Пример #1
def get_pipe(opts, formatter, scan_dir=None):
    """Construct a pipe for listing flows."""
    if scan_dir:
        pipe = scan(scan_dir=scan_dir)
    elif opts.source:
        pipe = scan_multi(
            for path in glbl_cfg().get(['install', 'source dirs'])
        opts.states = {'stopped'}
        pipe = scan

    show_running = 'running' in opts.states
    show_paused = 'paused' in opts.states
    show_active = show_running or show_paused or 'stopping' in opts.states
    # show_active = bool({'running', 'paused'} & opts.states)
    show_inactive = bool({'stopped'} & opts.states)

    # filter by flow name
    if opts.name:
        pipe |= filter_name(*opts.name)

    # filter by flow state
    if show_active:
        pipe |= is_active(True, filter_stop=(not show_inactive))
    elif show_inactive:
        pipe |= is_active(False)

    # get contact file information
    if show_active:
        pipe |= contact_info

    graphql_fields = {}
    graphql_filters = set()

    # filter paused/running flows
    if show_active and not (show_running and show_paused):
        graphql_fields['status'] = None
        graphql_filters.add((('status',), tuple(opts.states)))

    # get fancy data if requested
    if formatter == _format_rich:
        # graphql_fields['status'] = None

    # add graphql queries / filters to the pipe
    if show_active and graphql_fields:
        pipe |= graphql_query(graphql_fields, filters=graphql_filters)
    elif opts.ping:
        # check the flow is running even if not required
        # by display format or filters
        pipe |= graphql_query({'status': None})

    # yield results as they are processed
    pipe.preserve_order = False

    return pipe
Пример #2
def get_pipe(opts, formatter, scan_dir=None):
    """Construct a pipe for listing flows."""
    if scan_dir:
        pipe = scan(scan_dir=scan_dir)
        pipe = scan

    show_running = 'running' in opts.states
    show_held = 'held' in opts.states
    show_active = show_running or show_held or 'stopping' in opts.states
    # show_active = bool({'running', 'held'} & opts.states)
    show_inactive = bool({'stopped'} & opts.states)

    # filter by flow name
    if opts.name:
        pipe |= filter_name(*opts.name)

    # filter by flow state
    if show_active:
        pipe |= is_active(True, filter_stop=(not show_inactive))
    elif show_inactive:
        pipe |= is_active(False)

    # get contact file information
    if show_active:
        pipe |= contact_info

    graphql_fields = {}
    graphql_filters = set()

    # filter held/running flows
    if show_active and not (show_running and show_held):
        graphql_fields['status'] = None
        graphql_filters.add((('status', ), tuple(opts.states)))

    # get fancy data if requested
    if formatter == _format_rich:
        # graphql_fields['status'] = None

    # add graphql queries / filters to the pipe
    if show_active and graphql_fields:
        pipe |= graphql_query(graphql_fields, filters=graphql_filters)

    # yield results as they are processed
    pipe.preserve_order = False

    return pipe
Пример #3
async def test_workflow_params(flow, scheduler, start, one_conf, run_dir,
    """It should extract workflow params from the workflow database.

        For this test we ensure that the workflow UUID is present in the params
    reg = flow(one_conf)
    schd = scheduler(reg)
    async with start(schd):
        pipe = (
            # scan just this workflow
            | filter_name(rf'^{reg}$')
            | is_active(True)
            | workflow_params)
        async for flow in pipe:
            # check the workflow_params field has been provided
            assert 'workflow_params' in flow
            # check the workflow uuid key has been read from the DB
            uuid_key = WorkflowDatabaseManager.KEY_UUID_STR
            assert uuid_key in flow['workflow_params']
            # check the workflow uuid key matches the scheduler value
            assert flow['workflow_params'][uuid_key] == schd.uuid_str
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, uiserver, log, context=None, run_dir=None) -> None:
        self.uiserver = uiserver
        self.log = log
        if context is None:
            self.context = zmq.asyncio.Context()
            self.context = context
        self.owner = getuser()

        # all workflows currently tracked
        self.workflows: 'Dict[str, Dict]' = {}

        # the "workflow pipe" used to detect workflows on the filesystem
        self._scan_pipe = (
            # all flows on the filesystem
            # stop here is the flow is stopped, else...
            | is_active(is_active=True, filter_stop=False)
            # extract info from the contact file
            | contact_info
            # only flows which are using the same api version
            | api_version(f'=={API}'))

        # queue for requesting new scans, valid queued values are:
        # * True  - (stop=True)  The stop signal (stops the scanner)
        # * False - (stop=False) Request a new scan
        # * None  - The "stopped" signal, sent after the scan task has stooped
        self._queue: 'asyncio.Queue[Union[bool, None]]' = asyncio.Queue()

        # signal that the scanner is stopping, subsequent scan requests
        # will be ignored
        self._stopping = False
Пример #5
async def test_workflow_params(
    """It should extract workflow params from the workflow database.

        For this test we ensure that the workflow UUID is present in the params
    async with start(one):
        pipe = (
            # scan just this workflow
            | filter_name(rf'^{re.escape(one.workflow)}$')
            | is_active(True)
            | workflow_params
        async for flow in pipe:
            # check the workflow_params field has been provided
            assert 'workflow_params' in flow
            # check the workflow uuid key has been read from the DB
            uuid_key = WorkflowDatabaseManager.KEY_UUID_STR
            assert uuid_key in flow['workflow_params']
            # check the workflow uuid key matches the scheduler value
            assert flow['workflow_params'][uuid_key] == one.uuid_str
            raise Exception('Expected one scan result')
Пример #6
async def _expand_workflow_tokens_impl(tokens, match_active=True):
    """Use "cylc scan" to expand workflow patterns."""
    workflow_sel = tokens['workflow_sel']
    if workflow_sel and workflow_sel != 'running':
        raise UserInputError(f'The workflow selector :{workflow_sel} is not'
                             'currently supported.')

    # construct the pipe
    pipe = scan | filter_name(fnmatch.translate(tokens['workflow']))
    if match_active is not None:
        pipe |= is_active(match_active)

    # iter the results
    async for workflow in pipe:
        yield tokens.duplicate(workflow=workflow['name'])
Пример #7
async def test_scan_one(one, start, test_dir):
    """Ensure that a running workflow appears in the scan results."""
    async with start(one):
        pipe = (
            # scan just this workflow
            | filter_name(rf'^{re.escape(one.workflow)}$')
            | is_active(True)
            | workflow_params
        async for flow in pipe:
            assert flow['name'] == one.workflow
            raise Exception('Expected one scan result')
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, uiserver, context=None, run_dir=None):
     self.uiserver = uiserver
     if context is None:
         self.context = zmq.asyncio.Context()
         self.context = context
     self.owner = getuser()
     self.active = {}
     self.stopping = set()
     self.inactive = set()
     self._scan_pipe = (
         # all flows on the filesystem
         # only flows which have a contact file
         # | is_active(True)
         # stop here is the flow is stopped, else...
         | is_active(True, filter_stop=False)
         # extract info from the contact file
         | contact_info
         # only flows which are using the same api version
         | api_version(f'=={API}'))