Пример #1
    async def set_vanity_invite(self, url: str) -> 'typing.Union[dt_invite.Invite, None]':
        Sets the vanity :class:`.Invite` for this guild.

        :param url: The code to use for this guild.
        :return: The :class:`.Invite` produced.
        if 'vanity-url' not in self.features:
            raise CuriousError("This guild has no vanity URL")

            resp = await self._bot.http.edit_vanity_url(self.id, url)
        except HTTPException as e:
            if e.error_code != 50020:

            raise CuriousError("This guild has no vanity URL")

        code = resp.get("code", None)
        if code is None:
            return None

        invite_data = await self._bot.http.get_invite(code)
        invite = dt_invite.Invite(self._bot, **invite_data)

        return invite
Пример #2
    async def unblock(self):
        Unblocks this user.
        if self._bot.is_bot:
            raise CuriousError("Bots cannot have blocks")

        if self.type_ != FriendType.BLOCKED:
            raise CuriousError("This user is not blocked")

        await self._bot.http.remove_relationship(self.id)
Пример #3
    async def remove_friend(self):
        Removes this user as a friend.
        if self._bot.is_bot:
            raise CuriousError("Bots cannot have friends")

        if self.type_ != FriendType.FRIEND:
            raise CuriousError("This user is not your friend")

        await self._bot.http.remove_relationship(self.id)
Пример #4
    async def send(self,
                   content: str = None,
                   tts: bool = False,
                   embed: 'Embed' = None) -> 'dt_message.Message':
        Sends a message to this channel.

        This requires SEND_MESSAGES permission in the channel.
        If the content is not a string, it will be automatically stringified.

        .. code:: python

            await channel.send("Hello, world!")

        :param content: The content of the message to send.
        :param tts: Should this message be text to speech?
        :param embed: An embed object to send with this message.
        :return: A new :class:`.Message` object.
        if not self.channel.type.has_messages():
            raise CuriousError("Cannot send messages to a voice channel")

        if self.channel.guild:
            if not self.channel.permissions(
                raise PermissionsError("send_messages")

        if not isinstance(content, str) and content is not None:
            content = str(content)

        # check for empty messages
        if not content:
            if not embed:
                raise CuriousError("Cannot send an empty message")

            if self.channel.guild and not \
                raise PermissionsError("embed_links")
            if content and len(content) > 2000:
                raise CuriousError("Content must be less than 2000 characters")

        if embed is not None:
            embed = embed.to_dict()

        data = await self.channel._bot.http.send_message(self.channel.id,
        obb = self.channel._bot.state.make_message(data, cache=True)

        return obb
Пример #5
    async def get(self, message_id: int) -> 'dt_message.Message':
        Gets a single message from this channel.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.7.0

            Errors raised are now consistent across bots and userbots.

        :param message_id: The message ID to retrieve.
        :return: A new :class:`.Message` object.
        :raises CuriousError: If the message could not be found.
        if self.channel.guild:
            if not self.channel.permissions(
                raise PermissionsError("read_message_history")

        cached_message = self.channel._bot.state.find_message(message_id)
        if cached_message is not None:
            return cached_message

            data = await self.channel._bot.http.get_message(
                self.channel.id, message_id)
        except HTTPException as e:
            # transform into a CuriousError if it wasn't found
            if e.error_code == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_MESSAGE:
                raise CuriousError("No message found for this ID") from e


        msg = self.channel._bot.state.make_message(data)

        return msg
Пример #6
    async def unreact(self,
                      reaction: 'typing.Union[dt_emoji.Emoji, str]',
                      victim: 'dt_member.Member' = None):
        Removes a reaction from a user.

