Пример #1
    def generate_q_u_matrix(x_coordinate: cp.array,
                            y_coordinate: cp.array) -> tuple:
        flatten_flag = x_coordinate.ndim > 1
        if flatten_flag:
            x_coordinate = x_coordinate.flatten()
            y_coordinate = y_coordinate.flatten()

        t, u = cp.modf(y_coordinate)
        u = u.astype(int)
        uy = cp.vstack([
            cp.minimum(cp.maximum(u - 1, 0), h - 1),
            cp.minimum(cp.maximum(u, 0), h - 1),
            cp.minimum(cp.maximum(u + 1, 0), h - 1),
            cp.minimum(cp.maximum(u + 2, 0), h - 1),
        Qy = cp.dot(
                cp.ones_like(t, dtype=cp.float32), t,
                cp.power(t, 2),
                cp.power(t, 3)
        t, u = cp.modf(x_coordinate)
        u = u.astype(int)
        ux = cp.vstack([
            cp.minimum(cp.maximum(u - 1, 0), w - 1),
            cp.minimum(cp.maximum(u, 0), w - 1),
            cp.minimum(cp.maximum(u + 1, 0), w - 1),
            cp.minimum(cp.maximum(u + 2, 0), w - 1),
        Qx = cp.dot(
                cp.ones_like(t, dtype=cp.float32), t,
                cp.power(t, 2),
                cp.power(t, 3)

        if flatten_flag:
            Qx = Qx.reshape(4, frame_n, int(w * mag)).transpose(1, 0, 2).copy()
            Qy = Qy.reshape(4, frame_n, int(h * mag)).transpose(1, 0, 2).copy()
            ux = ux.reshape(4, frame_n, int(w * mag)).transpose(1, 0, 2).copy()
            uy = uy.reshape(4, frame_n, int(h * mag)).transpose(1, 0, 2).copy()
        return Qx, Qy, ux, uy
Пример #2
 def g(x):
     return cupy.modf(x)
Пример #3
def lanczos4_zoom_wrapper(images: cp.array, mag: float):
    """closure. It will return a function to zoom the images, but the parameters will not be calculated again"""
    # init the parameters for lanczos image resize afterwards
    h, w = images.shape[1:3]
    lanczos4_core_lut = generate_lanczos4_weights_lut()
    yCoordinate = cp.linspace(0, h - 1 / mag, int(h * mag), dtype=cp.float32)
    t, u = cp.modf(yCoordinate)
    u = u.astype(int)  # select 8 sampling points
    uy = [
        cp.maximum(u - 3, 0),
        cp.maximum(u - 2, 0),
        cp.maximum(u - 1, 0),
        cp.minimum(u, h - 1),
        cp.minimum(u + 1, h - 1),
        cp.minimum(u + 2, h - 1),
        cp.minimum(u + 3, h - 1),
        cp.minimum(u + 4, h - 1),
    Q = cp.take(lanczos4_core_lut, (t * 1024).astype(int), axis=0)
    Qy = [cp.take(Q, i, axis=1) for i in range(8)]
    xCoordinate = cp.linspace(0, w - 1 / mag, int(w * mag), dtype=cp.float32)
    del t, u, xCoordinate
    t, u = cp.modf(xCoordinate)
    u = u.astype(int)  # select 8 sampling points
    ux = [
        cp.maximum(u - 3, 0),
        cp.maximum(u - 2, 0),
        cp.maximum(u - 1, 0),
        cp.minimum(u, w - 1),
        cp.minimum(u + 1, w - 1),
        cp.minimum(u + 2, w - 1),
        cp.minimum(u + 3, w - 1),
        cp.minimum(u + 4, w - 1),
    Q = cp.take(lanczos4_core_lut, (t * 1024).astype(int), axis=0)
    Qx = [cp.take(Q, i, axis=1) for i in range(8)]
    del t, u, yCoordinate, Q, lanczos4_core_lut

    def lanczos4_zoom(image_mat: cp.array) -> cp.array:
        """the function to zoom image matrix"""
        number_of_files = image_mat.shape[0]
        # First interpolate in Y direction
        mat_temp = cp.zeros((number_of_files, w, int(h * mag)),
        for Qi, ui in zip(Qy, uy):
                   cp.transpose(cp.take(image_mat, ui, axis=1),
                                (0, 2, 1)) * Qi,
        del image_mat
        # Then interpolate in X direction
        mat_zoomed = cp.zeros((number_of_files, int(h * mag), int(w * mag)),
        for Qi, ui in zip(Qx, ux):
                   cp.transpose(cp.take(mat_temp, ui, axis=1), (0, 2, 1)) * Qi,
        del mat_temp
        return mat_zoomed

    return lanczos4_zoom
Пример #4
 def g(x):
     return cupy.modf(x)