Пример #1
async def file_iterator(path):
    async with curio.aopen(path, 'rb') as reader:
        while True:
            data = await reader.read(4096)
            if not data:
            yield data
Пример #2
 async def streamSave(self, bytechunk):
     fileName = randomFileName()
     folder = getTempDir()
     if folder[-1] not in ('\\', '/'):
         folder = folder + '/'
     path = folder + fileName
     async with curio.aopen(path, 'ab') as out_file:
         await out_file.write(bytechunk)
     self.taskList[taskid]['result'] = fileName
Пример #3
async def post_record(request, response):
	record = json.loads(str(request.stream.data, encoding='utf8'))
	update_record(record, game_record)
	response.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
	await response.send_status_code(200)

	# write records to disk
	async with aopen(game_record_path, mode='w') as f:
		game_record_string = json.dumps(game_record, indent='\t')
		await f.write(game_record_string)
Пример #4
    async def _read(self, length=1):
        async with curio.aopen(self._path_to_file, "rb") as file:
            lines = await file.read()
        if len(lines) < length:
            await curio.sleep(0)
            return bytes()

        ret_val = lines[self._last_index:(self._last_index + length)]
        self._last_index += length
        return ret_val
Пример #5
 async def send_file(self, file_path):
     async with aopen(file_path, mode='rb') as f:
         data = await f.read()
         self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(data))
         content_type, content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(file_path)
         if content_type:
             self.headers['content-type'] = content_type
         if content_encoding:
             self.headers['content-encoding'] = content_encoding
         await self.send(data)
Пример #6
async def create_devices(path):
    Creates devices-instances and its io-devices from given path to json-file
    # Read JSon-File
    async with curio.aopen(path) as file:
        content = await file.read()
    content = json.loads(content)

    device_classes_dict = create_devices_dict()
    device_instance_dict = {}
    for name in content:
            device_dict = content[name]
            device_type = device_classes_dict[device_dict["type"]]
            if not hasattr(device_dict, "auto_flush"):
                device_dict["auto_flush"] = None

            device_io_dict = device_dict["device_io"]
            device_io_type = device_io_dict.pop("type")
            device_io_class = getattr(device_io, device_io_type)

            # Passes named parameters to to-be-created-objects (even None)
            # if parameter is not given, default value will be assumed
            device_io_instance = device_io_class(
                **{k: v
                   for k, v in device_io_dict.items() if v is not None})
            device_instance = device_type(**device_dict,
                f"Instantiated Device {name} of type: {device_type.__name__}, IO {device_io_class.__name__}"
            device_instance_dict[name] = device_instance
        except Exception:
            logger.error(f"Error in configuration of device {name}")

    for observable in device_instance_dict.values():
        observable_name = observable.get_name()
        observable_instance = device_instance_dict[observable_name]
        for observer in content[observable_name]["observers"]:
            observer_instance = device_instance_dict[observer]

    return device_instance_dict.values()
Пример #7
    async def write(self, data: Any, expand: bool = True):
        '''Write the given data is a JSON element to the stream.
        Strings will be written assuming they are already valid JSON;
        this could result in malformed JSON, so care must be taken.
        Other data types are passed to json.dumps for serialization.

            data: Data to coerce to JSON.
            expand: If True, iterables will be expanded into the stream
                    rather than appended as a single item.

        buf = ''

        async with curio.aopen(self.filename, 'a') as fp:
            if self.n_writes != 0:
                await fp.write(',\n')
            await fp.write(self._dumps_data(data, expand=expand))

        self.n_writes += 1
Пример #8
    async def follower(self, file: Path):
        ''' -- monitor a file
            spawn new instances of the registered event handlers
            tail the file, whenever new lines come in,
                use queues to dispatch them to the prompter tasks for each handler.
        log.print(term.cyan('new file:'), f' {file.name}')

        async with curio.TaskGroup() as handlergroup:
            handlers = dict()
            queues = dict()

            ### create handler tasks
            for trigger, handler in self._events.items():
                log.print(term.dcyan(f'spawn line handler for {file.name}:'),
                          f' {trigger}')
                queue = curio.Queue()
                queues[trigger] = queue
                prompter = self.Prompter(queue, trigger, file)

                ### supported parameters for event handlers:
                kwargs = dict()
                kwargs['prompter'] = prompter

                handlers[trigger] = await handlergroup.spawn(handler, kwargs)

            ### process the file
            async with curio.aopen(file, 'r') as fstream:
                ### fast-forward through already-scanned lines todo
                self._scannedcount.setdefault(file, 0)

                ### follow the file and push new lines to prompter queues
                while True:
                    line = await fstream.readline()
                    if line:
                        log.print(term.dpink(file.name), ' put ',
                        self._scannedcount[file] += 1
                        for trigger, queue in queues.items():
                            await queue.put((line, self._scannedcount[file]))
Пример #9
async def touch(p):
    new_path = p/'xxx'
    async with curio.aopen(new_path, 'a'):
    return new_path
Пример #10
async def touch(p):
    new_path = p / 'xxx'
    async with curio.aopen(new_path, 'a'):
    return new_path
Пример #11
 async def _write(self, data):
     async with curio.aopen(self._path_to_file, "wb") as file:  # Overwrite!
         return await file.write(data)
Пример #12
 async def _read(self, length=1):
     async with curio.aopen(self._path_to_file, "rb") as file:
         lines = await file.read()
     # Read as much as you can
     return lines[:length]
Пример #13
 async def send_file(self, file_path):
     # 不知道这个 context manager 是否处理文件没找到
     async with aopen(file_path, mode='rb') as f:
         data = await f.read()
         self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(data))
         await self.send(data)
Пример #14
 async def echo(msg):
     mode = 'w' if self.echo_file in [
         '/dev/stdout', '/dev/stderr'
     ] else 'a'
     async with curio.aopen(self.echo_file, mode) as fp:
         await fp.write(f'{msg.to_yaml()}\n')