        :param reaction: The reaction to remove.
        :param victim: The victim to remove the reaction of. Can be None to signify ourselves.
        if not self.guild:
            if victim and victim != self:
                raise CuriousError("Cannot delete other reactions in a DM")

        if victim and victim != self:
            if not self.channel.effective_permissions(
                raise PermissionsError("manage_messages")

        if isinstance(reaction, dt_emoji.Emoji):
            emoji = "{}:{}".format(reaction.name, reaction.id)
            emoji = reaction

        await self._bot.http.delete_reaction(
            victim=victim.id if victim else None)
Пример #7
    async def get_recent_mentions(
            guild: 'dt_guild.Guild' = None,
            limit: int = 25,
            role_mentions: bool = True,
            everyone_mentions: bool = True) -> 'Sequence[dt_message.Message]':
        Gets a list of recent mentions for this user. 
        :param guild: The guild to limit to. If this is None, it will return ALL recent mentions. 
        :param limit: The maximum amount of mentions to return.
        :param role_mentions: Should role mentions be included?
        :param everyone_mentions: Should everyone mentions be included?
        :return: A list of :class:`~.Message` that represents the recent mentions.
        if self.bot:
            raise CuriousError("Bot accounts cannot use this function")

        if guild is not None:
            guild_id = guild.id
            guild_id = None

        mentions = await self._bot.http.get_mentions(

        messages = []
        for mention in mentions:

        return messages
Пример #8
    async def edit(self, new_content: str = None, *,
                   embed: Embed = None) -> 'Message':
        Edits this message.

        You must be the owner of this message to edit it.

        :param new_content: The new content for this message.
        :param embed: The new embed to provide.
        :return: This message, but edited with the new content.
        if self.guild is None:
            is_me = self.author not in self.channel.recipients
            is_me = self.guild.me == self.author

        if not is_me:
            raise CuriousError("Cannot edit messages from other users")

        if embed:
            embed = embed.to_dict()

        # Prevent race conditions by spawning a listener, then waiting for the task once we've
        # sent the HTTP request.
        t = await curio.spawn(self._bot.wait_for("message_update",
                                                 predicate=lambda o, n: n.id == self.id))
            await self._bot.http.edit_message(self.channel.id, self.id, content=new_content,
            await t.cancel()
        old, new = await t.join()
        return new
Пример #9
    async def get_message(self, message_id: int) -> 'dt_message.Message':
        Gets a single message from this channel.

        :param message_id: The message ID to retrieve.
        :return: A new :class:`.Message` object.
        if self.guild:
            if not self.permissions(self.guild.me).read_message_history:
                raise PermissionsError("read_message_history")

        if self._bot.user.bot:
            data = await self._bot.http.get_message(self.id, message_id)
            data = await self._bot.http.get_message_history(self.id,
            if not data:
                raise CuriousError("No messages found for this ID")
                data = data[0]

        msg = self._bot.state.make_message(data)

        return msg
Пример #10
    def _update_overwrites(self, overwrites: _typing.List[dict]):
        Updates the overwrites for this channel.

        :param overwrites: A list of overwrite dicts.
        if not self.guild_id:
            raise CuriousError(
                "A channel without a guild cannot have overwrites")

        self._overwrites = {}

        for overwrite in overwrites:
            id_ = int(overwrite["id"])
            type_ = overwrite["type"]

            if type_ == "member":
                obb = self.guild._members.get(id_)
                obb = self.guild._roles.get(id_)

            self._overwrites[id_] = dt_permissions.Overwrite(
            self._overwrites[id_]._immutable = True
Пример #11
    async def edit(self,
                   new_content: str = None,
                   embed: Embed = None) -> 'Message':
        Edits this message.

        You must be the owner of this message to edit it.

