images(tmp_path, dl1_file, dl1_proton_file):
    from ctapipe.tools.merge import MergeTool

    # create a second file so we can test the patterns
    output = tmp_path / "merged_no_images.dl1.h5"
    ret = run_tool(
    assert ret == 0

    with tables.open_file(output, "r") as f:
        assert "images" not in f.root.dl1.event.telescope
        assert "images" in f.root.simulation.event.telescope
        assert "parameters" in f.root.dl1.event.telescope

    t = read_table(output, "/simulation/event/telescope/images/tel_001")
    assert "true_image" not in t.colnames
    assert "true_image_sum" in t.colnames
Пример #6
def test_read_table_slicing(tmp_path):
    filename = tmp_path / "test_slicing.h5"

    # write a simple hdf5 file using
    class Data(Container):
        index = Field(0)
        value = Field(0.0)

    rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
    values = rng.normal(size=100)
    index = np.arange(len(values))

    with HDF5TableWriter(filename) as writer:
        for i, value in zip(index, values):
            container = Data(index=i, value=value)
            writer.write("events", container)

    # try opening the result
    table = read_table(filename, "/events", start=50)
    assert len(table) == 50
    assert np.all(table["index"] == index[50:])
    assert np.all(table["value"] == values[50:])

    table = read_table(filename, "/events", stop=50)
    assert len(table) == 50
    assert np.all(table["index"] == index[:50])
    assert np.all(table["value"] == values[:50])

    table = read_table(filename, "/events", start=10, stop=30)
    assert len(table) == 20
    assert np.all(table["index"] == index[10:30])
    assert np.all(table["value"] == values[10:30])

    table = read_table(filename, "/events", step=5)
    assert len(table) == 20
    assert np.all(table["index"] == index[::5])
    assert np.all(table["value"] == values[::5])
Пример #7
def test_transforms(tmp_path):
    path = tmp_path / "test_trans.hdf5"

    data = np.array([100, 110], dtype="int16").view([("waveform", "int16")])

    with tables.open_file(path, "w") as f:
        f.create_table("/data", "test", obj=data, createparents=True)
        f.root.data.test.attrs["waveform_TRANSFORM_SCALE"] = 100.0
        f.root.data.test.attrs["waveform_TRANSFORM_OFFSET"] = 200
        f.root.data.test.attrs["waveform_TRANSFORM_DTYPE"] = "float64"

    table = read_table(path, "/data/test")

    assert np.all(table["waveform"] == [-1.0, -0.9])
Пример #8
def test_read_table_time(tmp_path):
    t0 = Time("2020-01-01T20:00:00.0")
    times = t0 + np.arange(10) * u.s

    # use table writer to write test file
    filename = tmp_path / "test_astropy_table.h5"
    with HDF5TableWriter(filename) as writer:
        for t in times:
            container = TelescopeTriggerContainer(time=t, n_trigger_pixels=10)
            writer.write("events", container)

    # check reading in the times works as expected
    table = read_table(filename, "/events")
    assert isinstance(table["time"], Time)
    assert np.allclose(times.tai.mjd, table["time"].tai.mjd)
Пример #9
def test_condition(tmp_path):
    # write a simple hdf5 file using

    container = ReconstructedEnergyContainer()
    filename = tmp_path / "test_astropy_table.h5"

    with HDF5TableWriter(filename) as writer:
        for energy in [np.nan, 100, np.nan, 50, -1.0] * u.TeV:
            container.energy = energy
            writer.write("events", container)

    # try opening the result
    table = read_table(filename, "/events", condition="energy > 0")
    assert len(table) == 2
    assert np.all(table["energy"] == [100, 50] * u.TeV)