        :param new_content: The new content for this message.
        :param embed: The new embed to provide.
        :return: This message, but edited with the new content.
        if self.guild is None:
            is_me = self.author not in self.channel.recipients
            is_me = self.guild.me == self.author

        if not is_me:
            raise CuriousError("Cannot edit messages from other users")

        if embed:
            embed = embed.to_dict()

        async with self._bot.events.wait_for_manager(
                "message_update", lambda o, n: n.id == self.id):
            await self._bot.http.edit_message(self.channel.id,
        return self
Пример #12
    def friends(self) -> typing.Mapping[int, 'RelationshipUser']:
        :return: A mapping of :class:`~.RelationshipUser` that represents the friends for this user.
        if self.bot:
            raise CuriousError("Bots cannot have friends")

        return MappingProxyType(self._bot.state._friends)
Пример #13
    def delete(self, role: 'dt_role.Role'):
        Deletes a role.
        if role.id not in self._roles:
            raise CuriousError("This role is not part of this guild")

        return role.delete()
Пример #14
    async def connect(self):
        Connects to voice in this channel.
        if self.type != ChannelType.VOICE:
            raise CuriousError("Cannot connect to a text channel")

        return await self.guild.connect_to_voice(self)
Пример #15
    def edit(self, channel: 'dt_channel.Channel', **kwargs):
        Edits a channel.
        if channel.id not in self._channels:
            raise CuriousError("This channel is not part of this guild")

        return channel.edit(**kwargs)
Пример #16
    def delete(self, channel: 'dt_channel.Channel'):
        Deletes a channel.
        if channel.id not in self._channels:
            raise CuriousError("This channel is not part of this guild")

        return channel.delete()
Пример #17
    def edit(self, role: 'dt_role.Role', **kwargs):
        Edits a role.
        if role.id not in self._roles:
            raise CuriousError("This role is not part of this guild")

        return role.edit(**kwargs)
Пример #18
    def messages(self) -> 'ChannelMessageWrapper':
        :return: The :class:`.ChannelMessageWrapper` for this channel, if applicable.
        if not self.type.has_messages():
            raise CuriousError("This channel does not have messages")

        if self._messages is None:
            self._messages = ChannelMessageWrapper(self)
        return self._messages
Пример #19
    async def remove_all_reactions(self) -> None:
        Removes all reactions from a message.
        if not self.guild:
            raise CuriousError("Cannot delete other reactions in a DM")

        if not self.channel.permissions(self.guild.me).manage_messages:
            raise PermissionsError("manage_messages")

        await self._bot.http.delete_all_reactions(self.channel.id, self.id)
Пример #20
    def voice_members(self) -> '_typing.List[dt_member.Member]':
        :return: A list of members that are in this voice channel.
        if self.type != ChannelType.VOICE:
            raise CuriousError(
                "No members for channels that aren't voice channels")

        return list(
            filter(lambda member: member.voice.channel == self,
Пример #21
    def voice_members(self) -> '_typing.List[dt_member.Member]':
        :return: A list of members that are in this voice channel.
        if self.type != ChannelType.VOICE:
            raise CuriousError(
                "No members for channels that aren't voice channels")

        return [
            state.member for state in self.guild._voice_states.values()
            if state.channel_id == self.id
Пример #22
    async def send_typing(self) -> None:
        Starts typing in the channel for 5 seconds.
        if not self.type.has_messages():
            raise CuriousError("Cannot send messages to this channel")

        if self.guild:
            if not self.effective_permissions(self.guild.me).send_messages:
                raise PermissionsError("send_message")

        await self._bot.http.send_typing(self.id)
Пример #23
    async def send_typing(self) -> None:
        Starts typing in the channel for 5 seconds.
        if self.type == ChannelType.VOICE:
            raise CuriousError("Cannot send messages to a voice channel")

        if self.guild:
            if not self.permissions(self.guild.me).send_messages:
                raise PermissionsError("send_message")

        await self._bot.http.send_typing(self.id)
Пример #24
    async def change_voice_state(self, member: 'dt_member.Member', *,
                                 deaf: bool = None, mute: bool = None):
        Changes the voice state of a member.

        :param member: The :class:`.Member` to change the voice state of.
        :param deaf: Should this member be deafened?
        :param mute: Should this member be muted?
        if member.voice is None:
            raise CuriousError("Cannot change voice state of member not in voice")

        await self._bot.http.edit_member_voice_state(self.id, member.id, deaf=deaf, mute=mute)
        return member.voice
Пример #25
    async def connect_to_voice(
            self, channel: 'channel.Channel') -> 'voice_client.VoiceClient':
        Connects to a voice channel in this guild.

        :param channel: The :class:`~.Channel` to connect to.
        :return: The :class:`VoiceClient` that was connected to this guild.
        if voice_client is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot to voice - voice support is not installed")

        if channel.guild != self:
            raise CuriousError("Cannot use channel from a different guild")

        if self.voice_client is not None and self.voice_client.open:
            raise CuriousError("Voice client already exists in this guild")

        gw = self._bot._gateways[self.shard_id]
        self.voice_client = await voice_client.VoiceClient.create(
            self._bot, gw, channel)
        await self.voice_client.connect()
        return self.voice_client
Пример #26
    async def edit(self, **kwargs) -> 'Channel':
        Edits this channel.
        if self.guild is None:
            raise CuriousError("Can only edit guild channels")

        if not self.permissions(self.guild.me).manage_channels:
            raise PermissionsError("manage_channels")

        if "parent" in kwargs:
            kwargs["parent_id"] = kwargs["parent"].id

        await self._bot.http.edit_channel(self.id, **kwargs)
        return self
Пример #27
    async def add_to_guild(self,
                           guild: 'dt_guild.Guild',
                           permissions: int = 0):
        Authorizes this bot to join a guild.

        This requires a userbot client to be used.
        if self._bot.is_bot:
            raise CuriousError("Bots cannot add other bots")

        if self.bot is None:
            raise CuriousError("This application has no bot associated")

        if self.owner is None and not self.public:
            raise CuriousError("This bot is not public")

        if self.requires_code_grant:
            raise CuriousError("This bot requires code grant")

        await self._bot.http.authorize_bot(self.client_id,
Пример #28
    def get_recent_mentions(self,
                            limit: int = 25,
                            everyone_mentions: bool = True,
                            role_mentions: bool = True):
        Gets mentions in this guild.
        if self.me.user.bot is True:
            raise CuriousError("Cannot get recent mentions on bot accounts")

        return self.me.user.get_recent_mentions(
Пример #29
    async def open_private_channel(self) -> 'dt_channel.Channel':
        Opens a private channel with a user.

        :return: The newly created private channel.
        if self.discriminator == "0000":
            raise CuriousError("Cannot open a private channel with a webhook")

        # First, try and access the channel from the channel cache.
        original_channel = self._bot.state.find_channel(self.id)
        if original_channel:
            return original_channel

        # Failing that, open a new private channel.
        channel_data = await self._bot.http.create_private_channel(self.id)
        channel = self._bot.state.make_private_channel(channel_data)
        return channel
Пример #30
    async def upload_file(self,
                          filename: str,
                          message_content: str = None) -> 'dt_message.Message':
        A higher level interface to ``send_file``.

        This allows you to specify one of the following to upload:

            - A filename (str)
            - A file-like object
            - A path-like object

        This will open the file, read it in binary, and upload it to the channel.

        :param filename: The file to send, in the formats specified above.
        :param message_content: Any extra content to be sent with the message.
        :return: The new :class:`~.Message` created.
        if self.type == ChannelType.VOICE:
            raise CuriousError("Cannot send messages to a voice channel")

        if self.guild:
            if not self.permissions(self.guild.me).send_messages:
                raise PermissionsError("send_messages")

            if not self.permissions(self.guild.me).attach_files:
                raise PermissionsError("attach_files")

        if hasattr(filename, "read"):
            # file-like
            file_data = filename.read()
            name = getattr(filename, "name", None)
            # assume it's pathlike
            path = pathlib.Path(filename)
            name = path.parts[-1]

            with open(path, mode='rb') as f:
                file_data = f.read()

        return await self.send_file(file_data,